This table is my schedule of school "events" starting from tml!EVERY-WK.. EVERY WK! GOT TEST!
These test are just like mid-sem tests.. Important, More Difficult.
All the way till exams.. These are just the surface..
Still got project to rush, one currently working, the other haven even start..
business chinese lor.. =.=" but lucky it's in chinese.. not so stress!
Everyday must after lessons must stay back till so late, if got late lesson oso muz go school early.. just for projects..
Go home still must do homeworks, never do then will deduct marks then GPA drop drop drop. Then every single lesson is so yan shu and stress.
Not like can slack abit or what..
This course so stress lor.. U all pity us right??? HAIZ...
Basically it's like, everyday in the weekday, morning till evening in school, and in school hor, every second cannot slack or rest de lor. Even lectures, every second must be very attentive and concentrate.. Then rush to eat, then rush do this do that, then rush lessons.. zzz...
Then reach home must do homeworks or study for tests..
But i manage to slack by skipping lectures and never do homework..
Sat.. never went church =p tat person nv call me.. hahahahaha
But after school n projects, went to NDP preview.. Thx QiWei for the tics..
Then go home.. Online awhile.. Slp..WC..
SianZ.. how are we going to survive through these weeks.. it's like, no time in between to have a good rest, or even a good slp at all..
Oh YA! Superband!!
very worried for SOUL, coz they singing Ah Du's Jian Chi Dao Di..
SOUL----Jian Chi Dao Di?? Got link meh??
Luci singing FirstDay.. All like to sing this song lor..
SuperStar, CampusSuperStar and now SuperBand..
can piao xuan wei Most Popular Song among the competitions.
wahahaha but i think they'll play it well coz it rocks!
Project Super Star AUDITION!!
Male 3/9
Female 9/9
@ toa payoh HDB HUB 9am!