Feels that good friends are supposed to be used to share your life with.
Sometimes it's not that one is super kpo or keeps asking about your private stuffs, but it's really concern..
I feel that everyone should take the initiative step to share with all your friends your thoughts, your daily life, especially now that technology is so accessible. There's sms, msn, whatsapp, fb....
If you really treat someone as your friend, you would automatically tell her everything about your life and your thoughts, you would want to share. And not wait for her to probe you.
If you really have something in your mind, and anything happening, please, step forward and share.
I always share things that happen in my life, the 1st group of person, with my friends. Because i really treat them as my friends.
Just, share.
They won't know what's happening to you unless you tell them.
They can give you the appropriate concern and updates about you if only you share first.
iSophia posted @12:19 AM & welcomes u to visit here again
♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
♥Likes to share all e gd news to everyone
♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games
♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car