It's kind of hard to choose Top 3 this year... So i have my best 4. (in order of movie release date)
1. LOVE. Taiwan movie. Love the way the director (Qu Dao) connects all the characters in the opening although they belongs to 4 different stories in 4 cities. Very nice... And this movie made me listens to Yoga Lin's songs and begin to like them (yes i don't really like his songs prior to this movie)
2. The Hunger Games - i watch 3 TIMES! twice in movie theatre and once on the plane. Even bought the complete series of the books and read finish it. Love this movie very much although some part in the middle is a little draggy... But really love it, don't know why. I wonder if there will be 2nd episode....
3. Taichi 0 and 1 - never seen 2 episodes of movies so near to each other. 2 weeks difference. But it's also good as we can watch the ending asap and not wait 1-2yrs... Hehe very nice very nice!!! Didn't know that Taiji can be so powerful and interesting... Not those usual very slow 'watermelon' style we know since young. It's very nice that they involve real wushu champions in the show, and even the real Taichi family's heir. Love the way they describe all the movies too.
4. Rise of the Guardians - Christmas movie. but a very very very good one. Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Sandman, and Jack Frost. Love every part of this movie... Even the small n cute n funny...
There are other nice movies... hmmm... especially the last 2 mths... seems like all the nice movies are saved for the year end...
Best Songs
Haha not sure is it becoz this is the latest song but i don't really remember other songs during the year that made me listen SO MUCH to it. Jay Chou... very nice!!
The other nice one i could think about is this...
Best Drama
Can i select again the one in 2011?
This is still the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's none in 2012 that can overtake this.
------------------------------------------------------------ How's my 2012? The best word to describe is..... FREEDOM
Finally there is no more lesson, no more studying, no more exams.... After 3-4 years.... Finally.. Really finally... It seems like forever when i'm in it.. The worse is seeing other people taking annual leaves to rest, to go holidays but mine is always abt studying for exams... and i do hate studying, do hate exams...
Although i've completed my studies... which some would say it's not ez, or some would feel that it is great path ahead of me blah blah blah (or bleh bleh bleh if said by Dracula.. lolx ps affected by "Hotel Transylvania"...) But i'm not that overwhelmed about my education. Coz, afterall, my dreams all along n my heart will always yearn and belong to mass comm, belongs to taiwan.
But i'm very happy that i finally got over it... so that i can do whatever i want.. slack after work, watch movies, sing k, rot at home, etc etc etc... without having to worry abt not having enough time to study.
For fellow friends n colleagues tat r still in this... JIAYOUs!!! You will soon be like me.. Although it feels like forever now, but the day will come. Just study harder and make more effort now, to make freedom come sooner. You'll be paid what you gave.
We are all humans, and humans tends to make mistakes, have regrets, and made the wrong decisions. Hmmm in 2012, i've changed 3 companies... wakakaka that's quite abit rite... BUT i'm confident to say that, UP TO NOW, i've not regret of any decision i made this year.
But i do have 遗憾 in 2012... My top 3 遗憾: 1. 2012没有去台湾 2. 2012没有去台湾 3. 2012没有去台湾!!!
When will my dream of 跨年 in Taipei & watch 101's fireworks COME TRUE? WILL IT BE IN 2013????????
Back to the point... I was in S, then i was in O, and back to B. I've met real nice n great bosses in the 1st two... I can't thank God enough for me to meet them... They are really very very nice people that were so nice to me. And i do miss them very much.
These were great memories and experiences to me.
In S, i enjoyed the location of having direct bus/my dad drove me to n fro work (although it's in town but starting work at 9.30pm makes no ERP charges wakakakaka). I enjoyed the kopi from the coffee shop right under our office which is always playing super oldies in the morning. I enjoyed my work station, i enjoyed my boss n colleagues' jokes... Most memorable was my boss very excited and taking a stool to sit beside me to discuss abt BBJX while reconciling some stuffs with me. I've never met a boss that could go through problems and settle issues together like this, sitting beside one whole day, finding documents high n low tgt, chiong first one if someone wants to take advantage, goes down to find IT immediately if there's some things i can't access or need to amend codes. And even though i left for sooooo long n we never met again, but she still concerns me n listens to me and trying to meet me (so sorry i'm so bz whole of 2nd half 2012).
In O, of coz the most impt thing is my besties r working in the same location... and i could meet them for BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER so often... and playing arcade during lunch time/after work easily... oh gosh i really miss this. I've met great bosses in here as well... and "BFFs". The bunch of colleagues r really really funny. 十几个年轻人 in the same dept.. how great can this be? Da-bao ing from foodcourt/fastfood during the last few mths and eating in the open balcony/meeting room. Laughing and joking... What nice moments..
I would have to thank my bosses for the great opportunity given to me to be able to go overseas for biz trips... Real good experience for me... Esp for the last trip... i can't say much but really really grateful. Having a boss that discuss all the latest movies. Having a boss that willing to share with me everything, having a colleague that listens to me... What more can i ask for?
Both co's bosses/colleagues hav been keeping in contact with me ever since i left... This is something i'm quite touched on. Not all have the heart to do that, n i know it.
Since i've said so much goodness, you might want to ask then y would i still want to leave? I don't have the answer.. I only know that i never regret in the decisions i made.
I just want to Thank God so much that i'm so blessed to meet all the nice people in my life. -----------------------
iSophia posted @12:25 AM & welcomes u to visit here again
♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
♥Likes to share all e gd news to everyone
♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games
♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car