and after 1 episode of live programme interviewing 悟空妹 for almost 2hrs, the host 黑人 immediately quit his job as that programme's host.
I watched it.
The whole 13 episodes of interview...
I really really think it's all a mess up and misunderstanding.
Very pity 悟空妹 because having to be scolded, pointed at, and severly serious questioned at for so long in a live programme, is really too stressed for a 20yr old girl ba...
Under panic, it's really quite hard to think clearly what is the right thing to say ba? Live programme sia...
But at the same time really dun know what is she saying and she really make things worst by saying and not clearing it up.
Really can understand how come this live programme, so many people got angry and lost control of emotions. I don't think there is a right or wrong in any side...
Really is something she unintentionally said out in the beginning and after that things just go haywire everyday and the snow of misunderstanding just keep rolling and rolling and rolling bigger till the situation where there is no way to salvage it.
Really hope this issue will just stoppppppppppppppppppppppp forever.
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