Wei Lun's news: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xomKcijay5M (yuan chang is inside! Haix nearly cried after watching this. Although she's not my idol, but.. still very sad lor.. too sudden le la..)
1/28 飛輪海簽唱會 夏雪: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XpN8waqCOAA
1/28 飛輪海簽唱會 只對你有感覺:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJW3gVv8b14
1/28 飛輪海簽唱會 爱到:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lVufpMCywB8
S.H.E concert; fahrenheit: http://youtube.com/watch?v=J0-Wze6zckE
Yes 933 Bday Party@ Dragonfly http://youtube.com/watch?v=iO5mWINXsrI
飛輪海 @ 完全不好笑 (四) 小學生求婚:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwozwli4uGo
飞轮海 签约华研音乐记者会 幕后花絮:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o0Ca5ky7-KA
Just came back from HYSNSN's autograph session. =) Saw wu zun again! Very contented already.. Kinda miss them!!! They're going back alr! Must wait damn long b4 seeing them in SG again.. ="( Miss them! Nvm still can see them over YouTube.. Will delete this entry n post a proper ones when i've collected every links n pictures k! Must chiong projects presentations role play n tests le.. <3>
Had a great time these few days!!! COZ
FLH is in SG!
-Fri went airport to fetch them
-Sat went birdpark n had a great time with my friends. But i miss FLH that day badly!
-Sun.. which is today.. Went IMM for FLH autograph!!! OMG it's so great.. I can't believe they are just in front of me, so near, so clear. We queued 8hours.. Thanks to Sm n Friends! Coz i got church then i can't go early.. We was very back when we reach la.. And e ppl there was squeezing like crazy. 俗語說得好,‘台下十年功,台上一分鐘’. It was hard but it's definitely worth it. We were very pathetic but FLH was very hard too! They have to smile, sign, shake n talk to everyone that goes up. The 4 people that i see everyday in pictures, in tvs, in computers are just in front of me! I began to tremble after i got their signatures! I don't know why! They're really very handsome! They are so so SUPER FRIENDLY! This is the way that they reward their fans.. =)
Anyway, i went up, first was WuZun.. shake hand, sign, i said Jia You to him, he said "U must jia you too" to me! haha.. then next was Ya Lun.. Cutie Cutie.. then was Da Dong.. He's very generous.. He smile bigly and he used 2hands to shake!! last but not least, Yi Ru.. SunShine smile =).. I gave a postcard to WuZun although it was for all 4 of them.
They shook hands with everyone.. Then they sang 4 songs. Last song was Chao Xi Huan Ni..
And they gave us a big long bow at the end.. They didnt sign finish because IMM need to close at 10pm... but e event drag till 10.30.. Alot fans behind us did not manage to get their signatures, some even from HK de.. So poor thing!
After this time, don't know when can see them again le.. Must be super long de la.. T.T will miss them lots!!! But as a fan, don't think too much le la. Just support them secretly can liao. Well, i must say i envious the workers around them! Their 'Xuan Chuan' is SO YOUNG! A young guy. Ard 20+ age only leh! So surprise! Coz i thought Xuan Chuan should be old old one.. That's one of my dream jobs too. haha..
The good news is: Everyone (FLH, Company, IMM etc etc) did not expect that so many people will come. The results was OVERWHELMING! That's why they book a smaller venue and so late start.. I'm very touched and surprised too when i see so many many people supporting them. They're so successful here! I thought little will get know to them because seriously, they're not seen much @ SG tvs.
Hope the next time they come, I can still get their autograph!
Tml going TM for Hana Kimi autograph! Hope can get their autograph too!
*The sad news is.. Xu Wei Lun passed away! This news is TOO shocking le lor.. She's so pretty.. And she is Joe (Zheng Yuan CHang)'s BEST FRIEND!! They're very very very good de! OMG i can't imagine how the Joe i like will feel!*
Anyway, will talk more when e pics are all in.
Something that i'm sure of.. I love FLH more n more now! All 4 of them.. Every one of them. They're so great! Now my wish is to see them again huh? Biggest wish is take pic with them la. But now that i saw them with my own eyes already. I don't mind dying liao.
好愛好愛好愛 愛到 飛輪海!
(Kuso Kuso links again below. This time round more clear n got latest episode)
**Yes 93.3 call in 26/1 5pm:
** Yes 93.3 in person 26/1 11pm:
http://www.sendspace.com/file/2ocgng (scroll down, center got a dl link)
** FLH @ Airport (we were there too!)
Wu Zun 代言 小林眼鏡:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GiLOnQ_jWvo
Went Airport to fetch FLH juz now.. WuZun never came with e other 3members, think he come from brunei ba.. OMG THEY SO SHUAI!!! SHUAIIII!!!!! Ya Lun wave to our direction ba, coz that area only 10of us there, then i anyhow wave non stop then think he got wave to us de direction lei. haha
He so cute! All very shuai! ALL!! haha
Playlist updated! 2 new songs added..
1) 愛*轉角 by 羅志祥. It's 轉角*遇到愛's song.. Nice
2) 非你莫屬 by Tank. This song is Tank write for Ariel to sing for Tokyo Juliet. Now he's singing it. He sing de of coz nicer la.. Got different feeling, more touching. VERY VERY NICE!!! Esp the last part, really very nice! Take some time to listen huh?
3rd song is Ariel's version.
Some lame jokes that FLH act out. All less than 1min onli la.
飛輪海完全不好笑 一 之罰站:
飛輪海完全不好笑 二 之人小志氣高:
飛輪海完全不好笑 三 之心理學測驗:
My new hair: Better than uncontrollable messy untidy hair rite! Very Busy Very Busy Very Busy!
Friday 26/1: Test, Lecture, Airport eat_ Fetch FLH!!*.* , Listen FM-FLH interviews
Sat 27/1: Birdpark whole day, Listen FM-FLH interviews
Sun 28/1: Church, FLH autograph!, Listen FM-FLH interviews
Mon 29/1: School, Hua Yang autograph! Listen FM-Hua Yang interviews!
Tue 30/1: School, study for IF test
Wed 31/1: IF test + WI Project + Study CS test
Thur 1/2: CS test + WI Project Presentation
Fri 2/2: Prepare CS role play!
Monday 5/2: CS role play!
Wretch blog updated: 淩晨的時刻
[Great Updates Below =) ...]
If you are a regular audience of 娛樂百分百 will know there's a new variety show of GTV 八大28台- Kuso Kuso 酷酷獸!! And if you know this, u will also know that FLH is the regular and the first guest of this show.. It's very nice and FLH got play games inside.. These 4days are Wu Zun n YiRu's episodes...
小鬼 also got involved.. They got include interesting parts of the few shows that FLH act-ed.
1/15/07 *ivian09*
part 1 http://youtube.com/watch?v=DyAV-6UGXvU
part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXip7MHRZLY
part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=10Z7VbQcdY0
part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eImPYZZsKhQ
part 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tPMnoVhn-Fc
1/16/07 *marukoisme*
part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MR8jmpxGwjQ
part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgG2YJ1p0cQ
part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DfTGMSH3dEg
part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ev4tmR2rk3M
part 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Qbz2tPBi3A
1/17/07 *marukoisme*
part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oEiZdbfxIP0
part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xg9pYxNfN9I
part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=artduVfIQEI
part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kOfsXQI19Xs
part 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Miplzlw-Q0
part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p58HfLJ0ORk
part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTvwJoCODq0
part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xl6qF5_2pZU
part 4 i cant find part 4 for some reason sorry
part 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6yDKtqRkiqI