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Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Rmb to catch tonigh's Music in the Air.. 8pm chU- Got TANK singing afew songs.. Got mingyao!! haha.. Today's yu bai is live but guests are WANG CHUAN YI!!!

I can't wait to watch this!! haha

What i want to remind is that we're friends. We help each other with willingness, no complains and no conditions... Don't get brain-washed by those who don't understand our friendships.
Beware of people who wants to destroy us
Don't forget the wonderful times we had and throw away all unhappiness
Juz remember 宽恕、包容、体谅、关怀、耐心、信任、帮助

Communications do make an important part of keeping relationships going on and on.. So, communicate more with each other.. Don't just be in ur own world all the time.. Let everyone know and talk to everyone about urself and ask everyone about their happenings too.
I think Jobstreet got a new function.. go www.jobstreet.com, then singapore, then click Campus category on top.. Then click Intership.. the post there is all hiring for attachments de..
Gotta try to chiong study le coz next wk 4test in a row.. zz sure no time to study last 2days' tests de coz all the time will be spent on 1st 2days de tests lor.. The hope of not dragging GPA down again is abit impossible lor.. I juz hope it won't fall anymore, i don't dare to think of pulling it up.
So i've pluck out the tv's 'cha tou', pasted a study plan on e screen so i won't on it. I've pluck out all my computer's cha tou too and cover the cpu n monitor with a few layers of plastic bags. COZ i'm very lazy one so i won't want to take out those plastic bags and pluck all the cha tou back. Juz hope it works huh..
Do your know that 小猪 is opening a shop of his own,selling his 自创品牌 Stage's products in June? Always see him wear hats,shirts with the word Stage right? Coz it's his brand.. He created it (got register de wor) and his shop is opening soon.
and do u know 小鬼 is going to 出书 soon.. Inside is all his drawings de. He will post a new drawing on every wednesday on his blog. I'm a very very loyal fan of his drawings wor! His drawings is not those very very beautiful kind but his drawings are super meaningful.. A simple drawing, a simple sentence can mean a lot alot of thing lor..
Interested, go their blogs to see ba!
Before i MIA (if i can control myself) a few days, these are a few pics of them going Guan Dao for shooting.. Enjoy~
13-16yrs old!! That means i'm over the age limit to join!!
WHAT??!! Why only till 16yrs old?? HAR??
This course is for teens who have always been interested in learning more about news gathering, scripting, interviewing and presenting news on screen.
I'm interested in this too leh! Piang oi.. Why onli up to 16yrs old!!

iSophia posted @11:31 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sign.. i'm losing another one..
Listen to this song.. Very nice..
She was driving last Friday on her way to Cincinnati On a snow white Christmas Eve
Going home to see her Mama and her Daddy with the baby in the backseat
Fifty miles to go and she was running low on faith and gasoline
It been a long hard year

She had a lot on her mind and she didn't pay attention She was going way to fast
Before she knew it she was spinning on a thin black sheet of glass
She saw both their lives flash before her eyes
She didn't even have time to cry
She was sooo scared She threw her hands up in the air
The rest..Listen urself lol..This song is in her 1st album..Her album sold 500million copies!! Best selling among all 6seasons!! She and Kelly Clarkson(1st season's winner) is 5stars rated, the rest season de only 3stars or below lor..This song is super super super popular @ America..

The 'hole' haven close so haven stop bleeding.. Muz keep changing 'cotton' to bite.. The cotton got a kind of perfume smell lor.. Very er xin.. Everytime change new one then feel like vomitting.. Coz at night never wake up to change ma, morning wake up whole mouth got blood de smell lor..
Haha the fun part is the 麻醉 feeling. Coz my lips was numb ma, then at home i try to pinch very very hard to see if reali won't pain.. Coz i dun believe won't pain at all.. Then reali won't pain sia. Nearly took a needle and pierce through see will pain or not.. But in e end didnt coz i scare after numbness gone will pain haha.

iSophia posted @8:34 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Haix another shi bai day la..
Today lesson end at 11am for our class.. Then i was thinking ok so early, go home can study a lot.. Coz i haven even do last week's tutorial.. From last week onward my bad habit come back again.. Copy homework all the way lor.. But this time i'm more sensible, after i copy, i will do the tutorial again myself then compare answer. But every lesson i go in sit down there know nth, come out oso know nth lor.. Coz never read and never do ma..
So i muz do 2weeks de tutorial and study for test..

In the end went lab to print things.. After printing might as well wait for T01 de then went eat subway with them+wu po lin.
After that went dental appointment.. This is the main point of today..

I went in, while waiting saw the dentist's cert is Mr.Chan XX XX.. Then when i went in the room, i saw Averil's photos inside.. Then immediately what came across my mind is, Averil's surname also Chan.. OH!! So i ask the dentist's wife is Averil her daughter.. then she say ya..
For those who is thinking who is Averil? She's Project SuperStar 2 de contestant, MY FAV CONTESTANT for that season!! haha!! So surprise lor..

Then i asked her mom about the incident between St3v*n L*m and Averil.. Then she told me that is St*v3n li* de prob lo.. Actually i oso believe coz can see his appearance all the while is got abit prob one..

I extract my decay tooth.. Coz the hole is too big liao.. Very long le juz that i never think of gg to dentist so the hole gets bigger n bigger.. The prob is.. IT'S SO PAIN!! OMG!!
He gave me 3 injections to numb my jaw.. NO USE DE LOR.. coz the extracting is juz TOO PAIN.. SUPER PAIN de lor.. DAMN PAIN la.. And not 1-time de lor..
Coz the root is very LONG.. 3times longer than the teeth that is outside gum part.
Then muz go back again coz got a few more teeth muz 'bu'

Then asked about my jaw de prob (lower jaw is 'outer' than upper jaw).. He say braces no use unless operation.. Contradicting, dentist say better dun go for it coz it's fracturing the jaw and restructure.. Will damage nerve and may feel numb for e rest of my life.. But his wife say if got $ can consider if i reali mind abt it..

So reach home ard 4.40pm.. zzz.. so pain sia.. then i told wu po lin i'm not going to watch 6pm,7pm,8pm,9pm,10pm de show.. Only watching 8.30 de..
But dun think i can make it lol..

iSophia posted @4:45 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, May 28, 2007

Remember to watch Tue's Yu Bai- SHE 粉絲同樂會

Dreams are deeply buried by reality....


Suddenly have the thought of going oversea for further studies after graduating from poly.. If there's a friend who can go with me will be great.. If not go alone also not bad..
Always hearing other people going oversea to study alone.. Like Calvin, and Chun.. Calvin is really a role model for everyone.. sign..
I wish i could get away and come back with a totally new person..
Someone with better life..
Someone with confidence..
Someone who doesn't cries everyday under the blanket..
Someone who doesn't think of dying..

But i know it's another mission impossible in my life..
[Going oversea to study]= MI..
MI = Mission Impossible

iSophia posted @10:29 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Sunday: Was so fed up coz i failed to study or do any tut today again.. Why everyday like that one? I keep telling myself i muz do tut, i muz study, i muz study. But at the end of the day always cannot make it one leh.

How to Study For Exams
-Don't just go through your notes, rewrite them. Rewriting some of your lecture notes, especially the sloppy ones, will bring back some of the old class topics in your mind. You will be able to remember the lectures and discussions surprisingly well. Rewriting your notes is great if you're a kinesthetic learner. (Piang i am auditory/kinesthetic but rewriting notes doesn't help.. lol..)
-Don't study when you're really tired. It's better to study for two hours in one day than to try and cram in that daily hour at two in the morning. (but i'm feeling tired all the time other than in sch..)
-Eat breakfast. Midmorning hunger is an awful distraction
-You get what you get. Don't stress if you didn't get straight A's. You should be just as proud of a B or C. A passing grade means you were prepared for the test and knew the material. Just because you didn't get straight A's doesn't mean you didn't work hard or didn't do well.
1 min only.. CLICK PLAY to watch this video clip!!! 1min only!!
看一下會死嗎,不會對不對!haha watch!!

原来 different from Devil beside me.. only the characters de characteristic same..
But her sentences i also want to say!!!

楊丞琳 as 童嘉蒂
賀軍翔 as 雷達 (爆機車 惡魔少爺)
王傳一 as 雷彥 (超溫柔 王子 總經理)

賀軍翔 won last round.. I'm so interested and eager to know this time round she'll choose 賀軍翔 or 王傳一 in the end!!
王傳一!! 王傳一!! He's very handsome ever since 惡魔在身邊.. Previously, esp in 可米小子,he's not handsome de lor.. I've got linked his blog oso.. On the left.. He also joined 海蝶音樂 leh.. Hope his album will release soon..

Click the next 2 videos for songs! Very nice songs!!

iSophia posted @9:07 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, May 25, 2007

Shooting @ 北毉 (hospital)

但是 原來是對的 到頭來 沒有以小人之心度君子之腹
它is more to come to 搗亂
爲什麽戯裏不可思議的情節 漸漸發生在現實生活中
惡作劇之吻的是好事 好消息
這些都是 一直以來認爲 只有戯裏虛擬世界才會有的


Today went Comics Connection to find 惡作劇之吻comics.. I told the person got '惡作劇之吻' comic? I thought he'll know which izzit ma.. Coz the comic name is 淘氣小親親, but some version call 惡作劇之吻.. Damn u know what he give me???
惡魔在身邊!!!!! Devil Beside me and ISWAK only got 1 word similar leh!! DEAF ah!
In the end i put back Devil and search ISWAK myself.. BUT!!
Each book cost $7++!! 淘氣小親親 i think got 13 or 14 book.. But i'm not urgent so i can buy few yrs later. Coz muz buy flh, iswak 2, cdS vcdS n bookS this yr first.
換換愛 starting next week ma.. maybe will borrow 惡魔在身邊 from phy again then watch last few episode before it start. Coz Why Why Love is abit connected to Devil Beside Me.. but those nv watch Devil b4 oso can watch. Won't lost de..
But 惡魔在身邊 is also VERY VERY VERY NICE!! Really! Juz that ISWAK is NICER. LOL!!

LOL the latest GATSBY advertisement is 木村拓哉 and the korea 觀光 ad is Rain one..His hair is the previously nicer one.. Wa 難得 see them in SG's ad..
After reading the AA project, wanan cry ah!! SO TEDIOUS LOR! So many things to do, and dunno how to do!! I'm very bad at this one.. I can't rmb or understand those entries on shares or payroll.. Very stupid de lor..
Now i feel that AA and Tax is hard, but CRA is handle-able when compare to them..
1st wk of sch i still think that CRA is most hard one.. But now it's e easiest among all e sub i take lor.. The others from last wk's lec onwards i dun understand anything sia.. I see e tut qns, i thought i print wrong it's another course de lor. Coz dun even know what they're asking. Tutor's answer oso. Like never learn b4 one. But i got read through lec notes alr lei. K.A.W.A.I.I
Today i said that it's end of may alr.. Reach home think think think.. Suddenly shock..
JUNE IS COMING!! AHHHHHHHH!! I always give myself excuse and say June then think la, June then plan la.. But actually i reali duno how la.. No creativity of ideas lor.. Skills sucks oso.. June is really coming le T.T

iSophia posted @6:57 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Found the song in the Campus SuperStar GUYS having MATHS lesson trailer de background song.. name is Hey Mickey.. thx pf!! haha oso duno y i like. juz like it when i heard it haha..
Saw Carrie at the finale.. OHHHH!! So nice so nice..

McDonalds got new meal lor!! zz i juz ate on wed then thurs come out NEW meal! The new one seems nice!! Teriyaki Chicken Burger and.. and... SEAWEED SHAKE SHAKE FRIES!! Of coz.. + Green Tea =))
Smsed a few ppl the instance i saw e ad.. they oso say that they very interested to eat.. YAY!! Will ask ur to go eat VERY SOON.. haha :PP
next weekend i can go mac study oso lol..

Saw news that Dengue is coming back le.. It says that "xxx休克xxx" will cause death. It's the more serious type of dengue.. It says that those who have slow disease and those who dio dengue before will have more % to get this 休克 thingy..
快點叮死我,叮死我吧!Coz i dio dengue last time b4.. haha..
換換愛!!!very nice!!! by 賀軍翔、王傳一、楊丞琳.. i like 王傳一!!

GTV homepage de banner is everytime u refresh will change one.. Today i went and saw 換換愛's banner.. OHHHH IT'S COMING!! ONE MORE WEEK!! That means RQZX is ending this wk le.. 12epi onli sia.. lol.. 小綜 T.T ... but nvm ISWAK II will be out by this yr oso, can see him quite soon le ba?? they (FANS) keep scolding 五熊 帶屎.. so when they know she got take part in ISWAK II, they protest like hell lor.. Poor thing huh.. Actually i think is the production crew of RQZX not as good lor.. Coz 宜臻 is very pretty in 東方朱麗葉 one lor.. Then dunno y RQZX, even 小綜 de face got some prob from some angles de.. SO it's the production crew's prob..

Other ISWAK II characters:
大裕樹/呱呱 飾 (sop: look forward)
啟太 /曾少宗飾
幹幹 /唐禹哲飾 (har! he's 幹幹 ah! can't imagine lol)
真理奈/小珍 飾
智子 /五熊 飾
麻里 / 愛紗 飾
阿巧 /谷炫錞 飾

張棟梁's latest new song 王子.. Sound quite nice.. I like the part from 2.32min onwards,very nice.. try listen to the whole song =)) It's the 2nd song of my playlist
I've got so many songs to intro lei but onli can few days change 1time.. Ppl ask y i put so many song on my playlist coz everyone onli use less than 1song de time to read my blog.. Coz everyday i muz listen to my playlist myself ma.. Whole of it.. every song.. haha..

iSophia posted @4:38 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Pause my imeem and click PLAY on this video now!!!

i can't wait to publish this entry.. Coz i'm feeling so strong.. I can't wait to blog my 感動 out..
Only 1 word to say about Jordin's performance.. [O-M-G!!!]
Before i watch today's performance i think Blake will sure win le.. He choose all recent popular songs de lor abit jian leh. But now i hope Jordin will win so much!! Arghh
But i still believe Blake will win la.. although Jordin ROCKS tonight..
Simon said: "Last week i don't think u deserve to be in the finals, but today i know i'm wrong!"
JORDIN SPARKS really rocks!!
Her 1st song was alright, blake's first song rocks too.. Judges said that Blake did better in round1 but i think both of them did great..
Her 2nd song was A Broken Wing.. OHHH SO NICE..
Her 3rd song... ROCKS ROX ROCK ROC AH!!
She sing halfway my tears alr drop down le.. I've watch her since audition till now.. Although i like her only after Haley was out, but she's so great.. She sang so well.. Very touching lor.. She did cry towards the end of her final song too.. She's juz too great.. She's 17.. 2yrs younger than me!! She's so pretty.. Maybe u'll have to watch on the tv or all 3performances then u'll feel touched..
She or Carrie?? i duno lol.. Will Carrie perform tml? I havent seen her on AI 07 yet. Or did i missed it alr??

Her 2nd song - A broken wing.. Very nice!!

Tell u what i'm super bu shuang on something about today's yu bai..
And it's not GTV's fault.. it's our local tv station's fault.
Everytime LIVE show got 預告 of some news of the day ma..
Then today's 預告 got FLH & ISWAK news de lor..
Everytime commerical i was like.. "duh.. when are u gg to show the 2 most important news of the day".. FAINT ah when the show ends.. They cut away lor!!

iSophia posted @11:16 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Abt FLH's 寫真集, read peggy's post http://www.wretch.cc/blog/tsuyoga&article_id=8084569
Some brief info i took out:
-預購 is 30/5, 正式發行 is 20/6
-2 gifts.. either file or big poster (not confirm can choose or not)
-Should be $20.. Peggy helping fans from different country to 預購 lor..Delivery charge is $7, total S$27, sending from taiwan, with SIGNATURES de lor.. coz 7/7 taiwan got 簽書會.. I doubt they'll come SG to organise 簽書會 ba??
Is worth de lor lol.. I dunno where are those places coz no matter wad is inside i'll confirm buy de.

Ppl ask me who is 呱呱? He's not within the 6 棒棒 who release album, but he's one of overall 棒棒..呱呱 is WuZun's brother in Hana Kimi..
ORHHHHH................ic..... haha..
He's very lucky.. After being WuZun's bro, now become Joe's bro as 長大后的裕樹.. Since he's 裕樹, i'm so excited to know who will be acting as 好美(裕樹's gf..oso F class de..)

Guess i'm too deep into ISWAK le.. It affects a part of me.. dunno how to say.. But i'm not even 0.01% brave of 湘琴.. I don't dare to take any action.. I dunno izzit coz of this show so i think i am like this, but actually it's becoz i'm affected by this show..??
or is it really my true feelings..??
It happens to 多田薰老師 ma, so it's something that will happen in real life.. but i know i won't be so lucky and so strong as 多田薰老師..
So i can live on by dreaming and give up liao.. This story is too beautiful..

Intro ur to read Dasmond's this entryhttp://www.dasmondkoh.com/just-another-day/accidents-do-happen/.. He went to visit zhou gong in the hospital.. I felt quite sorry for him too, seeing from his photos.. I laughed out when i read the last sentence that Dasmond wrote:
"Oh ya,Moral of the story is… dun sing 甜蜜蜜 while you are cycling…you’ll buang! ; p"

POLY SUXXXX.. Even normal week i don't even have the time to finish homework, always last min do the day before tutorial.. Now projects start to come in..
Wanna start doing project but muz study for mid-sem test which is next next wk. 4 tests..
Wanna start study for mid-sem but muz chiong homework for next day's lesson..
I'm glued to the tv omg.. EVERYDAY after sch,either nap or tv time liao:
5pm-chU 娛百
6pm-chU 單身宿舍連環泡
7pm-ch8 原點
8pm-綜藝節目(Campus Superstar/都市大發現/Deal or No Deal/American Idol/ 音樂格鬥場/綜藝大哥大)
9pm-ch8 幸福雙人床/愛.特別的你
10pm-隔世追兇/American Idol/SuperNatural
All the way from 5pm-11pm everyday.. I don't even have time to online alr, 更何況 study??

Feel like giving up some timings.. Like stop watching all the 連戲劇.. But.. 捨不得...
Whole of my life i'm doing this, very hard to stop!!! Really lor since i'm young, even before pri sch i alr start gluing to tv everyday le.
Very look forward to 才華橫溢出新秀!! SO MANY MEMORIES!! Everytime i saw the ad and hear the theme of e show.. omg!!! really 感觸良多!!

Ur muz have seen the various Campus Superstar trailers le rite?? SO CUTE HOR!!
I am looking for the background song of the BOYS having MATHS lesson de trailer.. Anyone know wad's e name of the song?? PLS 留意 for me thx!!


Currently i'm digging out something and doing something. I bet EVERYONE will say i bo liao, siao, nth to do after i show out in the next post.. :P

iSophia posted @1:55 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Click to read the letter

I realise my blogging speed very fast.. i can publish a few entries each day but i'm controlling myself not to publish so many alr.. if not everyone will missed previous few entries everytime.. but.. there's too many nice things to share with everyone alr!!
ISWAK 续集中裕树升上了高一, 又有女朋友...
原本的小章同学不太适合演17岁的人了, 所以换上模范棒棒堂的呱呱...
Meaning 呱呱 will be the new 裕树


大家打算走了 琴子想和直树再留一下,直树没有同意.启太帮助琴子说话,直树则要琴子和启太去抓虫子!琴子和直树大吵一架!启太私底下向琴子表白!直树和琴子二人一直都在冷战!考试了,成绩出来了,是直树考得最差的一次,可是还是高过了船津3分!真里奈为船津感动!而同意和他约会!入江到学生餐厅吃饭!说自己想到启太在琴子面前的时候,就会对琴子不耐烦!金之助告诉入江,说他是在吃启太和琴子的醋.入江大惊!…………
[to be continue.. Credits: http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=8536737]

終極一班 特別企划
I intro this again.. For those who watch KO One b4, it's a muz to watch this..
For those who NEVER watch KO One before.. never mind de.. It doesn't require to watch KO One then can watch this one.. This is only a special program introducing the characters and many funny scenes of FLH..
Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ci3T7isnh04
Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiP8Ybwcwb4
Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0rpNv3wtVo
Part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CBY2vclqFE
Part 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cY0kfq2lZak
Part 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O0Xts8DzjPU
Part 7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SwzoUgoDR-o

The nicest is still not this.. The nicest is
惡作劇之吻 特別企划
Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeMe5Bd1NDI
Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RFly0vrUlkE
Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3y3cc1fjAY
Part 4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uzQnYF83mNY
Part 5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iIToPuqLRc
Part 6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zvSRoNOQtek
Part 7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CeNF7_GV3rc
Part 8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3weVLMnso4Q
Part 9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-Mdr3Q5X4Y

大東&小綜 特別 對嘴搞笑
Haha this one super funny.. Both of them so lame la!

New drama "篮球火" (Basketbal Fire) will soon begin filming. This drama will be based on the manga "Suramu Danku " (灌篮高手 Slam Dunk). Originally, 言承旭(Jerry Yan) was to be the first male lead, Sakuragi Hanamichi, and 吴尊 of boy band 飞轮海 to be the second male lead, Rukawa Kaede. The two "idol gentleman" were planned to work together for the first time. However because of recent news of Wu Zun's schedule being full and that he is not willing to work with Jerry as the second male lead, this opportunity has failed.

"篮球火 Basketball Fire" will be a Comic and GTV production. The drama will be 20 episodes and it is planned to begin filming in the summer. The story talks about two big college basketball teams battling together and in the end the two schools will work together to win the national gold medal basketball contest. There will be similar scenes with "Basketball Fire" and the manga "Slam Dunk."
Jerry Yan plays basketball and Wu Zun was also part of Brunei's National Basketball team. Teaming these two guys together will definitely be a "dream team."
Jerry Yan's manager refused to answer any questions. However, she said, "We are actually very open to work with different artists. As for if Jerry will be in "Basketball Fire", he is still considering about it."

iSophia posted @1:09 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, May 21, 2007

Previously mentioned before the author of 淘氣小親親(惡作劇之吻),meaning the one who drew out the comic 多田薰老師..
this story is the TRUE story of 多田薰老師 and her husband ma..
This information really stuck in my head very very long..
Coz i really cannot think that this story happens in reality..
Imagine 多田薰老師 really like an IQ200 de guy for so many years.. and despite her husband dislike her very much and keep having setbacks and strong rivals, she still can 堅持下去不放棄! I'm so shock that what i sees in ISWAK really happens to 多田薰老師..
And the fact that she's dead in such young age.. 30++
her husband is still alive..
After so many yrs of hardwork, finally married to her husband.. but she can't spend long wonderful days with her husband..
I'm very very glad that she drew out this wonderful story before she leave the earth..
But it's so pity that she's gone!!
I've think it over very seriously lor..
I really hope that i can give all my remaining life to her.. I want her to continue her wonderful life with her husband (直樹).. I really do.. I wish i could give my lifetime to her.. So that she can continue to live..
Coz my life is shit and sucks, and i want to get out of life asap.. so i rather she have my lifetime so that she can continue this wonder story, both in her real life and drawing the un-finished comic.. But this kinda thing only happens in the world of impossible.. I really wish she can continue this wonderful story.. her life story.. So sad that she's gone..

I really take this to heart very much..
Little change of plan.. I'm gg to delete 2 of my current blogs, created this wordpress blog, which is categorised to various topics. The new blog will still be in process juz that it's not ready yet.. Not so soon.. =))

iSophia posted @11:50 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Song: 棒棒糖男孩's latest EP - 夏日初體驗!!
Their new mv http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GpXfewDkbdI

This week's yu bai very nice!!
SHE VS 單飛比較紅 百分百大對抗 .. MUZ WATCH

彭于晏 阮經天 粉絲同樂會.. it's a muz for me to watch too!

2 new posts.. slowly read







身為男人他總是不由自主地越吻越往下,結果每次一吻到鎖骨內心(bones near breast)就一驚,「再往下吻依晨就穿幫了。」只好迴轉往上吻,等到轉戰床上,鄭元暢188公分高大的身軀壓在嬌小的林依晨身上,動作之猛被工作人員取笑說:「這畫面要是配上林依晨哭,感覺就很像強暴。」

[麻里 and her 老公 阿巧] in the show.. is by 愛紗 and 谷炫錞

惡作劇之吻 2 -- 敬請期待!!

來源:晨堡 http://linichen.net/

Continue to read the next post:

iSophia posted @11:47 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

I'm in the midst of creating another new blog.. But it'll not be a secret one.. It's not the right timing to announce what it is yet.. =)) Then i'll have 7 blogs in total. lol

As usual.. I failed to study & do tutorials this weekend.. When one have something in mind or something not yet done, he/she really cannot concentrate on other things..
Yesterday (sat) I chiong finish 神雕侠侣.. From 11am to 8.20pm.. 马不停蹄 one.. haha..
Chionging dramas is really a good hide away for me.. Coz only when I’m doing this, my mind is juz totally into the show and for the whole 9hrs and 20mins, I never think of those things at all..
The show………. V.E.R.Y NIIICEEE!!!
It did move me to tears, as usual..
The ending is nice coz 小龙女 never die in the end.. The few versions that I watched before all 小龙女 die in the end.. The last time I watch was 1998 SG version de..
Maybe becoz last time I’m still young.. so when 小龙女 die I did not take it too hard..

when I was watching till last 2nd episode.. I was afraid to watch the ending.. Wanted to sms those who watch this show before to ask if in the end 小龙女 got die or not.. Coz I dun dare to watch her die.. But in e end I didn’t.. Previously de versions all got die.. I scare I can’t take it.. Coz this show 41 episodes sia, watch very long le.. Got deep feelings for the characters liao..

I guess chU sure cut away a lot one.. coz the show so long!! When I finish watching, I see e clock.. then I was like “OH SHIT! Tonight’s 赢万金游万里 got Angela singing my fav song 其实很爱你”.. But heng her part is last few min so I didn’t miss..
9pm I turn to chU watch 神雕侠侣.. Tv de is first few episodes.. but I dun mind.. I juz can’t stop watching it..
Then my mom came back.. She continue to watch from where she stop last night.. Then I watch again..
Today after church my dad watch from where he stop, then i watch again.. Plus chU de, i'll watch 4 times of this show.. Very nice.. 看不腻 for me.. Haha..

I realize I like 從從 more n more sia.. Last time see him on variety shows still ok.. Quite funny n cute. He took part in ISWAK also.. But recently the more I see him on 周日八点党,e more I like him haha.. Cute, clever, funny.

Monday remember to watch last episode’s 盖酷兵团.. ch8 8pm.. Coz it’s 许玮伦 special episode..
Aaron posted another new post.. he stated that he's alright.. But i guess he won't get it over so easily and fast de... Hope he'll be alright and no more tragedy.

Oh ya, confirm we are 7 年級生 alr.. Coz this is based on 民國 one.. We are born in 1987/88, so it's equals to Taiwan's 民國 1976/77.. -11 yrs de. So we are all 7 年級生! =)
That means that we are not 草莓族 HAHAHA!

iSophia posted @10:18 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, May 18, 2007

Recently was busy so never check all fcs n blogs..
Was so shock when i went to Aaron's blog..
Guess everyone knows, his gf passed away previously..
few days ago..
his best friend..
passed away too..
2 of his best friends passed away in 2yrs..
This is his entry abt his friend passed away..
They were juz talking to each other in school minutes ago..
they were meeting each other again to play basketball after his friend go company another friend to cut hair..
they were on the same road to go down, juz that they're in different cars..
the car that Aaron is in met traffic jam coz in front got car accident..
then they U-turn to take another road..
never did he thought that the accident that causes their traffic jam is his friend...
He sms-ed his fren to tell him they got traffic jam, but wad replies him was a staff from hospital who took over his fren's phone..
This is the entry after 24hrs.. Which is today..

I was thinking..
What if the same thing happens to me.. What if finally u sms me but what replies u is the doctor from the hospital saying that i'm dead..
Will u regret what u did to me all along???

Really wish Aaron will get over this soon.. Seriously 2 closest fren leave him in 2yrs, this is really not someone 20yrs old only should go through..

iSophia posted @4:47 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Saw ISWAK II 恶作剧之吻2 news.. they went 关岛 alr.. Do u think joe and ariel got something going on? Coz at the end of ISWAK, they show some NGs.. after director say cut at the bridal shop, joe whispered to ariel 'u're so pretty', i rewind so many times before i can catch this sentence lor! 换换爱is after 热情仲夏.. yay!! 王传一 ~.~ wa 好戏连接不断 lor..

This week totally miss 原点&幸福双人床, coz was chionging 神雕 all e time..Very nice sia.. But guess those who watch chU de will go bersak..

OMG everyone try to read Cruz's blog.. latest 3entries.. DAMN FUNNY de la.. esp his pictures abt his profile.. Like he's some superman with wad abilities and powers. I should make one with my face and at the side are all the maple stats abilities n skills right?? SO CREATIVE!! He call himself bai kah king haha.. and he wrote 'Please list a couple of GOOD restaurants where bai kah people like me can visit with ease' And something 'In case you’re planning a visit, please change your itinerary and do something more exciting. I’m smelly and grouchy. And I’m still feeling incredulous that I fell into a drain and broke five bones. Nabeh. '
this too 'OMG! I must have expended my luck in mahjong and ban lat. This is the most jiak lat injury I’ve ever suffered! '
Sadist this week everyday tune on radio at 7am is Li Yi's voice.. She help Cruz while he's resting after breaking 5 toes and operation.. I miss his voice!!
Rmb to watch
-Fri's 娱百 coz it's Cyndi's singing competition!! Nice songs
-Fri (today) chU 11.30pm 天使情人!! Should be very nice ba.. heard it's song from trailers, very nice lor

Results for the last round before grand final is out! The Top 2 is Blake Lewis and... JORDIN SPARKS!! This is so damn shocking.. Coz Melinda Dolittle is OUT! She's the BEST singer among all 6 seasons lor!! But i nv like her la.. All along i alr 认定 she'll confirm win the champion this yr.. I guess everyone did.. The whole theatre BOOOOOO when Ryan said Blake went into the finals and Melinda has to go home. Really very loud..
Actually i thought Jordin will be out tonight.. heng ar.. haha :p
So it's between Boy and Girl this yr.. Although i hope Jordin will win, but Blake will win ba. I like both of them but i like Jordin much much more.. I oso told phy i only hope that she'll get into Top 2 coz i thought Melinda will surely win..
Afterall, out of 5previous seasons, the contestant that i like every yr, 2/5 got 2nd.. Which is Clay Aiken and Diana Degarmo.. Wad abt other 3?
1st yr i only watch the finale but i like the winner Kelly Clarkson too..
4th yr i like Carrie since audition and she chiong till finale i was so happy and she really WON!!
5th yr which is last yr, i nv watch coz i dun like any contestant.
This yr... will Carrie's miracle happen again?? haha

Yu bai change new style le.. Nice.. Haha i tell my mom everyday 5pm is my lesson time.. Coz the beginning tune is school bell music.. Then it's my lesson time everyday. Today's news so nice!
Forgot to mention abt HP last entry. YUP we saw Harry Potter and the Order of Pheonix's trailer!! SO GREAT, though HP is not handsome this season.. I think this movie is kinda pact between all of us.. Coz every yr we got watch, and will watch.. so it's something that dun nid to ask and auto everyone having the same determination every yr, that is-- to watch it.
Si(e)rius Black will die in this season.. OMG i think everyone who read this book did CRY at this part lor.. BOOK leh!! Book alr cry liao, wa can't imagine movie sia.. Dun laugh if i cry alot. lol..

We had to choose another elective for next semester. Previously decide on Practice of Taxation but changed to Audit Practice today.. Suddenly feel that choosing elective is the same as choosing ur job in maple. I chose cleric, why?? I apply this concept to choosing elective..
I rmb when mei n i went back to sec sch during yr1, Mrs Gan said something abt audit and accounting to us.. I feel like going back to ask her for suggestions and opinions..She's e best accounting teacher i've ever had.. Coz sec sch's teacher is more closer with us.. She know each of us de strengths and what will be suitable for each of us coz everyone's ability n character is different.. She will know.. she understands us.. But.. haix.. After so long le.. haix..
I rmb i love poa so much.. I like double entries, preparing statements, muz balance and complete the whole qns if not dun go for recess.. Those wonderful times.. missed it so much
But.. poly's acc is so different, many complicated things added in.. Still can't really accept them..
I choose audit becoz it'll benefit me more than tax. Coz whether or not i can go for further studies, it's reali not clear.. If i can't study anymore, than audit will help me more than tax..
Base on my resident status, it's hard for me to find jobs therefore having AP will help me more than POT oso..

Tsk.. who invent and who said that surname *MUST* always be first in names?? Majority do that but it's not a MUST wad.. It's not a LAW.. No matter how insist i tell some officer, my name starts with a S and not a N, they juz dun listen de leh.. I dun like my surname, i rather it's not in my name. My passport is S.N, but my IC is N.S.. zzz
My bank is S.N, but ppl open cheque to N.S.. zzzz

Went to count my blogs.. i realise i've got 6 blogs in total lor!! Summer n link i no time to update.. psps..


iSophia posted @5:48 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Watch Bridge to Terabithia today.. It's not as fascinating as Chronicles of Narnia BUT to me, it's still nice.. My doubts came true! Coz this movie is from the CREATOR of Narnia, therefore before i watch i was guessing it'll have something and it really does.. Coz Narnia had a HIDDEN purpose or message in overall.. Shh.. Then Bridge to Terabithia really got! What i heard was this is a series of book too.. From Narnia onwards.. But H*rry Pott*r grab the chance to be published before them so they missed the chance. But this series is not as close like HP or any other series la.. This one every series totally different one i think..
Narnia is more abt kinship between brothers and sisters.. But Terabithia got more friendship and some kinship.. Another movie that will make audience cry.
Next up: Pirates of the Carribbean- At World's End.. 2 weeks later!

OH YA! This saturday 8pm ch8 rmb to watch!! Coz got Angela as guests!! She's singing 其实很爱你 OMG!

Yesterday after i finish tax tut, watch yu bai, wanted to start doing AA. BUT my dad start 神雕 then i continue watching with him lo.. haha coz is 6pm start, we haven eat dinner. Everyone was hungry by 7pm sia.. BUT no one wants to go and take food, coz no one wants to leave the tv.. haha.. then my mom bth in e end, she was so hungry then she go take out e food. :PP Watch till midnight.. Never stop.. in between got 1 toilet break coz my dad's car light nv off then neighbour knock door.. when he go down i faster chiong to toilet b4 he comes back.. Was surprised to find out that he oso can coz of tv dun eat de lor.. But he cannot dun slp..

Blogger is back to normal i can change font colour le :p

我把自己反锁在空荡荡的房屋 感谢你让我想个清楚
因为爱你 所以我不做你的包袱
我不需要谁温柔安抚请放心 我很快能恢复
不准哭 我不要装可怜无辜
挡住你的路 挡不住你追逐
不准哭 我更应该微笑祝福
如果我消失不见 你在乎不在乎
别含含糊糊 我很在乎
因为爱你 所以我选另外一条路
就到这里结束 我们不得不

iSophia posted @8:44 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Yay so early de post! lol..
DIDN'T DO TUTORIAL! haha.. Bel saved me X.X
Muz take her tut and pretend that it's mine.. :p
Went to see doc again but never go in.. -.-" my mom tell e aunty the doc FORGOT to give me running nose medicine.. But tat time i go i dun hav running nose lor.. haha then pay for e medicine onli.
Told the aunty i want DROWSY pills.. but my mom n her force me to take non-drowsy coz if i take drowsy then morning can't eat coz got school..
I want Drowsy de lor!! Next time i go buy myself drowsy one. Coz i CAN'T SLP at night!!! can Use this to help me, at the same time cure me ma. DUn waste the opportunity ma. If i can adjust my sleeping clock a few days then i dun nid medication to help me coz i'll be sleepy when the time arrives each day.
Went to collect my phone n go bedok after tat.. my parents got something on then i muz follow.. zz i told them i got hw haven do but they dun care.. Ate my wanton mee at bedok hawker centre ~.~ very nice..
A new vcd shop open beside Xiang Wei.. BlueMax. Cheap de lor.. Then psycho my dad to buy 神雕侠侣.. e one chU currently showing de. Coz 41episodes onli $20 ma.. He shiok onto e show while i'm watching last week on tv.. haha.. very nice! wa piang ISWAK onli $15 lor! but is dvd la.. i bought $30 vcd sia. Ok.. will go there to hunt 终极一家 when it's out.. But muz wait quite long i think.. Now they onli got 转角part1 lor.. so long alr part2 haven come out.

Reach home ard 10pm, my dad start chiong-ing.. then i oso chiong with him.. Chiong till 1am++, he stop. Then i go bath and watch yu bai.
I'm crazy isn't it.. Bath at 1am++, cook spagetti at 1am+.. This is juz e life of living alone ma.. Can do anything i want at anytime without anyone's objection or interference and dun nid care if anyone is disturbed by my noises. :p My parents always can't hear de coz they are deep in slp.

Haix another week of failure in studies. So far this weekend dun hav going out plans, hope i can finish tutorials during the weekends? Muz find a time recap last few wks de work n find someone to help me.. but.. who and when.. everyone is so busy. i am "busy" too lol.. duno wad i'm busy with.

Alright.. today go sch act act 2hrs. Then go home sleep and TRY to do tutorials.

Rmb to watch today's Yu Bai.. S.H.E!! Sure got lots of nice songs.

Brenda came to take Apel notes from us halfway through my CRA lesson at lab.. :p I went out and chat with her for quite some time coz i dunno wad the lesson is going on abt. I dun understand anything, those sums and answers in front of me are strangers to me. But i'll try to figure them out when i finish doing my tax tut today. Next week got assignment, cannot drag people down. I'm rotting like hell now..

Edit: I did transfer all my sms-es to memory card before they upgrade it.. But now i got it back, i can't find those sms-es!! ARGHHHH HELP!!! I've got really really super super important sms-es to me inside.. Really very important.. Those that i wanted to keep forever de.. Even i've got the same sms sent to me again oso no use le, coz it's e person who sent them that matters.. and her/his state of feeling when she/he sends to me at that time!! Sad.. very very sad.. arghh

iSophia posted @1:32 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, May 14, 2007

Tml's SG yu bai is SHE 百分百聽證會.
Fri is 王心凌歌唱大賽 =))

Yay today can get back my phone le.. These few days my dad's phone dun hav my contacts ma.. Then i muz keep refering to my phone book who sms me.. But mostly is those few same person la. I can memorise 1 person's phone number by now haha.. Coz muz type alot alot alot times everyday.. 9*22*4**.. and 9*77*0** quite alot oso haha..

Today had the damn sian AA lecture, coz of tat lecturer.. But today's lec still ok lei.. So far i know how to do those examples although i dun understand their reasonale. I haven done any of this week's tutorials!! ahhh!! What was i doing over the weekends?? I dunno!! I didn't go out lor.. Only went mac on sat n church on sun.. Most of e time i was daydreaming at home ba.. u know.. 101situations again.. Juz can't get the thoughts off my mind la..
Then can't understand last 2week's work le, now muz continue 3rd week de. Every week got new pile of non-understandable things. No time no time.. Got time oso no heart. haha

Wed going to eat SubWay and watch Bridge to Terabithia! YIPEE! Subway!! WOOO! haha.. Healthy n nice! Feel like setting 2 or 3days every week FIXED go subway eat with them.. Some of them have this idea too.. Coz subway is healthy and can replace normal meal-conclusion will slim down abit ba? haha
Check GV's slots. Wed Bridge to Terabithia got
1:45PM, 4:10PM.. Muz call Century to ask tml see if got earlier than 4.10 de or not.. World of Wonders.. i'm coming!

Teribathia is a kingdom, 2kids found it and in terabithia,they create their own magical world, complete with a Dark Master and his minions, dragonfly soldiers, giant trolls and a treehouse fortress. In Terabithia, the two friends let their imaginations run wild and control their destiny, far away from school bullies and the pressures of adolescence.
I love Narnia.. hope this will be nice too.

Alright i'm gg to add a few celebrities' blog links.. i'm always reading their blogs very constantly, almost everyday, but i didn't put it on my blog coz lazy ma.. haha..
1- 933 DJ Cruz Teng 丁志勇 http://www.cruzteng.com/. His blog reali v funny one.. And not those act act de lor. He uses terms such as f*ck, damn, walao in his entries de lor. The recent 6entries reali v funny, esp his experience in genting when he go gambling.. was laughing while reading lor..
2- 许振荣 http://www.dasmondkoh.com/
3- LAO ZHA BOR (means old lady in hokkien).. omg i didn't expect this blog to really exist lor.. Coz it's a joke in this yr's jacky neo movie http://laozhabor.blogspot.com/
4- 933 DJ 林佩芬 http://crazycoolcute.blogspot.com/ [her radio program 大头芬的世界 a story that she writes http://www.datoufen.blogspot.com/]

iSophia posted @3:18 PM & welcomes u to visit here again


我把自己反锁在空荡荡的房屋 感谢你让我想个清楚
因为爱你 所以我不做你的包袱
请放心 我很快能恢复


不准哭 我不要装可怜无辜
挡住你的路 挡不住你追逐
不准哭 我更应该微笑祝福

如果我消失不见 你在乎不在乎
别含含糊糊 我很在乎
因为爱你 所以我选另外一条路


我们不得不, 不得不屈服

At least i'm lucky that i can always find a song that the lyrics represents me. Out of 16lines above, 15lines are what i felt..
不准哭。。今天终于没有哭。。我离开, 祝你找到对的幸福.
[见鬼2] got a sentence: 痛到最痛,就不会再痛

I guess i know why my blogger got prob le. Got 1 annoucement is tat under the system, changing font colour all those function cannot operate on Internet Explorer 7. I upgrade my IE to 7 le -.-"" arghhh ZZZZZ.. either muz continue use html to change font colour or go sch com edit post LOL

This is my new skin! Nice?? Actually i'm struggling between 5 different new skins lor! All very nice, all i want to use lei.. Let ur preview them
Mary had a little Lambhttp://www.blogskins.com/apply.php?sid=101629&action=Preview
Very nice right?? I like all of them lei!!Can rotate between these skins often lol. But i need to edit e html more than 3hrs everytime i change skin lor, coz i need to adjust the sizes, find new avatars, banners, resize n upload them, search for other blogs de functions blah blah blah..

In the end didn't bring my mom out to eat.. Coz i'm sick! Good news is my sore throat is gone (Thank God! the most miserable one is gone), but bad news is i'm having running nose.
Why never give me fever.. i wan fever.. coz fever will make a person blur blur then maybe my mind will stop thinking 101 situations for a while if i have fever.

Today was a challenging day I must say.. I reach church, open thumbdrive.. SHOCK! The powerpoint that I type yesterday was not there!! I didn't save it in the thumbdrive.. Then faster use my speed typing, re type 6 chinese songs before my mom start singing.. Meanwhile got kids keep coming up to my area disturb. Feel like giving them two tight slaps. I told them to go away and dun disturb me but they dun listen.

After church i choose to stay back to study (blogging) in my dad's office.. But while i was blogging got KIDS come in again.. Then cannot let them read ma.. So i act typing study notes when they come in. Maybe i should stay back every week. The environment here was nice. Quiet, got FM, no tv, no bed.. Comfortable chairs and tables.. But not much time T.T

Yay Angela's 其实很爱你 is no.2 in 93.3 charts this week.. I LOVE this song damn lot.. Everyday must listen.. and everyday i on 93.3 they will play de! So happy.. Oh yea i forgot to mention, i saw Cruz @ Vivo that day when we went to celebrate hl n pf's bday.. Walk pass him then phy eye signal to me.. Feel like gg up to him and tell him everyday 7 am i muz tune on radio to listen to his voice de.. haha but didn't la.. If i did i think everyone around me will siam till duno where.

iSophia posted @1:18 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, May 13, 2007

My plan for this weekend WAS
Sat- Finish AA and Fund Tax tut3
Sun- Finish CRA n CAC tut 3.

Saturday is over... BUt i have not done anything at all!!
Fri night 9pm-1am was doing AA tut 2. Although copied pf's ans, but i try to do again myself then compare ans. I spent so many time juz to complete those 4qns lor.. Fri 9pm-1am, Sat 10pm-1pm.. Total 7hrs!! Mind reali rust lor.. A lot things i dun understand y izzit use this rate, y izzit at this place.. Then i want to figure out but in e end never figure out anything lor.. Sign.. cannot ask tat tutor oso coz he'll give the damn face.

I cannot shake off the fate of sleeping late on every saturdays izzit?? I wanted to slp early today de lor but... MY DAD AGAIN!! Sometimes i rather i have siblings. I dun mind if my parents dun love me at all, as long as they go and bother that sibling, ask him/her do everything and dun care abt me can liao. I rather have my sleep, my freedom, my own space.
This character of mine is not suitable to live with people de ok..
Fri's yu bai was 宋心妮's story. All along i didn't know she get married and divorced before sia!! Surprising lor.. And wad she said was juz wad i am..
She said that she is the kind of ppl who want to ON loud music at home, dun care abt other ppl, want to do wad she like at home kinda ppl.. Therefore she's not suitable to live with her husband or family.. Therefore it's not that Love dissolve between her n her husband, is coz she can't live with people.
That's what i am too! haha :p

Back to my point, yea.. i sleep late, tml early morning till afternoon church, reach home sure beat alr, muz sleep. Sleep wake up left not much time to do anything le lor..Arghhh!!
When can i have a normal life, with no troubles and worries or bad happenings?

I've sort out some thoughts, quite a few..
Made some decisions on some things too..
These are what circumstances forced me to what i am now.
Dun regret.
i've given so much time and chances and now that's it.
People only learn their lessons once it's gone. They are not serious and being childish, selfish and wanted things to go negative ways so that they can have the chance to be angry sad or unhappy.
Only when it's gone then they'll start to regret and wake up.
There's a happy and a unhappy route. But people choose to be childish, doesn't want to solve problem, instead keep staying at the problem, not willing to think of how to solve it. Or choosing to avoid problems despite knowing that they're hurting the other party deeper each day.
Misunderstanding seems to love me very much, keep coming back to find me so many times.
After reading this, dun start to misunderstand me.
Any doubts that i'm talking abt u juz ask me. Gan gan lai. I rather u ask me n i clarify with u than u think i'm talking abt u.

iSophia posted @12:10 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, May 11, 2007

It's not surprising that how many more ppl will continue to think that 唐禹哲 is in FLH and not 吴尊. haha.. Kinda have a deep passionate or strong feeling for 终极一班&终极一家.. Those who watch b4 will understand ba?? Although e show isn't very nice to watch, but their bonding is so great.. both 戏里&戏外! I think in 一家, 亚瑟王 became 蘭陵王, according to calvin's blog.. Ahh i miss all of them!! 汪大东、王亚瑟、丁小雨、雷克斯、断肠人!! err n maybe 金宝三&刀疤杰森?haha! they're coming back soon~ can't wait~
Xiao Gui's latest drawings.. so great!!! Can u read e words? It says:
OMG!! haha.. reflects what's in my heart!!! Ur every little sms-es is a great 简单的幸福 for me.

Song: 空秋千by 林宇中. 原点's theme..

Phone sent to repair. Won't be replying sms n receiving calls

Wanted to tell my parents "如果我说我念不下去了,可不可以就不念了啊?"
Does this phrase sounds very familiar to u???
It's the phrase in 流星花园 that 杉菜 told her mom in ep.1
But my parents won't go "希。。希。。希。。希。。。" ba.. haha!!
Coz they dun hav asthma.
They'll only give me a long lecture and won't believe in wad i say.
I juz dun wan to let them waste sch fees ma.
If i'm clear that i won't pass, i can't cope, my wisdom isn't high enough for this level of education, then what for let them waste $$.
But guess i'll have to go on with it since they won't allow.

I really don't want anything.. I dun like to receive anything.
I juz wan some happiness, or at least no more troubles.

Quoting from Aaron's latest post..
這些日子 我發現我沒有靈魂
失去了什麽 也許是厭倦了

iSophia posted @5:59 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sai blogger cannot edit post. so i copy n paste here + my updates. After i reach home, ate dinner n bath, my mom chase me out to see doc -.-"".. But i keep dragging till i finish AI part 1. Faint sia e clinic so many ppl. Went @ 9.30 but 10.10 then is my turn.. My reaction was faster sms phy ask her watch AI part 2 help me see who out. Coz she's like e only one who will watch AI occassionally. 10.27 i reach home, by choing-ing.. Saw Lakisha out! Yipee! Next wk is Blake! Then Jordin & Melinda will be in the finals..

I dunno wad is going on anymore.. I'm lost in everything.. I dunno wad i'm doing, i dunno wad is going on with my life, all i could think are juz negative outcomes that i felt everyday.. Tired and restless my soul is. Life is juz getting worser and worser for me. The more days i live, the more meaningless it is. Living is juz something that i have no choice but to follow, hoping for the day of my death. I have no energy to do anything anymore.. I can juz see things happen with my eyes, feel with my heart day by day, feeling more and more depressed by the facts and can do nth. No matter how thsoe surface issues interest me, when it's back to my own world and the quiet darkness of the night, it hits me back to reality, the cruel reality.

Reali dunno wad's wrong with blogger.. so many days le still got prob.Today had tax lec n Cac tut. Told e tutor that we want to do qn.1 b4 we get into e classroom haha.. But in e end every grp do qn.4 =.="got 4 tutorial qns sia, but we onli did 1 today!! We have ard an hour to discuss qn4 lol.. E class is quite relax except presentation part.

After tat went for lunch. Sore throat gets worse.. like got fire burning inside.. Then + gastric pain.. zzz.. this wk everyday gastric pain lor. Weird de once sch reopen i everyday will gastric pain one. Vacation whole day nv eat oso no pain.Then everytime lunch time nv talk.. err i clarify, i not dao or unhappy.

Went Tamp with some of them to buy beads to make a bead-bag for mom. Only bel n brenda bought.. Then we (bel brenda qw me) went pf's hse. They do e bag, i do [COPY] pf's AA tut, qw do nth. haha.. watch tv ba.Once read outside hse wanted to see doc but e clinic cannot use NETS! I wanted to take MC for tml, then i dun nid go AA tut le.. dun like e tutor!!!

iSophia posted @1:23 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Muz watch:
*Bridge to Terabithia- Start showing today*
*Pirates of the Caribberan: At World's End- Showing from 24th May*
damn.. actually got quite alot of movies i interested in zz
*Eternal Summer 盛夏光年. Now showing BUT IS R21!! i wanna watch T.T http://www.gv.com.sg/Booking/movies/moviedetails_2521.htm*
*Blades of Glory.. 19th May.. saw e trailer, very nice! http://www.gv.com.sg/Booking/movies/moviedetails_7335.htm*
*Zodiac- 30th May.. 2hr 20min lor.. Murdery showhttp://www.gv.com.sg/Booking/movies/moviedetails_7232.htm*
*NANCY DREW!! 21June *
*Harry Potter!!! July*
Anyway interested in above 6 movies i mentioned? haha
1) Damn throat is still not turning any better. Ate many panadols and antibiotics and drank many cups of Glucolin Glucose (my mom insist that it'll heal).
2) Damn tutorials are so hardcore. Maybe i'm juz stupid. So embarrassing to be called to present or ans during lessons, coz mostly my ans will be wrong or i dun even understand wad e tutor is asking abt. I dun mind but i scare other classmates laugh me stupid n look down on me ma. U'll never know wad they're thinking..
3) 原点's main theme is DAMN NICE de lor.. SUPER nice.. Quite shock and surprised by 林宇中's performance in this show.. Coz really very different from what i think of him. Very tu po.
4) 才华横溢出新秀 is coming back! Kinda forgot how the song goes.. Love the show's main theme lor.. Very nice.. I only heard abit from e ad "飞得越高越远~" kinda sentence.. Very nice ~.~ And most of e mediac*rp artistes that i like comes out from this competition.. My most most favourite Jacelyn Tay is the winner of it with her eyes swollen!! And of coz Yvonne Lim, Vincent Ng, Florence Tan (陈秀丽)...... Most proud of Jacelyn.. I support her from the 1st episode of her batch's 才华 when i first saw her till now leh.. Very loyal one!
5) Should i buy Redken Fresh Curls or Redken Smooth Down series.. But they still contain Sodium Sulphate which according to e cozycot forum, it's bad for curlies. Regretted never buy the Nature Farm shampoo when i saw it @ PS. Now can't find alr.. Tat one ard same price as Redken and doesn't contain Sodium Sulphate.

Well these are the general description for
=Redken Fresh Curls: controls frizz, defines and moisturizes curly hair.
All curls are not created equal. Some curls are coarse, frizzy and hard to manage. Other curls are lazy, fragile and lack definition. Fresh Curls addresses the specific needs of different types of curly hair with new technology and products that are specifically formulated for each type of curl. Now you can awaken and boost fine, lazy curls or discipline and redefine coarse, unruly locks.
=Redken Smooth Down: enriches and tames very dry, unruly hair with long-lasting, intense smoothing and humidity-resistant frizz control
specially formulated to enrich and tame extremely dry, coarse, unruly hair.

6) 终极一家 The X Family 杀青 alr.. so fast.. coming out in 暑假. GOSH y everything come out in 暑假??their 2nd album oso! gosh.. then i'll have to buy X Family dvd/vcd [estimated to be over $50], X family ost, all versions of their 2nd album. wow.. Muz start saving all i can now..
7) 换换爱 coming out soon.. YAY! It's the continuous of 恶魔在身边 which is nice.. got 王传一!
8) 仔仔 really very thin sia when i saw him on 娱百's news.. Not as handsome as b4 lor..
9) 飛輪海:只對你有感覺, Taiwan's AuditionSea game i think.. tat's y i always want to dl taiwan's o2jam or AuditionSea kinda music online games coz all their songs are popular mandarin songs that we like ma! but dl le can't play lor! zz http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EdJEEvOqyz4. Anyway, FLH can consider dancing e dance in this.. quite nice lol
10-xx) forgot wad i wan to say alr.. forever like this one.

iSophia posted @11:18 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

S.H.E Wu Yue Tian MV
Today's lessons was quite ok, juz tat i'm very sorry abt the grouping of cra and the tax tut was so so so so draggy. Got a period i was playing my hp's puzzle bubble, another period i was sleeping.
Throat was so pain that i didn't talk nor eat. Cra tut still ask me present.. ans wrong format somemore..After printing notes faster chiong home, then found out morning de bread still in my bag then eat abit. Not bad can save $. lol..

Got an announcement from mr.chan today that attachment got a dunno wad name bank, quite famous one offers 23place for internship. oh i remembered.. Credit Sussie or something like tat one. $800 allowance per month.. Got a shift is 3Pm-2AM daily de. Alot ppl was interested in it but i guess i'm not ba.. Although the $_$ and the experience there will be great..

When everywhere doesn't allows me to express my thoughts, the last resort is to write on papers and tear away.

iSophia posted @1:23 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Very nice pic. My tomb

Pf gave a name for our new big group.. 黑社会! Coz she say got a lot fierce ppl.. Herself, englee, sm, phy. Haha and we keep recruiting ppl.
Was waiting for e rest to reach, then stand outside a salon beside Subway. The salon carries Redken products.. Wanted to walk in to buy but dun dare.. I tried the All Soft series b4, not very useful on mine.. So dunno wanna buy back All Soft or try Fresh Curls or Smooth Down series. lol..
原点's 主题曲 very very very nice!! really very nice! Missed Charmed very much ~.~ no more le.. missed it very much.. On the way to tamp saw those sec sch students.. Haix missed sec sch so much.. Really is 回不去 that period alr..
So suay today wake up sore throat. Ate total 4 panadol extra for the whole day still very pain. 最怕喉咙痛. zzz

Today is May 8th, Happy Birthday PeiFeng!!!
Went SubWay to eat with some of them.. Very nice sia.. Next time if i mention i wanna eat fast food, ask me go subway.. The food is healthier than fast food and sometimes cheaper.. Then went shopping for pf's last present. I feel like i've got lots of things to buy but i can't find one that is satisfying. I keep telling myself i dun nid them, i muz save e $ up to buy other things, FLH bombs coming.. haha

Recently abit interested about someone but i think e sensation is going off soon. Dun worry it's not love or something like that. Juz pure interested, puzzled abt someone. I dun believe in love de so i won't like any guy, and i'm not a les. LOL!!
Sms explode le.. I guess this month sure muz pay a lot $$ one.. Over 1k sms ba.. So pls try to call me and not sms me till next monday where it's a new billing month for me. I won't feel irritated to receive calls de dun worry, although i'll feel afraid to talk to u, LAME!!

Romantic Princess 我家公主 is the FLH's new show.. Chey only got Zun n Calvin.. Aaron so ke lian.. haix.. But the female lead is Angela 张韶涵 sia..

I'm so shock to find out abt something.. i mention b4 恶作剧之吻 de author is 多田薰, wad everyone dunno is... THIS IS THE REAL LIFE STORY OF THE AUTHOR AND HER HUSBAND!! I never ever thought that this kind of story will happen in real life lor!! But it's true!! omg.. so SWEET lor.. But now that 多田薰 is dead, her husband muz be damn sad la..


西川茂 (「直樹」本人) 的外型瀟灑、紳士味十足,他很關心「惡作劇之吻」的拍攝過程,不停詢問拍攝時的小細節,並感謝瞿友寧的拍攝手法「忠於原著」。當他看到飾演他的鄭元暢時,感慨地說:「你演得很像年輕時候的我,看了很感動。」西川茂對飾演阿金的汪東城又是另外一種評價,他說:「原著裡的阿金很像『猴子』,你比較稱頭。」導演瞿友寧笑問西川茂說:「多田老師和林依晨比起來,誰比較漂亮?」西川茂尷尬笑說:「一定是依晨漂亮,我太太比較豐腴,但我不敢講,太太會生氣啦!」

Recently got a new movie coming out- Bridge to Teribithia!
From the creator of Narnia..
After watching the trailer, and I-weekly gave it 5stars rating!! I'll watch..
Chronicles of Narnia is VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY NICE to me!!

So i chopped to watch Bridge to Teribithia, Pirates of Carribbean 3? and Harry Potter in July!
Who else wanna watch?? Come come join in!!

iSophia posted @10:32 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, May 07, 2007

Tml muz watch yu bai!! 王心凌 百分百聽證會. Yesh can see her sing & dance 爱的天灵灵 le!
Wed oso nice. S.H.E-LIVE

Received a sms from Terri during Apel, she settled the prob and i don't have to go back anymore. I'm jobless! haha.. She said that i can concentrate on my studies alr. Nice person huh..

I can watch 娱百 le, i can watch 原点 le, i can watch 幸福双人床 le, i can watch AI le, i can go home after school to rest / study le, i can .... hide at home more le..

Old problem come again.. Juz wanna hide at home and away from all activities. Another low day i can say..



琴子终于考上了医学院的护理班,而直树只好实现他的诺言-----和琴子有一个约会,琴子一直在计划着一个美好的约会,可是直树却一一让计划泡汤!可是却也实现了一个愿望-----美好的亲吻 (!!!!).

[To be continue]
来源: http://post.baidu.com/f?kz=8536737

iSophia posted @3:48 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Blogger these few days abit prob for me, can't change font colour.
Really very very sick of my life and all those ups and downs i'm going through almost everyday. A moment in heaven, a moment drop back to hell again. It's like roller coaster.. Once in a while still ok, but now it became something that i have to go through almost everyday, it's so tiring.
Yesterday they mentioned that one can only blow out 1candle each yr. If blow out 2, that means 2yrs had passed instead of 1yr. I wish it was true, then i'll blow out 100candles this yr, then i'll be 119yrs old, then can die on e spot coz i'll be too old to live.

I muz learn to manage my time and most importantly, control my mind & thoughts.. I can't bring myself to do tutorials or study even though i have alot of time.. Coz i'll have 无尽的胡思乱想on my mind lor..
There's a 成语 is 有心无力,me is 有力无心 arhh..
Maybe i can go Mac & study whole day on tue? From 10-4? Will the staff chase me out haha.. Or go back sch, but study room can onli book 2hrs per day.
Today pass by Mac again but it's FULL!! Sign.. guess weekends can't go there..

How i wish there'll be a death note dropping in front of me, guess everyone knows whose name i'll write on it immediately..
Of coz is myself.

iSophia posted @2:32 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, May 05, 2007

Today is Sat! Happy Birthday to Hui Ling!!

PLAY magazine reali very *********, every month use them one la.. May Issue got 3 different covers, FLH, SHE & Lollipop http://www.spp.com.tw/htm/mag/play2003/index.htm
18 禁不禁 very nice!! haha.. 阿本 so cute.. He should be in Lollipop, kick 威廉 out.. :p

Shucks forgot to tell ur something..
Tonight's 周日八点党-案发现场 very nice ^.^
9.30pm chU!!

Tml's 一心一德为善乐 superb!!
TANK, Angela!!!!, 郭品超,何润东,草蜢!!!

Sunday 7pm ch8 LIVE
Next sun 3.30pm ch8 repeat

And new show after Engine end,
主演: 明道、杜德伟、白歆惠、蒋怡、Tae、沈倾掞、郭妃丽
Although dun like 孙德荣's production (He is e one that say 飞轮海 is 充气娃娃!!), but i wanna watch 蒋怡,蔡淑臻, Tae.
18 May onwards every Fri 11.30pm chU

iSophia posted @10:42 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

about ME!

♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
♥Likes to share all e gd news to everyone
♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

What i Like!


♥The Arcade


♥Bubble Tea

♥Viwawa's Big 2.5

my FavouriTes


♥Jerry Yan




♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car

Idol's Blogs

♥93.3's 丁志勇_Cruz
♥93.3's 佩芬_PeiFen
♥Felicia Chin


fRiend's Blogs

♥Chan Chieh
♥Feng Ying
♥Jing Mei
♥Jing Xian
♥Jing Ting
♥Jun Xiang
♥Qi Wei
♥Swee Mei
♥Wei Ming

fAvoritE sitEs

♥林依晨's official site
♥Fahrenheit International Site
♥SG 飛輪海's FC
♥鄭元暢's official site
♥OMY.sg FLH's blog
♥Yes 93.3
♥Maple Sea
♥CozyCot beauty forum


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