Mon.. 31st dec 娛百 is 飛輪海 粉絲同樂會!!
sian rite.. for those who will be gg out on 31st dec.. coz all e nice shows are on this day lei. 咖啡王子1號店 1st epi. oso this day. ha.. lucky i watch HEROES online, if not crash till siao. will also be watching GTV online e LIVE tw countdown concert.. got a lot singers lor.. 飛輪海,Show,小鬼,棒棒堂, Jolin etc etc etc.. all e big ones lar.. :P this is e site, on tat day 7pm start.. click 八大综合台 can le.
Went out whole day oso today. Reached home ard evening, took a nap, ate dinner.. now 9pm.. now then start SIP report.. PRO RIGHT?! ha.. T.T
FInally bought e phone. one of e key abit weird lei. like got 'yik yik' sound... is it i'm soooooooo soooooooo suay.. whatever i do sure suay one. anyway ya.. 3 new albums that u can listen over e net..
Click 全选 then 连续播放 below.. then go n do ur report n listen at e same time. HA this is e best time to 试听 whole album lor.
1) 恶作剧2吻 soundtrack.
(2nd song is 依晨 sing de!
3rd song is 元畅 sing de! muz give him encouragement hor.. coz he is 音痴 de. tat's y he never sings.. this is his 1st attempt. dun put high expectations.
耳尖的人 mayb can realise.. 5th song is 直树妈妈 sing de wor!
7th song is 五熊 rite?
anyway 8th,9th n 10th e musicals nice!!)
i wonder y never ask Wang Lan Ying to sing some songs like 1st soundtrack oso.. Fan Xiao Xuan sing de abit not so sweet to suit e show?? mayb muz get used to it.. The interesting thing about soundtrack is u will get to listen new voices which u won't know who they are.. but i'll still interested to know their name. Coz they are good singers also!
Nowadays de soundtrack's 演奏曲s are very nice sia. X Family de oso v nice. This one oso.
2) F4 在这里等你 album.
3) 棒棒堂 哪里怕 album. ( "我們之間" VERY!!! nice.. written by 小煜! seriously their album songs quite nice leh. if u're netrual and thinking of supporting album market, can consider BBT's album..)
F4【在這裡等你】FULL MV !!!!!
F4 is superstar de lor. 記者會 don't need sing or play games or wad de.
Autograph also dun nid use hand sign de. Use chop de.
Ha.. They dun nid to use 'tao hao' fans de method one.
Anyway They Kiss Again de soundtrack OUT LE!!!
Oh~ My~ GOSH~~~~ $_$
Let me explain.. their gold is SILVER WHITE lor.. dunno y is it call GOLD leh.. colour blind ah.. so most probably i'll take RED.. provided still hav stock, coz a few branch no red liao onli left 'GOLD'. ha.. Red is special n striking rite. Muz try to see everythin in a better view? Rare hor. But i juz dun like their 'GOLD' lar. it's silver lor!
Ur see lor! Left is 'GOLD', right is Red. which one nicer?
click e pic for bigger view.
Sat n sun muz chiong report alr. and try to find time to go change phone again. Bel help me to exchange the MapleStory 2008 CALENDAR with 3 used ppc today.. she n her fren went suntec to exchange.. hehe THANKS!!!
Anyway MONDAY is 31st dec hor..
為你存在(完整版) MV
喂! THIS SONG NICE LEH! although their 希臘 clothes very 噁心. but nice leh the song. listen properly lar.
ok translation:
Ken Zhu's mentioned that his career is the worst in 2007 among all these years but he stressed that he won't die without F4, and he point out the among 4 of them, the one who don't bear F4 is JERRY YAN! Jerry is only one who 最放不下F4.
last para is talkin bout Jerry Yan turn very friendly n naughty instead of being serious as he is always. Becoz of this basketball show he have to adjust his image to suit his role, and he let WuZun stand at the best spot to get more attention as he is newcomer.
I'm so proud of Jerry Yan!!! hahaha!!!!
haha dun misunderstand.. this 老爸 is not my real daddy, definitely not sugar-daddy.
is 2005 feb-mar me n chieh work at a company de collegue. tat time we work 1mth. Mon-Fri is 8.30am-5.30pm, sat 8.30am-1pm.
one hour $4.20.. but after 1 mth our salary is $1000+
guess why? coz me n chieh nearly EVERYDAY work till 11PM!!! OT.. ha..
this 老爸 stayed back to work with us, and we work very happy!
we treat 老爸 pasta, 老爸 treat us coffe+cake @ TCC. wanted to bring us to his diving lesson de shop de but too late alr.
he's 12yrs older than us.. but he's a very nice person. we call him 老爸 lar.. but actually onli chieh call lar.. last time i call but now i dun. these few yrs turn persimistic ma so when i talk to ppl older than me i very serious one. i dun smile or joke. i juz talk seriously and serious topic, no jokes or kidding at all.
anyway ya.. he's reali very nice person lar. he won't force us to do anything we don't like and we told him once and he understand and till now he still remembers. ok i dun wan to say my SIP collegues are not-good ppl or they're bad. It's just becoz i am not suitalbe to become friends with them ok.
think i change phone ba. face.. next time when i start working then say ba. bth my phone liao. more n more lag! esp after phone call, e phone will hang one. fri or sat or sun ba.. i'll go n change.. or next tue. see when my cheque is being passed (toNIGHT then i drop in), and depend when my dad is free. k810i.. i'm comin.. i wanted brown lar but junxiang said onli got blue.
I Wish You A mErry Christmas~
I wisH you a Merry chRistmas~
I wiSh you a merrY chriStmas~
and a happy new Year!
alright juz a short short summary of my christmas eve..
ard 4.30pm my hSh gang came my hse upon my invitation
1stly e 3 game masters PF En n EL LOCKED themselves in MY ROOM coz they're handling e gifts.
next we cooked mushroom soup n played 比手画脚.. wee our group won!!!
next is e food time! yum yum pizzas n kfc. then was e gift exchange. unique way of drawing lots!
then was photo taking session.
then was opening presents moment..
then played 比手画脚 again n our group WON again!
and.. it's funny.. can't 形容 now!
then watch a bit of rush hour then was tv tv tv..
oh yea then ard 10pm my parents n their team came carolling at my hse!
ok juz a little info for those who doesn't know..
there's a tradition call carolling.. think most ppl never see b4. it's still popular in e western..
it's like a bunch of ppl go HOUSE TO HOUSE to sing christmas songs..
bringing happiness, warmth n blessings to the families..
well, today was my 1st time experiencing it too! around 12ppl came.. they started singing loudly from below.. then sing while they walk up.. and came in n sang a few songs again..
ha although i was reali dunno wad to do also, but it still adds flavours to our christmas isn't it.
then on computer, went in MAPLE n decorate xmas trees.. yea i decorated both e real life n maple de leh! HAHAHAHA.. decorating xmas tress in maple is e greatest moment in the whole yr le. although every yr de ornaments are e same =.="
ha will upload lots n lots of pics again.. lots...
F4合體百萬置裝 - 東森新聞
Seriously.. maybe u'll think they're not popular anymore, they're old, some not handsome anymore, 過時 or ur reaction would be "huh? F4 still around?" which i've received many haha..
but!!! after watching this video n pictures.. i realised..
even 朱孝天 who turn not handsome is quite handsome lor!!!
Saw Vanness's hair???!! COOL!!!
Jerry Yan is reali handsome!!~~
F4 is really the first idol who opens up the idol market lor.. so even if u dun like them, cannot laugh at them. Coz u can't deny their results and success..
Watch the video!!!
And.. faint.. this time round F4 and 飛輪海's new album uses the same 製作人.. so i guess their album method oso aga aga same ah??
“等待真爱” VS “体验真心”
the difference is.. 飛輪海 is every song 4 ppl sing..
F4 is still as usual.. 2 合唱 songs, and each person sing 2 song individually.
i like the above pic..
sign.. today from 12pm-6.30pm i've been doing my new 'thing'.. in e end it's not successful leh.. $50 juz wasted like this.
if it's in other people's hand it would be successful le ba.
opps.. can't buy Angela's album le.
My most most most favourite 2 idols F4 n FLH's album will be out super soon.. =)))
if F4 will come SG again together, i won't miss the chance.. coz sec 1 n 2 i missed all the chances to see them.. but do u think it's possible they'll come together.
Pre-Order Date: 19 Dec 2007 -29 Dec 2007
Freebies: Same as TW (Updated by SG HIM)
- Nan Ren Ban ($19.90), 2 folders to 1 album + DVD
- Nan Hai Ban ($13.90), NO FREEBIES !!
- Nan Ren Ban ($18.95), 2 folders to 1 album + DVD
- Nan Hai Ban ($14.95), NO FREEBIES !!
Dateline: 29 Dec 2007
kind of very tired of every 人事物. every year by this time i've already listed out the whole list of ppl that i'm going to send xmas cards to, bought the cards, and sent out.
but this yr. i haven even list out e names.
got a lot of things to do.. everyday have to go project meetings. still got SIP report to do, tutorials to do, and i always forgotten clean abt all these after i reach home.
i oso wish i could play maple.. all those wondeful christmas events..
Sat whole day will be allocated for preparation of Christmas.. Alvin and the Chipmunks very cute!!!! muahahahahaha so cute!!!!
rest assured i won't 計較 all these things one lar. so many yrs i oso never complain any bit liao.
wad makes me feel very disappointed n sad is not becoz wad everyone thought it is.. is why a person need to have the idea to climb over me in the first place? i never ever had this kind of thought before and i'm shock.
Watch this news!! SUPER FUNNY when they all lie on bed then shoot one by one.. e way the 導演 describe to them n e others laughing beside when it's not their turn, so funny lar..
esp Ella's part.
The MV will be showing on Channel [V] from Mon onwards. 娛百 oso have but nowadays chU is cut off the mv part one sooooooooo... too bad can't watch on tv.
They say coz 56's album release de date SAME AS FLH, so SG can pre-order FLH's album too. coz 56 de oso can pre-order.
Chiong-ed finish 黃真伊...! good show. good story. after watching tv version, it made me feel that movie version will not be nice! the whole show got 24 episodes, but i felt that i'm watching 100epi. It's very draggy, but very nice!
Tml... tml.. is e day!!! 惡作劇2吻 首播!!!
and tml... is 紅星大獎 too..
got Goong's Yul, 5566, 183club and.... 小豬!!!
muz watch muz watch..
7pm ch8 &
10pm chU (慶功宴)
Can u understand this pic? 顯然的 it's FLH & SHE.. but.. i dun understand.. 4 guys are aeroplanes, 3girls are fairy with fairy wings? y got the thing on their head? looks like a game lor. ha
For the benefit of those ppl who won't read chinese but reads english.. I'll do a summary everytime.
Summary: FLH (飞轮海) and S.H.E shoot the new song in FLH's NEW ALBUM (release on 4th Jan 08), the song name is 新窝 (which is my blog song).
大東(Jiro) pair up with Selina
吳尊 (Chun) pair up with ELLA
亦儒 (Calvin) pair up with Hebe
亞綸 (Aaron) injured, can't dance.
They pair up to dance WALTZ.
Everyone is excited becoz WuZun n Ella paired up together AGAIN and they have very good 默契.. i dunno wad is 默契 in english lar.
CD+DVD-收錄電視劇「終極一家 」主題曲-「出神入化」、「不會愛」MV及精彩幕後花絮!
◎預購双面飛輪海就送「飛輪海 雙面資料夾」(A4尺寸,2個一組),限量發行,您一定要擁有
NOTICE: SINGAPORE also have 預購, startin on 19th DEC!!
Summary means tat.. there's 2 versions of FLH's album.. same as SHE.. one is normal cd price 精裝男人版, another one is $15 cheaper de 酷帥男孩版 (should be no gift de).
One is man, one is boy. 男人版/男孩版
HEROES is freaking NICE! ha
________hehe excited to watch e show ba? ha
oh yes.. my latest collection is CLOCK! ha.. not hanging clocks though.. those put on table de. think my mom will go crazy after i start collecting.. she's always trying to throw away my bottles n cans that i love to collect every now and then.. can't imagine i start bringing clocks home haha..
dunno leh.. clocks juz attracts me much. they're nice, aren't they. ha..