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Friday, August 31, 2007

YAY exams are over!! 3months don't need to study!!!
Although got attachment, but at least after work don't need to do homework or study for exams!! At night can do whatever we want!!

So is hope at least got people work around same area then go eat lunch together everyday.
If not i'll call those who can for dinner very often yea.. Haha..

Taiwan released this today!! Lucky fans over there!!
Can't believe it, i enlarged e pic, reali dun have 夠愛 by A Chord+東城衛 leh!! How come neh??
Wait till i get hold of 1, i'll check it myself!! 難道 will be in 東城衛's album?

Needa buy some things.. But still considering where to go.. Jurong point or Causeway point? The last time i went Causeway point alone is last yr sep. Wow almost 1yr never go le.
But that time never really see e shops. Coz i onli planned to go there eat, watch a movie and play arcade on my own.

Since FY say Xiao Zhu say he's gg to sign all.. Erm.. Should i buy n go?
Save so hard for quite some weeks le.. Needa buy quite some things for myself cum attachment.
Should I, Should I Not, 傻傻分不清楚.

Yesterday i soooooooo happy tat i kept telling my mom: 三個月不用讀書!三個月不用讀書!
Then she asked 大學 leh?
Sop:進不了,讀不起,最重要的是 讀不下了。除非讀的是傳播媒體
suprisingly, she said this and my dad was beside n he didn't comment
The borrow $ from bank de is not important, e most important is, she actually allows me to study MEDIA!!! Past few yrs i've been mentioning it and they kept don't allow!!
my first reaction was : “見鬼了,你今天吃錯葯啊!”
But 現在才來講,有什麽用?
大學 cannot go in media course wad. Dont have e relevant diploma..
Haha.. wad abt go Taiwan learn neh? 哈哈.. but chinese not tat good.
Haix, everything start with eSMA first, which i think i can go next yr june.

Jolin's new song alr shou bo @ 93.3 le! Have u heard it?
Ok lar.. e chorus not bad.
Previously forgot to mention.. 王傳一 alr release his 1st EP quite long ago le!
Haha.. =)))
換換我的愛情~~ Now i can get back to watch 換換愛 le..

And.. these 2weeks everyone busy studying rite?
These are the MUST to watch:

完全娛樂 飛輪海出神入化MV花絮 (funny!! they reali very pro lor.. if i'm wuzun i sure laugh liao lor, he still can ging continue to act)
1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VFvCYpUKcYI

大小爱吃 (汪東城、炎亚伦、唐禹哲 上) This one very nice!! 炎亚伦&唐禹哲 cook de very nice!! i wanna try 亚伦's one.. LOOKs SO DELICIOUS
1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biqTwV4ruVA

大小爱吃 (汪東城、炎亚伦、唐禹哲 下)
1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=44HhM0ho2Os

大小爱吃 (吴尊、辰亦儒)
1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c37O-oIvwYg

iSophia posted @1:19 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, August 30, 2007

ARGHHHH.. i knew it!! Was telling someone about my doubts.. Recently YaLun very happy rite? He's always smiling big and cracking lame jokes.. But i juz don't really believe.. I always thought that he's juz putting up a strong side..
And he really is!!!
He put back 'Listen' as his blog song.. The song that he put on his blog when his 2nd friend passed away..
T.T 我可憐的亞綸~~!

iSophia posted @8:34 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Today's 大小愛吃 is WuZun n Calvin lar.. OMG.. should i watch or study?

Missy_Promo (a staff of HIM)'s announcement @ HIM Fahrenheit Forum, quite nice sia she actuallys type in simplified chinese for us coz it's to SG fans:
[sop: 超級喜歡!!!!]

新加坡将在9月初发行,希望大家耐心等一下下,然后,我们会尽量把好康都放在原声带里头,ok? 等一下下哦。。要记得等新加坡版。谢谢啦!!

This is posted by YaLun @ HIM Fareneheit forum:

發言人:炎亞綸 發言時間:2007-08-29 18:34:53

開完刀星期二已經出院了 現在腳傷還是會痛



希望大家諒解 我也會盡快和大家見面的

^^謝謝大家的支持 我一定會好好養傷一起加油
Oh ya, i never state yesterday tat post last pic is wad. It's Dadong,Wuzun n Ella in Seoul promoting Hana Kimi's picture.
Dio scared??? Haha sorry!
This is e formal photo that we took..
Eeeeks.. I'm so digusted by myself.
So ugly!!!!!
Today's exam.. Really is die lor.. Got 1 questions whole question wrong lar. Made a wrong decision. Dunno can pass or not.
This time round de exams reali most probably die de lor.
My coursework is C+, C, B, B+. I thought after add exams, can at least maintain the grades. But now dun even know can get a D or not lol
All the best to 亞綸, hope he really can get well soon..

iSophia posted @6:49 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

我有沒有說過?我喜歡大我3嵗的人.. dunno y izzit like this.. But juz like the age older than me 3yrs. lol.. weird weird one.


Yesterday Aaron went hospital for a surgery to mend his right knee cap cartilage(修补右膝半月软骨)..
The surgery was scheduled to be only 30mins..
BUT during e surgery, the doc found out that ANOTHER 十字韧带 broke!!
Yesterday when Arron had an operation , it was discovered that last year’s old injury, one of the ligament broke again(发现去年旧伤十字韧带又断1条).
So the surgery extended from 30min to 90min,原定的半身麻醉也改成全身麻醉..


好可憐啊!!! Hope his knee can recover fully asap.. If he forever cannot dance, i very scare e co. will kick him out lei..
完全娛樂 幕後大直擊 飛輪海MV花絮_A:
完全娛樂 幕後大直擊 飛輪海MV花絮_B:
HAHA very funny.. 20mins.. quite long.. All their behind scenes..
Really very nice.. Haha they so childish..

吳尊&辰亦儒 went 大小愛吃.. not sure is which day.. But should be very nice de lar coz both of them de relationship damn good lor..
Today's 才華... i like F2 潘虹熹...

iSophia posted @1:48 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, August 26, 2007

羅志祥's 必殺技 de mv damn cool lar..
But Troy (Zac Enfron)'s Bet on It is still nicer =p

SOOOOO tired to have 2papers in a day. 2nd paper reali affected..
Was so tired, hand pain backache headache.. lol!!
Left e exam hall early n went Bedok to return lib book..
My wanton Mee never open T.T
Then chiong home to sleep..

TOMMOROW'S 娛樂百分百 is 終極一家 藝能發表會!!
~~5pm /1am chU~~
AA n CRA.. hohoho grats me. Everything still in e cupboard, never even take out to touch at all. Wahahahaa i onli scare AA ba. U see, for e quiz i got read through e notes one time. But hor i still dun understand anything from lease onwards lar.

Grats me ah. HAHAHA

Feel like quitting sch le lor. But only left 1semester, cannot waste the $ n time for the previous 5semesters lar.
Dun intend to study anymore, not even night classes.
Coz i reali cannot study anymore.. lol..

What to do? Work lor.. Work a few yrs first. Then in e meantime try to find chances to change into the industry that i love.
After all, life to me is already damn meaningless le..
I don't wan to stick with Accounting n Finance industry any more moment if i can.
I love POA, but not A&F

iSophia posted @10:18 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Yay DaDong finally update his blog le abt his birthday http://www.wretch.cc/blog/gyapower&article_id=6688648

Xiao Zhu come sg de schedule is out in the newspaper le..
7th Sep-

11.45am: arrive by SQ 27

7.30pm: High School Musical 2 首映禮 @ Great World City

8th Sep-

12pm: High School Musical 2 special edition album 簽名會 @ PS.
But must purchase this album specifically at PS's Sembawang to get the 通行證.. AND.. only got 300 pass. -.-"

Considering to go the 首映禮 lar, not totally to see 小豬, more to go for High School Musical's sake.. But it's fri night leh.. SEE first..The autograph.. abit no hope lei.. 300passes only leh.
But it's sat.. i can go queue very early..
The album is HSM2 de album, with 1 小豬's 必殺技 in it.
Morning wake up jiu gastric pain le lor. How i wish i am a whitelighter.. Then i can orb home immediately after church..
The 1hr+ de journey home is sooooooo painful..
Got consider to take cab.. But in the end 還是忍下來了..
The cab fare, add a few more $, can buy 1 more FLH's album leh..
I muz 忍!!!
遲早會到家... 忍多一下也挨過去了..
Stay at home really can save a lot $ sia..
This week i never spend any cent at all, other than e day where i went Mac to study lar.
If parents got buy back/cook jiu eat lor.. If hse got biscuit or maggie or bread juz eat lor. If dun hav, skip lor!
Reali saved a lot $ lor.. This study week really helped me alot sia..
My saving plan can say is with a quite successful start alr!
Must 發揚 阿杜's song.. 《堅持到底》 LOL!!

加油加油~ Around 31 Aug (if shipment no delay) or 3-4th Sep can purchase 終極一家 原聲帶 in Sg le.. WEEEEEE so excited!!!

But abit weird lei.. Dunno e soundtrack got Gou Ai or not.. So far e list that fanclub announce dun hav leh.. But got one very weird song which we never hear b4.. is 鳥拉巴哈 by 藍心湄, 汪東城, 謝和弦(A-Chord), 黃小柔

Yester FLH had a dance competition event to attend, but WuZun 臨時掛急診.. He 感冒引發嚴重偏頭痛.

OHHHH my goodness.. As everyone know FLH became the spokeperson of HK Watsons's Water.. They're going HK and Guang Zhou for “Dream of Fahrenheit” Musical Concert on 28th n 29th Sep leh!! The tickets hotline n website are jammed due to overwhelm response lor..

The committee specially prepared 6000 exquisite souvenirs, including cushion and mug for e fans sia. DAMN LUCKY LOR..

iSophia posted @2:44 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, August 25, 2007

They lie to 大東 say that he muz act being tied in the MV, then while he was reali seriously acting it, they rush out from behind n he was reali shock!!

E most funniest part is when he called his mom n e other 3 snatch over n speak to his mom in hokkien.. Damn funny..
Calvin said (in hokkien): 我是加拿大那個 [wa xi 加拿大 hi lei la]
Yalun said (in hokkien): 我是跛腳那個 [wa xi BAI KA hi lei, BAI KA hi lei]
Chun said (in hokkien): 我是文萊那個啦,你做的便當很好吃,以後做多一點 [wa xi BUN LAI hi lei la, leu zou ye bian dang jin hou jia]

Jolin's new album de 造型
Her album is call “特務J”.. Her new 造型... COOL!
Ok.. DaDong's birthday celebrations~~ + a very big good news

This one is the one everyone saw on YuBai's news de. 23rd Aug, while The X Family are celebrating their HIGH RATING of e show, FLH's other 3members appeared with a cake n gave him a surprise. Next they gave him a key, 辰亦儒拿出电单车车匙说:“我们3个今年赚的钱都送给你了!”
But in e end WuZun roll out a Ferrari model car!! Juz as he was disappointed, they pushed out this MOTOR out.. 接着大家推出价值近30万的复古电单车,他立即变得感动
DaDong was sooooo surprise n happy coz Motor oso not cheap mar..
Juz as he was TOUCHED, they told him that this Motor is only rent-ed for this event!
Haha ,令他再度空欢喜,失望得几乎想哭。

Next, the actual day. Which is 24th Aug..
FLH was filming their 出神入化 MV on that day.

Then this was the main thing.. Wu Zun, Arron Yan, and Calvin Chen wanted to give Jiro a surprise. Other than preparing a cake, they also had Wang Mama make a heart-filled lunch box and fruits.

They purposely tied Jiro up on a chair!!!

After seeing everyone rush towards him with a cake and lunch box, he said, "I actually thought the lunches were bought by the company. Once I examine closely, I realized that it is actually prepared by my mom."

Jiro immediately called back home and couldn't hold back his tears when he heard his mother's voice. 沒想到電話那頭媽媽先哭了,他還反過來安慰媽媽,

終極一家 原聲帶 于
8月31日 發行
This is more or less comfirmed de liao. YAY!!!!
But SG must wait few days more due to shipment time.
I can't wait to have it on my hands HAHAHAHA

iSophia posted @1:10 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, August 24, 2007

Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ GlitterYourWay.com - Image hosted by ImageShack.us

Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ GlitterYourWay.com - Image hosted by ImageShack.us

1st birthday news: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5nl0M-kwAr0

Although he won't be able to see this, but nevertheless,
Happy 26th Birthday, 汪東城!!

All the best....!!! 生日快樂!!!

iSophia posted @12:00 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, August 23, 2007

I watch KO One 3times, never cry any bit b4 sia.
But today's X Family.. most of e time is crying de lor..
Everytime 在水一方's music come out so sad lo..

Went Mac to study today. Halfway i was smiling for quite long.. Smiling only, not laughing. I think people sitting at the table beside me muz be thinking that i'm crazy.. lol..
Why i'm smiling? Coz i suddenly 想到 what YaLun mentioned in 大小愛吃.. He mentioned that after filming 終極一, once he was on a bus or mrt, a kid saw him and keep say to him "用你的右拳打我,用你的右拳打我" all e way till he alight sia! Haha.. SO FUNNY LOR..
I oso dunno y i suddenly 想到 this.. Juz strike my mind.. Then i was smiling for very long lor coz really too funny le lar.

Next i was thinking, the next time FLH come.. If i manage to go up n get their autograph, maybe i should say 'Freeze, WULABAHA' to 大東.. I think he'll act freeze n play along also de lor.. Haha.. SO FUNNY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

So suay nor the Mac got one part is repairing, then abit noisy.. Then got soooooooo many sec sch students come in, heard 1 of them say KFC open today.. Study till 5pm (from 12pm), my mom arrived then we went to see see KFC.. So small only lor.. Then went hawker to eat.. Actually i should consider studying at e hawker sia coz afternoon no ppl one.. Then weather not hot ma.. And even got alot ppl oso won't as noisy as Mac coz hawker is open-air. The coffee cheaper oso. Mac de coffee $1.80 sia.

我很怕再也看不到飛輪海,因爲隨時都有可能發生意想不到的事情.. 現在Tension's fans 也看不到他們的偶像了不是嗎?所以我會盡量買所有有飛輪海的東西,那以後至少可以一直翻閲那些書,重復的看那些影碟...

Tml is Da Dong's birthday wor~ Still very disappointed with myself as a fan.. I hope next year they'll still be around to let me have a chance to fulfill my 'responsibility' as a fan.

They are very matching to me lor.. Haha
Very fast can see WuZun n Angela at Guess x3 already.. WuZun doesn't really understand all Jacky Wu's jokes but he juz laugh along with e crowd but Angela exposed him and knows that he doesn't understand at all.. HAHAHAHA

Found this pic.. SO CUTE AHHHHH!!!
It's 直樹&湘琴.. SO CUTE!!!

[Remind U Watch Tv WuLaBaHa SERVICE]

Haha.. I've come up with this service that i provide only to my friends.
Ever forget about watching a show that slipped your mind?
If you wanna watch a particular show and you're afraid that you'll missed it because u'll forget to switch to that channel or on your tv at that timing?
Well, tell me which channel which day what time it is! I'll send u a reminder half hour or 15mins before the show starts!

So far i auto provide a 終極一家 reminder.
It goes like this

[Zhong Ji Yi Jia Service]:

Reminder~ It's 8.45pm now.

On U Computer Wu-La-Ba-Ha

HAHAHA!! Y izzit on U computer, on U tv. and not UR? Haha a few of you will know why.. Not becoz my english poor hor.. Haha..
and y muz have Wu La Ba Ha at the end?
Aiyo so obvious, dun nid to say.
So, don't hesitate to use this service of mine that only 專屬我的朋友..
Those of you who got watch Yu Bai will heard Xiao Zhu said that he's coming to SG on 7th n 8th Sep to promo High Sch Musical 2 de album rite?
HSM2 de album will have 1 mandarin song which is the one he sang- 必殺技
I wonder, he come for?? Will have autograph?? Or only promos?
If autograph, sign wad? Sign his own album meh?
Sign HSM2 album ah?
If sign HSM2 album, lesser ppl will buy leh coz whole album is HSM2 de english songs, only got 1 his song.. And not alot ppl will know wad is HSM rite.. Haha..
That means lesser ppl will buy n let him sign ah?
So not worth rite, whole album onli got 1 his song.. U not HSM fan u buy le oso wasted rite!
If reali is, maybe i can consider buy le let him sign. Coz i 遲早 will buy HSM de items de mar, no difference leh. Haha.. But see first. lol..

iSophia posted @11:41 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

必殺技 MV by 羅志祥 (High Sch Musical 2's song Bet On It by Troy)

quite cool de mv sia.. he also use basketball court, baseball same as High Sch Musical de What Time Is It, inside got flashes of What Time Is It de basketball n baseball scene oso.
Ya Lun updated his blog again le! Finally neh!!
This time round seems abit back to normal le.. Ha
What happened what happened?? I wanna read e report lei.
He said that someone took a picture of him using handphone (n he know who tat person is), and malign him that he's gay. He mentioned abt bangbangtang oso lei.
I only found this article at baidu http://ent.tom.com/2007-08-21/000E/06269514.html
終極一家's blog: http://www.wretch.cc/blog/GalaTV
接下來's X Family very nice!!!
There's preview of it, the 《終極異能榜》#9-#13搶先看
Very nice lar!!!

I'm giving myself a challenge, although this challenge should be easy.
終極一家 total is 50+ episodes. Since it's Mon-Fri 9pm, so should be total of 10+ weeks.
The challenge that i wanna challenge myself is..
for 10+ weeks..
Should be can de lar coz 1 episode show 4times leh.
9pm, 12am repeat, 2am repeat again, next day 12pm repeat again.
I dun think i'll reach home later than 2am everyday,
and won't have chalets coz during the period of 終極一家 we're all at attachments.

The possibility that will cause me to miss is only computer and internet breakdown.

So this is the challenge! I think i can make it.. Coz last time Charmed is 8.30pm leh, every week insist 8.30pm reach home isn't a very simple thing lor esp it's friday and gatherings normally are fridays. Muz 忍受 some ppl de 冷眼嘲諷 and still 堅持.. wa i 佩服 myself =p

opps, abit 不要臉.. haha jkjk de lar..
Fan Fan's new song 《哲學家》quite nice!!
Very 辛苦 lor..
Adults, although they work which everyone assume that studying is nicer than working.
But after their working hours, once they reach home, they can watch tv and do whatever they want leh..
I agree that studying is nicer n easier than working, coz we only nid to listen in school, they need to work n solve problems at work.
BUT after our school hours, we still have to find time to do homework (which i nv), and have to sacrifice tv time to study for exam sia.
Everytime see my parents come home, dun nid to do any work le lor. Juz sit down there watch tv watch till they 爽.
I cannot watch some coz have to study for exam.
Then i'll start to tell myself why i have to torture myself? Want to watch so badly but coz muz study then 忍住 don't watch. Then even i really never watch, e whole 1hour i'll be thinking abt this matter then end up never study anything also.
SO? Don't care lar! Juz watch. 做人做到那麽辛苦. Yes, cannot watch tv is a very 辛苦 thing to me lar. I'm tv freak ma.

Then suddenly thought of future things. lol once i sit down in front of notes my mind will drift to other things le. Adults are hard because they have to work hard to 養孩子,養父母,養家,養自己. I wonder, if in the future, i can stay in a job which i loves (傳播), be it 幕後 or 幕前, then i only need to support myself n my parents, my relationships with all my friends are good.. WOW.. 美麗人生!! Coz dun nid to 煩 $ to support kids or family, no noisy kids, dun nid to take care of anyone.. Then everyday work at the job of my interest very happy.. Then every week gather with friends.. WA that's perfect life to me lor..
I don't need high position at job, i don't need to have alot $, i don't need to find love, i don't need to work in a job that is 'sian' to me.. Wa.. Wa... WA!! haha..

But all these juz dreaming lar.. 一天一天過去, e more day passed, e more i think that i won't be able to fulfill my dream to have a job in the media industry..
Wa 内傷 内傷..
Continous 2days 11pm-12am 忍住大笑..
Really 内傷 haha!
大小愛吃 終極一家 episode really very nice!!

Gosh like 亞綸 so much.. But i 強調 i still like all e members very much huh.
Coz alot ppl onli like 1member out of the whole group. But i reali like all of them very much, this is something cannot be mistaken de huh.

亞綸 cook 壽禧燒.. dunno wad izzit but it looks very nice, like mini-steamboat like that. Will watch again n try to learn n cook it to try.. Coz really looks very nice..
禹哲 is the jap pizza that we always see in pasar malam. But he never use cabbage lei. But his food is e nicest out of all 3 of them de lar.
大東 is 糖醋哩雞..

iSophia posted @12:01 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

'Pro' lor ch8.. Today start e show, today then release the official site..
Once u go in e site, can hear a music.. It's the Star Search Song this year!!
Haix, last time de nicer.. This batch de sing abit like no punch.
But this song is still very nice. Really a song that grows up with us lo. This song i hear from Primary School till now leh..
我飞得最高最远~ 我渴望无际无边~
管他什么考验/危险 一切都能实现

我飞得最高最远~ 我渴望无际无边~
没有人能阻挡我的方向 没有终点

The contestants page got 2 videos. Self intro and Show&Tell. Although some might not look pretty or handsome in pictures, but reali lor muz watch the show, watch them perform then can know they're pretty n handsome de lor. I believe the judges' choice ba? Star Search is definitely a very high quality show. The contestants some quite young lei. Some same age as us, some older 1 or 2yrs old onli.

Tonight (Every Tue)

Told myself only can watch yu bai and X Family everyday and 才华 on tues. But i can't bear to not watch 仙剑奇侠传- 6pm chU!!! Really very nice, especially now 唐玉小宝 n 阿奴 come out alr.. I like to watch both of them de part very much.. This show let me like quite alot ppl lo.. I like 胡歌、刘亦菲、安以轩、言言、彭于晏 after watching this show. I like 安以轩 here but i dun like her in 单身宿舍连环泡. I got 彭于晏's blog here u know~ The one whose name is Eddie. But since he go n 晒黑, eeee so not handsome le.
today oso never study. Woke up, 12pm watch X Family repeat, 1pm watch Da Xiao Ai Chi repeat then 5pm onwards tv till 12am le. So busy leh.. Haha.. Can't control neh..
Finally can laugh out loud le lo when i watch today's repeat.. Coz yesterday night cannot laugh coz parents sleeping in my room then guess wad, after 1hr of 忍笑, n is those 大笑 kind, whole night gastric pain lar. 内伤 leh.. Haha..
kinda changed room with my parents temporary coz their room no air-con then i can't reali sleep with air-con on whole night. Got pros n cons.
Pros is i can go toilet as many times as i wan. Coz i sleep around 3-4am every night ma, then everytime i go their room toilet they'll 被我吵醒..
so now i slp in their room i can juz go lo.
Cons is if i use com after they sleep CANNOT LAUGH and muz use earphones..
cannot watch tv in my own room oso. Then muz watch at living room then cannot on too loud. Coz from living room e noise can be heard in all e rooms, but if i on loud in my own room then they won't hear it as loud as it's in living room.

iSophia posted @11:07 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, August 20, 2007

OMG 大小爱吃 终极一家's episode is SUPERRRRRRRRRRRRR FUNNY de lo! Got 2days. DAMN FUNNY DE.. SUPER funny.. i dunno how to describe how loud n big i laugh. But my parents slp in my room so i can't laugh out after 20mins.. T.T i was laughin quietly all e time lo so 辛苦 leh.. Will dio 内伤 lo.. I dun wan to become 金宝山 haha!!! But reali damn funny. muz watch.
Tml won't be going church to study le.. Zen me ban.. Go Mac? But go mac then no radio le lei. Stay at home?
Why i still have the time to blog so long everyday? COZ I'M NOT STUDYING!
I keep on computer, on tv, stare at e notes and study nothing everyday. Well, i oso can't control myself seriously..

93.3 換班 alr.. Missed morning's one coz last night watch dvd till very late. But tml morning i'll wake up 7am sharp to tune in.

7-10am is 《就是万人迷》by 志勇、佩芬 and 艾薇(this yr 93.3 Star DJ hunt's champion)

12pm-2pm is 《午餐不斷點》by 丽仪

2pm-5pm is 《午后万万岁》by 嘉惠

5pm-8pm is 《周先生和周太太 Mr and Mrs Chew》 by 崇庆 and 伟彬 (崇庆's surname is 周, 伟彬's husband de surname oso 周. Not becoz 崇庆 and 伟彬 are 夫妻)

9pm-11pm is as usual 《弦歌寄意》by 玛利 (i thought IVY will be taking over this lo coz this program is always the stepping stone to make a new DJ popular. Alot DJs become popular after hosting this program ma.. But it's still 玛利 sia..)

11pm-1am is still 《陪我久一点》by 玛利.

Sat de i still not sure abt their schedule.. But so far i enjoy their sat's programs very much too.
7-10am 咖啡土司荷包蛋
12-2pm 周末快乐爽
4-6pm 烂人馆
7-8pm 现场1小时
8-9pm 醉心龙虎榜[重播]
WuZun posted his gym branch Fitness Zone de pics on his blog =))
Now i know le. Maybe the tour that claim can see WuZun when they go Brunei is becoz his gym opening is open to the public de ba? So if go n see e opening then sure can see WuZun le wad. LOL..

One competition’s end is another 2’s opening.
Tomorrow, 才华横溢出新秀 2007!!! The competition that we all waited for so long.. I wonder why they haven play their MV for this yr?? That main theme was sooooooo nice.
8pm ch8 LIVE!

Next Mon will be 校花校草追赶跑~!
Because everyday watch 終極一家, therefore everytime will have 公主小妹's 預告.. VERY NICE!! Another very very very very SWEET show.. And definitely got quality coz it' by 張韶涵.. So it won't be a too-lame-till-abit-sian or too-誇-張 show.
Very sweet.. really very sweet~~~!!!
Well, does anyone remembers that 24th Aug which is this Fri, is 大東's bday? Well, i didn't made the thing i planned to make since months ago for him.. =((
But there's a little small thing that we all can do. A very simple n easy n requires 1min de thing.
It's Jiro's Birthday Project from Fans. U juz need to write ur name and write down ur wishes for him and click SUBMIT. Just so simple =))
Write in chinese if u can.. coz his eng not as good as other 3members.

iSophia posted @10:08 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, August 19, 2007

近半年沒公開露面,言承旭(暴龍,Jerry)昨為代言的Mia jewelry金飾出席發表會,除了人看起來神清氣爽,笑容也多了。外傳,他和吳尊合拍的新戲「籃球火」,因兩人太紅,導致沒有女生敢接此戲,像林依晨、張韶涵等人都婉拒,新戲可能開天窗!昨他沒鬆口,強調說:「我還沒確定要演,女主角的事,我都不清楚。」誰適合來演?他竟講了個冷笑話:「留長髮的仔仔應該不錯吧!」


This week got 2days will miss 9pm's X Family.. Tue i'll be going to church to study whole day.. Coz tue all e staffs is off so it'll be so quiet there. No tv, only got computer n radio.. hope i won't end up playing online games :p
Then at night the Star of Bethlehem dance group are coming to rehearse, so i will be in church all e way from morning till 10 or 11pm. Die die 12am can watch repeat of X Family Haha..

Fri is the actual day of their performance.. I can only study in the morning coz afternoon around 4 we must go church for preparation already. So will miss X Family oso.
The performance starts at 7pm, anyone interested to watch the dance?
Don't hesitate to tell me!

Haha dun nid to study le. CAC lec 7 i hold in my hand from Fri till now, 3days le i'm still reading the 1st paragraph of 1st page. I really got study a few hours each day. But most of e time i was staring at it and thinking of alot other things only.
All along i'm not scare of ghost coz i thought ghost doesn't exist, only evil spirits exist so i'm not afraid.. Today i've learn that Ghost does exists in the world.

BUT i'm still not afraid of them.

This is the story:
Angels were created separate from man, and are a different order than man.

One third of the angels rebelled against God. Satan (Lucifer) was the angel in charge of this rebellion. These angels were punished by being banished from heaven.

Satan hates man. Man has a relationship with God that angels could never have. Man was made in the image and likeness of God. Satan is jealous of this and hates us for it. He wants to deceive human kind into rejecting God, so that man will share the same punishment that he is destined for.

Satan knows that one single lie wont be effective in deceiving everyone. So he came up with several. Some men would be deceived by Ghosts and reincarnation. Others would adopt an evolutionary philosophy, that the world created itself without God.

The truth is these "ghosts" are not the spirits of men and women, but rather fallen angels masquerading (disguise) as our loved ones.
If man believes that he becomes a ghost or is reincarnated at death, he will exclude the possibility of heaven as his eternal home and God as his Father.
Some "ghosts" have appeared to humans claiming that they want to "help" them. They posses a knowledge that only that person could know. Which is convincing to the person involved.

In conclusion, ghosts are Satan and his devils's disguise with the purpose of scaring human.

[no offence to anyone any religion. Juz sharing something that i've learnt, afterall, this is a blog. ]
2 new wallpapers:

iSophia posted @6:41 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, August 18, 2007

This song very nice.. Try listen finish e full sogn =))

Nth to do so went to Disney's website.. SO interesting! http://disney.go.com/index
There's a player in the middle of e site once u go in.. There a playlist at the right side of e page, click High School Musical 2 Soundtrack.. This is a short mv of What Time Is It. Watch it! Not very long.. But it's very nice.. The Disney 365 is the promo event of HSM2, wow they're super popular lor..
Actually i wonder y they dun find someone sing Mandarin version of What Time Is It instead.. Coz [What Time Is It] IS VERY VERY VERY NICE!!

Then this is the site of High School Musical
Got alot of things can explore!
One thing is u can click LISTEN then High Sch Musical 2 then there's 4 songs of this new soundtrack that u can listen.. [What Time is It really very nice!]
They got tour leh.. But never come Singapore T.T
Come Singapore lar!!
HSM really very very nice!! Really very very nice!!

The poster i saw is really the tv premiere of HSM 2 leh.. Coz StarHub de website also got!
[Experience the best of High School Musical 2 with StarHub. Be the first to catch the premiere of High School Musical 2 on StarHub Digital Cable (Ch 33) on 9 Sep, 7:30pm! ]

I feel like subscribing SCV juz for the premiere of HSM 2!!
Ok i confirm le. Monday's 大小愛吃 is 終極一家.

As everyone knows Xiao Zhu sang the mandarin version of High School Musical 2 de main song.
93.3 alr start playing it le.. He sings the mandarin version of Bet on It by Troy. 必殺計!
Seriously.. english de nicer.. lol.. I put e eng version de here (3rd song). Mandarin version de, listen on 93.3, they keep playing it whole day. Troy sing de reali alot nicer..
5566 got a new song 終極陷阱,Yes Sir! Not bad la.
Today start study week lo~! But i juz can't force myself to study. Keep walking around keep staring walls.. Zen me ban.. How to settle down.. Haha

Oh forgot to mention. Yesterday i went back to sch rite, then FM 88.3 came for DJ Hunt oso. Saw Toshi!! Haha after e event i was walking back to lab then Toshi walk beside me leh! Haha.. He's quite handsome lar.. But i wish 家发 or 诗涵 will come too.. There's a period i got tune 88.3 after 10pm everyday. But ever since they change to 88.3家 then i never listen alr.
But Saturday 3pm-4pm i'll listen to it coz it's
"台湾KISS RADIO华语发烧榜 - Taiwan Kiss FM (3pm to 4pm) "
on FM 88.3!

iSophia posted @11:19 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, August 17, 2007

OPPS.. ps today's 大小愛吃 is not FLH!! Weird e advertisement is FLH but in e end is Andy Lau. So FLH is another day which i dunno is which day. Haha

YaLun super handsome!! All very handsome!!
Haha i put YaLun's de this picture as my desktop pic.. WA DAMN HANDSOME LEH.. try try try!

Can u see that the necklaces that they wear is their initial alphabet of their name?
1st one is DaDong's one- J for Jiro.
2nd is YaLun's one- A for Aaron.
3rd is YiRu's one- C for Calvin.
4th is WuZun's one- C for Chun.

Seriously Calvin's one is e nicest one lor.. Very cool, looks like a sword.
These are other products with FLH's initial.. F for Fahrenheit!

T.T i wan!! The pink one.
Today when i'm on e bus, was so tired and nearly falling asleep. But i pass by a bus stop de advertisement board i suddenly become so awake and energetic. The bus never stop so i didn't manage to see all the details on the board. What caught my eyes was 4 big words:

Then i only saw
[Premieres 9 September, 7.30pm]

WHAT DOES THIS MEANS? Izzit premiere on Disney Channel? Not the movie???
When is e movie coming???!! Who got Disney channel? So lucky..

iSophia posted @8:20 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

about ME!

♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
♥Likes to share all e gd news to everyone
♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

What i Like!


♥The Arcade


♥Bubble Tea

♥Viwawa's Big 2.5

my FavouriTes


♥Jerry Yan




♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car

Idol's Blogs

♥93.3's 丁志勇_Cruz
♥93.3's 佩芬_PeiFen
♥Felicia Chin


fRiend's Blogs

♥Chan Chieh
♥Feng Ying
♥Jing Mei
♥Jing Xian
♥Jing Ting
♥Jun Xiang
♥Qi Wei
♥Swee Mei
♥Wei Ming

fAvoritE sitEs

♥林依晨's official site
♥Fahrenheit International Site
♥SG 飛輪海's FC
♥鄭元暢's official site
♥OMY.sg FLH's blog
♥Yes 93.3
♥Maple Sea
♥CozyCot beauty forum


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