Wooohooo! 6 days to Mayday Concert!!! Yesterday is 冠佑‘s proposal... today of coz is 石头's turn! 6 more days to Mayday ConcerT!!!! wooohooo!!!! 天天想你!
My weekend is as usual, very busy with my dad's stuff. No time to study at all. Alr planned to go somewhere study after church today, but last min got to go another church. End up whole day can't study.
But i had a very nice sat noon though! After going a marriage n family talk at bugis with my parents, halfway i sneak away, went Kino and buy mags, then went J.CO to have a cuppucino and donut and read e mags for abt an hour there... Super nice... Like this kind of moment. Alone.
MyMints Mayday version! Gonna collect all 5 of them! 冠佑 de is super cute!
This vid i have shared on fb b4 many many mths ago. Please watch this vid... Very touching... Never fail to cry everytime i watch.
A love life project's child's vid.
Please watch.