Anyone wanna order pls tell me by Fri.. then i send together. But i think oso won't have ppl will order. so nvm. juz asking.
Today morning too rush.. never get e chance to drink coffee.. whole day in office non stop yawning and nearly fell asleep lor.. coffee really affect me alot isn't it..
yay going to sick liao. running nose liao. after lunch abit dizzy, headache.. Maybe i should take pf n bel's advice. Take next fri's leave. Thurs is puclic holiday, then fri leave.. then weekend dun nid work.. wow..
But dunno no reason, e manager will sign e leave form or not.
got somethin tat i keep saying it's a big project to me, haven done lor.. coz muz download e photoshop 30-day trial. then b4 i download, i muz go n read all e tips n instruction. if not download liao muz spend time trying how to use very waste e trial.
I am saving money... mentioned wanna buy a few t-shirts at bugis street ($10 each) and a bag for sch reopen rite.. maybe will consider aborting these ideas.. coz of flh gong zais..
But reali hav e urge to buy a square square easy to put in-take out files, notes, books de bag lei. see first.. afterall, if bag $30, 4 t-shirts $40.. $70 can buy e flh gong zais.
Notebook.. muz go hunt cheap ones liao.. give up cute cute coverpage or skins de liao.
Actually is affected by 換換愛 rainie's notebook then wanna buy her kind de lo.
I very save on food de sia. To me, subway, mac, kfc all these fast food is very good food to me liao.. unless is friends birthday or nan de gathering then eat those very ex de.
coz food eat liao juz gone like tat.. lol..
Today damn sleepy ma. reali keep wanting to fall asleep.. but manager in office.. so i juz take out my mp3 n listen 93.3 lo.. we can listen with our own devices de.
Wa.. after listen, is perk up de lor.. haha
I juz like listening to the DJ talking.. then listen to e songs.. listen to news..
saddist lar.. i realise those no imeem account de hor, come my blog listen e jap flh song, is only listen from YiRu verse to abit of chorus leh.. But i upload de is from 1st chorus, then Yiru's verse, then DaDong's verse, then chorus again.
SIGN.. when e full song out liao then i upload full song again.
Wanna change my phone too T.T
wanna buy camera b4 graduate T.T
where got $.. haha..
Can't believe i actually ren my no-chinese phone for a year alr. Dunno spent how many sms forwarding chinese messages to my dad's phone n from my dad's phone type liao forward to my phone lor.
Now still insisting Noki* though.. coz sms very important to me, cannot get used to space at #. see first ba.. maybe ren till new yr after angbao?
But i think most prob will change soon liao.
Ya hor.. y i never realise.. i onli keep knowing FLH and Angela are coming for e award, tat means 吳尊&Angela got come leh.. haha.. Haix if FLH got go e charity show jiu good le.. but they go back on sun morning liao.
Anyway recently got a new boyband call SunBoys.. 93.3 got intro their song le.
Err.. haha.. -.-"
then hor.. i think got another chinese song that is re-sing High School Musical de leh.. the one Sharpay and Ryan sing to join in the role play competition one, got the lyrics "Jump, Jump, Jump" de.. Coz kept hearing on 93.3 BUT too soft so cant hear e song name n by who.
飛輪海--C C Lemon CF 幕後花絮
9 (omg yalun leg injured, pain pain, still ask him dance SO many times.. poor thing)
終極一家今晚完結篇 幕後直擊趣事連連
"惡作劇2吻"殺青宴 就像一場家庭聚會
娛樂百分百 - 公主小妹捐童書做公益 演員親自挑書表愛心
The banner writes: '恭賀 終極鐵克人 誕生'
[ps: if FLH tat day come airport.. all e fans shout '伏瑞斯 烏啦巴哈', i think they will play along n stop awhile sia :P ]
I like this pic so much!! super much!! his entry still got 2 other pics
He mentioned tat next tue is last episode le.. SADDED!!
Juz as wad he says.. reali will miss e days without X Family lor..
Coz everyday watch.. watch 50+ days le leh..
So total will be 55 episodes.. can't wait for e vcd/dvd..
This pic is last epidoe de.. then they use music to fight against e biggest devil in e last episode.. I wonder wad music they'll play leh!! See e pic alr super excited and nervous liao lor.. Pf i think ur bro sure let u watch coz he'll wan to watch them playing this scene ba?? Haha..
Next tue die die cannot OT.. die die cannot go eat dinner..
die die muz go home
today missed 9pm de mar.. wanted to wait till 12am watch repeat.. but cutesheforum alr upload the whole episode by 11pm liao lor. so fast!
这一片天空 心情像云朵左右漂流
感情无法并肩走 总要有人先停留
有些话没说 温柔只属于背后
如果轻轻松开这双手 能握紧更多
多少个路口 记录过三个人的笑容
可是爱情这辆车 只能两个人入座
比我更快乐 是我唯一的乞求
这样淡淡保留住问候 也同样感动
答应我 给他整片晴空
这一场雨 我会笑着承受
我知道 再没什么比她幸福 更值得放手
答应我 陪他看见永久
学着把爱隔一个梦 远远的感受
别回头 请用珍惜代替迁就 就已经足够
再回首之前 最后一个请求
我对你的爱 早就已经超越时空界限
只要是你 每一次的出现 就让所有的回忆都在脑中呈现
从今天直到永远 就请你让我对你再说一遍
对你再说一遍 对你再说一遍……
Whole song de lyrics is nice..
i'm not sad today coz i played arcade!!!
One sentence in it is
'多少个路口记录过三个人的笑容. 可是爱情这辆车,只能两个人入座'
I think it doesn't only apply in 爱情.. sometimes 友情 too.
and... 比我更快乐, 是我唯一的乞求.
Today whole day mood was ok de lor.. coz office very few ppl..
was slack n relaxing.. very nice..
but den 5++ walk out to e front.. saw e senior.. he came back..
the 1st thing he saw me is
'u very jialat leh.. aiyo y u do things like tat one. do until so jialat.'
ok nvm dun talk abt him. no chance to go out with him anymore. muahaha
Then last min ard 6 ask who wanna go bugis eat dinner..
think everyone paranoid when hearing tat place le ba.. lol..
and too last min liao.. haha..
so in e end onli me n bel met.
went the new food court to eat.. the things there so ex.
was complaining so much things lol
then bel ask me wanna go arcade 'fa xie' ma..
1st we played the kinda like o2jam de machine juz that is use hand press buttons de.. e best is the songs are CHINESE SONGS!!
we chose easy mode and there was 3 stages.. we played
-S.H.E's SuperStar
-K One + 5566's 風雲變色
-F.I.R's 我要飛
easy mode of coz is easy de la. keep pressing same buttons de. but nice songs!
then i played the drum.. 3songs oso..
-張震岳's 自由
-pressed wrong.. lame song
-Elva's 幸福的地圖
then we played the new car racing de.. it's call Outrun2SP. the seat is a car lor.. then when u play e seat will move de.. but we chose e wrong mode. we choose 2players de. then it's like 2 person in e car side by side. 1 player play, then when she bang car then change to me play and so on..
then i played one round of bishi bashi.
then we went to see the EXPERT machine of o2jam n drum de.. reali is EXPERT de lor.. super PRO lor.. if i can practice till their state.. wa dunno how much i spent alr.. super pro lor.. damn pro.. super... omg..
then we went back to e easier o2jam machine n play 2 rounds.. but we choose wrong modes.. then end up both times is HARD de.. then nv reali play lor coz CANNOT CATCH ANY NOTE!! haha.. then we was like.. muz ask brenda n her PRO brother come play.. coz her bro is so super damn pro in computer de o2jam..
tml i wanna play again!!! muz ask brenda to try hard one..
think she can de lor. her o2jam oso strong de.
after playing.. onli 2 words.. 舒服~~~
thx for playing with me..
y parkway dun hav these machines..
i like to play but i dun dare to go bugis play alone..
feel like training the music machines.. shooting.. car racing..
lol will bankrupt by e time i master all these machines..
so in e end.. mood was good liao..
after playing reali will feel alot better..
won't think a lot and will feel alot lighten..
arcade rocks!!! but most of my friends dun play.
theme park too ex.. if not theme park oso very nice!!
飛輪海終極一家 HITO畫中有話大挑戰(上)
Jerry Yan, Wu Zun and Xiao Zhu will be acting in 籃球火..
wa seh.. all 3 is popular de lor.. this show de face so damn big lor.
["Fire Basketball" Dream Team - Team Set!
Basketball Battle with Jerry Yan, Show Luo, and Wu Zun
Idol Drama "Fire Basketball" is finally on deck to film as Jerry Yan, Show Luo, and Wu Zun set out for a battle on the basketball court. Filming for this new drama is starting at the end of November, with a cost of about $60 Million.
Jerry has already met with director, Lin He Long, and had given Jerry many suggestions, including improvements on his acting.
In the drama, Jerry is a basketball master and Show Luo is his agile, spring-legged teammate, Show Luo says, "[This drama] allows me to act cool/handsome, so I'm looking forward to it."
Show and Zun had met each other before on "100% Entertainment" (Yu Le Bai Fen Bai), at that time Zun had presented him with gym gloves. They not only exchanged phone numbers, but they would also play basketball together.]
This song is F.I.R's 第十行星.. e chorus very nice!!
anyway finished listening Energy's new album le.. NOT BAD lor..
these songs are nice!!
Those with stars are very nice.. esp 答應我.. will put the songs n lyrics one by one
Timetable out le.. last semester alr..
Why am i always the one???
Dio 1st time still nvm.
dio 2nd time still think it's coincidence..
but this is e 3rd time le!!!
WHY MUST BE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
how to study????? whole of yr 2 can't study at all coz of tat class alr, if not for pf there i think i will fail e subjects liao lor. she let me copy her work n gave me her notes mar.
Hope i can concentrate ba? lol.. 3mths onli leh..
somemore SIP everyday stay in office sit so many hours..
can train stamina to sit down n study mar? haha..
wow.. last sem le leh.. among all 11 of us hor.. i onli never same class as mabel b4 lo. cds not counted lar.
this might be the last semester of study for me.
but this is DEFINITELY the last semester tat all 11 of us can see each other in sch, can sit together in lectures and study the same thing together.
yes.. definitely the last time.
do u think we will ever have chance to study again?
impossible to be all of us.. but maybe a few of us can go apply to study private or part-time after some time of working then can be in e same class again?
haix.. oki.. updated secret blog liao. a must to update after today's issue rite? ha
'Hero', anyone interested? 22 Nov
[Based on the popular drama series that won the hearts of Asian audience, HERO returns!
Kohei Kuryu (Takuya Kimura), the prosecutor who shirks suit and tie for a pair of jeans but is never casual about his pursuit for the truth, is back!
Besides the original TV series cast, Korean heartthrob Lee-Byung Hung is in it and was shot partly in Busan. This time, he is involved in an obscure case of manslaughter that turns into the trial of the century. Failure here means the end of his career. He must solve it! ]
No mood to talk abt my plans alr.
Super sad lar.. Reali very sad..
Today went jurong east with e senior ma.. if u remembered, i felt damn useless n stupid when i go out fieldwork with him rite.. It's as usual today.. but.
He said something lar.. durin lunch..
pf ask me izzit my depression too serious tat i imagined tat he speak those words out of his mouth? i oso wished it is.. but is reali he say de..
i can differentiate when he's jk and when he's not ba..
i know he always say me 'u very jialat leh u', 'wad u learn the past few weeeks?', 'why u do until like tat?' all these is jk only..
but wad he mention to me durin lunch is reali not jokin de.. coz he's talkin abt all his past interns ma.. then i'm e most stupid one.
ok i admit lar. if not y i can't study anymore, y i can't score anymore.
and i reali turn very stupid in front of him.. i forgot everything, even all e basics.
i can't do anything right. keep making silly mistakes.
managed to hold my tears till i reached home.
the relief is.. morning e female auditor smsed this senior n told him tat tml onwards got another semi-senior will help him till mid of november, then i go back stay in office.
is tat a gd thing or a bad thing?
gd thing is i dun nid to go out with e senior anymore.
bad thing is e whole attachment i nv learn anythin abt audit (he say casting, amending alll is admin, no nid skill, anyone oso can do.)
but i think it'll be a good thing.better than feeling so useless everyday.
maybe e onli good thing to go fieldwork with him is everyday 吃不下饭, can 减肥.
ok this is something important, i can't wait till night then blog so take risk to log in e office.
heard ZhiYong said it with my own ears this morning..
the next thing is.. they really have another event with 93.3
BUT not a very good news.
Coz IMMEDIATELY after e award on next sat at indoor stadium, they will have a gathering with fans at the level 1 VIP lounge of the indoor stadium...
Next tue 93.3 will be selling the music award ticket specially for FLH fans at Mediacorp. U must buy the X Family de soundtrack, then tue go Mediacorp to buy $98 de ticket, then will give you a pass to go for the VIP lounge event..
JIAN hor????!!!
Ok.. so airport ah.. hahahaha
Hope they arrive on sat morning lar.
ok post my plans at night.
蔡依林 Jolin Chai - 日不落 (like this song very much)
Anyway Energy's new song de dance really... VERY PRO.. ren bu zhu must mention again.. reali... very... pro... They're really e dancing pro lor.
This is FLH's official JAPAN website.. They're releaseing their JAP album at japan on 21st Nov i think.. All songs in JAPANESE.. i think is ard e same songs as their 1st album juz tat they sing in Jap now..
Wa piang e website is pro de lor.. Very professional!!!
Above pic is i found on their Music section.. Think it's e new JAP album de cover..
Erm.. dun nid to ask me if i will buy if it can be bought in SG.. tat's juz an useless question rite? Of coz lar! But i think can't buy de lor.. Limited edition in Jap onli i think..
Haix yuan lai the Goong S's ringtone hor.. oso changed to chinese version le leh!! EEEEEyeeer.. how can like tat.. and e tune oso change totally lor.. Coz i very very excited to hear e ringtone on e tv ma..i wonder if chinese version will change not.. Coz even i watch on chU, i oso on Dual Sound and listen to Korean voices de. Original then got e feel mar..
吳尊生日好熱鬧 好友影迷一起慶祝
Today reach home @ 12.13am.. haha..
Everyday is later than e previous day huh..
But today is not OT..
went out with collegues to have a dinner.
lol heart pain of e cost but.. once only ba.
Coz is go clark quay ma.. ard 11.10pm then start to walk mrt to go home lor.. Super worried tat no more train.. But lucky still managed to took train.
Anyway, yea my dad called a few times ma.. then e last call he call n say 'u better be clear what kind of people u mix with'
lol.. coz maybe it's clark quay and 1st time go out so late with not my 11 poly + 1 pri sch friends ba.
then he keep suspectin lo..
U know wad.. maybe it's a good thing lor.
Coz ur always read me complaining that they keep purposely disturb me watch tv at home rite!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA..
I tell them a lot times before '我每天乖乖待在家里看电视一整天,你们一直这样,不要等到我每天出去到很晚不在家的时候,才来后悔不珍惜我乖乖在家。我在家只是看电视,出去就不知道会去作什么。你们最好不要太过分'
Hehe then these 2weeks i everyday never come back to eat dinner coz always eat at work place ma. Then this week everyday after 10pm then reach home. Today even 12am then reach home.. muahahaha.. then hopefully they will treasure and LET ME WATCH TV PEACEFULLY when i stay at home whole day.