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Saturday, June 30, 2007

UpUpdate: lol.. keep adding words :p
The Love Contract de quality is lan dao... zzz.. Switched to watch 爱上女主播 after awhile.. I bought de is Dual Sound.. so i watch the korean voices de.. 张东健&蔡琳 =)) Forever 我最喜欢的男女韩国演员.. Seriously their voices and mandarin translator's voice sooooooo different.. Thought they'll find voice that is close to original ones to translate.. Then end up my cute cute 善美's high pitch mandarin voice became low low de original voice.. Then that evil low low mandarin voice de 迎美's original voice is high one.

UPdate: Went PP to met Chieh today.. Went tat cd/vcd shop to see again.. OH Charmed dvds all gone! They got rental de sia but i find le dun have Charmed. Then went MPH to find their books.. Oh they're gone too! Left some recent ones which i read already..
Went Blue Max and bought 爱情合约(林依晨 n 贺军翔)&爱上女主播 for $30.. I wonder if i should wait Blue Max to come out 终极一家? Coz TS n Poh Kim sell 终极一班 for $59.90, but i bought it at blue max $30 only.. but is poor quality de la.. 终极一家 sure oso over $50 de lor, coz it's 30++ episodes..
Why i spend $ after i save so hard? Coz my money is save hard for cds and vcds de ma. Juz like some ppl might save very hard on food to spend on clothes, some might save very hard on buying things to eat good food etc etc.. I save very hard on food and clothes to spend on cds/vcds lor. Simple ma.

Haha in the Up Ur Service course they provide those hand-flappers for us to 'clap' hands to encourage people who presented ma.. Then JunXiang used it to PIAK on Mei's arm.. See the red marks!! Right pic is e Eucerin sample tt i got..

F4以後,臺灣偶像團體如雨後春筍般湧現,競爭相當激烈,孫德榮模仿日本“傑尼斯”打造的5566以及183CLUB這兩年在臺灣佔據了主導地位,直到與F4之母柴智屏決裂的馮家瑞自立公司,捧出“飛輪海”以後情況發生了改變。這一年來“飛輪海”的人氣可謂紅不讓,日前去香港表演時,他們就讓整個銅鑼灣鬧市區“癱瘓”。由於搶佔的市場相同,183CLUB和“飛輪海”雙方人馬早早就結下梁子。此次安徽衛視的《輝煌星歌會》同時邀請到“飛輪海”和183CLUB,但183CLUB卻明確表示,這次到安徽演出不願與其他臺灣偶像團體同台,尤其點名提到了“飛輪海”。 惹來其(FLH's)歌迷情緒激動,揚言要在“五一”《輝煌星歌會》上砸183CLUB的場子。據悉,他們有的準備拉橫幅抗議,有的準備在183CLUB表演時高喊“飛輪海”當晚將出動2000名保安駐場,而在歌迷座位安排上也會把雙方歌迷遠遠隔離,避免發生意外。

WT* 183!!

Monday die die muz watch yu bai o..
賀軍翔 王傳一 許時豪 楊丞琳戀愛百分! Dun ask me who is 許時豪, coz i onli care abt 賀軍翔&王傳一... Tue oso nice 張棟樑的返校日(?? i thought he's malaysian?)

Haha very long never hear this song le ba? My passion is still there though..I wonder if they'll go Yu Bai to promote tat book.. Today morning i woke up to watch CSS repeat at 10am ma.
During commercial break i switch to ch5, OMG SMALLVILLE!!
They repeat SmallVille leh.. Then i faster chionng in my room n flip i-weekly like siao
Coz last few seasons is 7.30-8.30pm SmallVille, 8.30-9.30 Charmed.
So i thought 11am will repeat Charmed..
In the end dun have..
SmallVille is 1st few season de.
I remember last time is after SmallVille whole season then show Charmed. Like now after SuperNatural is GW, and maybe after GW is SN again.
SO!! I decided.. I'm gg to watch SmallVille every sat 10am, watch until this season ends and see if the next show will be Charmed or not.
I oso got watch SmallVille de.. but not frequent..
Then 11am is repeat of American Idol 6.. =)) can see jordin!

iSophia posted @11:31 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, June 29, 2007

It's raining over here @10.06pm.. Feel like going down and let the rain pour on me.. Wash away everything on my mind.. And perhaps i can lie to myself that it's raindrops and not tears.

See on e left column after About Me. Kope this info from qw's blog.. See if how much u're compatible to me!! Haha..

OMG i'm 100% compatible with WuZun :P
66% with da dong
63% with yiru
69% with yalun
98% with YUAN CHANG!!
41% with Jerry Yan :((

Received a set of sample of Eucerin's products. Actually i intended to buy Eucerin before i bought BodyShop de.. But Eucerin every bottle cost ard $30 sia. Total nid $150 lor
I received a mild daily scrub, a facial tonic, a sebum reducing cleansing gel, a skin regulating creme-gel..
But is Impure Skin series.. i wan de is Acne Prone series..
The prob is.. i dunno how to use.. Use which one first?
What is cleansing gel? Wash face is use e scrub or cleansing gel?

I really duno what else can i do le..
Today's Apel movie triggered lots of thoughts of mine..
The worksheet asked a question..
"What is one thing in my community I can do to improve the community that I am in?"
Even before the movie starts, i alr grabbed a pen on my hand and was ready to answer this qns.. But when my pen tip reach the paper.. i hesitated..
Because i realise whatever i do also turns out to be not appreciated by others or not cooperated.
One alone's strength is really very small and not enough..
It requires everyone's willingness and cooperation.

And i do realise that.. my face isn't that big enough.. and i'm juz a nobody

HAHA very nice ad to me!!! I find this brand of tea looks like 1 of SG de brand lei.

iSophia posted @5:11 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, June 28, 2007

PS: Stop sending or.. beliving those spam emails man! The most go sign up yahoo lor.
Although i receive these emails from many many ppl before, but I received the same email from the SAME person more than 10times alr!!
If u are afraid then u send 1 time and enough liao ma! Since they say once u send then u're safe.. Then u sent 1 time alr safe le ma.. What's e point of sending so many times to the same person

爱失控... this song never never fails to make me cry whenever i listened to it.. Very 扣人心弦..
Juz like pulling my heart out like that.. e lyrics is like.. every sentence, almost every word oso very true..

时间 一分一秒被偷走 所谓的永久 被曾经取代后 变成恶魔

手里握着多余的温柔 独自反复思索 收藏保留 随风飞走 说来轻松

自由 是否会比较好过 原来没有 成全的背后总有 痛苦在招手

记忆停留在最初时候 星光已不再闪烁

无话可说 继续走 还是朋友

让你走 我的爱失控 藏在幸福快乐的背后 是我 逃避退缩

放开手 对爱不再有奢求 是非对错不想再多说

眼神交会时候 出卖承诺 泪在流

想通 躲在黑暗的出口 难以捉摸 是缘份的作用 导致失控

还是孤独一时的冲动 抹去爱情轮廓 故事内容 谁补充 安静的尘封

世界的旋律因你而转动 就算再失控 落空 音符交织感动 就够

让你走 我不再是我 感受不到心跳的触碰 占有 转眼成空

放开手 对爱不再有奢求 徘徊梦中模糊脸孔 遗留在角落 不再轻易地经过

Xiao Zhu wrote this on his blog: "<轉角>現在陸陸續續的在香港.內地.新加坡.日本.馬來西亞等等國家播出..希望秦朗跟心蕾可以在每個國家都能造成<轉角>風暴..."
SG will show??

Jolin's dog so cute leh.. Juz like those soft toys lor! http://www.ilovesuper.com/stars2/blog/jolin/detail.jsp

Finally can reach home abit earlier today..
In the end never went somewhere to solve some matter.

Sat..Going PP with chieh, celebrate her bday belated.
We can only eat Hawker due to both of us are sooo poor that we can only afford Hawker.

Look on e bright side.. I can eat my wanton mee (there's a branch there)..Maybe we can call some side dishes like satay or fried oyster kinda thing to eat..
Then plus a cup of sugar cane juice..

Sounds not bad isn't it?? Haha.. The important point should be who is eating with you and not the food that you eat ba?? As long as you enjoy eating wtih that person, any food will taste nice, or at least, u'll enjoy eating that meal.

Isn't it??

Abit nervous to meet her.. The last time we met should be Dec ba.. 7mths never meet alr.. Never meet, never talk on phone, never sms, never chat on msn.. Only sent some emails..
We have been like this since i enter into poly.. It's not that i've change or i desert her coz i have new friends.. It's juz like what 敖犬 said in 棒棒堂.. I also dunno how to explain.. the prob is i dun even know why.. But i know partly is becoz i have no energy to worry abt this.. In fact, i dun wanna start worrying abt this.. I dun wanna find the fact becoz i'm afraid that the fact will made us separate forever..
I dunno how we'll react when we meet on sat.. Will it be as good as before.. Or will it be as close to strangers? I dunno.. i really dunno.. During sec we will still meet at least ONCE every week.. But since 3yrs ago.. it's like 1 yr meet 1 or 2times only.. Other than that is really never contact at all.. According to this, ur won't believe she's my best friend from pri sch till now ba..

I'm very tired ..
Problems are never ending..
I really have no more energy to run after..
to maintain..
why nobody appreciates?
why nobody treasures?

iSophia posted @2:26 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

换换爱 ep.4 updated: http://djisophia.wordpress.com/
Updating abit slow coz very busy ma. 18 禁不禁 oso currently stop updating. Coz i oso haven watch.. lol..

Today do proj till 5pm, reach home 5.30pm.. WaHAAhaAa all the news that i desired is at the last half hr.. HENG arrr.. ISWAK II and KO One's news.

My mom say DaDong n Yalun grow fatter liao.. Where got~.. In KO One more fat lor.
I whole day FLH here FLH there in front of her, she wanna get rid of their news oso cannot WAHAHAHAHAHA

Then slept at 6pm... wanna wake up @ 8.30pm. but dragged till 9.30pm!!

Switched 幸运星 is nice!!! 9pm ch8

I dun wanna end up sleeping late again tonight but guess i've no choice coz i juz woke up..
Tml maybe gg somewhere to do some matter.
I succeeded in saving lunch's $ for 3days! Bought my own lunch to sch..
The tactic is.. eat lesser in previous's day de dinner, then the remaining rice from last night can use to fried rice the next morning.

iSophia posted @10:51 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Wed's yu bai reali got FLH's news. Haha


This few days very tired nor. Not very busy but very tired nor.. Everyone was so tired.. Being haunted by projectS, tat UPPPP ur service blah blah..
I reali nv do any tut lor.. It's like everyday force myself to wake up, go sch, at night reach home no energy or mood to do anything liao. Only can sit down or lie down.
The good thing is.. it gives me no space n no time to think of those things.
Alright.. can't say completely no.. but it's barely la..

Life is juz so damn meaningless. What's e purpose??
After graduating, go work forever and die. What the..?
What's e use of staying alive to face all these stress and work and tiredness?
Sign.. they were talkin abt gg Uni after graduating from poly..
I can't nor.. Can't afford any form of further studies..
I can predict i'll always stay as a small clerk forever like tat lol..

Life is juz so super meaningless la..
can't do e things i like to do..
can't live happily..

Sometimes i think i should be contented of what i have now.. Ya i am.. But.. i juz can't see why living is needed. We're juz following the rule of living.. Born-Grow Up-Study-Work-Marriage-Kids-Die. Why juz dun nid born??? Go through this cycle for what?? FOR WHAT??

iSophia posted @10:57 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, June 25, 2007

終極一班粉絲同樂會現場1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fr6oxzMl_CM
儒: 大家一定都记得王亚瑟说过的一句话, Shakespeare 说..
Fans: "To be or not to be, that is a question"
Sop: SO SWEET n touching!!

終極一班粉絲同樂會現場4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7I6pEamtRs8
Touching感言 !! Calvin cried!!

終極一班粉絲同樂會現場5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqgsuAR-d4k

Came back from tat stupid Up Ur Service course.. Only the video parts are funny n interesting lor.. E rest was sooooo boring.. Then my back is DAMN PAIN de la.. Coz few days ago geit siao go and do some sit-ups. Then back duno is injured or wad. Pain many days liao lor. Dunno is pain or suan la. My 腰 dio last time till now haven recover. I learnt my lesson liao. No more sit-ups. Go brisk walk 30min *IF* i ever got e time n effort.
Very tired lor.. now alr 12am liao. Was planning to slp after reaching home then 1am wake up to watch yu bai.. Good lor now dun nid slp liao. 2am then slp.
Tue's yu bai oso very nice k.. Jolin's concert episode.. MUST MUST WATCH

Today ran away from CAC lec.. He gave everyone a break at 1.35pm lor.. Only half hour lesson pass by he gave us break lor! So fast.. coz everyone was restless abt his lecture liao lor..
Then heard from hl n junxiang (e only 2 that nv pon) after e break e LT quite empty lor.. Everyone juz dun care n pon lor..

The 3 of us wanna go com lab do proj first but no labs lor.. Then rmb phy said got new cafe n restaurant by e swimming pool so we wanna go see see. The prob is.. we duno where is swimming pool n how to go! So called phy to ask a few times.
The cafe was nice sia!
The things are quite cheap too.. I mean.. cheaper than outside cafes ma..
At first we dun dare to go in lor coz like all student-staffs and no customers like tat.. Then in e end me n karen juz go in first coz walk till so far nv go in abit wasted lor. But mei dun dare to go in.. In e end we ordered food n sat down...
Later mei waited for hl n junxiang to come then they come in together.

My 2nd camera quality is poorer..
We went outside after 3pm coz they close @ 3pm.

Omg i notice my eye always 1 big 1 small when taking photos.

The toilet!! So nice rite

Left is Apple Crumble that i ordered,
right is fruit tart/cake that karen ordered.. both $2 each.
My order: Orange juice+Apple Crumble = $3.50

Mei's Cheese Cake, Junxiang's brownie and Hl's choc cake(very nice)

I think that we can go there often.. haha..

iSophia posted @11:12 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Forgot to mention la.. Today 24th June is a very special day to 终极一班 fans.. Coz it's 终极一班& 终极一家's fans meeting event.. I guess Tue's SG yu bai will have their news..
终极一家- The X Family is coming very very soon!!!
Then will be follow by all their promotion activities, then their soundtrack,
then FLH's album.. then 恶作剧2吻, then 我家公主, then 篮球火, then.. etc etc!!
I miss them..!! Forgot when is it.. I had this dream.. I dreamt that i met Charmed sisters in Singapore on the street.. They 3 came here for holidays and i walk pass them.. Guess what.. I burst into tears when i 'saw' them in the dream.. The possibility of meeting them personally is 0% lor... FLH still got chance coz wuzun keep coming to SG secretly de ma..
Seriously if i ever see Charmed sisters personally confirm + chop burst into tears.
Frisco = San Franciso.. The place that i yearn to go other than TW.

Update: This Mon&Tue and next week's Mon&Tue got a service course.. 6pm to 9pm in school.. SIAO MAN 9am-9pm lor.. 9am lesson till 3pm, then proj till 6pm, then course till 9pm.
Arghhh i never do tutorials, never do proj. After course reach home sure faint alr.. No energy to do sch work de lor.. Still muz watch repeat of Yu Bai.. And i'll miss Switched leh!! I wanna watch lor!!
Mon is 楊丞琳 賀軍翔 王傳一 : 換換愛粉絲同樂會 (confirm muz watch!)
Tue is 蔡依林地才演唱會全紀錄 (siao ar, of coz MUST WATCH la)
Next mon oso nice 賀軍翔 王傳一 許時豪 楊丞琳戀愛百分百
'Good lor'.. everyday 2am then can slp liao
My bad habit sure come again liao. No do homework.. ZzzZzz
Cannot last longer than mid sem de lor.. Failure la..
Cham le. This sem nobody can let me copy hw b4 every tut.. I mean i don't dare to borrow and maybe no one will be willing to lend me every hw of theirs ba.. Pf.. i miss u!! HAHA!!

Sian.. i dunno wad i doing this few days lor.. So many days.. but no work done at all. The worst of all is, I NEVER WATCH TV OSO LEH.. Never watch tv, never play game, never watch youtube, never do work. WHAT AM I DOING HAR?????
I think i spend all my time dazing at home and thinking abt all those things lor.. I can sit down n juz start thinking, staring at the wall, for many hrs.
Even i wanna start to do work, i'll also end up staring at them and thinking things.
If i can use those time to do work, confirm can finish alot of work de lor..
Sign.. What life is this..

***Fahrenheit Second Album name: 我们的****
1.我们的 (Ours)
2.爱.飞 (Love. Fly)
3.恋曲888 (Romance tune 888)
4.漫步 (Slow Walk)
5.不在服务区 (Not in Service area)
6.只身在英国 (In England)
7.待定 (Awaiting)
8.期盼 (Anticipation)
9.回来吧,MY LOVE (Come back, My Love)
10.冬雨 (Winter Rain)


Fahrenheit to Join the Pepsi Family; Will Conquer Along With Jerry Yan, Vic Zhou

Ever since FAHRENHEIT made their first debut in Taiwan, popularity has followed them wherever they went. Big companies like Coca-Cola and Pepsi are also interested in working with them.
According to a recent report, Fahrenheit is already prepared to sign a contract with Pepsi, and afterwards, the four boys will officially be part of the Pepsi family. This year, the Pepsi family has made some large changes. Besides CAI YI LIN (Jolin Tsai), KOO TIN LOK (Louis Koo), and YAN CHENG XU (Jerry Yan) being part of the family, "Zai Zai" ZHOU YU MIN (Vic Zhou) also renewed his contract.

Fahrenheit, who are always being compared with F4, can finally get a chance to work with half of F4. The rest of F4, WU JIAN HAO (Vanness Wu) and ZHU XIAO TIAN (Ken Chu), will leave Pepsi. In fact, someone has reported that Vanness Wu has a large chance to join Coca-Cola instead.

iSophia posted @6:47 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Update: 胡歌复出alr.. But his right eye still got scar.. 「射雕英雄傳」下個月復拍,女主角林依晨因在台灣拍八大的「惡作劇2吻」,檔期難喬,「惡」劇組若不放人,「射」劇勢必撤換女主角,「射」劇監製蔡藝儂表示,還在努力協調檔期,林依晨希望兩邊往返拍戲,不過「惡」劇導演瞿友寧說,站在朋友立場,他不希望她這麼辛苦
T.T ask a fan.. I hope to see her in 射雕英雄傳 but at the same time don't want her to be so tired too.. But if can only choose 1.. Of coz i'll choose that she stay in 惡作劇2吻, so that she can have more rest n film better for this show rather than rushing here n there between TW n Ch*na..
Trying hard to not take it too hard and mind it. But it's juz too hard.. So am still trying very very hard to learn.. This is the most painful and miserable period that i must go through.. I know as time goes by i'll be fine. Just hoping that this time period can be over soon because it's been very long already.. How long more muz i take to jump out of it?

Have been going on with my experiment the whole day.. From 3pm till 11.10pm.. Was forced to stop due to some miscalculation.. ZzzzZzz. Thought can finish tonight then tml do tut + proj.. Rmb tml chU 8.45pm got Initial D.. Lucky i mon no tutorial lesson lor.. But mon n tue have that stupid Up Ur Service course la.. Argghhh i wanna watch the new ch8 show Lucky Star, starting on Tuesday 9pm, by Janette Aw n Fann de. I wanna see Ou Xuan la!! But muz miss 3epis due to this stupid course.. T.T

I CAN'T WAIT FOR 换换爱 EP.4!! IT'S SO NICE!! 恶少 and 嘉蒂 will be sooooooo sweettttt in this episode!! This is the preview: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_AFRPkS9LE
ASOS's song.. Very longgggg de liao.. But the lyrics hor, super ROX!! I hope we can be like this even after graduating.. Forever like this!!

姊妹们的聚会好happy 说来说去永远说不到你
谁不在场就拿他当话题 真真假假反正明天就忘记

姊妹们的聚会好happy 说来说去永远轮不到你
场面绝对不会冷清 八卦的话题最带劲

姊妹们的聚会好happy 上了发卷幻想自己是巨星
戴着太阳眼镜就更接近 今天一定要是最美丽

老了以后还是要继续 把老公小孩全部留在家里
打扮的漂漂亮亮去参加 姊妹们的聚会好happy


iSophia posted @11:09 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, June 22, 2007


Update: A nice song of F4.. 惨了。。最近每天都在念旧。。救命啊。。念旧根本不像戏里那样快乐。。念旧是件超级痛苦的事!因为回到现实现今后,真的非常痛苦。。就好像心纠在一起的痛!可不可以让我失意啊啊啊啊啊。。。

Actually my msn display status is true one lor.. If i'm busy means i'm in full screen activity.. If i BRB means i will reply asap (most prob watch tv or go bath), away means reali afk.. But alot ppl de status is fake one lor.. haha.. Brenda always Busy, JingXian always Away, Qw always Away, pf sometimes busy, phy sometimes away, but these i dare to talk to them lor coz i know their status is fake one.. Even if true one they oso won't feel disturbed by me n i oso not scare they unhappy lol.. But others.. never dare to talk to them.
I'm someone who type a lot but talk little.. I'll juz blurt everything out on msn if u ask me.. I dare to confront n say straight if u talk to me..
7-11 最新广告 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z85xGIbdCfk Went Karen's hse for BBQ tonight.. Mei qw n karen last min buy a small bbq thingy then last min sms us haha.. I used to it alr.. I often last min call ppl go out eat lunch/dinner oso. Haha..

WoohOOooo.. Juz came back from TM.. Went to collected my Fahrenheit First Photo Album book! SO HAPPY!!! Got free Poster (e poster quality gd one. e surface is shiny de sia..), file and a 1hr dvd.. The book is quite thick. 100pages of photos..
DO u think if SG's sales are very good, they will come for autograph? But most prob won't de lor.. No artistes have come to SG autograph for book de lor.. Will FLH be the 1st?? But their schedule so tight.. Actually if wan with autograph de can order from Singapore CoolZone but muz add $10 la.. Coz they queue for u ma.. Taiwan's autograph is 签完为止.. so good
Now the price increase $5 to $30.65 alr.

iSophia posted @2:00 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Update: Went ebay to find my sec sch notebook but no results.. Then shun bian find Charmed dvd.. Wow latest Season 8 cost $92++, + shipment from US is over $100 sia. Found 1 user which sell season 1-7 $550. -.- who will buy?? $500+ sia if scam bu shi faint. But some sell very cheap lei. Like within $20 for each season but i dun trust them at all. Will buy them at shops after i start working. I promise myself that i must earn my own $ and buy them myself. Juz like the thing that u like n u saved hard for it, the feeling is very real and satisfying and very happy de lor.. Like u've sacrifice for something very worth it and u have not gone to a waste. The process of saving will also become very happy when u think of what u will get.
chU de Hey Gorgeous start voting le leh.. 校花校草 from Polys one.. Do u think we should recommend ppl oso?? I got a few from our course de wanna recommend lei.. haha
Went Class BBQ tonight.. Honestly i don't feel like going or i think it'll be not fun one lor.. But it turned out to be fun. Those classmates that i always assume they're not friendly turn out to be very friendly nor.. Haha the whole night, mei karen n fengying keep running around to avoid Cats! Coz got 3cats ard us sia.. Haha they reali keep running lor..
Then in the end when they come back n eat.. Got a cat very near karen, then she shout n cry sia..She say my ear should be deaf alr coz i share chair with her. But actually dun hav lei, coz originally my ear oso deaf de wad. LOL!!
Really quite fun la.. This yr's class is not as cham as last yr one lor. Last yr de is horrigible lor

Then ard 11pm we 5 + yy n fengying walk out together to take bus/cab. The route out was very dark la.. Got something very scary happen. When we walk on e bridge, there's a malay boy walking pass us. He's so weird, his eyes was like no soul like that.. Then when he walk pass us, he suddenly TURN BACK n walk with us lor.. Eyes look straight without soul. I chua (shock) dio then grab and hold mei's hand very tight lor.. Really chua dio!! I thought he wanna attack us. Anyway, ya.. hope our class will improve slowly lo.. I always have a protective thought that everyone will dislike me, esp guys.. Coz i'm so ugly. So normally i dun auto talk or look at ppl.. I look dao but i'm reali not. My temper beri good one.. haha

YES! Finally found 缺氧 full song.. This song should be about sweet love.. But listen in my ears became my another crying song.
Woke up @ 12pm today.. I thought it's onli 10 sia.. In the end today n tml no proj..
Can do my experiment and some proj.

Suay.. juz woke up, on com, read something n tears row down liao.
SOPHIA!! Come on!! Accept the fact!!!
*Yes, mdm! Trying very hard*


除了想你 除了爱你 我什么什么都愿意

翻开日记 整理心情 我真的真的想放弃

你 始终没有爱过 你 在敷衍我 一次一次忽略我的感受

我 真的感到力不从心 无力继续

这感情 不值得我犹豫 不值得我考虑 不值得我爱过你

这种回忆 不值得我提起 不值得想起 不值得哭泣

这段感情 早就应该放弃 早就不该让我浪费时间找奇迹 (S: 因为不会有奇迹)

这样的你 不值得我恨你 不值得我为你坏了心情

我决定不为你而毁了心 放弃爱你

There's a difference between striking away and underlining

iSophia posted @12:23 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

炎亞綸戲裡當爸 感覺超幸福
U know what.. after watching this news, i think that Qiwei look like Ariel inside there leh! OMG really lor.. Really look like.. The part where she close her mouth n smile one.. Sometimes qw oso got this expression.. Really look alike leh..

OMG!! All along i see my face, my eyes always no dark circles de leh.. But after these 4 continuous nights that i can't sleep well at all, suddenly see my face.. Like i juz drew black colour de eye shadow under my eyes like that sia!!

Tml is 21st June le!! :PPP
But.. no chance to go TM... :((( Fri muz go liao..

Went out to celebrate mei's bday in advance.. Coz next wk sch reopen got proj+course, no time to go out at all..
Finally a gathering that everyone attended.. =))
I hope this can happen most of e time..

Went Ajisen for lunch.. Some of us went qw's hse to bake cake on mon. Actually is them, i onli go there watch tv. haha.. Thx QW very much..
Then while some went out to toilet, we faster take out e cake.. Then when they come back, we start singing Bday song loudly.. Finally! haha..
Too bad e restaurant no other customers lor.. If not everyone see us then will be so fun and exciting lor.. haha..

In the end got buy the body shop de Seaweed facial wash + toner + moistorizer la.. Coz reali discount alot.. Cham liao lor.. Now is really over over spending liao.
I got plan de.. If i buy it, then i muz activate my ultimate saving plan. Which is dun eat in sch everyday if i can tahan, instead bring bread from home.
Tml class bbq muz pay $, muz go out with pri sch fren muz spend $ oso, then muz top up bus fare again!
Then went walking walking ard orchard.. Dinner @ Cine's foodcourt. OMG I SAW JACELYN TAY AGAIN!! SHE'S JUZ SITTING AT THE TABLE BEHIND OURS!!
This is e 3rd time i met her on e street like that..Then another time is i go J8 ch8 de promo activity juz to see her. haha.. I'm quite fortunate le rite.. Juz that always dun dare to ask her if can take a photo with me!!!! T~T

Misses sec school part 2:
I rmb during sec4 there's a period where me mei n heidi never go down for recess everyday. We take turns to bring food to school for each other everyday. Like today i'll prepare food for 3person then recess time we juz stay in our class n eat lo.
If not is 2person go down to canteen 'da bao' bee hoon then go classroom eat.
Surprisingly no teacher caught us sia.

Since sec i alr always nv do hw alr..
Ur know chinese lesson always muz go home write 习字 right.. I always forget de leh, arbo is i left my 习字簿 under my table in sch haha.. Then during beginning of chinese lesson always chiong last min n write finish. I think i left almost everything under my table in sch de lor.. LOL!

Then i also got play cheat de lor.. Spelling i always write some words on my eraser then 偷看 one lor.. But tests n exams dun have la. Only spelling.

Seriously i dun remember i got do any Science homework at all leh! Really lor.. I can even throw away the hw worksheet one. How did i escape everytime ah?? Copy mei's ans lor lol.. If not is tell teacher nv bring nv bring then in e end nv hand up or wad.. forget liao. Hate science

My wish is wear back the uniform with mei, go back to the sch one day, then go back to E4's classroom, go back to our seats, the exact spot.. Then take a picture.. For 纪念..

iSophia posted @10:45 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Suddenly thought of a phrase: Once a hougean, forever a hougean..
Went HS's site.. found some pics at our gallery.. OMG!!!
Hard to spot me right?? haha

OMG SM!! U n beloved Mrs.Gan on e day we took our Olvl results!

Found HS alumni site oso.. Lol actually there's still activities for us to go back for gathering de lor juz that we nv involve..

President: Aloysius Siow
Vice-President: Christopher Cheow

All E1 n E2 de ppl la..

Haix.. dunno la.. misses everything abt sec school..
I agree with adults saying that studying is a fortunate and happy thing compare to working.. But it doesn't apply to poly.. I really feel that studying is a very happy and 幸福 thing in sec.. Maybe i like history, poa and chinese.. As for science, i was sleeping most of e time, d&t i was only playing lol.. PE wasn't hard coz always playing captain's ball-my fav game at that time ba.. Now wanna play oso no chance..

I didn't feel the way i do now in sec.. Now i dun feel like studying for exams, dun feel like doing homework, dun like the lessons, no strong bonds with teachers, dun like the class (i mean classroom.. everyday change different classroom, dun hav definite seat that i can say that's my seat!)

Haix.. 往事只能回味.. 好懷念~~

As ur know.. i'm a left hander.. So i can't use those ring notebook.. Coz i always have difficulty writing the right page. During sec i forgot where i bought a notebook, the ring is top one..
Pink colour cover page, forgot which cartoon one. Size not too big not too small.
But i rmb that everyday i go sch, reach classroom, walk to the last corner seat which is next to the back door, i'll always put the notebook at the top right corner of my table..
Misses the table arrangement oso.. 2 by 2 join together.. My right side is you know who. Let's say 2tables join together made a set. In front of us de set and the right side of that set are our friends.. Then the right side's set of us is a plump boy who always bicker with us one.
Really very very very funny..

Then i when it's near to Olevels i think.. Our chinese teacher suddenly change to a Relief one. We call her 'bodybuilder' coz she's quite 大只 for women.. But she nv teach de lor.. Coz our class keep talking n playing ma.. then she oso nv care. She juz come in walk ard doing nth, then we oso keep talking talkin playing playing like holidays like tat.. She always look out of e window oso.. Guess why??
Coz when she saw other teaching going to walk pass our class, she'll walk to e board write things act teaching.
Once our Discipline Master come in ask y so noisy. Surprisingly she said WE'RE DOING PROJECT!! LOL!! Damn fun la..

During chinese lessons. Coz i always 'shout' the ans to teacher, but she can't hear coz i'm sitting at e last row ma. Then e FLS guys at the first row will become 'parrots' and repeat my ans as if it's theirs. So funny..

Aiya..really old liao la..竟然到了這種 幾乎每天都在懷念 以前的種種的時候..

Anyway my main point is.. I wanna find that kind of notebook again.. Can't seem to find a satisfying one nowadays.. I still kept that book but my mom threw it away last yr.. Was so angry.. I got a cupboard that everything inside is junk to her.. But to me they're super precious..
Or izzit becoz nth can replace that in my heart le??
Juz like my pencil box.. I keep telling everyone i wanna change pencil box then list out my requirements.. But i always dun wanna buy, giving myself excuse that coz that one doesn't meet my requirement.. But actually maybe it's becoz nth can replace my old one..My current pencil box n e keychain on it is from sec till now de.

Maybe becoz during sec, my mind haven reach so complicated.. Never think too much over certain things..
Misses everything.. After sch go Hougang Pt eat fast food or walk NTUC! or my fav Hougang Green's bubble tea hse.. Walking very far to take bus, walking very far back home everyday..
Nowadays sometimes i muz take 15 to parkway, i will walk to tat busstop..While walking out..full of memories flashes back..

iSophia posted @9:49 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

我要的世界 by 王傳一. 换换爱's 片头曲
Another night.. Yesterday 10+ go slp liao lor.. But wake up countless times throughout e whole night. In the end 8am++ then can totally sleep.. Slept 2hrs.. Why Why Love 換換愛 ep.3 is out! WoohOOooOOo! http://djisophia.wordpress.com/
I'm really addicted to Energy's 愛失控 liao.

Anyway. i think 飛輪海-海角一樂園 got a 1hr+ dvd inside the book oso. Not very sure. Doesn't matter to me. Got or no i oso will buy

I dunno.. I dunno anything..
累 淚 傻傻分不清楚

iSophia posted @10:09 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, June 18, 2007



iSophia posted @8:42 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, June 17, 2007





pics that they took while shooting the scenes on the air plane.

你有没有听见 寂寞的声音悄悄在蔓延
他住进我们之间 消耗着我和你的永远

你有没有听见 思念的呼唤传遍每条街

就算你走的再远 累了回头我就在你的身边

YAY freedom!
Today after church, i went home to put some things in e fridge first..
Alamak my dad forgot to give me $$ before they go off leh! AiyOYO!
Then went somewhere shopping with myself.
While taking bus home, i missed my stop..coz
i'm deep in my thoughts la.. thinking of wad.. most of u shld know..
haix... shHhhh...

The good thing is.. i can do wadever i want without anyone interfering at home!

NTUC got sell cooked spagetthi sia.. 3 box for $10.. Got 3kinds of flavours i think. It's frozen de juz nid to heat it then can eat liao. GOt potato, carrot, e noodle, e sauce, sausage or chicken roll etc etc.. Yesterday drag my parents to NTUC then my mom bought 2packs of Cheese Sausage n 1 Hunter sausage..e taste not bad sia.. can't expect pasta mania quality for frozen n cheap food rite.. Grab some tidbits oso.. Can save $$ sia.. Bought 6cans of Whatever for $3.30 at other shops.

SIgn.. those no SCV de can't watch 第18屆泰灣金曲獎 yesterday..
But there's always not clear de youtube. Hope this yr chU will also broadcast it.. Jolin's opening dance for e event very pro sia!! 4.32mins http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vRLpgoKTPk0
At least the whole show i only excited to watch her perform
Last yr i rmb i addict to McHotdog & 張震岳 where they sing 我愛台妹 @ last yr's 金曲獎.. This yr ok ok onli.. Not as nice as last yr..This yr is McHotdog perform, his song got rap and say about 張韶涵, Jolin and 183..
After that 張韶涵 and 蘇打綠 come out sing abit.. U can fast forward.
But the last song is 蘇打綠+張韶涵+MC HOT DOG sing 我愛台妹 together!
Abit luan la http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rBTz4uE_GAM

PS: Told by someone that somewhere got sell Charmed's dvd long ago.. But today then i went to take a look..
Season 3 and 4- $59.95 each
Seaon 5- $79.95
Don't have Season 1,2,6,7,8.
Conclusion: FAINT

棒棒堂's 呱呱 (长大后的裕树) and '湘琴'

全世界的人都知道 一相情愿是种烦恼
只要换你一次微笑 就算是做梦也会笑
全世界的人不知道 我不在乎付出多少
我想这就是幸福写照 任何人不能阻止我对你的好

iSophia posted @5:16 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, June 16, 2007

缺氧 by Rainie. Why Why Love's ending song.. This show dun have soundtrack.. so too bad now still can't find e full song
oooooooooooooooooooo my goodness this is very touching.. watch till e end http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/4QH1cYUSENo/
what more can i say??
I can only say that i'm so damn disappointed..

Went somewhere with some people to buy some things to do something today. Wow.. Got 押韵 hor?? Haha.. Anyway thanks for e help la.. if not i sure stuck one..

A sms that i believe everyone received before..
When a friend hurt u, write in on the sand and let the wind blow away, the tide wash away
But when a friend is good to u, crave it on a stone and let it remain forever.

Finally got time to watch Why Why Love. Finished watching 换换爱 ep.2.. Very very nice.. haha.. Very very nice.. http://djisophia.wordpress.com/

iSophia posted @7:17 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, June 15, 2007

THe right standing guy..
ENERGY在3人行2年後,確定加入新成員唐振剛,再度成為4人行。唐振剛貌似當紅韓星李準基,曾拍過電視劇「至尊玻璃鞋」和電影「巧克力重擊」,也曾是ENERGY和K ONE等偶像團體的舞蹈老師,前翻、後翻等高難度動作他都沒問題。
Ooohhh i know who is he le! NEH he's e one who went 综艺大哥大 on the wk after our test de.. He's inside a dance group one.. 「至尊玻璃鞋」very nice!
I rather he 加入 than someone we all dunno if die die muz add 1 more member.
His dancing is pro but juz dunno his singing :p
I always wonder..
Why we can't juz sit down at a quiet place and chat for a few hours?
Chat secrets, thoughts, problems, solutions, jokes or wadever..
Why only got special event or needs or shopping then can gather?
HELLO! We're F.R.I.E.N.D.S, we're not juz classmates or coursemates
We can even be sisters, even though some alr treated some as sisters.
We can only improve if everyone knows,understand what is it and change TOGETHER
Next wk's yu bai all very nice oso.
And WTH they put 王傳一's 我家也有大明星 on this sat. SAD de..
Next THURSDAY NIGHT got class BBQ sia..
WTH!! Muz go lor if not later ppl say anti-social [[[A.G.A.I.N]]]]!!
Muz stress the AGAIN.


iSophia posted @8:34 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, June 14, 2007

These few days very fed up at home. Project dunno how to do/ very hard to do already feeling DUI alr, plus NO TIME TO WATCH TV alr very DUI liao, then my parents keep 鸡蛋里挑骨头,找碴over not important things when they reach home equals to SUPER DUI.
So i used this strategy:
Ard 9pm go sleep, wake up at ard 12am where they're asleep. Then when they're waking up i go slp ard 6am. So dun nid to talk to each other at all. No chance to bother me

Great pics!
These are pics taken when ISWAK went Japan to meet the fans there. The plum man that looks like Pooh is the 导演! Everyone call him 维尼导演

Below is yesterday ISWAK II shooting a scene of 江直树's 医学报告. Think shoot from morning 7am to night 10pm sia. Coz those fans went to become 临时演员. HAHA

五熊 is pretty here de lor.

Why nobody wanna help me??
Wanna ask for help but like nobody cares.
Got oso no chance no time

iSophia posted @6:30 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

This maggie mee is very very nice!!
NTUC sell 1 pack (1 pack means eat 1time onli) for $1.05.. 5pack for $4+ (forgot),
Sheng Siong is 5packs $3+.. Not bad. Different from other maggie de taste de.. Quite nice.. U can try

(Click the image to see original)
There's a website that u can download different types of font to use.. Can be used in Microsoft Word all these..
Msn can't coz other people dun hav e font that u downloaded. http://www.dafont.com/

Wanted to continue planning my thing tonight de. Then tml stay at home continue planning and do project. But i was too tired le lor after project in sch.. So i went to sleep at 9pm, woke up at 1am to watch yu bai. Die die muz wake up to watch. Then 2am go back to slp.. Actually today was saying mayb can go skin specialist together.. Inititally i was planning to go after attachment, use attachment de $$.. But they say it'll be too late.. Then i was thinking i should be can go if they want to go now la.. Use ultimate saving plan. But after i come back count yi count. Cannot liao. haha.. Wait attachment de $$ ba..
Got alot things muz do but no time to do. So 2.45am wake up to plan the thing, 6++ then sleep.
Fri proj, sat buy experiment material, sun church. Next week oso go out, proj, go out, proj.
I juz want to watch tv whole day for 1day. So hard!
And now CRA muz hand up 2nd week after sch reopen. WTH
CAC haven complete, AA haven start!!, now + CRA..

Holidays = worse than no holidays.

Including today, i alr 4days never watch tv except Yu Bai liao lor. Everyday after project so tired, then muz research on proj oso. Yesterday then start to plan for e thing. Felt so useless n hopeless la.. Wanna seek help but others seem busy also. No time or chance to ask them.. Everyone is doing their own project and we're in different groups so hard to find a time where both group end at the same time or can rest awhile to chat.. Got time oso no mood rite.. Troubled over those stupid projects.
Very lost... Horoscope book not accurate..
I should be having lucks in all area in June, but why i'm 事事不順 now!!!
Do u think that sometimes u're juz doing ur own things and doesn't care abt ur fren or willing to spend some time listening to them even they convey that they need to find u to help something??
Coz sometimes i realise i'm like this and after i realise it, it's too late

These few nights can't sleep well. Every night keep waking up alot alot alot times. Got more than 10times each night lor.. Then end up sleep = no sleep.

iSophia posted @8:24 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Anyway many of u have know this.. 可米 alr 簽下 大東's band-東城衛.. They're not going to find new 主唱 by the way.. 大東 will be in both 飛輪海 and 東城衛 la.. Same as 5566 style. 飛輪海 is 偶像團體, 東城衛 is rock 樂團.. So both are completely different.
Those who watch 終極一班 before will saw 東城衛 perform before.. Or u can watch their performance in KO One @http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9Itwd2mHsI Guess they're not going to 靠 their looks this time round le. Coz 樂團 muz 靠實力 one ma.. Seriously i find watching them performing reali feel like playing o2jam haha..
They changed a few names before.. 東城衛是大东高中时期所组的乐团,团名也经过多次的改名,初期是以「Karma」打响知名度,团名曾改为「DJ-WIS」、「火纹」!


第四代团名【东城卫】*Current name*
Some of their shortform name very hard to read, so i've check up the dictionary and found the hanyupinyins.
还有个叫 萩(qiu) 的吉他手在06年4月因私人理由已退出~
Will i support them? Of coz! But will i like them n buy their album??Duno
Not sure ur got watch Angel Lover-天使情人 on every fri chU 11.30pm
These few episodes got 蔡淑臻 ma.. Her life is quite something that i want in future..
標準上班族女人.. Most importantly is.. 單身,自己一個人住,不相信愛情..
Her life only got herself and work.. But mine will have friends!! haha
And i won't be so successful as her oso..
Guess i have 2 choices..
1 is persue my dreams after graduating and 努力實現 my DJ dream
2nd is give them up, and be OL forever..
Got another wish but is impossible to 實現 one.. Which is wad i mentioned before, go San Franciso or Vancoveur to study after poly..

[打岔: My mom 撿 a table back so i went down to help them carry. BRB]


Thursday they're going Bugis to shop.. If i have no project i'll go shopping oso.. But not shop for my own.. Most prob from now onwards, the rest of 2007 i can't buy anything for my own, i mean clothes or face n hair products so on.. Coz i'll be spending on idols n some 'things' u know.. haha..
Therefore if no project i'll have to go around to search the 'materials' for my 'experimentS' sign.. Dun even know if i can find them. Science materials are hard to get u know..
If not then muz find another day to go find them le. Maybe sat or sun? 總之is by this week la. I'm a science pro! ha

PS: ISWAK II is renamed as [惡作劇2吻], not 惡作劇之吻2 or 惡作劇之吻續集 anymore. 套一句粉絲所說的話:突然不想惡作劇拍完...因爲拍完了,就沒有了。。也表示不知道會不會再看到依晨&元暢了
Anyway, ur know my mouse cursor on this blog means wad not?? The black one.. It's the logo of Charmed la! I always have this thinking of taking this logo de picture, go to those jewellry shop and ask them to help me make a pendant of this logo for necklace. I dun nid very ex one la juz this logo can liao. But of coz cannot be fake silver la if not i cant wear ma allergy. So muz wait when i step into working industry and earn $ myself to make something that i love. Like that then got the satisfy feeling

iSophia posted @6:19 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, June 11, 2007

Today slept at 7am.. Coz of yesterday tat incident then mind can't stop thinking abt it then can't sleep at all. Woke up at 9am and chiong to school for project. But during 7-9am i oso duno if i got slp or not.. Coz i lost count of how many times i woke up during these 2 hrs. Really is what the songs i put in last entry.. '我揪著一颗心 整夜都闭不了眼睛'

After project, went to watch Pirates at 5.30pm.. Watch till 8.15pm..
This is the most shiok movie i've ever watch lor..
Coz we sit 2nd last row.. Then when e movie start awhile, nobody sit behind us which is e last row ma.. So we change seat to the last row haha..
Then in front of us no people, beside us oso no people.
As usual my 腰 is suan de lor coz the chair de '腰' there empty one can't lean totally. Then i put my legs on the chairback in front of me.. Wanted to kiao ka but dun dare.. Then saw mabel kiao ka, i oso kiao ka. Coz no people ard us ma, then i was like laughing loudly and totally enjoying myself like it's my home...

Reach home, wanna use com de. But my dad keep hogging coz he say he wanna check mail. WA LAU he at home so many hrs he dun wanna use, i come back liao i on then he snatch over. WTH.. HOG SO LONG.. super bu shaung liao lor.. He's like 没事找事做,故意找碴 de lor. BTH la.. Idiotic one..

And i'm so broke le haha.. Spent $60 today!!! $10 top up bus fare, pre-ordered 飛輪海-海角一樂園 book $25 (got malay ppl pre-order lor!!), watch movie, food, bought I and U weekly.
Was still happily planning to buy Facial Wash, Toner & maybe Moisturizer de lor coz my seaweed facial wash use finish le ma.. OR buy Redken Fresh Curls shampoo & Conditioner..
Then now dun nid think of it liao coz no $ to buy them le. Anyhow use whatever brand first. Coz i still muz buy 'materials' for my 'experiment' sia.

Today hopefully can sleep lor.. sign..

iSophia posted @11:03 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, June 10, 2007

心恢、灰心, 傻傻分不清楚



自由 是否会比较好过 原来 没有 成全的背后 怂恿痛苦在招手
记忆停留在最初时候. 星光已不再闪烁 无话可说 继续走 还是朋友

让你走 我的爱失控 藏在幸福快乐的背后 是我 逃避退缩
放开手 对爱不再有奢求 是非对错不想再多说
眼神交会时候 出卖承诺 泪在流
舍不得 我为什么说再见 能不能 收回我说的每一句话
舍不得 我为什么不忘记 做一条快乐美人鱼

你的温柔总是来了又去 我的孤单(不稀罕同情)
你的电话 忍住不打 我不想变成习惯等你回来

写信告诉我 今天海 是什么颜色 夜夜陪著你的海 心情又如何
灰色是不想说 蓝色是忧郁 而漂泊的你 狂浪的心 停在哪里
写信告诉我 今夜 你想要梦什么 梦里外的我是否 都让你无从选择

我揪著一颗心 整夜都闭不了眼睛 为何你明明动了情 却不敢靠近

听 海哭的声音 叹惜著谁又被伤了心 却还不清醒
一定不是我 至少我很冷静
可是泪水 就连泪水 也都不相信

听 海哭的声音 这片海未免也太多情 悲泣到天明
写封信给我就当最後约定 说你在离开我的时候 是怎样的心情
Haha 佩服 i can find so many songs that describe my feelings and thoughts out so clearly right!! :PPPPPP

And this is what i wished to 体验!!

手里抱著沙滩球 奔向家的下个路口 等公车的我 已雀跃了好久
夏日炎热的午後 手里冰棒还没开动 窗外的天空 蔚蓝的很轻松
准备行动 打遍天下无敌手 主角换我们做 放手去遨游

一起走 Go Go!!! 我们有共同的梦
微发泡 Cold Cold!!! 抓住气泡的感动
把所有信心握在我们手中 地球也为我们转动
初体验 吼 吼!!! 感受世界的不同
不要说 No No!!! 躲起来闭关自守
要努力勇敢向前绝不退缩 坚持每分每秒钟 追逐梦

海浪拍打著节奏 沾湿沙滩每个角落 翱翔的海鸥 也为我们感动
脚上踢著沙滩球 尽情玩乐海滩之中 穿梭的你我 迎著风不退缩

别怕犯错 尽情享受 这热情的节奏 进攻防守 决定在我 不懒惰

[棒棒堂 夏日初体验]

iSophia posted @9:51 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, June 09, 2007

娱乐百分百 Sat's news: 飛輪海泰山嗆舞活動+大東亦儒7-11活動
YaLun's leg finally recover alr!! Their album is coming out soon.. Next week can go buy their xie zhen ji alr.. so happy! BUT OMG!!

[Preorder period: now until 19 June 2007
Preorder channel: Popular Bookstores
Preorder price: $24.90 NETT (member discount not applicable)
Preorder freebies:
*Fahrenheit poster x1
*Fahrenheit file x1 (design not confirmed)
Collection period: 21-25 June 2007

Pls note that u have to show ur receipt upon collection and collect at the same branch as where u preordered.
Also, u r strongly encouraged to preorder ASAP as the price of the book will increase to $30.65 after 20 June!!!!!above info brought to u exclusively by Sg Frh FC.]
Info from: http://onlyfrh.proboards101.com/index.cgi?board=sgfc&action=display&thread=1181295530

That means i muz go pre-order soon liao la. $24.90 consider cheap le ba? 100+ pages sia.. and 2 gifts.. Ok.. Monday muz go TM de popular pre-order le. YAY!!! Should be no pre-order limit de la hor? If cannot order liao i wan to cry lor.
Back from the wedding.. Surprisingly, it triggers me damn lot of thoughts!! Arghh.. Seriously a lot.. Many thoughts came to me.. i dun even know if i can remember all of them..

I see a lovely couple who date for 8years before getting into marraige. Young couple..

I see someone i know that keep drinking wine to 麻醉 herself and 借酒消愁 the whole night..Her husband betrayed her once,they divorce and patch back,but he betrayed her again and they're separated till now.. They met at the wedding.. Whole night i can see her very 痛苦.. Young couple oso..

I see another older age, around 50+ de couple.. the auntie have to slog very hard, taking up 2 jobs, very 辛苦, juz to 养 her husband, let her husband eat 3meals per day and drink many bottles of beer every night..

I see a few very young mother, 20+ yrs old, who is still working.. They're very pretty, but they are 拖累-ed by a young child.. While taking care of those kids, became very 狼狈 and 凄凉..

I felt very 悲哀 for them.. Life can only have 1 choice. Either married or don't marry. U'll never know ur husband 会变成怎样 in future..

Whole night i saw that beside the bride, there's always this girl helping the bride out.. Like pulling her dress, helping her with many things.. I guess this girl is the bride's best friend le ba.. So i was thinking.. in future if one of us get married, will the rest of 9 or 10 of us be the best friends, most important friend of the bride and be beside her the whole night, involved with the whole wedding process.. ?? And the first one that the bride hugs after the wedding??
Or this position will be replaced by collegues??
Will we still be best friends after we graduate?? Or after graduating some juz care about their new and different environment and doesn't even care about us, doesn't make an effort or want to plan for a gathering etc etc..??

But even now for some people, we're oso not that position ba.

Although i know this will happen, but i'm still very very sad when i think that there's high possiblity that we'll go separate ways after we graduate. I'm sure i'll still be calling everyone for gathering very often.. Even after many many yrs and maybe some of us won't even willing to come out to meet us.. But i promise i'll still contact each and every one of us.. I will try my best not to let everyone lost contact with anyone. Maybe what i'll face is unwilling replies or come liao oso bu shuang de response.. But i'll still remember the nice times we had all these years and base on this, i will not give up.

Haha tat day my dad was saying his fren's daughter go oversea study blah blah blah. Then i blurt out that i wish i could go canada or san franciso to study oso.. I only wish but i never have e thought that i can ever do this la. Coz of various reasons ma.. So it's 99% impossible one.
My mom say can borrow $ from bank, no interest or wad.. After come back work liao then start to pay back. I was like... -.-" If really want to go oversea then no choice have to borrow la.. But if muz borrow from bank i rather dun go lor.. Imagine when u start working but all e $ muz pay back e bank, muz pay many yrs sia. It's a very heavy 'fu dan' sia..
I wanna go canada becoz Vancouver sounds great..
I wanna go san franciso becoz.. I wanna go to the place of Charmed.. Visit the Old Victorian mansion of Halliwell.. The place that i watch 6 yrs on tv..

iSophia posted @11:48 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Next week's 娱百 all very nice lor!
Mon- 徐懷鈺 粉絲同樂會
Wed- 1.蔡依林 2. 楊丞琳+賀軍翔+王傳一 LIVE [OMG!]
Thu- 張棟樑 粉絲同樂會
Fri- 紀文蕙 小甜甜 幃幃 婉兒 徐懷鈺歌唱大賽

But 櫻桃幫 分百聽證會 they show on sat lei.. HAIX..

Had a nice sleep!! And wake up to stress as usual.. sign.. Not stress of tests, but stress of other things.. Can't relax at all coz my mind are filled with all those things. Heart like got a heavy stone like that. But.. juz can't help bothering it..
My dad gave me 41 missed calls within 2hrs. I knew my phone was ringing and he was calling.. But i dun care.. I put my phone to non-vibration and continue to sleep.. Coz i know wad his motive of calling is.. Confirm is ask me to do something one. Then finally he call my mom ask me wake up listen phone -.-"
Haha yesterday went pf hse for gathering.. 6 out of 11 attended. On the way walking to her hse, coz i walk in front ma, then SOMEONE behind talk to me then i turn back n chat oso but continue walking oso.. Then duno y hs ask me 'xiao xin xiao xin'.. Then suddenly BANG! I 撞到 a pillar la! haha.. ok LAUGH ALL U WANT.I dun mind
These kind of simple gathering is very warm-hearted de lor.. Coz it's juz pure gathering.. No distractions as in outdoor.. And everyone is juz in an enclose place.. So we'll not split up into different groups and walk different ways.. If we're truly friends, everyone treat each other as true friends, even if we juz sit down n do nth also won't feel boring de lor. Everyone juz hang out at her hse and rest or chat.. Wanted to go Bedok n buy Smile Pasta after leaving her hse de but i never bring atm card so going to buy after church on sunday..
I'm watching 周日八点党 張棟樑 王心凌 (案发现场躲貓貓 ) today.. OMG 何群&小诗!! But i'll watch it again when chU shows.. which is 2mths later?? I really like 周日八点党 very much.. Every sat muz watch de.

Then finally pf willing to play game sia! Hope she won't give up la.. Coz it's o2jam ma.. No obligations one. I play maple is becoz it's my character that i spend so much time n effort leveling it to today's level. Although now i'm consider noob as everyone chiong over 100 liao. But it still contain my effort.. And friendships.
I play o2jam is becoz i juz wanna play e song.. I dun care how my character looks, i dun care if i ever level or not.. I juz wanna play e song.. Very sad la dun have chinese songs.. And playing o2jam will make e player throw away all thoughts.. Coz muz concentrate on e beats, can't think too much. It's juz like that 1+ min, it's juz YOU and MUSIC.
Today have to go my dad's fren's son's wedding. LOL.. 5pm is the ceremony.. at night is e dinner.. My dad ask me go see their wedding ceremony.. Coz we only see dinner n church de before..I told him '我都不要结婚,去看作么'.. haha

How can i put these into words??

It's really very very very disappointing lor..
It's so obvious
Guess won't even care if never had anything for a long time

iSophia posted @11:30 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

about ME!

♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
♥Likes to share all e gd news to everyone
♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

What i Like!


♥The Arcade


♥Bubble Tea

♥Viwawa's Big 2.5

my FavouriTes


♥Jerry Yan




♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car

Idol's Blogs

♥93.3's 丁志勇_Cruz
♥93.3's 佩芬_PeiFen
♥Felicia Chin


fRiend's Blogs

♥Chan Chieh
♥Feng Ying
♥Jing Mei
♥Jing Xian
♥Jing Ting
♥Jun Xiang
♥Qi Wei
♥Swee Mei
♥Wei Ming

fAvoritE sitEs

♥林依晨's official site
♥Fahrenheit International Site
♥SG 飛輪海's FC
♥鄭元暢's official site
♥OMY.sg FLH's blog
♥Yes 93.3
♥Maple Sea
♥CozyCot beauty forum


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- the moment that dreams come true
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