Went parkway after church today... actually was just thinking of going to bedok ntuc to buy some stuffs and ingredients to cook spaghetti for dinner.
But in the end took shuttle bus to parkway coz feel like buying some blouses. Called mommy and she came out to meet me.
Went NYNY to have our 'high-tea', was thinking of going Tobby's de coz nv try b4 but we preferred NYNY's menu after surveying...
Ordered a 5th avenue platter. With friend mushrooms, calamaris, drumlets and fries. With mayo, nacho and peanut sauces. And of coz, Cappucino!!!

After that went to shop awhile but as usual, due to my picky characteristics, i did not buy any blouse. hahahaha...
Went arcade to play some games... and took Neoprints but the quality of this machine is abit zzzz....

Mommy driving and i sit beside. our PRINCESS car. But she is dangerous driver and i shouted LOOK OUT! haha... this is real life scenario wor!!! She drove me out quite a lot of times.

We took roller coaster b4 we go Universal Studio!!! LOLX!!!!
After that went to a tidbit shop and bought $48 of tidbits and sweets for office supplies! LOLX...
But last but not least, something that i MUST MUST MUST do everytime i go parkway. In fact, most of the sundays i will purposely take e shuttle bus at bedok go and buy this and go home.
Really as wad lynn says, after drinking KOI's buble tea, i hardly buy other brand de bubble tea le.