do you believe. last time i only need to top up $30 for 2 week's bus fare.
this month i top up $20 nearly every week, only for school.
how i wish i could walk to school.
面对人 永远就是怕
以后都很难会认识到新的朋友,真正的朋友的那种 =)
fri got career fair. got Singapore Press Holdings leh. although it's like nt reali related to radio stations, but at least better than non-media industry firms rite. ha..
on-e-spot interview de sia. most afraid of this.. but no choice, since i would want to try to get in. or see e DBS first.. mr chan say got e dunno wad programme, after a period of training, will put u into a department through analysing ur strengths in which area.
hehe i was hoping for e credit department :P
or tue lec got guest speaker, can know more bout being personal financial planner. although this project super sux, but it's interesting in working on it ba, juz like credit department.
the thought of analysing the company/person to see if should grant loan to him/it and the process of granting loan makes me feel interested sia.
was joking with some of them tat next time if i go apply for accounts job, at e end of e interview must ask which firm is the company's auditor. LOL
ps: L's movie de trailer out le!!! OMG.. HAHAHAHAHA CAN'T WAIT.
haha actually this brand's jewellry reali not bad leh.. WuZun tat one very nice lor.
oh shyt.. keep forgetting to go cd stores to check if 惡作劇2吻 soundtrack got come sg or not.
anyway 小宇's album is out le! erm.. how many of ur know who is 小宇?? ha.. he's someone with a good voice and good song writer who sang many songs for 偶像劇原聲帶s.. especially 熱情仲夏.. he sang quite a few songs that he wrote.. quite nice.. listen to his album
his slow songs all very nice lor.. haha..
i thought i alr very fast alr, but imeem got one user 'wanchin' is faster than me! she SUPER updated one.. any new album any new show oso upload one lor. ur can sign up imeem and add her as fren.. her 惡作劇2吻 is full epi one, not parts by parts.. her album list is SUPER SUPER updated.. salute her!!! her page.
she got 4shared folder which u can dl her songs that she uploaded.. and seriously, she any new songs oso got. any album oso got.. bravo..
for individual song downloads:http://9262446.4shared.comf
or album downloads:
actually when u're at home, there's a lot of things that u can enjoy.. for me, other than listening to 93.3 or watch tv, 時常 listen to new albums, no matter whose, even new singers, is oso very enjoying.. u can listen without downloading.. i wish to support 小宇.. but ha.. wait until i start working ba.. i will fill up my shelf full of albums.. watching shows online oso very enjoying.. playing online games also very enjoying.. there's really endless things for me to do when i'm at home.. therefore i often wish to stay alone..
HAHAHA as most of ur know, (ur know rite), Kang Kang went back to host with Jacky Wu le!!! super happy de.. coz i think KangKang + NoNo and Jacky Wu are still the best host partners isn't it.. then this episode is FLH 3 members combine to trick WuZun. Watch the preview!!! haha very nice.
They act playing 十字路口 but they purposely order all 肥肉 dishes coz WuZun dun dare to eat.
hehe.. 1st time i listen oso not very nice. but as i listen more n more, not bad sia. especially 劉力揚's voice quite nice rite! but abit alike to Kira Gong isn't it?? her voice not bad.
haix.. 5++ go home liao. 难得 so early can go home. thought can hav some peaceful moments. in e end, was so so so so disturbed by those 2 folks again.
i am in my room playing my new downloaded dancing game HighStreet5, my dad come in use laptop, omg man so so so so irritating.
then i go out to living room to watch 缘之绘, he keep coming out to ask me go in read his email.
then halftime i went back inside e room to watch, my mom also come in!
come in keep talking on phone! dad oso. WA PIANG SO LOUD LA I CAN'T HEAR E TV AT ALL LAR. ask them shut up or get out they oso dun wan. then in e 1st place come in 'watch' tv for wad.
then i purposely keep calling my house phone secretly using my hp then my mom thought got incoming call then she hang up her line then i hang up oso. but she keep calling other ppl after tat even though she keep hanging up. they didn't know it was me.
then in e end i get so irritated and SCREAM 'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' then they go out.
e logic is correct right! they wan to talk on phone, then y follow me into my room when i come in to watch tv???!!! not only i can't hear e tv, they keep lower e tv volume oso. wa bth leh.
play com oso disturb, watch tv oso disturb.. if not for i wanna watch tv, i rather stay in sch watch youtube or HEROES online than go home.
mood damn irritated. fustrated over this stupid hair liao, rebond oso not nice, nv rebond oso not nice, perm oso not nice, watever oso cannot. still cannot have peace at home.
feel like going out to the beach immediately.
when can i move out to have my own flat where only i am staying in it.
PS: highstreet5 got mandarin songs de lor! so far only danced Jolin's 騎士精神 & Love Love Love. coz now my stage can't choose song yet so e songs are random. ha..
oh ya..oso danced Angela's Aurora, 潘瑋柏's 只想對你說. hehe but alot players inside are from phil, indo, viet those areas sia. they talk to me in their language i nv reply lor. i onli understand 'hi' lol
omg.. haix.. today got American Idol.. every wed n thur 10pm.. this wk is 2hour special coz audition... although it's only audition, but i'll watch de coz i wanna try to spot my 'champion' from audition.. carrie underwood is i like her since her 1st audition one.. then she reali won and i so happy when she get through every week.
so i got to miss coffee prince since i can borrow from ppl.. but e prob is.. ch8 from today onwards hor, 10.30pm is 新醉打金枝 leh!!!! nice lor, coz got 蔡琳!!! AHHHHHH 3 channels ALL CLASH!! lol..
i'm not shock tat F4 is not in e Top 5, but i'm shock tat 56 is no.2...
I'm a little overwhelm that 飛輪海's is selling better than 棒棒堂's.. coz i reali thought 棒棒堂's sales will win 飛輪海.. coz bbt reali too popular liao lor.
now i'm worried next wk 56 will win 飛輪海..
oki very busy leh. thurs' test haven study at all lor. everyday stay in sch till 8 for proj lor. coz i must go home watch 黃金路 ha.. ps ah.. stay at home reali is cannot study one. weekends stay at home, but all i do is sleep n tv. everyday after sch reach home oso sleep n tv. i reali very lazybone at home de leh. i am most popular for not doing housework at home. lol.. i dun do any housework de leh. esp when my mom is at home. if i am very hungry i oso lazy to cook noodle de. i will purposely tell her i'm so hungry. if she doesn't want to cook for me, then i dun eat one. lol.. very bad rite.. but i juz dun like to do housework at all. esp when she always ask me to do at 5pm. DUH! 5PM IS WAD SHOW?
"黃金路" reali nice. ok maybe e storyline is juz normal or wad. but somehow i feel that e 演員 act out e relationship which i reali like very much.. relationship
-between 凱達&金龍,
-between 金龍&林菲,
-between 金龍&肉骨妹..
so sad la i dun like the ending la. ok can't reveal yet, for those who haven read i-weekly. lol..
anyway i like e 主題曲 '路' and 插曲 '捨不得' of this show by 迷路兵!
now i think i reali like Felicia Chin.. and oso grown to like Silkygirl too. maybe it's coz of her? i dunno.. but 歐萱's still e best out of e 7princess. hehe.. keep repeating lol..
very look forward to 緣之繪, e new ch8 show.. not coz of Dawn Yeo, but becoz of tw's 劉容嘉 n 曾少宗 (both from 惡作劇2吻)..
once again, HEROES rocks!!!!
PS: do ur know that Micah (Nikki's son), actually has a power too! ha..
do ur know that Claire's biology dad is Nathan!(e one who can fly)
seriously, i dun like Nikki's power.
anyway, i'm like e ONLY ONE who isn't complaining abt e pain we all got after NAPFA on her blog.. ha..
ok here's mine. actually mine should be e least painful one coz all e stations i onli aga aga 'participate' and never reali did them. and i think it is reali e least pain one. coz i still can sit down stand up climb stairs without whinning. it's painful but i still can take it.
until today.. karen dropped her wallet on e floor with coins dropped out too. every1 can't bend down and so i squat down to pick up e wallet n coins for her. it wasn't reali painful when i squat down, but is e moment when i stand up from squatting down again. ha..
but still ok la. if u climb e stairs in a fast pace then not as pain liao. sit down stand up oso ba. juz do it fast n e pain will be over and not as pain le.
OMY got headlines of FLH.. press VODCAST, e small button at top right to watch a lot of their videos.
*NOTE: this 2 pics are not the cover of their album. these 2 are for TW, China n HK fans buy de, dunno is buy e cards or their area de album got free these cards.
SG got 2 version ah remember.. 男人版 is normal one with dvd, 男孩版 is cheap version with no dvd.*
A smile on your face will bring sunshine to people around you, bring lively mood to everyone and makes ur day easier and happier.
Quoting from 黃金路...
PS: dun be mistaken.. i want to be positive and smile all e time, but tat doesn't mean i abort the idea of wanting to die. I'm still hoping for my death to come asap. Coz living is reali TOO TIRED n meaningless! What i mean is, since i can't predict when i'll die, so i will try be be happy from now on till e day i'm dead.
Haha.. New yr le.. It's time to forget all unhappiness and refresh yourself. Refresh what? Refresh ur temper, refresh ur attitude towards people. It's time to erase all unhappiness that you have towards people or something and re-start again.
Yes i'm going to quote this super meaningful sentence again:爱是恒久忍耐,又有恩慈。爱是不自夸。不张狂。
I really hope everyone will act this out in ur life and always remembers this. In all relationships, you should not keep on rubbing on the unhappiness to make it worse, forever only thinks that other people treats u badly but never reflect on ur own attitudes. You should only try to think of SOLUTIONS to solve the problems.
Love is not losing temper 不轻易发怒, love is never remembers other's wrongdoings 不计算人的恶, love is forever compromising 凡事包容, sacrificing, forgive n forget, 爱是恒久忍耐.
Ok so my resolution is SMILE.
I'm really trying to be positive and optimistic rather than negative which all along i've been.
My hopes n wishes for 2008!
For School:
-graduate smoothly
-treaure my remaining sch life with hSh gang
-take many pics in sch for my post-graduation album!
For Friends:
- hope the outcome will become better and not worse
- better bonding and stay in close contact after graduate
For myself:
- go F4/FLH'S autograph when they come SG!!! and must let them sign successfully! and fetch them at airport!
- go FLH's concert
- never let my passion in tv, radio, idols lessen by any bit.
- will be working alr.. SUPPORT GOOD ALBUMS as much as i can!
- bring my parents for full body check up
- never stop love to blog
- find chances to take up courses that i always wanted
- IMPROVEMENT ON MY SKIN!!! make it not disgusting!!
- happy days more than sad days
- sort out if i'm interested in FINANCE or not?!
At the end of this entry.. it's near to 6am alr..
Ha my radio never explodes. coz it's on from Tue 12pm e moment i woke up to now, wed 6am! how many hrs????
Ok i got off it for 3hrs. One hr from 5-6pm coz watching yu bai, 2hrs from 9pm-11pm watch ch8 n chU.
This pic above took me some time, was searching for all the nice photos.
Lucky lesson ends at 11am.. i can come back to slp.
I have an habit. if till 4++am i still haven slp/can't slp, then i won't slp for e rest of e night alr. Might as well dun slp, slp 1.5hrs for wad. Have done this a lot times, last time keep cannot fall asleep.. then till 4++, pek chek alr then might as well wake up use com, dun slp liao. I'm not reali sleepy sia. SIAO body clock one. E lesser i slp, e more energetic i am. If i slp more than 6hrs, then i'll be very restless the whole day. Then if i never slp, i oso energetic one.
oh ya~ i haven mention this on my blog..
I like this series of colour from now on- Gold / Yellow/ Orange!!!
i still like pink.. but too many ppl like pink alr.
And now gold/yellow/orange attracts me too!