#2 He sleeping inside his Hippo "Bed"
#3 He sitting on the Wheel staring at my phone! lol
#4 He sleeping, sleep till body turn half side. Sometimes he juz lie completely facing up.. SO cute!
#5 What he doing? Duno.. Keep hangin there
#6 He always lie like this, sometimes even sleep like this. So flat. Like dog!
This is my Mid-Sem Timetable.. Next mon-fri..
Computerised and Legal is ki siao subject sia.. Super Lots of things to memorise. And most difficult topics to me.
Haiz.. I dun care le la. Juz study when i can, get bad results jiu bad results lor. Fail jiu Fail lor. I dun wan to care abt anything.
Sometimes if ur results is poorer than ur fren, she will show better attitude isn't it? Friendship is the most terrifying thing in the world? Just like a time-bomb.. what is a true friendship?
one that won't get upset or unhappy even u are better than her?
one that will think of ur point of view all the time?
one that won't selfish and will try to help u?
Finding a friend that have the common interest as u and can communicate without restrict is SUPER RARE. Those that chat nicely and dun dare to really joke with u is just a super normal-fren.
2 wks Holiday plans:
1sk wk: Chiong finish Projects _ vcds
and maybe go out with some friends??
Korean Meteor Garden is out! haha.. so interested! But i bet Jerry Yan will be better lookin then them.. =)))))