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Monday, December 31, 2007

回顧 2007
Favourite I-weekly issue: 七公主's issue.
Favourite dramas: 終極一家(tw), 幸福雙人床/原點 (sg mandarin), HEROES (eng), 溏心風暴 (hk), korean.. erm.. got watch but none very impressing de.
Favourite movie: not sure, none super impressing one. last yr is Narnia.
Favourite song: kidding? countless!
Favourite concert: well, never been to any, but i would choose 張學友&張惠妹.
Favourite moments: dun nid to think any second, definitely 5th-7th mar our CHALET!!!

Well, this yr had been quite tough. The sad-est year among these few yrs. Experienced quite a long period of depressed, filled with tears and sleepless nights, on daily basis. 7 months.. After 7mths of struggle, i am beginning to take it as it is. Maybe to other people, they won't even take it to heart to bothered abt it for a month, it's not boyfriend-galfren thingy.. Well i hope i won't fred or sad over bf-gf love thing coz i still strongly believe there's no longlasting love relationship so break up is sooner or later de thing onli.
Anyway it's going to be endless, a shadow in e heart forever, just that i start to learn to not to dwell on it. Just to expressed that all along i've been reali concerned & anxious abt the person, just that i can't show it out. I will forever be concernin, in my heart. Happy ending, ok.

My studies in 2007 have been in the lowest n worse state among all my studying years too. 1st half of 2007 is yr2 sem1, yes once again, i'm going to blame it to the class that i'm in.
2nd half of 2007 is yr3 sem 1 n 2. well, becoz i'll be dazing into e air whenever i'm studying and my mind just wonders to think abt those matters, therefore i can't concentrate any bit to do hw or study at all.
Therefore my grades really fell tremendously.
I'm a person who really live with my 心情. Want me to fail, want me to die, want me to fall? Just create human-human problems with me, and i sure will drop into ur trap.

At the same time i hav learnt a lot too. I learnt to treasure more, i realised more truths and reality which people are always trying to deny.
I grew spiritually (erm not much ppl will understand this, nvm.)

Being super emotional this year, i am very sorry to bring so much trouble, nuisance and inconvenience to you & everyone who cared.
I also enjoyed every moment with my hSh gang n rare meet-ups with chieh. I am reali so going to miss going to sch and having lectures with all of u where we would sit together. And even if it's just a 15min lunch in sch canteen, i've really enjoyed them very much.

I realised actually i still have interest in e Finance sector although i never ever score well in finance subjects. If i have to choose again, i think i'll still choose CAC (if onli pure considering e subj n not *e other factor*). I'm not reali interested in those shares market or foreign exchange or wad, but i'm quite interested in loans n fianancial planning i *think*.
Coz since this yr onwards i never ever finish a tutorial totally with interest. But last night i did the PFP tut, i was quite perked while i was doin sia. n quite interesting though.
Wad i like bout CAC is e work of issuing loan sia..
Wad i like bout PFP is .. erm i dunno.. but i feel tat being a financial planner should be quite interesting too.

I like accounting is becoz of POA.. yes.. now i like accounting is still becoz of POA. Not becoz after studying A&F i like accounting, it's still reali POA.. this sounds like somethin not realistic n it's quite 虛幻 isnt it? coz POA is like nth compare to e actual accounting. Therefore maybe i dun reali like the work of accounting but i like accounting coz of POA!

Definitely doesn't like auditing. Becoz after working in e SIP co. Maybe i won't hate auditing tat much if i'm in other co. I dunno.. juz tat now my impression of auditing is super dislike, and maybe this is also 虛幻 coz maybe wad i super dislike is e experience in this company and not reali auditing.

HAHAHAHAHAHA.. so wad?! accounting OR finance?

Well, check back again tml.
Coz i'll post my new yr resolutions and message to everyone :)

iSophia posted @11:50 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Hope 大東's hand faster recover. few mths ago his hand injured while filiming cooking scene in 翻滾吧,蛋炒飯. recently still sign a lot during autograph.. tsk.. poor thing.

Song- 我們之間 by 棒棒堂.. song written by 小煜, lyrics written by 小傑.
Actually i quite support 棒棒堂 & 黑澀會 even though i never crazy over them rite. their every 單曲s or songs i will like n promote.. But they are really talented lar.. not like R&B those kind.. they really talented de.. Got a lot 才藝.. that's y they're worth to be supported. Their dancing is super pro one..
王子 really turn very handsome with his new hairstyle. but 小煜's still e best :)

My first 6 blog songs reali very nice leh. love them.. can't stop repeating them, especially Hagen's 永遠都在.. so nice..

(live de wor. 阿布+fans sang Ella's part, 阿佈&大東 sang SHE's rap.)

2008 is reaching soon.. Have u all started thinking about ur new year's resolutions?

if u haven't, it's time to start thinking about it?

Tml i'll have a [回顧2007年] entry.. and 1st Jan will have a [展望2008年] entry.
Meaningful? Ha pls bear with my nonsense coz i'm trying to blog different things, try different styles and bring new things to my readers..

not juz dull daily life events which not much ppl will bother what i did, not just non-stop rants which ppl will get tired reading the same topics after awhile, not just latest entertainment aka FLH news :P, not just interesting information, i also hope once in a while can bring new 知識 or information or new things lar. ha.. i really love my blog :P

Ok today i also never touch my report leh. siao siao.. ANYONE WANNA GO IMM HELP ME BUY THE FLH POSTER CALENDAR PLS!!!

I want 勁爆!!!

Rmb, tml 5pm/1am 娛樂百分百 is 飛輪海 粉絲同樂會

iSophia posted @8:32 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Mon.. 31st dec 娛百 is 飛輪海 粉絲同樂會!!

sian rite.. for those who will be gg out on 31st dec.. coz all e nice shows are on this day lei. 咖啡王子1號店 1st epi. oso this day. ha.. lucky i watch HEROES online, if not crash till siao. will also be watching GTV online e LIVE tw countdown concert.. got a lot singers lor.. 飛輪海,Show,小鬼,棒棒堂, Jolin etc etc etc.. all e big ones lar.. :P http://tv.etshow.net/list/2.htm this is e site, on tat day 7pm start.. click 八大综合台 can le.

Went out whole day oso today. Reached home ard evening, took a nap, ate dinner.. now 9pm.. now then start SIP report.. PRO RIGHT?! ha.. T.T

FInally bought e phone. one of e key abit weird lei. like got 'yik yik' sound... is it i'm soooooooo soooooooo suay.. whatever i do sure suay one. anyway ya.. 3 new albums that u can listen over e net..


Click 全选 then 连续播放 below.. then go n do ur report n listen at e same time. HA this is e best time to 试听 whole album lor.

1) 恶作剧2吻 soundtrack.
(2nd song is 依晨 sing de!
3rd song is 元畅 sing de! muz give him encouragement hor.. coz he is 音痴 de. tat's y he never sings.. this is his 1st attempt. dun put high expectations.
耳尖的人 mayb can realise.. 5th song is 直树妈妈 sing de wor!
7th song is 五熊 rite?
anyway 8th,9th n 10th e musicals nice!!)

i wonder y never ask Wang Lan Ying to sing some songs like 1st soundtrack oso.. Fan Xiao Xuan sing de abit not so sweet to suit e show?? mayb muz get used to it.. The interesting thing about soundtrack is u will get to listen new voices which u won't know who they are.. but i'll still interested to know their name. Coz they are good singers also!
Nowadays de soundtrack's 演奏曲s are very nice sia. X Family de oso v nice. This one oso.

2) F4 在这里等你 album.

3) 棒棒堂 哪里怕 album. ( "我們之間" VERY!!! nice.. written by 小煜! seriously their album songs quite nice leh. if u're netrual and thinking of supporting album market, can consider BBT's album..)

F4【在這裡等你】FULL MV !!!!!

1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5tNA1Jk4xSY
2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPpO7iJiWtw

F4 is superstar de lor. 記者會 don't need sing or play games or wad de.
Autograph also dun nid use hand sign de. Use chop de.
Ha.. They dun nid to use 'tao hao' fans de method one.

Anyway They Kiss Again de soundtrack OUT LE!!!
Oh~ My~ GOSH~~~~ $_$

iSophia posted @12:17 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, December 28, 2007

WOOOOOOOOOO today no proj. thought today, sat n sun no go out can chiong SIP report.. but today went out at 8+am, reach home at 6.30pm..
Went at LEAST 10 places lar! to settle some stuffs with my dad. actually can change my phone liao but i forgot to bring charger.. muz wait another day.
But hor.. onli got 2 colours leh.. 'Gold' and Red. i like gold lei.. i realise i like gold colour nowadays leh. shoe oso gold, easily attracted by gold colour. but this model dun hav gold.

Let me explain.. their gold is SILVER WHITE lor.. dunno y is it call GOLD leh.. colour blind ah.. so most probably i'll take RED.. provided still hav stock, coz a few branch no red liao onli left 'GOLD'. ha.. Red is special n striking rite. Muz try to see everythin in a better view? Rare hor. But i juz dun like their 'GOLD' lar. it's silver lor!

Ur see lor! Left is 'GOLD', right is Red. which one nicer?
click e pic for bigger view.

Sat n sun muz chiong report alr. and try to find time to go change phone again. Bel help me to exchange the MapleStory 2008 CALENDAR with 3 used ppc today.. she n her fren went suntec to exchange.. hehe THANKS!!!

Anyway MONDAY is 31st dec hor..

Coz 93.3 will have an event at IMM on tat day.

-8PM onwards will start selling GIANT FRH calendar (Poster Type).. The fund will be given to St.Andrew's Mission Hospital.. (Estimate ard $5)

-8pm-10pm can pre-order FLH's album there or bring ur receipt down, each receipt can exchange a lucky draw (prize is go HK with 933 to FLH's album press conference on 3rd Jan. e trip is 3DAYS 2 NIGHTS with VIP pass to go their autograph session)

-U all will get to write wishes for Fahrenheit.. All the wishes will be passed to Fahrenheit @ HK Press Conference.

-For fans who are at IMM 31 Dec 2007 night, you guys will get the chance to preview bonus DVD & listen to FRH new album songs..

Fahrenheit will make special appearance (Video or Call) with their wishes.

I got think of goin lei. to buy their calendar since it's quite cheap, to listen their new album's songs n see can catch their special appearance over e air or not. not reali planning to reali countdown there lar. main objective is to buy e calendar lar. think their special appearance oso very late de rite, to make e fans stay till e end mar. but IMM very far hor.


(abt 1st basketball match scene in the show.. Jerry Yan every shot score leh! PRO RIGHT?!!!HAHAHAHA)

Today got one very important thing to do..
Today is 28th Dec 2007! F4's [在这里等你] album 全亚洲上市!!

Next, this is the 恶作剧2吻片头曲《幸福合作社》MV !!!
sang by Fan Xiao Xuan!

i'm waiting for the ending song!!! coz it's sang by Yi Chen!

iSophia posted @11:03 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, December 27, 2007

飛輪海's latest new song

為你存在(完整版) MV

喂! THIS SONG NICE LEH! although their 希臘 clothes very 噁心. but nice leh the song. listen properly lar.


ok translation:
Ken Zhu's mentioned that his career is the worst in 2007 among all these years but he stressed that he won't die without F4, and he point out the among 4 of them, the one who don't bear F4 is JERRY YAN! Jerry is only one who 最放不下F4.

last para is talkin bout Jerry Yan turn very friendly n naughty instead of being serious as he is always. Becoz of this basketball show he have to adjust his image to suit his role, and he let WuZun stand at the best spot to get more attention as he is newcomer.

I'm so proud of Jerry Yan!!! hahaha!!!!

iSophia posted @9:47 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

channel [V] will be 首播-ing 飛輪海's new song

為你存在 MV
go youtube ba!
and F4's 在這裡等你 MV oso goin to be out soon.. coz one small part of the mv alr shown on youtube alr..
my blog song
1) F4's new song 在這裡等你
2) Hagen's 永遠都在.. NICE!!!!
(cheaper version $14, no dvd,got 2 files n cd onli.)
(normal cd price + dvd n 2 files)
Gosh! the 男版's cover very nice rite!
but i dun wan e cheap version de lar. no dvd no gift leh..
erm these are e price updates
- Nan Ren Ban ($20.90), 2 folders to 1 album + DVD
- Nan Hai Ban ($13.90), 2 folders to 1 album
- Nan Ren Ban ($18.95), 2 folders to 1 album + DVD
- Nan Hai Ban ($14.95), 2 folders to 1 album
so if i wan all 4 folders, it's wiser to get one Nan Ren ban, one Nan Hai ban since Nan Hai Ban's cover oso v nice rite. and cheaper than buying 2 Nan Ren Ban.
shucks.. now some say onli pre-order got e folder. well, think anyway i'll juz buy on 4th jan instead of pre-order ba. e files i oso won't use. got or no oso not much difference.
This Fri buy F4's album first.

woooo today oso very tired.. coz after proj, went out with chieh n '老爸' to bugis. erm.. got one or 2 yrs never meet '老爸' le ba..

haha dun misunderstand.. this 老爸 is not my real daddy, definitely not sugar-daddy.
is 2005 feb-mar me n chieh work at a company de collegue. tat time we work 1mth. Mon-Fri is 8.30am-5.30pm, sat 8.30am-1pm.
one hour $4.20.. but after 1 mth our salary is $1000+

guess why? coz me n chieh nearly EVERYDAY work till 11PM!!! OT.. ha..
this 老爸 stayed back to work with us, and we work very happy!

we treat 老爸 pasta, 老爸 treat us coffe+cake @ TCC. wanted to bring us to his diving lesson de shop de but too late alr.

he's 12yrs older than us.. but he's a very nice person. we call him 老爸 lar.. but actually onli chieh call lar.. last time i call but now i dun. these few yrs turn persimistic ma so when i talk to ppl older than me i very serious one. i dun smile or joke. i juz talk seriously and serious topic, no jokes or kidding at all.

anyway ya.. he's reali very nice person lar. he won't force us to do anything we don't like and we told him once and he understand and till now he still remembers. ok i dun wan to say my SIP collegues are not-good ppl or they're bad. It's just becoz i am not suitalbe to become friends with them ok.

think i change phone ba. face.. next time when i start working then say ba. bth my phone liao. more n more lag! esp after phone call, e phone will hang one. fri or sat or sun ba.. i'll go n change.. or next tue. see when my cheque is being passed (toNIGHT then i drop in), and depend when my dad is free. k810i.. i'm comin.. i wanted brown lar but junxiang said onli got blue.

ok here are e pics we took today.

fri or sat i will upload a lot pics :)

PS: found the person who keeps cursing 亞綸 becoz he and 鬼鬼 (from 黑澀會) shoot 霹靂 MIT (a new detective show from comic) together.. WA PIANG.. is curse dao...

almost every entry curse 亞綸 lor.. esp behind de entries lar..
he/she wrote this about 亞綸..
i guess ur know wad is * le ba, i replace e word with *
see lar! wa lao this kind of STUPID IDIOT la..
slap 死她/他 lar.

iSophia posted @11:06 PM & welcomes u to visit here again


Should i just accept what it is now?
Maybe i'm not what u think i am.

But are u really what i think u are?
Because everything can be seen so clearly through all the actions made.

But i didn't.

It's hard to accept.. with all the memories still fresh.

But if this is what you want, i just hope you will be happy.

I just want everybody to be happy.

Maybe i should express myself for the last last last time.

But i'm only worried that it'll bring you nuisance and more trouble.

iSophia posted @11:25 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Guess everybody knows how to go youtube to watch They Kiss Again le rite so i dun nid to put up epi.2's links first ah. (no time!)

but this is somethin out of the show..
恶作剧2吻婚礼全记录 (this is not in e show de scenes)
1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oJxRiLWUKQ
2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oNPaUw-ZvZY (part 2 beginning when they say goodbye to xiang qin's dad.. super touching lar..)

Merry Christmas again!
it's 10.05pm now.. juz reached home..
superrrrrrrrrrrrrrr tired..

today.. morning went brenda's church..
then went to eat lunch.. thx brenda for treating..
then went bugis to ARCAD-ing..
then went to eat e mango ice..
then i went to find my parents..
then we went to his fren's hse..
then.. now then reach home..

i've got lots of thing haven do sia..
erm.. tutorials all haven touch..
i alr lost track wad things muz print haven print...
law proj sch reopen muz complete but haven even read..
other proj muz research but haven research..

SIP REPORT HAVEN DO!! i only done purpose and suggestion for e school's cirriculum (i jump to e back lol)..
i onli done this 2 super small little part n is in point form de.
e rest haven do lor!! arghhhhhh.

tml.. proj.. then meet fren for dinner..

thur.. proj.. then bbq..

fri.. proj..

after whole day of proj n event, HOW COULD I still have energy to do rite!
keep sayin nvm reach home chiong at midnight..
but reach home super tired, lie on bed slp alr.


die le die le die le.. and e reason y i skip n jump to e back to cirriculum is becoz in between i got a lot dunno wad to write one. think e report i juz wanna get 50/100 can liao.

now i reali dun care about my Diploma in Accounting n Finance results alr.
to me, in future i hope tat this certificate is juz a rubbish coz hopefully it'll not be relevant to the industry tat i'm working at =P

after graduate juz wanna work a few yrs in accounting n count down..
becoz my mom will kill me if i dun work in A&F after i studied it for 3yrs.
so i juz work a few yrs 意思意思 first only.

oh ya.. got my cheque on mon. duh! shocking rite. nearly 1 mth after SIP then give us. and it's only $450. guess they nv pay us for our OT hours! wa lao reali regret for not changing my survey lar. i wanted to re-do n strongly dun recommend the sch to send anymore students there alr. seriously lar e whole co. system, the co. ppl, the pay reali is BOO!
everybody else uses computerised system when they're doin audit i realised. ours is completely manual de lar.

anyway.. if i successfully sign up jean yip, then voom $300 gone. left $150. not even enough for me to change my phone. i wan to change my phone lar!
150.. oso not enough for me to buy FLH+F4's albumSSS n X Family dvd.

3 mths of pay $1,190. still muz dao tie lor. 倒贴 $200 at least lor. use my bank acc de $ de. super 心痛 la.. e same amt of $ i rather eat with friends. now can't even give my parents a token or save any $.

ok. Merry Christmas. Actually Christmas doesn't end after 12am of tonight. in e western countries, Christmas is all e way till 1st Jan where they celebrate New Year.

iSophia posted @10:01 PM & welcomes u to visit here again


I Wish You A mErry Christmas~
I wisH you a Merry chRistmas~
I wiSh you a merrY chriStmas~
and a happy new Year!

alright juz a short short summary of my christmas eve..
ard 4.30pm my hSh gang came my hse upon my invitation

1stly e 3 game masters PF En n EL LOCKED themselves in MY ROOM coz they're handling e gifts.

next we cooked mushroom soup n played 比手画脚.. wee our group won!!!

next is e food time! yum yum pizzas n kfc. then was e gift exchange. unique way of drawing lots!
then was photo taking session.
then was opening presents moment..
then played 比手画脚 again n our group WON again!
and.. it's funny.. can't 形容 now!

then watch a bit of rush hour then was tv tv tv..

oh yea then ard 10pm my parents n their team came carolling at my hse!
ok juz a little info for those who doesn't know..

there's a tradition call carolling.. think most ppl never see b4. it's still popular in e western..
it's like a bunch of ppl go HOUSE TO HOUSE to sing christmas songs..
bringing happiness, warmth n blessings to the families..

well, today was my 1st time experiencing it too! around 12ppl came.. they started singing loudly from below.. then sing while they walk up.. and came in n sang a few songs again..
ha although i was reali dunno wad to do also, but it still adds flavours to our christmas isn't it.

then on computer, went in MAPLE n decorate xmas trees.. yea i decorated both e real life n maple de leh! HAHAHAHA.. decorating xmas tress in maple is e greatest moment in the whole yr le. although every yr de ornaments are e same =.="

ha will upload lots n lots of pics again.. lots...

iSophia posted @1:26 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, December 23, 2007

我敢说 我对任何人 是真心的
所以 就算我觉得我们不合适
我 真的 很想 知道 答案

誰能 幫我 問一問



我真的 非常 想知道。。。


可是 真的 非常 非常 非常 想知道

Hagen's songs actually reali quite nice.. this song.. 永遠都在.. nice.

juz back from e hospital. someone in e church is being admitted..
normally i won't go n visit ppl in e hospital unless they're old folks de.
esp this is so late.. went over at 9++, came back at 11++.
this person is becoz.. erm. i think in church, other than my parents n the old folks, i talk to him e most le ba.
church got lots n lots n lots of youths.. but i never talk to them de.
but this adult.. haha.. maybe he got play Maple oso ba..

dunno leh.. if i'm together with a lot of youths.. i'll feel very.. dunno how to say. dun want to talk to them or become friends with them. weird huh?
one reason is becoz not ready to make new friends yet..
dun hav e time or extra space for new friends.
haven tidy up my own brain n heart.

i dun care how other people think of me at this stage anymore. i juz don't have the extra effort or energy to go n make new friends or maintain new relationships.
be it wanna classify me as very bad
be it wanna classify me as super damn dao, which i purposely made myself seem to be like that in front of other people.

i dunno when i'll be ready. but i dun wan to deceive myself or other people whereby i'll meet them n smile but actually i dun wanna make them my friend. tat's very fake.

another reason is.. i dun think there's a need to pretend to be friend with those people whom i won't meet often (once a week) or won't meet anymore.
tat's very so fake. like every week go there say HI, and talk a lot talk a lot but e rest of the 6days never contact at all.

anyway oh ya.. yew.. better don't let ur back get any injury.. super cham lar..
cannot sit for long time.. tat means cannot maple for a long time! lol!

will begin to be so busy liao.
Sun- church celebrate xmas.. then go buy things.. then go rent things.. then muz clean house coz i made a lot of mess on sat after doing e failure things
Mon- of coz, xmas eve.
Tue- xmas. goin en's church :)
Wed- proj.. go out with 2004's boss n chieh. lol.. i nearly rejected meeting boss coz i projected my experience in SIP onto him.. reali sorry abt it.. he's definitely different. after SIP, i'm so reali damn afraid of going out with working adults anymore.
Thu- proj.. then got a bbq, damn long never meet up with this bunch of ppl.. think i'll feel awkward again.
Fri- erm.. proj..

OMG!! NO TIME TO DO SIP REPORT AT ALL LEH.. hangmen liao.. and seriously i think i only touched 5% nia lor. hangmen..


還是太重要了 心就是放不下

心 越来越封闭
不敢再相信世界上真的有永恒的 .....

iSophia posted @1:39 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Love these verses very much.. it's very meaningful.. read it..



Love is never tired of waiting;
love is kind;
love has no high opinion of itself,
love has no pride;

Love's ways are ever fair,
it takes no thought for itself;
it is not quickly made angry,
it takes no account of evil;

It takes no pleasure in wrongdoing,
but has joy in what is true;

Love has the power of undergoing all things,
having faith in all things,
hoping all things.

love has no end.

Is it why i'm like this? These verses i've been reading and hearing it since i'm young.. Although often it does not stay in my mind, but i live the words out.

爱是 凡事包容 凡事忍耐

I did it. All along most of the time i don't think that it's my friends or family's fault, even if i do, in e end i also will 認爲.. it's ur own's problem.
in my own opinion, if u really treat that person as ur friend, ur family, then no matter what, u can 原諒忍耐.

if u do treat that person with 真心,
then 爱是不轻易发怒,不计算人的恶,凡事包容,凡事忍耐.

Never get angry or unhappy easily
Never calculate his/her fault or wrongdoings.

I will continue to live this.

I hope u will have an impact after reading these verses here today and try to live it out in yourself too.

Verses from 1 Corinthians, chapter 13, verse 4-8

F4合體百萬置裝 - 東森新聞

Seriously.. maybe u'll think they're not popular anymore, they're old, some not handsome anymore, 過時 or ur reaction would be "huh? F4 still around?" which i've received many haha..

but!!! after watching this video n pictures.. i realised..

even 朱孝天 who turn not handsome is quite handsome lor!!!

Saw Vanness's hair???!! COOL!!!
Jerry Yan is reali handsome!!~~

F4 is really the first idol who opens up the idol market lor.. so even if u dun like them, cannot laugh at them. Coz u can't deny their results and success..

Watch the video!!!

And.. faint.. this time round F4 and 飛輪海's new album uses the same 製作人.. so i guess their album method oso aga aga same ah??


“等待真爱” VS “体验真心”




the difference is.. 飛輪海 is every song 4 ppl sing..
F4 is still as usual.. 2 合唱 songs, and each person sing 2 song individually.
i like the above pic..

2007年 12月 28日- 全亞洲同步上市

sign.. today from 12pm-6.30pm i've been doing my new 'thing'.. in e end it's not successful leh.. $50 juz wasted like this.

if it's in other people's hand it would be successful le ba.

iSophia posted @6:46 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, December 20, 2007


(PS: Make sure u're over 18 and make sure ur parents won't barge in and saw u watching this. coz they'll THOUGHT that u're watching RA. but it's not..)

Update: Sembawang will be giving out Free Stickers for flh's pre-order. only sembawang. It's either Aaron & Jiro or Calvin n Chun.


Jan's TEENAGE magazine is out!!! with the free FLH door hanger..





i'll buy Ya Lun's one.. so help me look out if anyone buying TEENAGE but doesn't like FLH de.. ask them choose e copy with Yiru or DaDong or WuZun de then can gib me???


Anyway, F4's new album will be out on 28th Dec 2007!!!!

damn 巧?

棒棒堂 & F4 same day release - 28th Dec 07

飛輪海 & 5566 same day release- 4th Jan 08


iSophia posted @10:31 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

惡作劇2吻's rating is the tw's 偶像劇開播史上最高紀錄

93.3 got F4'S LATEST NEW SONG LE!!! new album de.

Song name is 在這裡等你!!

listen!! it's my blog song.. F4's new album de song!!!

opps.. can't buy Angela's album le.

My most most most favourite 2 idols F4 n FLH's album will be out super soon.. =)))
if F4 will come SG again together, i won't miss the chance.. coz sec 1 n 2 i missed all the chances to see them.. but do u think it's possible they'll come together.

Pre-Order Date: 19 Dec 2007 -29 Dec 2007
Freebies: Same as TW (Updated by SG HIM)



- Nan Ren Ban ($19.90), 2 folders to 1 album + DVD
- Nan Hai Ban ($13.90), NO FREEBIES !!


- Nan Ren Ban ($18.95), 2 folders to 1 album + DVD
- Nan Hai Ban ($14.95), NO FREEBIES !!

Dateline: 29 Dec 2007
kind of very tired of every 人事物. every year by this time i've already listed out the whole list of ppl that i'm going to send xmas cards to, bought the cards, and sent out.
but this yr. i haven even list out e names.

got a lot of things to do.. everyday have to go project meetings. still got SIP report to do, tutorials to do, and i always forgotten clean abt all these after i reach home.

i oso wish i could play maple.. all those wondeful christmas events..

Sat whole day will be allocated for preparation of Christmas.. Alvin and the Chipmunks very cute!!!! muahahahahaha so cute!!!!
rest assured i won't 計較 all these things one lar. so many yrs i oso never complain any bit liao.
wad makes me feel very disappointed n sad is not becoz wad everyone thought it is.. is why a person need to have the idea to climb over me in the first place? i never ever had this kind of thought before and i'm shock.

iSophia posted @10:27 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

曹格's new song- Super Sunshine.
Genie's new song- 手心 (VERY NICE)

u know, i like to watch advertisements also rite. therefore i can't do homework or study during tv time coz even commercials i like to watch.
then my mom did somethin shocking today.

we went giant ma. 1st time went tamp de. but it's still smaller than JB de sia. last time every wk go JB de. quite enjoying to go those big supermarkets.. coz i like to control e 購物車, like running ard pushing it.. and i reali will juz grab n throw, grab n throw into e car a lot items de ha.

then was choosing 3-in-1 coffee.. i'm quite picky though.. alot brands not nice one. then
my mom say
'try the [我~叫~你~試!!!!!] la'

OMG SO FUNNY RITE!!! laughing like siao at that instance. those who got 留意 ads de sure will know wad i'm talkin about ba?? SUPER got this new coffee then e ad is e aunty call the man try e coffee one. then i ask her sure not, coz nv try b4.

she say [不要緊啦。她叫我試,不好喝她就知道。]
actually 簡單就是美 sometimes reali quite true..
maybe to some ppl, going to big restaurant or very high class places with super good atmosphere and very expensive food is very 享受的晚餐

but sometimes i feel that to me, 很享受的晚餐 is a cup of hot 杯杯面 with another small dish bought, off the lights in e living room, me myself in the living room with e tv on and eat, this is very 享受 oso sia..

ok today is wad date?? 19th dec..

IT'S TIME TO START 預購 飛輪海's 2nd album


U can go down to ANY cd store to
pre-order NOW!!!

PS: rmb? there's 2 version wor. 1 is normal cd price, which have a cd, a DVD, n 2 files as gifts. another version is cheaper version but only have the cd.

双面飛輪海預購廣告-1st CF

18122007 霹靂MIT開鏡記者會 - 炎亞綸

more n more ppl using wordpress rite. jingting changed to wordpress too.
i've tried wordpress, well i've put my wordpress blog link all along. but i never maintain it thought lol.. but my wordpress de skin very nice leh.. grey then with those black lines.. the prob is wordpress cannot put tagboard lar.. cannot change e html as freely as i like. blogger can put tagboard, can put music, can put counter all tat, juz pom in the html can le.
other blogsites cannot.. or mostly cant..
actually i got a lot of blogs le leh. still maintaining de is 2 bloggers, 2 wretch. i signed up many different blogsites de account coz wanna try.. but none is reali as nice as blogger in terms of editing the format lar.

iSophia posted @12:36 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, December 18, 2007



You will get one of the Fahrenheit member's Door Hanger + Calendar..!!





THANKS A MILLION. i hope to collect ALL 4.. i'll buy one too.)

i think my com siao siao again liao. sign.. going to die liao.

Christmas is coming! can't wait for Maplestory's xmas events..

everything bout christmas is wonderful...

ps: i realise my new neighbour isn't very nice. too bad. was hoping for a very good neighbour-neighbour relationship

iSophia posted @2:57 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Oh my goodness.. YaLun updated his blog!!! finally.

another nice entry that i loved....

really very very meaningful, not sure if 'meaningful' is the correct word that i want to express.. kinda.. make me very pei fu him, very admire his wordings..

and wanna add on to his entry is.. yes, think maturely and calmly.. everyone ard u, u urself will be better if you think more maturely and from other people's perspective instead of only being super self-centered and block everyone else's concern or even turn them into hate.


有時閒去抱怨謾駡 不如讓自己更好要求自己





Above are some sentences out of his whole latest entry.
always after reading all his entry, will have this super super super super super agree with him, wad he mention is reali super super super super super something tat i wanna express too. this kinda strong feeling tat i get from all his entries.

esp this sentence


iSophia posted @1:24 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, December 17, 2007

Try this IQ&EQ test: http://iq.ringhk.com/iq/test.html






WOOOOOOHOOOOO YES!!!!! muahahahaha
haha dun nid guess oso can know wad i'll blog abt today rite. i reached home late therefore i believe most of ur alr can't wait n went youtube to watch alr.. how i wish i can watch this mv on tv.. but yu bai on chU de cut off one. but i think it'll be included in the 改版 of flh's album :P

飛輪海&S.H.E 新窩 FULL MV!!! (cutesheforum's is e clearest one)

reali very cute rite... haha.. got 小小 S.H.E also.. and actually.. Da Dong n Selina is quite matching isn't it..

next big thing is of coz... 惡作劇2吻 EPISODE 1!!!!
and i believe some of ur oso watch alr!!!
there's tooooooooooo many users uploading, i dunno which one to choose! all is not as clear as btdrln_nlrdtb tat is suspended.
9 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fWIoSVxo9eI
10 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E5bDiHQA-KI

The 片頭曲 part is so cute!!! esp e beginning, where e names appear... i didn't know it's e starting i still thought it's some ad sia. ha
OMG IT'S SO SO SO FUNNY LAR and sweet~~~!!!!
i juz love to see when Zhi Shu smile coz last season he always ignore her.. then when he smile coz she made him smile, then it's so sweet lar..
阿金 so poor thingggggggggg....
e parents so funny lar.
hahahah haix very ke xi they cut off that part lar.. haha

iSophia posted @7:01 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, December 16, 2007

will buy Angela's new album ba.. coz listened all her songs.. all is nice leh... surprisingly.. nowadays hard to have an album all 10songs is nice de sia.
but.. FLH's album comin out soon.. heeee.. see 1st ba.


iSophia posted @12:52 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Watch this news!! SUPER FUNNY when they all lie on bed then shoot one by one.. e way the 導演 describe to them n e others laughing beside when it's not their turn, so funny lar..
esp Ella's part.

The MV will be showing on Channel [V] from Mon onwards. 娛百 oso have but nowadays chU is cut off the mv part one sooooooooo... too bad can't watch on tv.

They say coz 56's album release de date SAME AS FLH, so SG can pre-order FLH's album too. coz 56 de oso can pre-order.

Chiong-ed finish 黃真伊...! good show. good story. after watching tv version, it made me feel that movie version will not be nice! the whole show got 24 episodes, but i felt that i'm watching 100epi. It's very draggy, but very nice!

Tml... tml.. is e day!!! 惡作劇2吻 首播!!!
and tml... is 紅星大獎 too..
got Goong's Yul, 5566, 183club and.... 小豬!!!
muz watch muz watch..

7pm ch8 &
10pm chU (慶功宴)

Can u understand this pic? 顯然的 it's FLH & SHE.. but.. i dun understand.. 4 guys are aeroplanes, 3girls are fairy with fairy wings? y got the thing on their head? looks like a game lor. ha

iSophia posted @9:51 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, December 14, 2007


2 big news.. pls read:


For the benefit of those ppl who won't read chinese but reads english.. I'll do a summary everytime.

Summary: FLH (飞轮海) and S.H.E shoot the new song in FLH's NEW ALBUM (release on 4th Jan 08), the song name is 新窝 (which is my blog song).

大東(Jiro) pair up with Selina

吳尊 (Chun) pair up with ELLA

亦儒 (Calvin) pair up with Hebe

亞綸 (Aaron) injured, can't dance.

They pair up to dance WALTZ.

Everyone is excited becoz WuZun n Ella paired up together AGAIN and they have very good 默契.. i dunno wad is 默契 in english lar.


睽違1年4個月 双面飛輪海再掀風雲
男人版、男孩版 双封面雙版本一次珍藏


CD+DVD-收錄電視劇「終極一家 」主題曲-「出神入化」、「不會愛」MV及精彩幕後花絮!


◎預購双面飛輪海就送「飛輪海 雙面資料夾」(A4尺寸,2個一組),限量發行,您一定要擁有

NOTICE: SINGAPORE also have 預購, startin on 19th DEC!!

Summary means tat.. there's 2 versions of FLH's album.. same as SHE.. one is normal cd price 精裝男人版, another one is $15 cheaper de 酷帥男孩版 (should be no gift de).

One is man, one is boy. 男人版/男孩版


now dunno i wan pre-order or not.. coz i scare pre-order de gift is different from actual release version de gift. needa wait for more information.. and siao liao e files.. actually files is useless one coz i won't use. but if wan collect, collect 4 rite.. but.. if choose 2.. i will defintely choose 阿布.. another one.. dunno... lol.. too many pics. next post then upload the files de photo.

iSophia posted @5:53 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, December 13, 2007

2.07pm. in school.

哈哈哈哈 <---- 疯了
9.02am! ha it's me again.. lolx.. juz wanna say 我會努力撐下去.

oh ya recenly Yu Bai also start to have a lot 籃球火's news liao.. Jerry yan!! ha.. Wu ZUn!!! Xiao Zhu!!

This Sun 7pm ch8's Star Awards live got 小豬, 5566, 183club, Goong's Prince Yul leh!
rmb ah..

Support 欧萱- call 1900-112-3032
Supoprt 林湘萍- call 1900-112-3039
me again.. it's 2.25am now. 不想睡,睡不着. still no mood to do tutorial. juz dazing in e air. really can't sleep. don't want to sleep. don't want to fall asleep.



爲什麽偏偏就在最關鍵的最後一年 最後一個學期

[不要管] 這三個字 太難了
got a lot new songs leh. Gary's new song 'Super Sunshine', S.H.E's new song '愛來過', Twin's new song, 5566's new song (not bad but very c***a style again. DUN SAY THE WORD OUT). All is Du Jia Shou Bo.

no mood to do tut le lar. totally bo xim leh. so super damn attracted by e tv n shows lar. super.. whole day juz lie on e sofa n watch watch watch sia. super enjoying super love it lar. then off com liao wan to start do tut, in e end came online.

sleepy leh. dun wan do liao. tml 7am wake up do.

updated links with Derrick n Felicia Chin's blog add.. actually got quite a lot artiste's blogs de.. all uncovered by I-weekly for e past few mths. but lazy to update then now no time to flip back all e I-weeklys lar.

feel like changing blogskin. feel like changing to wordpress or other blog sites. but blogspot is still e best huh? coz can change e htmls easily.. adding applications all tat.

iSophia posted @12:32 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


u know. my head keep spinning with 2 songs lar. 1 is cold stor*** de new ad song 'u've got e whole world in ur hands~ u've got e whole world in ur hands' and..

'i still want a hula hoop~' by Alvin from e chipmunk song ha!!!!

93.3 start to 獨家首播 飛輪海's 小小大人物 le!!
soon it'll be 新窩 :)

從今天開始要更期待 娛樂百分百 哦,因爲差不多每天都會有飛輪海的消息了吧
Full version of 新窩 is out!!! listen to this!!
Are u ready???!!!!

飛輪海 starts to come out alr... miss e time whereby every night chiong all the variety shows that they go everyday on youtube till midnight 3-4am.. muahahha but i doubt they got time to go as many variety shows this time round since they're so busy shooting dramas.

They went 康熙, next is 周日八點黨 案發現場 and they're going 八大 娛樂百分百 粉絲同樂會 on 12月21日to 錄影..

新窩-S.H.E & 飛輪海

東:感受不易形容 就算会有一点唐突也要说
请搬进我心窝 如果你不幸福再离家出走
我心窝做你的新窝 也许坪数不太够
甚至会拥挤到 只装得下你我

尊:请快准备行李 丢掉用不到的伤心旧回忆
脑海中 相本日记 从此更新 只有彼此专属甜蜜

Ella:抱枕就丢掉 有肩膀就够
最后用关心问候 捆绑我们的手 完工

*只要在你身边 我就省掉思念
我要在你身边 尽情浪费喜悦

S.H.E:管它金窝银窝 怎样都比不过彼此的心窝
打包一箱温柔 今后多多指教就相互宽容
你心窝做我的新窝 暖气不需要使用
我已经温暖到 融化所有冷漠

尊:请快准备行李 丢掉用不到的伤心旧回忆
脑海中 相本日记 从此更新 只有彼此专属甜蜜

Ella:抱枕就丢掉 有肩膀就够
最后用关心问候 捆绑我们的手完工

*只要在你身边 我就省掉思念
我要在你身边 尽情浪费喜悦

lolx.. the center where SHE part is not in Romantic Princess's theme de. Whole song onli got 大東+吳尊 n SHE's voice..
T.T can't hear 阿布&Calvin.. but i like the first few verses- 大東's part

HEROES is freaking NICE! ha




OMG 3.55!!! SO HIGH!!!! last time It Started with a Kiss also every week champion..
reali worried abt this time since there's 《鬥牛.要不要》. although e 30min preview is still higher rating than 《鬥牛.要不要》, but onli 2.23 sia. scary.


iSophia posted @10:39 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, December 10, 2007

[Miracle] by Howl.. Goong S's songs.. although Goong S might not be as nice as Goong, but it's still nice. the songs are VERY NICE too.. esp this song.. LOVE this song so much..
and it's also by HOWL.. Goong's song oso by Howl.. wow.. reali very nice..
out le out le.. 30min preview of They Kiss Again!!

Part 1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rPnnLkjLo6Q
Part 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEY9GK86x5Y
Part 3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t91PODcrzuo

Part 1 ard 7min is recall ISWAK.. but behind is starting of preview of They Kiss Again le. so dun juz start with part 2 n neglect part 1.

Zhi Shu really very bad lar.. b4 they marry he so cold 就算了.. but now they're HUSBAND N WIFE le, still so bad!!! can't imagine how sad 湘琴 is lor.. ha but very nice lar!!

aiming to change blogskin again.



若隱若現 時好時坏



is it i watch too much tv alr. very little little thing can make me feel so much..
mayb it's oso becoz it's e last sem alr..
so like after lesson stay back in sch or go somewhere nearby to eat lunch with frenz..
juz this little small small things, make me feel a lot sia.
like very 感觸良多..
anyway, yea.. juz very very very treasure.
hope tat everyone can juz treasure this last few months..
OPPS i keep forgetting to take photos u know.
every small little thing i oso wan to take, coz the theme is our life in school together mar. so every little thing tat we do is worth to take photo.

i got neighbour le leh! ha.. as most of ur know, my hse is those like 2 unit on a floor then face to face tat kind. not those corridoor kind.
then e unit in front of mine many many yrs unoccupied.
recently got a couple n e husband's mom are moving in.
1st time we know is when my parents came home n saw e husband. so my parent said hi to him and they went in to see their flat. yea my parents requested de lor. they are FRIENDLY de. ha..

last sat then i saw e husband. then i said hi to him. lol i super kpo.. and oso becoz long time no neighbour, then super kpo.. purposely open e wooden door whole day then keep peeping into their hse ha.. think e husband muz be thinkin i'm weird.

but they haven move in. still renovating..

iSophia posted @2:18 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, December 09, 2007

Weee just watched finish 紅星大獎之戲劇情牽25
this is not the actual Star Awards.
the actual one is next wk. next wk MUST watch coz got GOONG's 律王子, 小豬!!!, 5566 & 183Club. LIVE de..

today de very touching lar!!!! ahhhh ha.. very nice..

happy de.. coz 陈秀丽 got come.. she went back Malaysia to stay after her marriage le.. v long nv see her.
happy de lor.. coz 郑秀珍+林湘萍+陈秀丽+欧萱 all got attend today.
like them among mediac*rp's female artistes very much neh..
欧萱 really very very very very very pretty, 继郑秀珍之后 another 女艺人 tat i reali like very much.

my 最佳荧幕情侣 is actually 郑秀珍&王沺裁 leh..

happy de leh, recently tv repeat many nice shows lor. got quite some is jacelyn de leh.. 豆腐街,笑傲江湖,东游记,天使的诱惑(reali hope tat they'll repeat n they reali repeat!!),天蝎行动.

now reali hope they'll repeat 错体双宝 and 大酒店, oso by Jacelyn.. ha..

tml.. youtube will flood with a lot of the same video.. which is the 30min of They Kiss Again after tonight's last epi of Romantic Princess at tw.. WEEEEE super excited..

OH~ OH~ tml got PFP tut, haven done e tutorials!! got 2 tutorials for juz 1 subject. sick.. and i haven touch at all.. tell u. sat i took out e tutorials till now, sun 10.20pm, i haven touch at all.
from sat 12pm i wake up till now, have been sitting in front of e tv watch watch watch watch watch with e tutorials on e table but not touched.

HAHAHAHAHA.. wa lau i reali love tv tat much lar. there's juz this amazing magnetic force tat attracts me. NON-STOP shows lor seriously.. sat from 1pm all e way till 2am i never leave e tv except toilets.
sun after i reach home from church 3.30pm all e way till now oso non-stopped.
no more surprises or shock le. sign.. plan abolished.

iSophia posted @10:03 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

the trailer is so cute lar!!!!

oh anyway. Everyone know 苏打绿's song ba..
think everyone likes their 小情歌...
but.. the 1st time i know them, the 1st song tat i like from their album, e song tat leaves me e most deep impression of them is 小宇宙.. ha..
heard it at 93.3 when they intro their whole album... 小宇宙.. the lyrics of e song.. DAMN COOL.. so so so deep impression of it.. ur listen e song on my blog, even u can't, read e lyrics.. COOL de.. e lyrics are close to us de.

Reali VERY cool lyrics.. esp e bold green one!!!


看一眼看一眼 眼神充满不屑

你看我 我看你 挡在走道左边

走向前 走向前 好像没有不对

挤向前 挤向前 把我挤回路边

我花钱 我花钱 只是买她臭脸

他的嘴 他的脸 充满世故气味

我只要 只属于我的宇宙



压过线 闯过街 直到我看不见

一支笔 一条线 通通划下句点


我的房间 我的身边多了一些光线

我的房间 我的身边 充满鲜艳蓝天


我的房间 我的身边多了一些气味


我的房间我的身边 充满想像空间

iSophia posted @12:41 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, December 08, 2007


iSophia posted @5:47 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, December 07, 2007

This Sun after Romantic Princess, got 30min special preview of They Kiss Again right.. coz this show fight with Hebe's show at other channel..

then this week Hebe's show is hebe n mike KISS!
They Kiss Again 30min's preview got 小綜和林依晨的火辣床戲。

WOW!~!!! both channel fight fight fight neh.. of coz support 惡作劇2吻 lar!

I think this show is something tat let fans continue their dream ba? Coz all e idol shows are like ending is they got together.. then end le..
but now got continuous after their wedding..
it's like.. dunno how to say..
like.. let all our dreams continue.. coz we dunno wad's after they get together.. stay as couple forever? no more? but this one.. got continue.. ha..

please make sure that u're above 18yrs old to see the following picture:

hehe excited to watch e show ba? ha


oh yes.. my latest collection is CLOCK! ha.. not hanging clocks though.. those put on table de. think my mom will go crazy after i start collecting.. she's always trying to throw away my bottles n cans that i love to collect every now and then.. can't imagine i start bringing clocks home haha..
dunno leh.. clocks juz attracts me much. they're nice, aren't they. ha..

iSophia posted @8:05 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, December 06, 2007

WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE i'm back..2nd post of today.
thx thx thx for e good responses for e CHIPMUNKS xmas song.
beri cute rite!! ha..
so i put all e 7songs tat i've selected out of their 10/11 songs in e album on my playlist..
the 1st song, which is e one u're hearing now.. is e one i heard in the shop then i keep smiling coz beri cute. so Alvin is the main chipmunk character rite.. tat's y e movie is call 'Alvin and the Chipmunks'.

1) The Chipmunk Song
2) Deck the Halls
3) We wish you a Merry Christmas
4) Rudolph, the red nosed Reindeer
5) Jingle Bells
6) Santa Claus is coming to town
7) Jingle Bell rock

personally i like 'Jingle Bell Rock' e best.. actually i was findin Jingle Bell Rock HOME ALONE's version de.. i like home alone de very much.. but onli got 30sec preview.. so went to listen all the other singer's version to see if they're nice.. then found Chipmunk's de. ha
e rest oso not bad.. Rudolph, Jingle Bells, Deck e halls oso quite nice.

Happy listening :)
remember to watch tml (fri)'s 娛樂百分百..
惡作劇2吻影友會 5pm & 1.30am (repeat)

iSophia posted @11:25 PM & welcomes u to visit here again


This sun is 公主小妹's last episode.. then after e show, got 30min special leh!!!
30min of what?????!!!

30minute of 惡作劇2吻!!!! OMG!!! hahaha..

yay yay yay it's going to start.. going to start!!
today's 娛百 e short preview so nice lar.. ahhhh very nice!!

and 棒棒堂 releasing new album le.. 28th dec.. very near to jan..
jan.. 飛輪海..
but i think xiao yu n xiao jie's hairstyle abit.. make them not as handsome?
mayb not used to it yet..
but 王子 become so handsome in his new hairstyle sia.

oh ya.. saw e advertisement today le.. the Chipmunk album is new de! out liao.. how's this christmas song on my blog?? cute rite?? still got a lot of songs sang by them..

iSophia posted @5:40 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

發言時間:2007-12-03 21:33:31

[大家期待已久的飛輪海第二張專輯 真的要來啦!!
等很久了齁? 等到都快哭了齁?


所有新專輯的相關消息 會陸續公告喔

開始準備好 一開始預購 就衝啊~~~~
讓大家等了那麼久的 新專輯 不是開玩笑低~~~]

Posted by HIM's staff at HIM's FLH forum.
OMG!! it's coming~ it's coming~
alamak y X Family, They Kiss Again, F4's album, FLH's album


奇怪的是 今天沒有感覺到很冷

Last wk or 2weeks ago went to bugis with my mom. Went in a shop n heard a very very cute christmas song lar! i mean e singer's voice is damn cute lar.. I feel like askin e shopkeeper which cd is it lor.. It sounds like DONALD DUCK singing lor..
then i keep searching online lar. where got donald duck de lei~~
then today found on imeem..

is The CHIPMUNKS sing de!!! got manyyyyyyyyyyy christmas songs.. think is an album but i didn't see it in cd stores.. let ur hear 1 of it first.

still needa trip to giant, needa trip to bras basah, needa trip to orchard.. this wk muz return lib book le lei. but this wk busy lei. mayb go n extend e book.

busy. tml after sch no activities!! this is e only wk where we can go home early ba. next wk is 5pm, 6pm liao. AHHHHHHHHHH muz watch all e yu bai repeats liao. die die will watch everyday de yu bai.
Fri sg de muz watch k.. 鄭元暢 五熊 小珍 [惡作劇 2 吻影友會]

and.. Angela's 能不能勇敢說愛 reali very nice!!!

iSophia posted @9:38 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

about ME!

♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
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♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

What i Like!


♥The Arcade


♥Bubble Tea

♥Viwawa's Big 2.5

my FavouriTes


♥Jerry Yan




♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car

Idol's Blogs

♥93.3's 丁志勇_Cruz
♥93.3's 佩芬_PeiFen
♥Felicia Chin


fRiend's Blogs

♥Chan Chieh
♥Feng Ying
♥Jing Mei
♥Jing Xian
♥Jing Ting
♥Jun Xiang
♥Qi Wei
♥Swee Mei
♥Wei Ming

fAvoritE sitEs

♥林依晨's official site
♥Fahrenheit International Site
♥SG 飛輪海's FC
♥鄭元暢's official site
♥OMY.sg FLH's blog
♥Yes 93.3
♥Maple Sea
♥CozyCot beauty forum


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