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Wednesday, January 30, 2008

i'm sick!
every year my dad say the same thing to me
last few yrs i dun believe
but now i bu de bu xiang xin
coz it has happen for e past.. many yrs.
and i realised, it's true.
and i dunno why.
every year like tat.
i hate sore throat.



errr.. i think sg is late 1 week. coz everytime fri tw 1st, then following mon or tue then ship over.
5 MVs leh.. hahahahahahahahahhaa

do you believe. last time i only need to top up $30 for 2 week's bus fare.

this month i top up $20 nearly every week, only for school.

how i wish i could walk to school.



面对人 永远就是怕







以后都很难会认识到新的朋友,真正的朋友的那种 =)


fri got career fair. got Singapore Press Holdings leh. although it's like nt reali related to radio stations, but at least better than non-media industry firms rite. ha..
on-e-spot interview de sia. most afraid of this.. but no choice, since i would want to try to get in. or see e DBS first.. mr chan say got e dunno wad programme, after a period of training, will put u into a department through analysing ur strengths in which area.

hehe i was hoping for e credit department :P

or tue lec got guest speaker, can know more bout being personal financial planner. although this project super sux, but it's interesting in working on it ba, juz like credit department.

the thought of analysing the company/person to see if should grant loan to him/it and the process of granting loan makes me feel interested sia.

was joking with some of them tat next time if i go apply for accounts job, at e end of e interview must ask which firm is the company's auditor. LOL

ps: L's movie de trailer out le!!! OMG.. HAHAHAHAHA CAN'T WAIT.

iSophia posted @12:00 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

飛輪海慶功改版 le!!!!

green colour de.. HAHAHAHAHAHA NICE NICE GOT 5 MVS!!!


飛輪海-心里有數 mv!

The super nice song that everyone likes!!! 心里有數!!!
百分百獨家 惡作劇2吻見面會 林依晨終於回來了
娛樂百分百 - 辰亦儒介紹"小老婆" 對愛車放真感情
娛樂百分百 - 飛輪海穿金戴銀 過西洋情人節
张韶涵 - 能不能勇敢说爱 MV (完整版)

iSophia posted @11:38 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, January 27, 2008

edited: i think Calvin also coming for e Romantic Princess promotion. So, beginning of march, let's go airport fetch Calvin and WuZun together k.

Finally finished watching HEROES season 1!!!!
so touching~~~
so nice~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!

can't wait to start season 2, but must wait till CNY after the last project thingy which is FA presentation on next next tue.
this is where i watch HEROES. this user has both season 1 and season 2 uploaded. http://www.ku6.com/special/index_1631555.html

iSophia posted @6:52 PM & welcomes u to visit here again


娛樂百分百 飛輪海到大陸宣傳 全員到齊歌迷好興奮

so, march. let's go airport fetch WuZun together k.

damn sickening of PFP project.

iSophia posted @1:11 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, January 26, 2008

(news from: his blog)

iSophia posted @11:08 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, January 25, 2008

update: i am multi-tasking.. Watching Goong on chU + chatting on msn + eat maggie mee (ate dinner too early, now SUPER HUNGRY) + doing project. HAHAHAHA.. multi multi.. tml can stay at home whole day listen 93.3 and do proj alr.. one word.. 爽!!! although is do proj, but can listen 93.3 whole day and stay at home, is super 爽 de.. esp my parents will not be at home.. muahahaha.

missed so many episodes of 緣之繪!!! arghhhhhhhhh!!!
oh man.. youtube nobody upload leh~!
this is e big FLH poster that HIM is selling.. it's e height of the person who is behind that is holding on to it lor.. got possibility that it's higher than me leh.. hahahahaha.. or same height as me.. hahaha.. but $30 too ex le.. so i never order.. abit regret la.. if not i can hang on my room wall liao.. u know, i nearly ask my dad to fix those glass on my wall, like 2 pieces of glass in between can put poster de.. kind of like notice board.. i wan one whole row of it then all put FLH n F4's posters.. but my dad sure dun allow.

wow. record.. we stayed till 10pm in school tonight! ha..

makes me remind of year 1 sem 2.. coz that time we are preparing for the presentation of Organisational Behaviour ma.. Most of the groups 規規矩矩 present properly.. but we decide to use Puppet Show's way of presenting.. ha.. so we have to purchase the materials, design, plan the script and scenes, make the stage, make the puppets out.. ha..

although it's abit 自討苦吃, but it's very enjoyable lei.. e last day we stayed in school library till 9.45pm to do the stage and puppets.. haha.. hehehe.. very fun..

kinda enjoy these last few weeks together in school, even though is do proj till very late and everyone were super tired.

now is 10.55pm.. 10.30 then reached home.. 1st thing is on computer, then watch finish coffee prince then go bath.. anyway i think reali building a mrt at Bedok Reservoir.. dunno izzit near my area.. i hope so.. but anyway i oso can walk to Kembagan liao hor.. hAHAHA..

oh oh 籃球火 got prob liao.. see, too strong de cast will create a lot prob de lor. read this for full details http://blog.omy.sg/fahrenheit

jiayou ba everyone..must calm down and do peacefully.. cannot feel fustrated.. next week is e last week to chiong till late night liao.. hehe.. jiayou jiayou..

iSophia posted @10:44 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, January 24, 2008

edited: addicted to my blog song 就是説不出口- by 小宇.. i actually listened 連續 more than 30times non stop and never feel 膩 of it sia.. ha.. u know u can set repeat current track by clicking e button on my playlist? ha.. and forgot to mention, 大東 update his blog le!!! http://www.wretch.cc/blog/gyapower&article_id=7098792, 嗚嗚,幾時才輪到阿布和calvin..



5th Feb onwards every tue 8pm chU!!! YAY!!! i just love this variety show so much... hehe dunno y.. every country they show is so nice even though those country are not reali very nice. maybe is their way of filming and how they present the show ba.. hehe very nice..


online la.. chat lei.. since ur online, then chat on msn la.. free de leh.. can talk a lot things ma. dun nid chat all e time lar, but at least can talk talk abit ma. dun keep appear offline la.. or say hi to me when u online if u appearing offline la. so i know u 'online' then can click u to chat if i got something to tell u ma..
then when u going off say bye then i know u reali offline le lo.. hahaha..

dat's e reason i block ppl ma. coz sometimes i oso doing proj or watching shows or doing some things then dun wan some ppl to talk to me but i'm still fine and welcome my friends to talk to me so i juz block those ppl and online lo.. coz ur all appear offline ma, so i bo bian muz online to let ur see i online lo.. HAHAHAHAHA..

haix.. reali felt the life of 3rd yr liao. we all everday morning go do proj (or afternoon ha..), do till almost 9pm everyday lor.. tsk tsk tsk.. the sch hor.. dunno got brain or not leh.. opps..
but oso quite fun la.. oso a period to be remembered..

u know hor. i so so so so scare flh will be coming on e week or e week b4 our exams leh.. i think last yr oso rite.. if they come during exam period n it's sat still ok lor. e most take notes go there study onli ma, whole day leh. morning till night. so many time to study. but i scare is sunday lor. sunday i can't go in e morning ma. wad if nobody go chop place coz exam period. wa cham..

anyway.. ya.. so depressed over my hair. wed nearly dun dare to go to sch lor. part of e reason y i skipped law lec oso. but main reason is becoz i haven complete my thing then muz do liao then can go sch lar. haha..

my dad's fren gave us a dvd player leh. is old old one then abit spoil one but still can use de. can sing karaoke lor. my hse got those karaoke de speakers n system or wadever it calls but my dad always lazy to fix it.. then e bad thing is it's too chim so i tried but oso can't fix it. so e sound quality of karaoke not very good now.

seeing karen qw and phy brining laptops to sch hor, i oso hav e urge to buy laptops leh. die liao i think after i start working sure very cham one. every month's salary spend all ah.
wan to buy insurance, wan to buy a new com, wan to buy camera b4 graduation ceremony, wan to buy laptop, wan to suppor albums, still wan to set aside savings for ACCA. siao liao siao liao. must do Personal Financial Planning and see when can i reach my goals oso.


PS: ur can listen my playlist while doing proj leh =P very nice de. trust my music taste HAHAHAHAHAHA..

iSophia posted @10:28 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

song: 就是説不出口 by 小宇


haha yesterday night ard 11+ SUPER HUNGRY..used to eating a lot everyday liao lor SUPER HUNGRY.. reali very very very hungry. but my hse no more maggie liao, n i very 挑食, i wan to eat 肉挫面, i wan to eat 肉圓.. but my dad not free. so i die oso dun wan eat biscuits or other things. therefore i sleep early. if not i SO HUNGRY!!!

my room is in a big big big mess now. coz my mom start to 大掃除 yesterday. lucky i do proj till 8 then reach home. after i open e door, my heart OS: [啊,慘了,太早回來]
ha.. then i told my dad: [應該打電話給我叫我晚一點回來嗎!!]
coz my mom is like tat one. she is doing work, if other ppl not doing, she will very bu shuang then shout ppl to do work oso. hehe but i rush to my room n lock myself inside act busy so she never ask me to do anything.

sat jiu die liao, sat whole day sure ask me do a lot things. my room is in big mess lor. dunno where to put my magazines alr. my big box is full.

i wan to change my blogskin, goodness how long hav i been saying this already. no time lar. wanted to edit the banner pic myself de lor. BUT too bad i dun hav time to use photoshop to make. i very picky with blogskin one. so far haven found a one that i wan to use.



good news! 依晨 film finish 《射鵰英雄傳》already! so she's back to tw to join the promotion of 《惡作劇2吻》 liao!! can see her more often already.. and oso can't wait for 《射鵰英雄傳》 too.. do u think chU will buy??? coz they seem to be buying all 胡哥's shows.. 仙劍奇俠傳,天外飛仙... since 天外飛仙's response not bad, haha.. hope they'll buy 《射鵰英雄傳》too.. oso 依晨&胡哥 ma..

娛樂百分百 - 大東&克莉斯汀拍惡作劇2吻最後戲份


haha actually this brand's jewellry reali not bad leh.. WuZun tat one very nice lor.

oh shyt.. keep forgetting to go cd stores to check if 惡作劇2吻 soundtrack got come sg or not.

anyway 小宇's album is out le! erm.. how many of ur know who is 小宇?? ha.. he's someone with a good voice and good song writer who sang many songs for 偶像劇原聲帶s.. especially 熱情仲夏.. he sang quite a few songs that he wrote.. quite nice.. listen to his album http://9262446.imeem.com/playlist/SbcfOtd1/xiao_yu_tong_xue_jiu_shi_wo_by_xiao_yu_music_playl/
his slow songs all very nice lor.. haha..

i thought i alr very fast alr, but imeem got one user 'wanchin' is faster than me! she SUPER updated one.. any new album any new show oso upload one lor. ur can sign up imeem and add her as fren.. her 惡作劇2吻 is full epi one, not parts by parts.. her album list is SUPER SUPER updated.. salute her!!!

http://9262446.imeem.com/ her page.

she got 4shared folder which u can dl her songs that she uploaded.. and seriously, she any new songs oso got. any album oso got.. bravo..
for individual song downloads:http://9262446.4shared.comf
or album downloads:http://9262446second.4shared.com

actually when u're at home, there's a lot of things that u can enjoy.. for me, other than listening to 93.3 or watch tv, 時常 listen to new albums, no matter whose, even new singers, is oso very enjoying.. u can listen without downloading.. i wish to support 小宇.. but ha.. wait until i start working ba.. i will fill up my shelf full of albums.. watching shows online oso very enjoying.. playing online games also very enjoying.. there's really endless things for me to do when i'm at home.. therefore i often wish to stay alone..

iSophia posted @10:39 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, January 23, 2008



HAHAHA as most of ur know, (ur know rite), Kang Kang went back to host with Jacky Wu le!!! super happy de.. coz i think KangKang + NoNo and Jacky Wu are still the best host partners isn't it.. then this episode is FLH 3 members combine to trick WuZun. Watch the preview!!! haha very nice.

They act playing 十字路口 but they purposely order all 肥肉 dishes coz WuZun dun dare to eat.

iSophia posted @12:32 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

song: TiAmo by 炎亞綸 & 劉力揚

虽然是简单的形容 虽然是重复的动作
因为有你 让一切都变成不平凡
好想缝合你我手心 就这样牵住放不开
有你陪伴 呼吸着有你的空气

TiAmo~ tequiero ~
每一天都要爱上你 想着你沉入梦境
一睁眼一清醒 第一个想到又是你

sarang hey and I love you ~
陪着你的光阴 怎样都不算蹉跎~

好想缝合你我手心 就这样牵住放不开
有你陪伴 呼吸着有你的空气

TiAmo~ tequiero ~
每一天都要爱上你 想着你沉入梦境
一睁眼一清醒 第一个想到又是你

sarang hey and I love you ~
陪着你的光阴 怎样都不算蹉跎~


hehe.. 1st time i listen oso not very nice. but as i listen more n more, not bad sia. especially 劉力揚's voice quite nice rite! but abit alike to Kira Gong isn't it?? her voice not bad.


haix.. 5++ go home liao. 难得 so early can go home. thought can hav some peaceful moments. in e end, was so so so so disturbed by those 2 folks again.

i am in my room playing my new downloaded dancing game HighStreet5, my dad come in use laptop, omg man so so so so irritating.

then i go out to living room to watch 缘之绘, he keep coming out to ask me go in read his email.
then halftime i went back inside e room to watch, my mom also come in!
come in keep talking on phone! dad oso. WA PIANG SO LOUD LA I CAN'T HEAR E TV AT ALL LAR. ask them shut up or get out they oso dun wan. then in e 1st place come in 'watch' tv for wad.

then i purposely keep calling my house phone secretly using my hp then my mom thought got incoming call then she hang up her line then i hang up oso. but she keep calling other ppl after tat even though she keep hanging up. they didn't know it was me.
then in e end i get so irritated and SCREAM 'AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH' then they go out.

e logic is correct right! they wan to talk on phone, then y follow me into my room when i come in to watch tv???!!! not only i can't hear e tv, they keep lower e tv volume oso. wa bth leh.

play com oso disturb, watch tv oso disturb.. if not for i wanna watch tv, i rather stay in sch watch youtube or HEROES online than go home.

mood damn irritated. fustrated over this stupid hair liao, rebond oso not nice, nv rebond oso not nice, perm oso not nice, watever oso cannot. still cannot have peace at home.

feel like going out to the beach immediately.

when can i move out to have my own flat where only i am staying in it.

PS: highstreet5 got mandarin songs de lor! so far only danced Jolin's 騎士精神 & Love Love Love. coz now my stage can't choose song yet so e songs are random. ha..

oh ya..oso danced Angela's Aurora, 潘瑋柏's 只想對你說. hehe but alot players inside are from phil, indo, viet those areas sia. they talk to me in their language i nv reply lor. i onli understand 'hi' lol

iSophia posted @10:19 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, January 21, 2008

Anyone can get ‘路’and ‘舍不得’by 迷路兵??
黄金路's songs.. esp 舍不得.. SO NICE!!

reali hope 林菲 and 金龙 can be together.. since 肉骨妹 died and idiot 凯杰 ran away. The most memorable and touching part is last wk dunno which episode, 金龙 ride 林菲 out for a spin on her birthday.. wa... super touching.. my mom beside, then i act go toilet coz my eyes will get very very pain if it's watery so cannot let her see. ha

After 12 attempts of rebonding, of which 3rd attempt of cutting short and 4th or 5th attempt of cutting fringe, i can only conclude that i am really not suitable for short hair and definitely not suitable to have fringe.

my parents say it's ok but i think it's ugly.


but anyway i oso sian liao. i see 2 other ppl rebond finish b4 me their faces got 1st-timer's excitement, lol.. mine.. is nth.
Actually morning wake up is e most sentimental moments ba. Rather than at night before sleeping? CNY coming, but i'm not least happy. Exams coming means all e projs will come to e end finally, but i'm also not e least happy.
Becoz that'll means that we're graduating soon.
Gosh.. jingxian they all so fast.... haix.. ours is soon to come..

See her blog she post a video that her big group sang 情非得以 together on the last day of school, so touching man.. Big group got this advantage, must do a lot 轰轰烈烈 stuff then have fun.. and dun nid to mind 形象 or 丢脸 at all coz there's so many ppl.
http://profile.imeem.com/bY55I2/video/pz8PSjXY/no_title_music_video/ this her video haha..

haix.. i think last day of exams, 28th feb, i will also cry. ha..

back to e point.. ya.. recently morning wake up will drop tears, coz think of going to last day of sch soon. so sad.. haix.. worst, in on 93.3 and it's playing Angela's 不想懂得.


and i'm trying hard not to think too much abt e same issue again. but too bad there's always new ***** that will ci ji me and remind me.
somehow i feel that it's purposely one lor. or reali dunno that will ci ji me. lol..

iSophia posted @8:01 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, January 20, 2008

e L-movie.. (the L from deathnote, for those who dunno.)
weee woooooooooo can watch in Feb le!!
Recently so many movies.. weee heee so many chances to watch movies with all of u together. 功夫灌籃,NARNIA 2!!!!,L-change the world...

this is 功夫灌籃's website with e trailer at e main page (hehe got 柏霖.. 好帥) http://www.emp.hk/kungfudunk/

and this is L- change the world's movie Trailer
COOL RITE!!! HA.. CAN'T WAIT!!! it's a MUST to watch.
Sg is 21st feb.

Previous entry's 4 wallpapers reali very nice lor. Try save as and put as ur desktop wallpaper, PINK COLOUR super nice lor.. ha.. very nice..

My desktop wallpaper SUPER happening. Coz FLH coz too many nice nice nice wallpapers alr. ha.. those that i upload on my entries mostly i will put as my desktop one. Super nice..

The next song that wanna intro to ur is this:


你在哭 对不对 逆着风想吹干眼泪
说不出的痛 越藏越多

还以为 给你翅膀 你的天空就完美
才舍得放手 让你飞

我像是你身后的风筝 断了的线还缠在心中
偷偷跟着你走 害怕自由

*baby 当 雪花冷藏了阳光 当彩虹开始结霜
你要勇敢 因为你还有我
当 天堂都已被锁上 当空气压痛肩膀
先不要慌 至少你还有我*

你在哭 对不对 背着光擦几行泪
心痛的姿势 不该是你

受多少伤 才能坚强 你的梦想我都没忘
你飞翔 我跟着你流浪

就像影子粘在你身后 再大的风也不能拆散
紧紧跟着你走 谁要自由

*baby 当 雪花冷藏了阳光 当彩虹开始结霜
你要勇敢 因为你还有我
当 天堂都已被锁上 当空气压痛肩膀
先不要慌 至少你还有我*

别相信这世界只剩下自己 回头看看你身后
至少还有我 (还有我)
还有我 (准备好的温暖 守护你)
还有我(准备好的温暖 守护你)

after listening 新窩,為你存在,愛的王道,心里有數,至少還有我,小小大人物,previously's 出神入化,不會愛,超喜歡你. seriously, i reali feel that they got show improvements lor.. esp in 愛的王道,心里有數,至少還有我.. next song i'm gonna intro is 炎亞綸&劉力楊's TiAmo.. not bad oso. then left 明日香 & 一万個快樂. this album reali not bad..

kinda have a feeling their 改版 should be soon le ba??? lol reali 日有所思,也有所夢.. becoz few days ago in e day i keep thinking when their 改版 will be out.. then at night i reali dreamt that their 改版 is out.. lol..
this album reali not bad.. and anyway, u know tw artist when they go one variety show, they onli gets around SGD $62? i think so.. then FLH muz split into 4, tat's only equals to SGD$15 each person.. suppor ur idol's albums and shows ba, if u like them. take actions.
in fact, they're also working rite.. if u urself or ur family members becomes an idol, will u hope and wish that NOBODY will buy their album??? will u encourage ppl NOT TO buy ur album??
will u pray hard that people download ur songs and buy pirated cds so that u WON'T EARN ANY CENT from it?

so tired.. got so many plans going on. none can be done. so reluctant to do anything. juz hopes to lie in front of e tv.. Wed n Thu 8pm chU, rmb to support Romantic Princess even if u watch b4. So that in future chU will continues to buy tw idol dramas coz of the high ratings this time round. But anyway idol drama de ratings hard to be very high ba. lol... coz b4 tv station shows it, everyone alr watch finish on youtube liao. -.-"

PS: omg i am so in loved with Da Dong's voice.

iSophia posted @1:11 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, January 19, 2008

New wallpapers for ur desktops!!!

This is the 花絮 of S.H.E+FLH's new ad 蒙牛酸酸乳
and again, this is the advertisement of it
S.H.E + 飞轮海 蒙牛酸酸乳广告

iSophia posted @12:40 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, January 18, 2008

See, how busy we were?!!!
Today then got e chance to browse through subscribers' videos.. erm.. u know.. SO MANY PPL upload FLH's videos.. the same show, almost all my subscribers got.. so far i've got 91 subscribers.. coz i dun wanna miss out ANY FLH's videos, so i always search flh's name then click a lot users to subscribe them.

Below are 4 variety shows that FLH went.. i think not juz 4.. the latest is 周日八點黨-案發現場.. HAAAAAA.. phy say the house VERY VERY VERY VERY BIG AND NICE!!!
of coz lar, invite 4ppl, muz give a lot space ha.. watch ah..

OMG.. ang mohs are reali freaking super RICH izzit.. and y ang mohs open their hse to invite FLH? they know FLH meh? ha.. (ps: this epi is previously give out special notice to find big houses for FLH's epi one) freaking rich la.. palace like tat.


2008-1-13 周日八點黨-案發現場 飛輪海
omg.. e bed.. ahhh.. waterbed.. omg.. how wonderful it is if i could have a chance to sleep on it.. waterbed leh.. damn cool n comfortable muz it be la.

1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GOvOKWH_IsI
2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kO8HuuIxsZk
3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s-A45rloEO4
4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DoP46wPQ36g
5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c5YSyeIhmNs
6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mau6zBdGSWE
7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h8mHYCkLQk4

型男大主厨 - 11.01.08 (飛輪海)
u know y Da Dong so super pro in cutting e veges and flipping e rice, coz he's filming 翻滾吧,蛋炒飯! ma!!! hahahahhahahahahahaha..

1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96Y-24X6kQQ
2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8X-GHmRaRUA
3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDG4YvgwuVQ
4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhBkFf6u6kk

20080102 美味鑒定團 飛輪海
- omg.. i so so so wanna eat the jap 鰻魚飯 la!! omg e rice.. omg.. and e crab.. omg.. when they peel e meat of e crab, omg.. omg.. ha..
1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Up7_RFSmnL4
2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u2Tuy0XTHSk&feature=related
3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aTYJ0yNJBCI&feature=related
4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BPHev7IRheQ
5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCuNttxTg04

2007-12-26 王牌大眼睛 飛輪海
1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uhaWX30mm54
2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsM371EzYEU
3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1heINJ8X8D4
4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CEM2FIybr4w
5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gmz8L71np3M
6 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqBMxHocN94
7 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uXjvJY3jLJQ

haix i got no mood to shop new clothes for CNY at all. actually dun even feel like buying. like everything wear on me not nice like tat. sian.
bus fare nowadays reali very ex u know. i top-uped $20 this wk leh. so surprising. or $30, i dun rmb le. onli know i spend more than $70 this wk*. and i nv went anywhere, i onli went to sch everyday. LOL.. ha

CNY faster come faster go. onli excited to get ang baos. coz can 'finance' my expenses for a short while. haix. after all e tests n proj, i muz do financial planning for myself liao. Will want to buy insurance after i start working ba since i dun hav any at all. dunno wanna get for my parents or not since they oso dun hav any but their insurance very ex.
Hav to seriously savin money coz i'll hav to support them by myself in future.
If can, hope to do some investment but i can't take risk oso.
Hav to save for sch fees oso. Juz save first and decide later.

If go ACCA.. muz start working then by e time i register for next yr june's exam at Nov this yr, i should be got save enough $ to pay 1st sem's sch fees le ba. Then study part time and save at e same time to pay for the following semester and so on...
If not is dun study first lo.
Dunno leh. Greatest wish is among us for those who oso wan to take ACCA, hope we can enrol together, at least after work still can study in e same classroom leh. haix but everyone's financial position is diff. One might hav enough $ to start studying alr while e others haven't yet.
Hope lo.. i dun mind waiting or wad.

haix see first. if reali study ACCA liao, then reali muz stay in office work liao, if not waste so much $ to study for wad rite.

ok back to the same period as last few mths of 2006, whereby every night i will stay up till 4am coz i'll be watching a lot of FLH's variety shows. ha.. and HEROES.. haix.. so popular, always can't rent coz a lot ppl renting.

iSophia posted @10:45 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

S.H.E & 飞轮海 went 内蒙.. haha..

S.H.E + 飞轮海 内蒙之旅


S.H.E + 飞轮海 Fahrenheit 蒙牛酸酸乳广告
(their new ad)

changed my 1st song back to 为你存在.. reali love the 1st 2 sentences so much.. this song reali very nice. same as to 2nd song 心里有数 and 3rd song 爱的王道..
actually this time round 飞轮海's album reali quite nice lor.
至少还有我 oso very nice. soon to intro to ur.

No time to use windows movie maker to cut ringtones for my handphone.
Anyway i wanna find those shop that makes.. erm.. how to say.. u know those CDs surface's paper.. ha.. i want to print lar. but not so fast. think e whole thing i make finish is june or july liao.

siAnz dun feel like going FA lecture.. i wanna go bugis to eat 芒果冰 leh!!! I WANT TO EAT 芒果冰 LAR!!!


i wan to find a day to rebond my hair!!!!!

iSophia posted @1:25 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

omg.. haix.. today got American Idol.. every wed n thur 10pm.. this wk is 2hour special coz audition... although it's only audition, but i'll watch de coz i wanna try to spot my 'champion' from audition.. carrie underwood is i like her since her 1st audition one.. then she reali won and i so happy when she get through every week.

so i got to miss coffee prince since i can borrow from ppl.. but e prob is.. ch8 from today onwards hor, 10.30pm is 新醉打金枝 leh!!!! nice lor, coz got 蔡琳!!! AHHHHHH 3 channels ALL CLASH!! lol..



dunno y so rush leh.
this is blank DVD-R... 52 pcs.. $42..

alamak y is DVD de??!!! i dun hav DVD-recorder lar.. shucks.. if is CD-R i sure buy one.. THE PIC IS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NICE LAR!!!

those who wanna order, go http://blog.omy.sg/fahrenheit for e details, asap!!! coz order closes tml!!!

iSophia posted @10:15 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

just read 3/4 of i-weekly in-depth. ha too busy alr. i buy i-weekly very week, must take few days to read finish one. coz e moment i get it, i will browse through by flipping and won't read first. then read e reader's column, read the storylines first.. although some shows i never follow everyday, but i still very interested in the story one. i read 黄金路,手足2,咖啡王子..

then after tat few days slowly read one section by one section..


REALLY GOT 终极一街!!!!




it's the last part of 终极 series..

means got 终极一班,终极一家 and soon to come 终极一街.


I really love 终极一家 very much.. i bought 终极一班 e moment i craze over 飞轮海 immediately, and now i'm still waiting for full set of 终极一家 to reach SG to buy it. i MUST buy it.. and of coz.. 终极一街..

i reali wish and hope 终极一街 will be successfully released.. coz always got unexpected thingy or wad de ma.. then hope as usual all 4 飞轮海 members are in it, 唐禹哲 too.. hope 黄小柔 oso in it oso.. and of coz the 刀疤杰森 and 金宝三 too.. hahahahaha

I SO MISS 终极一家... wu la ba ha!!!

iSophia posted @10:38 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, January 14, 2008

song: 我就是喜歡你 by 大嘴巴.. wanted to put ‘結果勒’one.. but i realise at e end is reali very irritating to repeat 結果勒. so i aborted e idea. ha.. off-track awhile. actually if u scroll down e playlist, i reali got a lot songs to intro to ur lor. but i can't possibly change e top song everyday coz some ppl only come my blog once every few days, or worse. i reali wan to share n let everyone know wad i like u know. it's a kind of 心態病 ha..

shooting 心里有數's mv
YAY American Idol is BACK!!! hehehehe.. Another every year must chase de competition.. Although i can't do a part in the voting, but i like to watch very much leh. American Idol rocks! The contestants rocks, the show itself rocks coz i like e way they present it, the host Ryan Seacrest rocks, the judges Randy & Simon rocks, e sponsor Coka cola rocks, e guest singers rocks, the audience rocks!!!!

The audience really very nice lor. EVERY contestant sing hor, they will enjoy the song, after EVERY contestant sing, they will STAND AND CLAP for him/her. Even though they support only one of e contestant, but they still stand and clap for every contestant lor. Very respecful rite.. i like this very much.

Now that someone can lend me coffee prince, i can concentrate on HEROES on Mondays, American Idol on Weds & Thurs every wk liao. coz all 10pm, clash leh.

But HEROES i'm alr at epi.15 online liao. Every episode very 刺激 lor.. almost every episode i must hold my breathe, sometimes i dun dare to watch coz too 刺激 alr but i still will watch. It's not tat kind of scary's 刺激.. is the storyline very 刺激..

As those who can read chinese, these are 2 main album SALES CHART in tw.. G-Music and 五大.. Both charts' no.1 SALES is 飛輪海's 《雙面飛輪海》!!! HEHEHEHEHE

i'm not shock tat F4 is not in e Top 5, but i'm shock tat 56 is no.2...
I'm a little overwhelm that 飛輪海's is selling better than 棒棒堂's.. coz i reali thought 棒棒堂's sales will win 飛輪海.. coz bbt reali too popular liao lor.
now i'm worried next wk 56 will win 飛輪海..

oki very busy leh. thurs' test haven study at all lor. everyday stay in sch till 8 for proj lor. coz i must go home watch 黃金路 ha.. ps ah.. stay at home reali is cannot study one. weekends stay at home, but all i do is sleep n tv. everyday after sch reach home oso sleep n tv. i reali very lazybone at home de leh. i am most popular for not doing housework at home. lol.. i dun do any housework de leh. esp when my mom is at home. if i am very hungry i oso lazy to cook noodle de. i will purposely tell her i'm so hungry. if she doesn't want to cook for me, then i dun eat one. lol.. very bad rite.. but i juz dun like to do housework at all. esp when she always ask me to do at 5pm. DUH! 5PM IS WAD SHOW?

"黃金路" reali nice. ok maybe e storyline is juz normal or wad. but somehow i feel that e 演員 act out e relationship which i reali like very much.. relationship
-between 凱達&金龍,
-between 金龍&林菲,
-between 金龍&肉骨妹..
so sad la i dun like the ending la. ok can't reveal yet, for those who haven read i-weekly. lol..
anyway i like e 主題曲 '路' and 插曲 '捨不得' of this show by 迷路兵!

now i think i reali like Felicia Chin.. and oso grown to like Silkygirl too. maybe it's coz of her? i dunno.. but 歐萱's still e best out of e 7princess. hehe.. keep repeating lol..
very look forward to 緣之繪, e new ch8 show.. not coz of Dawn Yeo, but becoz of tw's 劉容嘉 n 曾少宗 (both from 惡作劇2吻)..

once again, HEROES rocks!!!!

PS: do ur know that Micah (Nikki's son), actually has a power too! ha..
do ur know that Claire's biology dad is Nathan!(e one who can fly)
seriously, i dun like Nikki's power.

anyway, i'm like e ONLY ONE who isn't complaining abt e pain we all got after NAPFA on her blog.. ha..
ok here's mine. actually mine should be e least painful one coz all e stations i onli aga aga 'participate' and never reali did them. and i think it is reali e least pain one. coz i still can sit down stand up climb stairs without whinning. it's painful but i still can take it.
until today.. karen dropped her wallet on e floor with coins dropped out too. every1 can't bend down and so i squat down to pick up e wallet n coins for her. it wasn't reali painful when i squat down, but is e moment when i stand up from squatting down again. ha..
but still ok la. if u climb e stairs in a fast pace then not as pain liao. sit down stand up oso ba. juz do it fast n e pain will be over and not as pain le.

iSophia posted @11:05 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, January 12, 2008

today NAPFA, failed 3 out of all 6 stations.. 遜卡 rite.. haha.. failed sit-ups, only did 20.
failed shutter-run..
failed of coz, 2.4... ha..

actually i didn't did much therefore i am not reali tired after e whole thing ba, juz very hungry. went Subway to eat.. muahahaha Subway.. i wan to franchise u.. LOL.. =.="

did a little research.. franchise subway nid $10k US$.. we are responsible for
• Initial franchise fee
• Finding locations
• Leasehold improvements
• Leasing or purchasing equipment
• Hiring employees and operating the restaurant
• Paying 8% royalty
• Paying 3.5% advertising fee into the advertising fund (4.5% in the United
States, Canada and Australia)

the Company will provide us for:
• Access to product formulas & operational systems
• Location assistance
• Store design guidance
• Equipment ordering guidance
• Training program
• Operations Manual
• Representative on-site during opening
• Periodic evaluations and ongoing support
• Informative publications

this is only the surface. muz go IFA and FLA website to read alot abt franchising requirements in singapore and join their member blah blah blah. wait till when i start to save $ for e franchise then research ba.

reach home.. erm.. i was sleepy coz everyone had to reach sch by 7.25am ma. but.. but.. i still think my bed got prob. not only every night lie down can't sleep, even today after NAPFA so sleepy, i OSO CAN'T SLP leh.. muz lie down till 5++ then can slp lor. lie 2hrs or so. pathetic.

never managed to study at all.. wake up watch tv all e way liao.
tml ba.. tml go Mac after church. yay Mac again.. lol..
today we all so healthy leh. 'exercised' in e morning, subway as lunch, and i ate porriage as dinner. wow..

oh didn't go cd shops to check if 惡作劇2吻's soundtrack got come sg or not.
soon ba.

sick liao. 3.2 reali quite hard to cope? everyday like reach home muz slp liao. no time to do anything. sian.. should be got proj, no test/hw. got test, no proj.
and should make NAPFA optional for female

OMY got headlines of FLH.. press VODCAST, e small button at top right to watch a lot of their videos.


iSophia posted @11:21 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, January 11, 2008

你微笑我用怀抱 开成一座城堡
你哭了我把雨滴 收进我的背包

爱了 当雨结下
不需要谁来预告 答案在你的心跳


数一数许过的愿 吹熄多少蜡烛
数一数流过的泪 串起多少露珠

爱了 没有问号
不需要星座预告 答案天使听得到(听得到)


儒's rap:
回头数一遍 走过的路总共多少公里
你在我左边 隔着亲密距离
猜你呼吸的频率 听你心跳的共鸣
这一刻我们都心 里 有 数

today finally can relax *abit*.. my HEROES stop at ep.13 liao la.. muz find time to continue le. i watching online de coz can't wait for ch5 once every week only. HEROES reali very nice!
i reali wan to franchise a subway in TP lei. LOLX...
tml NAPFA.. haix.. no hope one la. main objective is to take pictures. LOL..
after tat hope still got energy to study.
recently i eat alot leh. why ah. 2nd time puberty issit. then i muz go n jump liao rite LOL.. after dinner IMMEDIATELY i go mac order one full set of meal to eat u know. i juz love McDonalds so much i oso dunno y. ha..

愛的王道&新窩 nice ba?
心里有數 and 為你存在 SUPER NICE rite.. i love these 2 songs very much!!!
especially 為你存在.. very nice~~~~!

F4 & 飛輪海's albums are also released in JAPAN..


雙方競爭之激烈,最近又在日本引燃,根據日本知名唱片行HMV的最新銷售排行榜顯示,在「世界音樂」(world best sellers)類,2方雙雙入榜,其中F4專輯「在這裡等你」的台灣2個版本加上日本版分居前3名,人氣強強滾。但飛輪海緊咬F4不放,他們在日本雖是新人,一入榜竟打入第6名,氣勢不容小覷。

而在「亞洲音樂」類(asian best sellers)方面,F4排行第4,飛輪海則排第12,彼此也搶得兇。
Means that both F4 and FLH's album are released in JAPAN..

Jap's HMV sales ranking, in WORLD's BEST SELLERS category, F4's album is first 3, FLH's album is no.6.

in ASIAN'S BEST SELLERS category, F4's album is no.4, and FLH's album is no.12..

For extra info, JAY CHOU's album is rank no.22.

muahahahaha PRO ba?! Proud of F4 & FLH leh.

Azio_Fahrenheit Shooting 心里有數

我好想念 終極一家~~~!!!!!
although watch finish le, still misses it lei.. e DVD whole set de haven out lor. pity on those ppl who bought part 1 coz part 2 haven out after so long. sign..

iSophia posted @8:22 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Angela's album reali all e songs nice la. mentioned b4 rite. reali nice de leh. every song nice. Seriously.. is reali nice. Aiyo so many new songs. lai bu ji put on my blog. check back everyday to listen lei. ha.. i am like tat one. if i find something very nice i will intro to everyone and reali desparate to let everyone oso know it.

Ha my mom reali pestered by me everyday with FLH's stuff sia. Coz surprisingly sometimes she remembers wad i said sia. last sun she told her fren i said that DaDong's family is e poorest among all 4 sia. WOW.. reali impressed me leh. Coz i everyday tell her all these ba. lol..

Heard a song at 93.3.. is a very old song but i think most of ur will be quite familiar. it's call 明天會更好.. sang by 60over singers many many yrs ago.. suddenly wanna post part of e lyrics ha..

唱出你的热情 伸出你双手

lol e last sentece.. 让我们期待明天会更好.. actually when i heard it i was like.. so 酸.. coz 明知道 our 明天 is 11am-6pm lesson, after 6pm stay back in sch till 9.45pm do proj. 明天哪裏會更好.. haha..

anyway taipei 101 building's fireworks is e last time alr. wa so sad another of my dream shattered. wanted to see it personally de.. wa sad leh. how i wish i am born in taiwan.

Song: 心里有數 by 飛輪海
recently nth much to blog lei. dun wanna juz report whatever i do, i write liao oso sian.
everyone is so busy coz it's yr3. but why don't have any time to do anything at home at all?! haix..

everyday wake up, go sch, then lessons here n there. even release at 11 or 1, still must stay back to do project which oftenly is stay oso can't do much coz it's either no computers or stuck.

reach home alr quite late liao, average ard 8pm. after whole day of lessons n mental struggle during project, super tired. then bath la wadever la all tat, one day gone.
no time to on computer, tat means no time to research for proj or do proj, dun even say watch youtube or wad. and no time to do homework at also.

kind of dread this kind of life. whereby everyday reach home so late, e house got ppl alr, want to do what i want oso cannot. everyday morning wait till my parents go out of e house then i wake up.
i juz want a super quiet home alone. maybe i am reali used to going home to an empty house then i juz do wadever i want without ppl talkin n talkin or cant do this cant do tat so restrained.

honestly when i knew that someone bought e apartment oppo mine (tat means my neighbour), kind of disappointed. coz one of my wish tat i thought of before is buy 2 apartments side by side, one for my parents, one for MYSELF ONLY.
coz if i stay in e same apartment as them, at night i want to on music loud loud or watch tv loud loud oso cannot lor, coz HDB de soundproof is like NONE.

weekends must study for tests, coz every week got test. no time to do proj or homework oso. OMG.. why so er xin one.............. this sat still got NAPFA.. TOTAL WASTE OF TIME LAR..
Projects oso waste of time la, coz we are so pack. If not so pack got proj still ok lor. individual assignments can liao ma.

BTH leh.. and then maybe almost everyone have decided their path. Apply for uni for most, work temporary and study again etc etc etc.

Haix i dunno wad i want la.
Tat's y i say life is meaningless ma. At least for me.
Coz i dun wanna study anymore. But cannot wad.. this is e society.. diploma is nth. pathetic.. if i force myself to study ACCA next time, then it's like why should i study to make myself suffer when i dun like it but i am forced by the society to do that.
if dun study, in future all e friends at least hav degree liao, look down on me or i will feel zi bei. so pathetic.

oh crap rite. study for wad? work for wad? just to earn money to eat n live? so meaningless! just to carry on living. dun understand.....
i won't apply for uni. coz even i am accepted, oso no $ to go in at all. how to go uni rite.
i only have less than $500 in e bank, how to study lol.
mom ask me to take bank loan to study if i wan to study uni.. bank loan leh.. muz pay interest de sia. i dun wan to slog like hell.
then no choice but to work lor. work.. haix.. meaningless.. most prob accounts. bo bian lor, work first lor.

Romantic Princess is every wed n thur 8pm on chU.
黃金路 n 咖啡王子1號店 beri nice wor..
these timings is my copy tutorial timing lor.

anyway i reali like McDonalds leh. every week at least must eat twice. HAHAHAHA.. very nice leh dunno y.
like Felicia Chin more n more oso. duno y oso. but 7 princess e best is still Ou Xuan la.

oh gosh.. sat is NAPFA.. cham.. how.. not as if i say i wan to pass 2.4 then can pass. last time sec can run la coz every week PE and 2 times wushu practice every wk. then it's like running is reali so easy and not 辛苦 coz wushu must run oso.
now.. walk up stairs oso will 喘 liao.
on sat sure run abit then leg too 酸 and too 喘 then muz give up de lor.

sian. waste my time. after NAFPA dunno still got energy to study ma.

i wan to eat 芒果冰~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
no time to go bugis eat la.

iSophia posted @1:09 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


飛輪海 百分百大對抗!!!

1am.. chU

rmb to watch :)

anyway.. yalun's grandpa passed away on 29th dec.
he still have to smile and go all the autograph sessions..

poor thing

iSophia posted @5:18 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, January 06, 2008

Yester's 康熙 is 飛輪海's 告解大會. means confession or somethin like tat.
1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww66pmSEIbY
2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Deo1EVcVw2w
3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJIFbNFQwlU
4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lXaOUh2Y-0A
5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OGQRa-bdg8

muz watch!! very funny!!!

I like this song:


到永远还很久实现 -

*我知道 坚持就是爱的王道
对你的 付出一定收的到
不重要 你就是我爱的王道
我的肩膀 只让你依靠*


大東 rap:
yo come on
也许你的人缘太好 拥有许多男朋友
每次当你走过时候 有种不知名的香味
你是否中 爱情上我真的是这么想
你是否我也想要 一起走一起笑一起老
come on, now, right now

我知道 是你 爱你

我知道 坚持就是爱的王道
对你的 付出一定收的到
不重要 你就是我爱的王道
我的肩膀 只让你依靠

Another song 心裏有數 oso very nice.. next time put up again.
and this is previous's song. 為你存在's lyrics. nice leh. e lyrics nice.

我曾经不明白 每天为何醒来
工作吃饭发呆 这样算愉不愉快

我现在不意外 生命必先空白
不然哪够让你 来排山倒海

感谢你 人海中来相遇 当你唤我姓名
我才听见 我和世界有了联系
爱你 让我找到定义 和你拥有属于

苦乐都有你分担分享 幸福奢侈到不应该
每件事都值得去期待 每一天都有你和我相爱*

没有你喔哦 yeah~

没有你 这世界多空虚 几亿个陌生人
少掉一个 陌生的我也没关系
爱你 让我发现自己
原来如此具体 会哭会笑会心跳呼吸

1st verse so impact.. 每天爲何醒來。。工作吃飯發呆,這樣算不算愉快?

iSophia posted @2:34 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, January 04, 2008

opps... forgot to mention.. 56's album shipment delay leh. haha

"i dun mean **anything** ah" =PPP

This song is 為你存在.. by 飛輪海.. cd clear version. i upload de.
this song is nice leh.. nice!!!!

anyway Tue chU's 娱乐百分百 is 飛輪海 百分百大對抗.. MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST MUST WATCH. 5pm/1am.


ok went TM to buy 飛輪海's [双面飛輪海] & F4's [在這裡等你].

FLH's 男人版 reali very 男人.. ha.. nearly bought the 男孩版 oso, coz e 男孩版's cover is SO SO SO NICE lar! but.. ha.. never buy. wait for next 改版 buy again ba.

F4's de inside got a pass to their autograph.. 20th Jan.. but i doubt is SG de lei.. but.. ha.. dunno la if reali got then bravo la.. can finally go their autograph le la. few yrs ago i never get a chance to go any of their autograph in SG b4.

Anyway 飛輪海's 亞洲巡迴演唱會 will start from Sep.. SG's stop is at DEC 2008!
celebrate christmas with FLH?! ha..
ok dec is still quite long away..


my sms onli got free 500 every mth la. coz re-new contract then no longer student plan. SIAO liao i dunno how am i going to survive. everyday eat bread to pay phone bills?
i re-new on sat. till now onli 6days, i already used 200+ sms le leh!!


PLS.. call me if u nid ask me somethin or wanna tell me somethin or whatever la. *TRY* not to use sms ok.. i dun mind at all of picking calls de. 100% dun mind. but if u're a guy hor, then sms me la. i not used to talk to guys coz nth to talk one so if is guy then juz sms me.

e rest ah.. pls ah.. CALL me k. hahahaha.. or u sms me, i call u back to reply u if i dare to talk to u. coz my free minutes always left a lot. then everyone got free incoming ma. so i call ur to reply ur k. ha.. siao liao la sure over a lot sms one.

anyway 公主小妹 will be showing on chU from 24th Jan onwards.

and oh.. so sad.. today went century scare de ONE-Reds, JYJY and SuperCuts to ask abt perm for el n me ba. all say cannot perm T.T
oh.. 打擊真大~~~ i want 勁爆 LAR!! NOW CANNOT 勁爆 LIAO..
so sad...
total i asked 5salons, 4 said cannot perom. 3 of them are shopping centre one so consider professionals rite. then out of e 3, 2 say cannot perm, 1 say can, but muz wait half yr let half grow out chop off rebonded parts then do normal perm to enhance my original curl.
e other 2 juz say better to rebond -.-"
the onli 1 who said can perm. now turns out to seem like they onli wan to earn $?
haix dunno wad to do now la. if i rebond now then same wad muz wait long liao cut off rebond de then can perm. if not i'll be juz rebonding whole life.
imagine.. 2 or 3 time each yr leh. everytime hair grow out muz rebond liao. n onli can use expensive chemical if not no effect. $120x3 = $360 per yr on rebondin sia.

haix. i wan 勁爆 lei.. somethin diff from many others who nowadays is rebond or perm below or cut short onli. i wan shocking! HAHAHAHAHAHA..
ok sweet dreams hor. 慢慢等.

oh ya. i started to take pic today le. bit by bit.. PLS BE CO-OPERATIVE.. i wanna make an album!!!
e most important pic i wanna take is 11 of us sit in one whole lecture row de pic. not very hard but it's hard to get everyone to be co-operative, JUST TO SIT BACK 1 MINUTE AFTER A LECTURE AND SMILE. muz find a chance to do tat. juz 1min.

iSophia posted @9:10 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

4TH JAN 2008!!!

雙面飛輪海 IS OUT!!!!

Muahaha today our lessons till 5pm..
after 5 will straight 前往 TM buy FLH+F4's album.


U know wad. in another news which is in canto.. WuZun mentioned that..


Hongkong's concert 場地 alr booked liao.. SG oso confirm will hav liao leh!
SO EXCITED!! hahaha reali muz save $ for it liao wor.

Those who interested/wanna go ah, this is a very early de announcement liao, START SAVING $$$ FOR IT!

Today is also e start of 56 & 飛輪海 之戰..
coz 56's album oso release today..

*NOTE: this 2 pics are not the cover of their album. these 2 are for TW, China n HK fans buy de, dunno is buy e cards or their area de album got free these cards.

SG got 2 version ah remember.. 男版 is normal one with dvd, 男版 is cheap version with no dvd.*

iSophia posted @10:14 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

展望 2008 年!!!!

Sorry for e late resolutions.. Now is 4.16am wednesday morning, just finished my SIP report.. wahaha i do my report in less than 2days in total leh.. PRO RITE?! ha.. that giam siap one gave me 40m for appraisal onli, no commendation, so no matter how 天馬行空 my SIP report is oso no use. coz must all 4 area get commendation then can get an overall commendation. so report write so good for wad.

Anyway this blog song is 昨天今天明天 by 強辯樂團! nice!
See, i'm not bias de. I reali like nice songs de. I'll try to put all e nice new songs on my blog for ur to listen :)

Anyway WUZun update his blog alr. his 2008 spec so cool!

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR to all my readers!

Have u all come up with ur new year's resolution?!
I've come up with mine, just few days ago.

That is:
Generate Your Own Glitter Graphics @ GlitterYourWay.com - Image hosted by ImageShack.us

This is my 2008's resolution! SMILE!!!

A smile on your face will bring sunshine to people around you, bring lively mood to everyone and makes ur day easier and happier.

Quoting from 黃金路...

PS: dun be mistaken.. i want to be positive and smile all e time, but tat doesn't mean i abort the idea of wanting to die. I'm still hoping for my death to come asap. Coz living is reali TOO TIRED n meaningless! What i mean is, since i can't predict when i'll die, so i will try be be happy from now on till e day i'm dead.

Haha.. New yr le.. It's time to forget all unhappiness and refresh yourself. Refresh what? Refresh ur temper, refresh ur attitude towards people. It's time to erase all unhappiness that you have towards people or something and re-start again.

Yes i'm going to quote this super meaningful sentence again:




I really hope everyone will act this out in ur life and always remembers this. In all relationships, you should not keep on rubbing on the unhappiness to make it worse, forever only thinks that other people treats u badly but never reflect on ur own attitudes. You should only try to think of SOLUTIONS to solve the problems.

Love is not losing temper 不轻易发怒, love is never remembers other's wrongdoings 不计算人的恶, love is forever compromising 凡事包容, sacrificing, forgive n forget, 爱是恒久忍耐.

Ok so my resolution is SMILE.
I'm really trying to be positive and optimistic rather than negative which all along i've been.

My hopes n wishes for 2008!

For School:
-graduate smoothly
-treaure my remaining sch life with hSh gang
-take many pics in sch for my post-graduation album!

For Work:
- find a job smoothly with gd location gd pay gd boss gd colleagues, which is practically quite impossible.
- able to find passion and interest in the job

For Friends:
- hope the outcome will become better and not worse
- better bonding and stay in close contact after graduate

For myself:
- go F4/FLH'S autograph when they come SG!!! and must let them sign successfully! and fetch them at airport!
- go FLH's concert
- never let my passion in tv, radio, idols lessen by any bit.
- will be working alr.. SUPPORT GOOD ALBUMS as much as i can!
- bring my parents for full body check up
- never stop love to blog
- find chances to take up courses that i always wanted
- IMPROVEMENT ON MY SKIN!!! make it not disgusting!!
- happy days more than sad days
- sort out if i'm interested in FINANCE or not?!


At the end of this entry.. it's near to 6am alr..
Ha my radio never explodes. coz it's on from Tue 12pm e moment i woke up to now, wed 6am! how many hrs????
Ok i got off it for 3hrs. One hr from 5-6pm coz watching yu bai, 2hrs from 9pm-11pm watch ch8 n chU.
This pic above took me some time, was searching for all the nice photos.
Lucky lesson ends at 11am.. i can come back to slp.
I have an habit. if till 4++am i still haven slp/can't slp, then i won't slp for e rest of e night alr. Might as well dun slp, slp 1.5hrs for wad. Have done this a lot times, last time keep cannot fall asleep.. then till 4++, pek chek alr then might as well wake up use com, dun slp liao. I'm not reali sleepy sia. SIAO body clock one. E lesser i slp, e more energetic i am. If i slp more than 6hrs, then i'll be very restless the whole day. Then if i never slp, i oso energetic one.

oh ya~ i haven mention this on my blog..

I like this series of colour from now on- Gold / Yellow/ Orange!!!

i still like pink.. but too many ppl like pink alr.
And now gold/yellow/orange attracts me too!

iSophia posted @4:23 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

about ME!

♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
♥Likes to share all e gd news to everyone
♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

What i Like!


♥The Arcade


♥Bubble Tea

♥Viwawa's Big 2.5

my FavouriTes


♥Jerry Yan




♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car

Idol's Blogs

♥93.3's 丁志勇_Cruz
♥93.3's 佩芬_PeiFen
♥Felicia Chin


fRiend's Blogs

♥Chan Chieh
♥Feng Ying
♥Jing Mei
♥Jing Xian
♥Jing Ting
♥Jun Xiang
♥Qi Wei
♥Swee Mei
♥Wei Ming

fAvoritE sitEs

♥林依晨's official site
♥Fahrenheit International Site
♥SG 飛輪海's FC
♥鄭元暢's official site
♥OMY.sg FLH's blog
♥Yes 93.3
♥Maple Sea
♥CozyCot beauty forum


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- Time of my Life.
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- 一旦拥有 就会害怕失去
- 以前说的不是这种以后〜
- the moment that dreams come true
- Byebye 2012!
- 五月天 - 星空
- 我的女神
- 疯狂世界


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