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Monday, July 31, 2006

My gastric giving me so much prob recently. zzzz zao si zao hao.
My parents hor.. duno what to say alr.. really very noisy..
i just wan to watch tv peacefully oso cannot.
I don't have the heart to do school work alr..Projects still can coz it doesn't only concern me, it concern the whole grp so i won't hai the whole group.. But my individual work..
-pay attention in lecs
-do tutorials
-pay attention is tut
or whatever etc etc.. i can't do any of it. My ears just shut off completely in lecs and tuts. i can swear i never hear a word during lecs and tuts lor.
from wk6 onwards till now, i have NO IDEA at all what is going on, what are we learning. nothing at all.
i always tell myself in school, once i reach home, i must do tutorial, at least finish the next day's homework for lesson.. Even watch tv oso muz finish it. But i take out the work, i never touch at all..
I just don't have the interest at all.
If it is something that i'm interested, i can do lor..
coz i know that the whole thing.. Accounting and Finance is something i have 0% interest in and i don't wish to work relating to these after i graduate.. But i don't think i have a choice.. So the best is die la.
Tml watching Long Hu Men.. told my parents do proj till 6++ haha =p
watching 3.30 de.
Saw JADE on Superband bei zhan lu2 today! WHOA!! I MISS THEM SO MUCH! actually if JADE is one of e finalist now, i won't care abt Soul or MiLuBing lor.. 100% support JADE!
JADE is the real SuperBand that i like! hehe..
but since they're out.. I support MiLuBing and i hope they can win..
Muz think how many votes to vote alr.. Maybe vote abit for Soul oso.

iSophia posted @11:36 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Yul Goon is going to TAIWAN!
Actually is Shin go de, but Shin's schedule full,
so Yul represent him...
Always like tat de leh.. All the artiste go taiwan one.. Never come singapore de! Singapore market small ma! T.T
i love taiwan!!!!!!!!!!
Always wanted to tell my parents and those ppl who think i'm over-siao tv something.. Want to explain to these ppl that:
Yes i admit i am a tv crazy fan. But i don't just watch and after that, "oh i finish watching le, nth le"...
I dare to say that since young till now, my knowledge, my chinese and english language, i learnt these from TV!
When i am watching tv, i dun only watch.. I take notice of every bits and pieces of the show, and think a lot on it..
For eg: tuo qiang shi jie..armed reaction-
i learnt a lot from it recently. i learnt tat if a dead person's eyeball got xue si, it means tat person die of suffocation.
i learn how they analyse situation, how they investigate, how they can remain calm and act accordingly.
I watched Charmed so many yrs, my english really improved.
I watched chinese shows but i read the english subtitles and learnt.
Those taiwan shows i watched and learn how to read Traditional Chinese words and even learn how to write some.
When the ppl in e radio or tv say a cheng yu, i will remember it, try to use it on normal conversations and learnt it.
Every night before i sleep, i spend at least half hour to think over the shows i've watched on tat day and recall what are the things i can remember and learnt from it.
This is my way of watching tv and listening radio. I don't only get entertainment and relax from it. I'm seeking knowledge and trying to learn things. And i muz say, i learnt ALOT from them..
Shu Mu Er Ke- ur still remeber this show? VERY NICE show.
Got a special episode. National Day 9/8 12pm chU!
Liu Yi Fei- the xian jian qi xia zhuan ling er, she release album alr.
After tuo qiang shi jie is JIN SAN SHUN, everyone said it's damn nice. so i muz watch oso.. but tat oso means Goong haven show! T.T

iSophia posted @12:35 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, July 28, 2006

Some Goong pics to share.. 1st and 2nd one is Yul Goon~ SO CUTE!
3rd one is Shin Goon~ 4th is Chaegyong and Shin..
Looking for
1) Fan Wei Qi's "wo men de ji nian ri"
2) Rong Zhu Er's "ai qing fu xing"
I am saving to buy SHE's album.. in e meanwhile waiting for them to gai ban.
I wan to save myself, use my money and buy myself. Like that then can prove my re chen in this album. and more man zhu gan...
hate presents.
News News:
1) Jacelyn Tay call off her engagement le! but never say why!
2) Yes93.3 DJ Li Teng graduate from Uni le! I still regard him as my SuperHost and think he should win.. Taiwan Rocks!

iSophia posted @11:22 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Going to slp.
1) Thks to all my frenz that put up with my unreasonable requests these 2wks..
i've got this sudden favour for fast food, then keep wan to eat
Mac, then KFC, then burger king... (i'm in love with burgers)

2) Lake House is a movie that is completely the same as a korean movie i watch over the tv few years ago. even the hse is e same ba. onli the leads different and the year shorten to 2yrs. the storyline completely same oso. Those never watch b4 muz go watch! reali very nice!!

3) I'm gonna watch Long Hu Men, even no one interested i go watch alone.
i'm getting used to a lot of things alone.. go coffee shop eat alone, go shopping alone..
good sign =) coz i know tat when we grow up, frenz have their own family, they can't company me everyday. so i muz learn to do everything alone.
anyway i think a lot ppl will not be interested in Long Hu Men lor,
so i dun wan to force ppl to go watch juz becoz no one company me.
wad's wrong with watching a movie alone.
anyway my ********* dad dun let me watch movie coz he say i watch too much this few mths then waste $$.. will get addicted... ... ...
i alr very guai alr lor. i zi ren i am super guai alr. i never even go out shopping lor.
i juz go TAMPINES/ BEDOK sometimes after school to catch a nice movie or eat dinner lor.. like tat oso cannot. wa biang.

This is the brief story of long hu men http://www.gv.com.sg/Booking/movies/moviedetails_2479.htm
this is for lake house:

iSophia posted @11:48 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

David Tao Ze's album releasing on 4/8!
now can yu gou alr.. got a special gift and a password
to let u hear the whole album.
The album name is Tai Mei Li (too beautiful)..
his main song is Wang Bu Liao, re-sing the old song de.

iSophia posted @9:05 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Elva's new song finally.. she very pity lor.. so many obstacles.
Yu Heng album oso out le.
Jay's one in Sep.
Luo zhi xiang's one in Oct.
S.H.E album rocks!
FIR de song quite nice if u keep listen to it.
Sweety de this album not bad!
Talk about radio today...
yes93.3 rocks! wo ai 93.3!!
haha LOL
music is really so enjoying.. listening to 93.3 is so shuang!
there's so many.. MANY MANY MANY.. nice songs..
it's impossible to have all of them...
so the best place to hear them again is radio station,
93.3 .....
dun see me always talk abt new songs, past songs oso i like a lot k!
very enjoyable to listen to songs..
especially there's only u and the music. no one else.
2001 03 Oct is the opening of UFM 100.3,
i like this station very much.. for 2yrs..
i still remember 8-10pm is Rei and Xiao Zhu (wan jun) host together de show.
i'm in love with this one man! super siao over it...
Rei is a very very very very very good dj!
2002 Aug he went japan for studies.. T.T missed him..
i still kept the postcard that he sent to me =)
then xiao zhu also leave UFM some time after tat, then
wan rong take over the slot.. not bad he oso nice.
after wan rong, then the whole radio station chance le.. esp when jun wei left oso.
i dun like this station anymore.. very outdated.
then now they changed to Radio 100.3.. change name =.="
XIAO ZHU IS BACK! i'm still searching for Rei.. but no one seems to remember him.
so now becoz of xiao zhu and wan rong i'll still listen to their slots.

iSophia posted @1:19 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Wow so many posts today..
Juz wana say something before i go slp..
(wow i slp so early! coz i wana avoid any chance of seeing my dad)
I was like watching tv from 5pm till now...
Then while i watching tv, thank goodness my dad is not at home,
but my mom is! she's also very irritating de lor.
She don't like me.. She really dun like me.. Wa lao then give birth for what.
Make me and herself so damn miserable.
Then during i watch tv, my mom keep calling her frenz to talk..
talk what? bo liao de things la.. ok la u wan talk phone, u got the CORDLESS PHONE, then go away la. go somewhere else in the hse to talk la.
she just talk DAMN loud BESIDE ME which is IN FRONT OF THE TV!
then when commercial break she complete silence, but when the show starts she ask me do this do tat.
sometimes i really envoius other ppl.. their parents not as irritating as mine.
i dont ask for more! i onli ask tat let me concentrate on my show!
Then my dad came back.. he ask me read a stupid bo liao brochure..
i say pls wait 2more min.. going to commercial break liao,
he dun care lor. he keep guo guo jiao lor. wtf
then i told them this gal going to die in the show, i repeated 3times coz my dad damn irritating act cannot hear n keep har har har.
then when next day's commerical show tat the gal die, my mom was like
:"har she got die ah! she got die ah!" then keep talking till the FEW SEC commercial end.. i was like... shouting: I TOLD U JUZ NOW LE! SHHHHHH!!!
but i still missed the other parts of the commercial!

iSophia posted @11:12 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

My exam time-table..
should be contented alr..
Last yr got 5subjects, this sem only 4...
last sem got 7.30-9.30 PM de slot, this yr the latest onli 4.30pm..
mon-wed non stop... no break to study at all...
legal aspects of business is very cham one...
teacher say it'll be SUPER HARD...
he even told us: "ur juz treat it as ur main exam 50/100 if ur study hard can liao."
after study hard only 50/100!! can image how hard will it be!
purposely one lor!
I think my gpa will drop till very low this sem.. haha =)
i have no interest at all. so no mood or no interest to study at all.
the most juz anyhow read read through.. fan zheng mid-sem i alr dun care le.
might as well dun care dao di.
do u think my dad will kill me if i fail EVERYTHING?
if he reali will kill me then i 100% fail everything. wahahaha
but tat's oso impossible. haiz
so.... god bless me ba~ to me, exam = no exam... lolx
Liyi's program got an opening which i like it a lot...
Wo xi huan zi ji yi ge ren~(i like to be alone)
Wo xi huan zai zi ji de kong jian~(i like to be in my own space)
Wo xi huan zhi you wo he wo de ying yue~(i like it where there's only me and my music)
i was shocked to hear this coz, it's completely me!

iSophia posted @3:41 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

LiYi got new book... Introduce korea and teach some basic korean language.
wahaha didn't kept my promise to blog on saturday...
so now i pay back!
Found out Joey Rong's new song not bad also...
SuperBand FINALs songlist http://u.mediacorptv.com/story.aspx?Editorial_ID=333&SubCategoryID=20
VERY worried for Soul and J3...
Judges' choice of song for them very not their style...
i hope MiLuBing win sia... haha they really rocks and talented!
they are christians ^.^
Hoo~ I really hope i can get away from what i'm living with...
Found out i'm not interested in becoming accountant, auditor, or finance sector..
The adults only know how to tell me:
"study well, accountants can earn a lot blah blah blah blah"..
but this is not i want!! i wan to work in the mediabiz..
even not as a DJ, can work in any part of mediabiz i'm happy...
sometimes i have the rush of quitting A&F now and go into NP's chinese studies coz 2nd yr onwards can choose teacher's route or media's route in CHINESE!
tat's a great chance for me!
or go private school?
but i know i can't... my parents will kill me.. although i rather they reali KILL me.
or i can go for some enrichment.. there's this mediacorp academy..
11sep-15sep got a program.. 5days $500... teach radio things.
but of coz, i no $ now la.. mayb i'll save hard and go next yr or after i graduate..
so i dun like school now.. coz whatever i'm studying is not the future that i want,
might as well go and die rite...
i know that every sec of things that i'm studying now is what i'm goin to apply at work 2yrs later. now like sec sch, juz study and exam and dun nid to care abt what i studied.. but...... i dun wan..... i dun wan!!!!!!
hao tong ku ahhhhhhh
+ my dad s;alfjkasl;fjkl;akfjdsklfjasl;fj

iSophia posted @9:53 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, July 21, 2006

Go read SHE's blog from my links ba..
Selina yue lai yue pretty lor!!
Tml got test. haven study.
tml then blog long long.

iSophia posted @11:52 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, July 17, 2006

AHA! i finished Goong alr!! YAY!!
Yester chiong till 5.30am lor..
WAHAHA nice nice nice.. i hope Goong2 faster out..
and hope the lvl of atmosphere will not be lesser than Goong1 if not
very disappointing..
Now i'm watching Hana Yori Dango.. But not comic de.
It's Japan version of meteor garden-hua yang nan zi..
The storyline same as taiwan de.
Duno why onli got 9episodes. But i muz say, taiwan de is nicer..
Jerry Yan more handsome than Tang Ben Rui lor.. haha =p
(really very enjoyed the time tat i'm alone at hm....)

iSophia posted @11:08 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Upload some pictures from Goong-Princess Hours

Prince and Princess (Shin & Chaegyung)

4 main leads..
Shin goon~ Hyorin~ Chaegyung~ Yul goon~

This is a nice show! It's not those gu dai one, is modern show..

Yul goon so cute sia~ Shin goon is yue kan yue shuai~~

Chaegyung so cute oso~

iSophia posted @8:45 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, July 15, 2006

VERY GREAT! feel so happy now~~
well, don't expect there'll be something interesting about any outings or adventures tat i'm writing about!
I had a great day today because..
I woke up at 10++, not becoz i need to wake up to do something,
it's naturally wake up.
then i watch Goong over www.dailymotion.com till 10.30pm!!!
chiong till episode 18 today.. but the user com crash then nv upload alr..
muz wait~~ wait~~ wait~~ T_T
This is a great day because i'm ALONE the whole day,
although there's 3 phone calls from my dad =.=, but it's great!
Very enjoyable.. I get to be alone at home the WHOLE DAY!!,
i get to do what i wan to do without any responsibilities or deadline or restriction or disturb.
It's so great, very great.. from e moment i wake up and wash up, i juz stare at e com and watch n watch n watch till the time tat i wan to stop..
In between when toilet, refill water, cook maggie and eat in front of com! haha
Haiz how i wish i have this kind of life as often as i can..
live alone~ live alone~ live alone~
Anyway Goong ( Princess Hours ) --- this show very very nice!!
It's korean version of Meteor Garden BUT the storyline is not e same..
so not directly version of MG.
This show is very nice. haha chU is showing, but not sure when..
F.I.R's new album is out! Fei Xing Bu Luo! I shi ting alr, not bad, quite their-style. noisy , rock....

iSophia posted @11:33 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, July 14, 2006

Yes 93.3 is having a change in schedules!
7-10am- Jiu Shi Wan Ren Mi
by LingZhi, ZhiYong & MaLi
ling zhi and zhiyong is very perfect alr.. i'm in love with their morning program, now with mali joining them, i think it'll be more perfect! Finallt a morning radio program that is interesting and not boring..
10-12pm- Yin Yue FreePlay
by Li Yi
this slot is e same.. quite nice coz li yi introduces musics..
12-2pm- Wu Can Bu Duan Dian
by Li Yi & Wei Bing
new combination huh.. this slot last time is onli li yi.
2-4pm- Xing Fu Wu Hou
by Wei Bing
Wa li yi and wei bing marathon 4hrs per day.
4.30-8.30pm- Ge Ge Mei Mei Zhan Qi Lai
by Chong Qing & Pei Fen
WOW! new combination.. these 2 nv he zuo b4.. but they are both good Djs, think this program will interest me a lot too..
i'll miss zhou gong & wu po T.T but i think pei fen will do a good job too.
9-11pm- Xian Ge Ji Yi
by Jia Hui
same thing. haha
11-1am- Oh Yeah! Bu Xiang Shui
by Jia Hui
Jia hui also marathon! Very Xing Ku xia.. Esp it's 9pm-1AM!
Sure very tired de..
Haha.. Very qi dai in 7-10am and 4.30-8.30pm de slots..
how i wish & hope i am in part of this family...
even not as a dj, as a mu hou gong zuo ren yuan oso nice~~~
Faye Wong stepping out of mediabiz =)

iSophia posted @11:41 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Here to upload some pics!!
Swee Mei's 18th Birthday 1st July-at her BBQ
1) Grp of HS 4E4 frenz
Got Fleur, me, sm, junyao, yanshan,kenny n weiqiang.

2) Me and Swee Mei

3) Grp of TP A&F frenz

Got Mabel, Huiling, Sm, Me and Karen

There's more but i haven received.

Below are some pictures tat i zi lian at computer lab when havin a short break and quite bo liao. There's more but today i post Pooh Fam first.

1) Me Lor (i like to sit sin seh's chair =p)

2) Hwee Sing (rabbit) and Me!
ps: those 2 fingers are
Left-Brenda &
(itchy hand)

3) Me and Phylicia (tigger)

4) Me and Pei Feng (pooh)

5) Me and Brenda (Eeyore)!
blur blur de

Hope u all dun mind i post the pictures...

iSophia posted @5:53 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

+++__Someone found my wallet!!__+++
He found it at tampines ard mrt station, then send it by stamp mail to TP..
Inside de things all still inside.. =)
He wrote a card but never leave any contact info =(
Thank You Benson Koh for returning my wallet!

iSophia posted @5:44 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

SuperBand SF2's songlist:
Every group is singing a fast and a slow song..
Very NICE!!
wad i qi dai-ing: miLubing singing sammy's du yi wu er!
brods singing hen xiang ni!
lucify singing feng!
soul's song weird weird de..
Today went watching Pirates of the Carribbean- Dead Man's Chest!
funny... but got xu ji~~~ muz wait again.. =.=
Very tired.. How i wish i have enough time to sleep early.
Business Chinese project topic out le..
Wad come up with proposal abt suggesting to invest in which province and wad kind of business in china.. wanted to do Yunnan coz got Kun Ming..
but got 1 grp of ppl snatch liao.. then in e end we do Si Chuan, teacher say
Jiu Zai Gou nice to do oso.. He is from china of coz everythin nice to do la.
The report muz be 10-12pages, CHINESE WORDS LEH! FONT 12!
HOW SMALL IS TAT! then muz use powerpoint to present, muz wear formal (wth).
Then our presentation day is NATIONAL DAY! dat means muz make-up lessons again... ARGH... alr so squeezy n no time liao, still muz squeeze so many make ups.
This sem my results v lan la. i oso no choice alr. No interest in this studies alr..
so juz hope can pass can le. GPA, pull down lor. wadever.
*Desperately wishing to move out n stay alone forever*
*Trying to save money for "some" plans*

iSophia posted @12:39 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Went to watch Re-Cycle today at TM, b4 tat went to buy sweet-talk,
then i place my wallet at e counter then forget to take!!!
After movie went back to ask, the aunties said they never seen my wallet..
my cai chan inside all gone + ez-link~~~
T.T must use my si fang qian... so she bu de lor
Wee Heee Heeee something nice happened at least..
The competition is getting more n more exciting, esp
the judges' marks are now 50%!! not 30%
and they never reveal the marks that judges gave..
Like that fairer lor, coz if the fans know judges' marks,
then they can keep voting. Not fair de.
Previous competition should use this policy oso lor,
like that more fair leh..
Next wk's topic is 1 Fast and 1 Slow song for each band..
Wee i think SouL's possibility of getting out is high lol..
Finished Tian Wai Fei Xian dvd now..
Thx Phy for lending me!! =)
Wa when chU cast this show, ur muz watch!!
Last episode i can cry from the beginning to the end NON-STOP.
Except for the last few min coz Happy Ending!! =p
God Bless someone found my wallet and give it back to me,
even no cash inside oso nvm.. i wan my ez link card..
and my movie tickets, my precious memories tat i had with all my frenz lo.
and tat slip of paper... :"((((((

iSophia posted @1:44 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, July 09, 2006

This table is my schedule of school "events" starting from tml!
These test are just like mid-sem tests.. Important, More Difficult.
All the way till exams.. These are just the surface..
Still got project to rush, one currently working, the other haven even start..
business chinese lor.. =.=" but lucky it's in chinese.. not so stress!
Everyday must after lessons must stay back till so late, if got late lesson oso muz go school early.. just for projects..
Go home still must do homeworks, never do then will deduct marks then GPA drop drop drop. Then every single lesson is so yan shu and stress.
Not like can slack abit or what..
This course so stress lor.. U all pity us right??? HAIZ...
Basically it's like, everyday in the weekday, morning till evening in school, and in school hor, every second cannot slack or rest de lor. Even lectures, every second must be very attentive and concentrate.. Then rush to eat, then rush do this do that, then rush lessons.. zzz...
Then reach home must do homeworks or study for tests..
But i manage to slack by skipping lectures and never do homework..
Sat.. never went church =p tat person nv call me.. hahahahaha
But after school n projects, went to NDP preview.. Thx QiWei for the tics..
Then go home.. Online awhile.. Slp..WC..
SianZ.. how are we going to survive through these weeks.. it's like, no time in between to have a good rest, or even a good slp at all..
Oh YA! Superband!!
very worried for SOUL, coz they singing Ah Du's Jian Chi Dao Di..
SOUL----Jian Chi Dao Di?? Got link meh??
Luci singing FirstDay.. All like to sing this song lor..
SuperStar, CampusSuperStar and now SuperBand..
can piao xuan wei Most Popular Song among the competitions.
wahahaha but i think they'll play it well coz it rocks!
Project Super Star AUDITION!!
Male 3/9
Female 9/9
@ toa payoh HDB HUB 9am!

iSophia posted @10:50 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, July 07, 2006

Was very busy and tired the pass 2days..Wed was very very tired.. Very tired..
The law lecture was so chui mian-ing,then i was like half-dead during apel..
Reach home, wanted to take a nap to save myself,
but duno y never slp, then my dad fren come our hse
to install some computer thingy again..
ArGh!! his fren stay till ard 2am lor.. from ard 7pm like tat.
i was like =.= i can't use the com coz he hav to do something,
i can't slp, i can't concentrate on work coz they keep calling me
almost every 5min? very pek chek.
Then i went to slp at 11, but he n his fren was like
talkin talkin very very LOUD! until his fren leave at 2am, then i slp.
then 3am wake up to watch soccer... :( portugal lose.
Then slept for 3hrs then go sch...
BAKA! 12pm de lecture cancelled coz the LT computer spoil.
If i knew that e lec will be cancelled, then i dun nid to go for 9am de lec le ma.. WASTE MY TIME!
Then we went to do proj till ard 7.. Then reach home,
go in maple to help out something. then 9pm...
wanted to watch tv de, but 9.05 i cannot stand it i go n slp liao.
Weee... i slp till 9.30 today.. wahahahaha 12hrs!
People with bf or gf will lessen their level of responsiblity, is it true?
Coz i think it's really quite true. Esp with gals.
Once u promise something or u are obliged to do something,
no matter what happen, as long as u are not disabled or cannot move or dead
or have something very important eg: someone in ur family goin to die,
don't run away from ur responsibility.
Just because u don't feel like going, or just because u wan to go somewhere else,
so u can just come up with something and dump the responsiblity to another person?
If u alr promised, then do it. If u never promise, then in the first place u should already come up with the excuse to reject it.
Sat (Tml) is a very bz day.. Morning have to go school very early to do project.
i mean VERY early. After that must RUSH to church to learn the new PA system.
I hope anyone from my church can read this and spread out:
After that reach home must do things for dad n mom. T.T oso church things.
What a great Sat. DESTROYED BY MY PARENTS. coz they are the ones who forced me to do so many church things for them.
I wished my life is really alone. Not that i dun wan to go church, my HOPE is every sunday i can go to a church, be it small or big, the one NEAREST to my hse, then go there 2hrs for service, jus be a normal audience and not having any duty, then after tat go off. Jus this simple. I duno y my dad is so ba dao, he wan to be in power, for wad??? Juz be a normal audience and u can be very relax and happy.
If i can live alone, i can have the whole sat for myself. I don't need to do things for anyone, i don't have to be disturbed surprisingly.
I can plan my things n complete it smoothly. I can have a lot of time to do what i want. ETC ETC....

iSophia posted @9:50 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Picture of Lucida and me!
So cute rite.. I never bully it wor.. Muz kill it ma
Another bad day irritated by my parents.
I wanted to watch soccer at 3am de..
Then i PLANNED alr. I will take a short nap,
then watch tv n do cma tut till 11pm, then slp till 3am
wake up watch..
Then i was enjoying the time where i was ALONE at home,
where i move a small study table in front of the tv in living room,
then watch tv and trying to do tut at e same time.
THen hor... ard 11pm my parents came home..
That's when my volcano explode...
They step in, then very chao alr.. V noisy..
Keep calling my name for nth..
Sophia, ______. Sophia,______
not as if there's something to tell me, they just wan to
disturb me.. Damn idiot.
Then i sore throat + i was doin my own things + my dad
is just asking me SILLY + IDIOTIC + IRRITATING unneccessary
questions, then i just ignore him lor.
Then he #%R%&%^*$!$#%$#^% i oso nv care.
Then i wan to slp at e sofa, so tat 3am i can juz wake up n on tv
then continue to do tutorial.
But my mom chase me into my room, they dun let me watch,
then i say i wanna watch tv. coz 12 got a show ma.. then dad oso dun allow.
zzzzz i am 18 this yr liao lor!
How i wish i can move out and live alone asap.

iSophia posted @12:23 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Voted 5 calls for them.. Lucky never wasted like other times =.="
But lucky not that Air group went in sia...
Heng Ar!!
Amber is so disappointing lo.
Next wk's zhu ti is Ben Di Ge Shou Jing Ge Jin Qu.
Jing Ge Jin Qu is nice, but y limit to Ben Di Ge Shou? =(
S.H.E new song! Chu Dian by Jay Chou!
But their album is Xin Ge+ Jing Xuan
Finally deng dao their new songs le.
Saw Jun Wei at chU's Zhen Feng Xiang Dui.
He is the host. erm... SO LONG NV SEE HIM LE!
He's my only xian suo of finding Rei leh..
Ok. Muz go do tut alr.
I give up of playing maple during school period liao.
So hard lo! But i'll wait till Holidays then CHIONG Ah!

iSophia posted @12:02 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Just came back from Marina Steamboat with my parents n their frenz..
I think b4 ppl become v good frenz or couple, go eat steamboat. During steamboat one's true personality will show through the eating / cooking style.
And this prove that me n my dad reali cannot xiang chu.
My style is simple. I wan to eat rice coz i dun enjoy eating steamboat things without pei fan(rice). My dad dun let me eat rice! So bu shuang lor! Then he v ba dao. He jus command n command n command, scolding ppl, snatching to show off, thinking that his skills is the best n other ppl all stupid. I kept quiet and off my ears.
I'll never go eat steamboat with him again if there is outsider with us. BTH
I duno y. Nowadays i feel very tired almost all the time.. Eyes tired, mind oso tired.
I can't get to do any homework or study at all. I muz copy fren's tutorial work lor.
Not i dun wan to do lor.. Not i play maple then never do lor.
I dun have the time or the jing shen to do. Everytime.. i mean EVERYTIME
i found some time and goin to do work, the D-A-D will take out HIS WORK, HIS JOB and ask me to do.. Just like now, i juz came back. Haven even have the chance to go toilet, he asked me to open an email, pass me 5sheets of papers. He just highlight highlight, then i am suppose to type it out WORD FOR WORD then tml he just go n pass up then get nice results. WT_? HE IS STUDYING OR ME?
Almost everyday de lor. I got tell him i have a lot of things haven do.
He say oh, then u dun slp dun watch tv la. use those time to do la.
Classmates & Frenz only thought i only wan to play, watch tv then never do work.
I keep skipping lectures coz i dun wan to study?
u all think i reali dun care abt study? I skip lecture coz after my dad's torture, i hav no more mind or wadever to do anything liao. I'm totally devasted in my mind n heart alr k. Do u think i enjoyed the scary-ness of never do homework, the disappointing looks from tutors? I wan the time that i can sit down in front of a table for more than half hour with no-one disturb and do some homework. But i can't!
=.=" BAKA! Can some FRee me! JUST KILL ME MAN!
I dun wanna live with HIM!!!!
Great! He's going to bug me forever! Very unreasonable lor!!!
I cannot take it alr.. How many times i muz cry a day?
I'm so suffocated with my own family things alr. I dun even have time to read a book or even read one page of lecture notes. There it is, THere's still plenty of project work to do. Everyday either go early, or stay back. And i have no jing shen to do anything at all. My life is mess up ok! I wished i was never born.
And lucky i dun have those frenz that muz meet every wk one.
True frenz are those a few mths never meet, never sms, but once in a while meet is still very good frenz one. Not those that jing bu qi SHI JIAN he JU LI de kao yan.
OK! muz go do work for daddy alr. I thought i can sleep early or at least do some tutorial or read through tml's tutorial so that i won't totally lost. But now no chance le lor. I muz go bath and do his work till v v v late liao.
TML oso got lor! But he say tml midnight then give me. WT______????
MIDNIGHT! And it's over 1k words de lor. Muz copy sentences from a few books, then muz help him do appendix blah blah. All in chinese.
I told him i nid to do work, he say Guan Ni Ah.
He dun let me have time dto do homework or study then still wan me to get very very good results. O Level oso like that. I muz cry in front of him pleding him to let me have time to study lor.

iSophia posted @10:41 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Juz finished watching wc. Por win =) but cant see deco today =(
Eyes very sleepy. But mind cannot stop thinking. LOL
Went SM's bbq today.. wa so long nv go Hougang leh. Hougang Mall
change so much! Saw a big group of aunties n uncles practising line dance
outside hougang mall the space. Wa so shiok leh.. It looks fun! I want to learn
when i am aunty. HAHA =.="
Met Hl n Bel at TM then took bus 72.. on the bus we was bz "playing" with newspapers =p
Reached there, some of HS ppl there alr.. But not v shou one..
Then the guys came.. Then fleur n shu jie came.. Then duno should
stay with which group.. Then walk here n there...
It's quite enjoyable and nice to meet up with classmates and friends once in a while isnt' it. Although not very very very shou but jiu jiu yi ci meet up awhile chat chat abit also not bad ma. Rite?
Shu jie say she like to read what i write abt sucidal things?
OK lor i write:
What to write? Only one sentence - i'm waiting for death to arrive.
HAHA nice rite! Sooo nice!
i wanna watch Gui-Yu! actually i only know abit of the story, li xing jie is a writer? she went into the story?? I am interested becoz it's li xing jie and it's pang(peng) bros' production... the eye 10 reali v funny.
Talk abit abt charmed? THIS SEASON NO SUBTITLES AGAIN!
Now i hope every fri my parents won't be at home, coz they every fri got prayer meeting. If not i can't really catch what they are speaking coz "he-u know who" very noisy. It's so shiok to see Charmed's powers again.. All the visions, freezing, exploding, ORBING! etc etc..
Shuo dao church, they changed a complete new PA system last week..
it's so complicated...i dun wan to learn!!! now PA area left me to control pa and slides and recording.
Today nearly screwed up what i Planned to do again. Suddenly a church member sms-ed me and ask me do this do that. My heart was like ":'(" can u all just LEAVE ME ALONE!!!! I AM NOT OBLIGED TO DO ANY OF THESE CHURCH STUFF FOR UR! I'M A STUDENT! NOT A STAFF OF THE CHURCH!
My dad is another one la! Hire a admin staff for wad use! Only take over bulletin design from me, TAKE EVERYTHING LA! I am more than willing to jie tuo from everything relating to my dad. He always do things last min, esp his theological bible study homework. Then last min pass to me. I always planned things b4 hand. I will concentrate on tv till 11 or 12pm after all my show ends, then i start to do works, projects blah blah. After i off tv he sure pass me something to do one lor. Not just a bit lor. Sometimes he go slp liao, pass me all the chinese words then i must type till v late. Yea! Like it is my homework like that! Duno computer then use hand to write la! Very ai mian zi + lan duo leh! BTH AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
PS: he always take my things, nv return, lost it or spoil it! My pencil box is nearly emptied liao la!! @#$#$^%^&^*%

iSophia posted @2:00 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

about ME!

♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
♥Likes to share all e gd news to everyone
♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

What i Like!


♥The Arcade


♥Bubble Tea

♥Viwawa's Big 2.5

my FavouriTes


♥Jerry Yan




♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car

Idol's Blogs

♥93.3's 丁志勇_Cruz
♥93.3's 佩芬_PeiFen
♥Felicia Chin


fRiend's Blogs

♥Chan Chieh
♥Feng Ying
♥Jing Mei
♥Jing Xian
♥Jing Ting
♥Jun Xiang
♥Qi Wei
♥Swee Mei
♥Wei Ming

fAvoritE sitEs

♥林依晨's official site
♥Fahrenheit International Site
♥SG 飛輪海's FC
♥鄭元暢's official site
♥OMY.sg FLH's blog
♥Yes 93.3
♥Maple Sea
♥CozyCot beauty forum


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