Yesterday i had a date with MYSELF! =)Church celebrate 30th Anniversary so our service combine with English Congregation... Started @ 9am, end at 11.10am.
Went Woolands after that. Wanted to ask some friends to go along de but i realise i don't think anyone will want to eat PastaMania very much AND willing to go woodlands AND want to watch Ye Yan very much AND like to play arcade VERY MUCH. If got also not avaliable. I planned this day very long liao. Original plan was Jurong Point. But found out Jurong Point don't have Pasta Mania and i don't want to take MRT. Bedok got 168 straight to Causeway Point. 54min de bus journey.. Very shiok.. I like to take those long long journey quiet bus alone because the feeling is like ur're in ur own world.
In e end i ate Sakae Sushi because PastaMania is FULL! T.T Then went to watch Ye Yan (The Banquet).. Then went Time Zone to play.. Sunday too many ppl le la. I spend $12.. $3 on bishi bashi, $1 on car racing, and.................... $8 on giaping Chipmunk!!!! BUT GIAP BU DAO!!!!! T_T wanted to play the Percussion one. Coz got chinese songs. Got one person play Zhang Zheng Yue's Shuo Ai Wo. very nice very nice! But too many ppl playing it le. So no chance to touch it. Wanna find one time weekdays noon go again. Lesser people.
Report: 2006年最受矚目的超人氣火紅團體-【飛輪海】發片首周,勇奪各大排行榜第二名!以不到1%的些微差距,挑戰周杰倫霸主地位!首張同名專輯【飛輪海】,銷售已經突破5萬張! Taiwan Fans are so united! No.2 leh!!! Beat so many ppl lor.. Coco lee, Qiang Bian, Jiang Mei Qi... blah blah blah blah. Hope Singapore results will be good too. But can't expect too much la, everyone dl dl dl, pirated pirated ma. So inhuman to new singers.
Anyway Jiang Mei Qi sang a song with Guang Liang- 对你有感觉(Fei Lun Hai's one is 只对你有感觉) quite nice sia. And the new band-强辩 also quite nice but their style too MayDay le.
As usual, hope those who can, will support 飞轮海's 正版cd. Their songs really nice......
For those who missed Yu Le Bai Fen Bai.. below are e links, and kang xi lai le. No kidding, REALLY VERY FUNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! Laugh till u SIAO. Me myself oso keep repeating watching. (i keep back my previous post de words, in kang xi lai le i think Xiao S said wu zun and ya lun is still virgin.. lol i oso not very sure. ur go watch both yu le bai fen bai and kang xi lai le [links below] and judge what they say. i oso very luan. haha)
20060919 娛樂百分百 - 飛輪海之我家也有大明星 (上)_partA
完全娛樂-WQYL-05/09/06 -1/7
完全娛樂-WQYL-05/09/06 -2/7
完全娛樂-WQYL-05/09/06 -3/7
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完全娛樂-WQYL-06/09/06 -1/8
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完全娛樂-WQYL-15/09/06 -1/7
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完全娛樂-WQYL-15/09/06 -7/7
Every episode de games all different de wor.
Fei lun hai album stuck @ singapore custom. Latest wednesday then can buy.
VERY FUNNY! go watch if u are free! damn funny. really very very funny. VERY FUNNY
If image blur, at e bottom right got 2 buttons, one is minimise, one is full screen. Click the left one.. (beside volume bar). Like that clearer. Really very funny. Pls go watch.
1) 20060910 娛樂百分百 - 飛輪海粉絲同樂會_partA (notice 3.04min)
2) 20060910 娛樂百分百 - 飛輪海粉絲同樂會_partB
3) 20060910 娛樂百分百 - 飛輪海粉絲同樂會_partC
4) 20060910 娛樂百分百 - 飛輪海粉絲同樂會_partD
5) 20060910 娛樂百分百 - 飛輪海粉絲同樂會_partE (last)
Their album release le! Release le!!!! Can be bought in Singapore on MONDAY!
不要买盗版! 不要下载!
I help ur to analyse k.
Things that i like or i want, i will wan to buy it myself.
I don't like the feeling of other people buying e things that i like for me.
So, if you want to buy, buy something that i don't like.
And since it's something that i don't like, might as well don't buy.
So in the end, the conclusion is don't buy anything. Don't fork out any $.
That's the best.