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Sunday, August 31, 2008

我會很愛你 (this is SONY's ad in tw,there got WALKMAN word in e lyrics)

初次见面就占据我心中 部署星空只为了你等候
每个角落 擦肩而过 被缘分捉弄
突然相遇在转角的街头 抬头感动我只想对你说
快乐难过 不能错过 对你的承诺

我不太浪漫 你说很习惯 我的肩膀给你很多安全感
握紧你的手 用全力向天空轻轻呐喊

*我会很爱很爱你 一百个世纪
很爱很爱你 没人能代替
未来旅行 Walkman记录着爱情

我会很爱很爱你 黑夜到黎明
很爱很爱你 四季不休息
打开Walkman 随时就能听见你
Feel My Heart 我最爱最爱的你*

快乐难过不能错过 对你的承诺

我会很爱你 一百个世纪 很爱很爱你 没人能代替
未来旅行 Walkman记录着爱情
我会很爱你 用我的生命 很爱很爱你 你给我勇气
快乐寂寞走到幸福那一头 Feel My Heart

Just to confirm although i alr knew e answer,

Anyone wants to go Fahrenheit's concert @ 19th Dec?
If yes, please tell me.

yohooo, 2nd post of the day, did this while waiting 8pm whereby meeting brenda n bel @ big 2.5's den. hahahaha..

I had 2-days date with myself, let me share my adventures.

Woke up @ 9am, went OCBC to update my status, well, their service are more convenient.. I went to POSB to did e same thing but i had to queue at e counter n have to show them all my documents..
OCBC.. there was a long queue, was goin to walk out coz doesnt wan to be late for e autograph, but they've got customer service officers outside e queue, one of them came up to me n just took my IC n Passport then went to update for me.. Don't have to queue.

Then began my journey to Bukit Panjang for Derrick's autograph..
The journey is nearly 2hours!
Coz i took e train back to pasir ris then all e way to Jurong East.
Change to red line, to Chua Chu Kang..
Then went other building to take LRT to Bukit Panjang.

While i was reaching Chua Chu Kang, suddenly thought of something!
"Is Bukit Panjang Plaza at Bukit Panjang Station????"
Coz sometimes e name is not exactly at e station de ma..
Somemore saw Chua Chu Kang got a shopping mall too.
Then faster sms JX coz she stays at e West..
My saviour of the day. haha..
If not i really will go Lot One mistakening it as BPP.

First time taking LRT.. really so small! A bit scary with no driver but quite fun.
The gate is different de lor! Everytime we tap e card, then e gate open.
But this one is we tap e card, have to push e bars ourselves to go out de!
Stared at e 'gate' for a few sec then realise must push ourselves.

Then went for e autograph.. Aiyo i rmb 3pm as 2pm!
But it was good to be early coz slowly lots ppl stroll in.
Guess who i saw, e guy who we saw at Mayday autograph!
OMG he's really too rich or too much time, ANY idol oso go..
ANY concert oso go..
Heard him talkin abt FLH concert..

Go autograph de ppl some is really fix de lor..
Saw quite some familiar faces lor..

Got one couple from tat biggest chinese country, i think i saw them @ 唐禹哲 autograph b4 too. WA IS CUT QUEUE DE LOR. n they never queues up de. they just bring camera to shoot shoot shoot then go off de lor.. Just cut all e way to my front, if not i could have stand up e bars to have e clearest view of my life.

After that came home.. oso nearly 2hrs..
Don't mistaken me as complaining about e long journey, i don't mind at all.
Da Bao a packet of fried rice @ my coffee shop, tastes bad..
I have another idea for saving $ le..
Coz my mom seldom cooks nowadays so i can't bring rice for lunch to office.
I can Da Bao fried rice,split into tonight's dinner n next day's lunch at office!

After church, went PP to shop ard.. last time always 有事沒事 take free shuttle from Bedok go PP shop ard for nth.. haha..
Really is 走一圈 then take shuttle back to bedok liao.
Actually i go there is just to go Isetan see wad i can buy for my dad..

Wanna buy something to bless him for his ordination on 20th Sep.
Wallet, tie, belt-- all buy b4 le lei.
But in e end didnt buy anything yet.

Then went bedok 走一圈 too..
Bought Cheese Fries n went home.
KFC is rather generous as compared to others when giving sauces..
I only bought 1 cheese fries, e person gave me 6packet of chilli sauce, nearly 10 tisues, 2 forks, 1 knife (for????)

People would ask me, 你沒有朋友啊?
i would reply them: "有。只是沒有跟我一樣支持喜歡的偶像的朋友"
and sometimes it's free to be alone if i'm at familiar places..
just that, it'll be so nice if i had my own car.

I would not say it's perfect if i'm staying alone too, because these 2 days my parents oso went out from morning till night, so it's alr equivalent that i'm home alone.

the best part is.... DON'T HAVE TO STUDY!!!! i can just suddenly go somewhere i wan, anyhow walk ard w/o having to worry to study..
reali hates e feeling of having to force myself to study @ home.

iSophia posted @7:44 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

脩 wrote this at the end of this blog entry:


IS IT Zhong Ji Yi JIE??!! hahahaha i very very sensitive to anything they said that have possibility to be Zhong Ji Yi JIE..

added this to my favourites list:

you had a little taste of what i've been through, how i felt.
but u're much much more fortunate becoz the other party is not you..
and i believe the conclusion will not be the same.

if the same thing happens to you more than once even though the situation and method aren't the same, that means you are the root of the problems...

i don't know i should be happy or not.
maybe others will be happy for me...
however i'm more at the edge of worrying...

but i know that the best thing i can try to do is...not to think about it anymore.
saw this on Dasmond Koh's blog entry.. meaningful..

我想, 我们都曾经…

渴望 那一秒钟 能永远定格
希望 那一分钟 会尽快结束
祈祷 那一天 赶快来到
但愿 那一年 不曾走过… …

遗憾 某些人的过去 我们未能参与
奢望 将踏入的未来 能相伴随行

每一段的日子 肯定有苦有甜蜜
走过了 就会在心里留下足迹

还是借着天天踩着的步伐 想压深的记忆

iSophia posted @12:24 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, August 30, 2008

By the way, http://www.starjerry.net/index_c1.php ur know Jerry Yan's website change le.. OMG so HANDSOME.. hahaha.. but think haven start using, now only got e front page. hao Shuai4 ah~~~!!
無法歸類 with dance- Live @ Bukit Panjang Plaza.
he's veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy nervous, first time!
good job though! he really sang it LIVE

咬字 live @ Bukit Panjang Plaza.
this song & lyrics is written by himself, about his 咬字's prob which was pointed out a few times by e judges in PSS.

你走天橋,我走地下道 live @ Bukit Panjang Plaza

This is the news on ch8.
One by one went up, then he sign le, we stand beside him, take pic, shake hand then go down.

Oldest fan- an Uncle which is near to 60 yrs old!!!!

Next wk @ Bishan de attraction is....... every fan who goes up for autograph will receive a NEW exclusive poster.

Dunno wad's e D-計劃 yet.. but according to 唱片公司's strategies hor, i GUESS it'll be in 改版 then bo bian wan e pic must buy 改版??? haha..

This is the full MV of 無法歸類, very clear!! 導演真的很厲害

4 words- 是帥的咯

iSophia posted @11:11 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, August 29, 2008


飞轮海 [想入飞飞世界巡回演唱会] 新加坡站已经铁定在12月19日(五) 在新加坡室内体育场热烈引爆!

票价: S$78、S$108、S$138、S$168 (不包括S$3 SISTIC行政費)

想通过华研新加坡公司预订演唱会门票吗? 那就请注意以下几个條件咯~

1. 不能自选想要的座位 - 不管是票价多少, 一律不能选你想要的位子
2. 座位分配將全全由主办单位安排及決定

若同意以上的條件, 就马上行动吧!
请將你们的资料email到: promo@himmusic.com.sg, 並注明:[飞轮海新加坡演唱-Pre-order]:
- 姓名
- 身份证号码
- 联络号码
- email地址
- 要购买的票价和数量


若想自行选购座位的朋友们, 你们也可以等到正式开票时, 第一時间前往任何一间SISTIC柜台购买演唱会门票!正式售票日期有待公佈~


來源: 華研國際音樂


this means that, i will write a leave form NOW to apply leave for

1) 1st Dec- confirmed exam date

2) 19th Dec- FLH's concert


S.H.E成立「FM S.H.E」

S.H.E話匣子一開停不了 要把聊天內容搬到空中
九月成立「FM S.H.E」 三人晉升電台老總-總裁、總機和總務
開出夢幻訪問名單 S.H.E要跟聽眾分享生活、感情、音樂

New ad!

iSophia posted @9:04 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

very nice song........

iSophia posted @11:44 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sat's autograph cannot use own camera de, they got hire photographer to do that.
Is take photo individually wor.. hehe looking forward,
it'll be included in a D-Project.. which i dunno wad izzit.

today goin Eightrium coz they got bai bai there, hehe i go mum mum.

Tmr, 无法归类MV will 首播 at Y.E.S.933官方网站!

Hua Yang Nan Zi FINAL!! 4th Sep!!

iSophia posted @9:02 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, August 26, 2008






E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E who goes up for autograph can 合照 with him!!

but i dun have camera!! and no ppl to take for me!!


i know where is bukit panjang, go ***Chua*** Chu Kang mrt, change to LRT.

何維健 Derrick Hoh - "無法歸類" 無法歸類 幕後花絮


Fri going Kbox with a few of my depart.'s colleagues.. actually next Fri got one big bunch of colleagues going, including other departs. de lar, but i dun reali wish to go with them.. then someone suggested we go this wk.

It's really super super expensive.. Fri night 8pm-11pm alr is $25++, we're taking e buffet dinner too so it's $35++ which adds up to ard $43 each person.. and only sing 3hrs..

My mom kept grumbling abt my hair. coz it's reali rather messy.
which makes my every morning very irritated.


the ONLY red piece which is e KING is ME, e others are all bel's pieces.

this is the latest viwawa's game. Dynasty Chess (xiang qi).. we dunno how to play, but i am sux at it. so i lose EVERY round.. this is e most pathetic one.. i left 1 KING and e worse is, i can't make any move at all. By e way this game very cute coz e chess piece will kill each other de haha..

anyway, yesterday newspaper reported that there are 2 or 3 teenagers who died and the cause were suspected relating to online games..

one of them is staying ard my hse de, he committed suicide.. these teenagers are tooooooooooo deeply involved in the game.. then i was wondering wad is 魔兽世界 leh.. i was thinking izzit Grand** Es***** haha.. but turn out it is WoW (world of ***craft)

Some games are reali quite eerie or violent that i belive anyone who is tooo crazily deep into anything will turn out to have side effects de lor.

iSophia posted @11:14 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, August 25, 2008

today i wore format attire, then was telling every1 i am going for an interview after work.
well, that's just something sooner or later!

my priority is still e EAST. saw a not bad one yesterday but haven't took action.

they mentioned tat Oct onwards de closing must be more efficient.. then dec n jan is super busy.. even my mentor n another colleague who is suppose to take their final exam in dec n graduate from their course oso decided to delay their exam to april next yr lor..

Dec is Christmas, Jan is New Yr n CNY!
Christmas is e most amazing festival which i wan to prepare lots for it..
CNY means new clothes, new everything!

had a 1.5hr meeting with e purchasing department today..

iSophia posted @6:19 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, August 24, 2008


haha.. today whole day i had a biggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg question mark hanging in my brain..
today is 24th Aug!

there must be something that i remembers..
it's definitely not e olympic closing ceremony that is important to me,
until i came online n suddenly remembers!!!

Myspace Comments, Glitter Graphics at GlitterYourWay.com



Brought home e statements to do but ended up doing nth. i just can't do anything serious at home, be it studying or working. :P

Realli thinking of giving up soon. It's a wise choice to take tax 1st coz we've learnt wad we are learning therefore we won't have to struggle now. But, it's gg to be tough soon.

oki, off to mapling, byebye.

iSophia posted @10:08 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, August 23, 2008

am looking for this song 我會很愛你 by Jerry Yan..
it's the Sony ad's new song.. now is 新歌 on 933!

tmr is the Closing Ceremony of Olympics, 8pm live on ch5

got LEONA LEWIS!!! woohooo!! a great singer.. knew her when she was the guest of American Idol result show..


iSophia posted @7:38 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Say bye bye to this ex-batch of DiDis, after 2 yrs...

No matter wad the new batch won't be as good de ba..
Watch their 毕业 episode (part 上 n 下) at this user SiuYuen1125's youtube channel.

Yesterday is 933 周公讲鬼 签书会, for those who dunno, 周公 release a book of ghost story le!

I knew that Derrick was one of e guest but........... i never went coz........ haha.. i wan to watch ping pong. Anyway i'll be at his autograph le.

iSophia posted @11:51 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, August 22, 2008

now is 1.19am, just finished gaining 2% in 15min @ Ghost Ship 6 alone & this:

did e 'image' below @ e cash shop.. e suite is so cool, like rich taitai like that hahahahaha.. then i realise e hat, watch n e red spec is e similar one that i've done e last time (refer to my sidebar's pic)! lol..

if... IF.. ****IF**** i can train @ ghost ship, most prob i'll buy 2x n pet again le ba. lol.. IF la.. IF!!!

iSophia posted @1:19 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, August 21, 2008

(updated @ 11.33pm, scroll down)


anyone buyin e album & interested in e autograph? tell me.. bukit panjang v far from me rite? but J8 will a lot ppl ma??? Although every will think that shld be not super lot of ppl, but his album a lot ppl buy oso leh..

-------updated part---------

today pf asked me after lesson i decide which days i can take for next 2 papers le ma? hahahahahahahahahaha.. i say only left Tue. Coz Mon got HEROES, Wed&Thur AMERICAN IDOL, fri got Ghost Whisperer (wow all ch5 de leh)..

Then bel said something 'Still got SuperStars' HAHAHA.. then is Tue oso cannot le!

lol.. i dun nid to study le!!! -.-

I placed 2 parts of Derrick's interview with 933 yesterday coz i missed it. Fast forward e song at end of PART 1 in between if u dun wan to listen.. Enjoy~

PS: the 2 songs that they mentioned at part 2 is on his blog de imeem playlist, he sang it while he's very very young.

All my saturdays very busy lor.. Till end of sep. oh gosh..

it means i can't have my perfect stay-at-home-whole-day at all.

by e way, yay my MS ok le.. but it's alr 12am -.- think i reach SG 'airport' then i can go slp liao.

i feel so like

1) chionging to level 100

2) PLAY PARTY QUEST!!! feel like building up a noob just for all e PQs.. i miss PQ-ing at kerning de, n i've never tried other PQs b4..


Hot Shot's comic is out!

iSophia posted @12:40 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

籃球火插曲 - 絕對無敵完整版MV

一半 by 言承旭 《篮球火》HOT SHOT!!! 片尾曲 ENDING SONG

cool! e lyrics are at e description on e right if u go to e site http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hfM0sFhR2Ew to watch/listen.. the cool thing is, after e chinese lyrics, they have the JAP lyrics too!! haha..
anyway, while i was bathing, i was thinking later i will not watch tv, i will type the tax format n study. But towards e end of bathing, i was thinking later i will not watch tv, i will play Maple!

haha.. am trying *hard* to get back to Maple, but always reluctant/no time to do so.
i reali missed out too much, i dun even know wad n where n how to go those new towns, wad new stuffs or equips etc etc etc.. totally dunno le!!!
but i don't wan to give up my ISOPHIA..

speaking of which, some of my colleagues calls me ISOPHIA de leh..
sooooooooooooo happy :)
Reali like this name, not juz becoz i like the name, it's also becoz my maple character ISOPHIA is i “辛辛苦苦” level up de.. although in between bel helped a lot la.
Not juz becoz i like the game a lot, is also because 那段疯狂的日子 is very very very memorable lor..

But my gameguard can't run!!! think must re-dl e whole thing which takes, a long time.
I dunno when i'll have e motivation to play again.

iSophia posted @7:54 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A story to tell:

A little boy of thirteen was on his way to school
He heard a crowd of people laughing and he went to take a look
Thousands were listening to the stories of one man
He spoke with such wisdom,even the kids could understand

The hours passed so quickly, the day turned into night
Everyone was hungry but there was no food in sight
The boy looked in his lunchbox,at the little that he had
He wasn't sure what good it'd do,
there were thousands to be fed.

But he saw the twinkling eyes of Jesus,
the kindness in His smile
and the boy cried out with the trust of a child

he said:

"Take my five loaves and two fishes,
Do with it as you will....I surrender

Take my fears, my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all, to feed them all"

I often think about that boy when I'm feeling small
and I worry that the work I do,means nothing at all.
But every single tear I cry is a diamond in His hands
and every door that slams in my face
I will offer up in prayer

So I'll give you every breadth that I have,
Oh Lord, you can work miracles
All that you need is my "Amen"

Take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as you will...I surrender
Take my fears,my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all
I hope it's not too small

I trust in you,I trust in you...

Take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as you will...I surrender
Take my fears, my inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all
no gift is too small

A song by Corinne May- Five loaves and two fishes.

It's one of the miracle story in the bible.
Whereby God uses Five loaves & two fishes (五饼二鱼) to feed thousands of people.

and yes, oh Lord, i surrender...please take my fears, my inhibitions, all my burdens, my ambitions...

I trust in him and i believe every single tear I cry is a diamond in His hands.
Another reason i like this week's I-weekly is becoz.. hehee..
They wrote quite a lot nice things on Jerry Yan!!
he rocks!!!

Wanted to say something abt Ethan & Qiao En but.. better zip here.

Now online-d to cut a ringtone.

Saw on phy's blog her fren had a gf knowing from Viwawa.
Wow that's even more pro than Maple..

Coz i think viwawa is harder to stay in contact with someone lor.
Coz in games u'll always be thinking of e next step, e conversation box is small, n u can't see ur fren list in game etc etc..

I still prefer Maple.. Maple.. Maple.. misses the period of chionging.. argh..

And hor.. i reali saw a very familiar face in phy's photos leh!!


Is she
-my fren
-my sch mate
-my fren's sister
-someone i saw at online de photos
-someone i saw at my other fren's photos,
-someone whom i saw at my msn contact's display pic
-fren's fren
???????????????????????????????? lol!!!!


who who who who who who who who who??!! i can't guess!

although i (in fact, every1) wish n hope tat she'll be together with Joe, but i know very clearly that they will not. Coz Ariel likes those 文藝氣質, mature, knowledgeable, etc etc de lor..
Joe is definitely not someone like this..
He's very secretive leh.. i wan to understand more of him but v hard.
Someone i feel that he's not a good boy..
Coz he opens a pub @ tai zhong with forgot who, so i believe him n Ariel is totally different person so it's hard for them to be together..

Well, let's just leave all our wishes in "恶作剧" ba.

I juz simply totally hate people who sees people de.

Whenever i go p****** room, MOST of the time i get set back de leh.
Like *some kind of document*got difference, of coz i'll have to get back to them, but they always bounce back to me ask me go n call ppl to verify myself.

But my mentor go, they immediately help her.

the ** man oso.
no matter how i tell him, it'll end up i have to find those things myself. Coz no matter wad he oso dun wan to do it.



Is it just so hard to be VERY perfect n happy with ANYONE.
This is all the root of all the unhappiness that every1 is experiencing lor!

iSophia posted @5:04 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, August 18, 2008


i intro her e 2 corinne may songs, she in turn intro me another.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh immediately burst into tears after e 1st few lines of e song starts..
lyrics are at e comment section below.

i wanna intro ur e 2 songs!! but.. after few more days.
listening to one of it also touches me very much.
Last & this wk's I-weekly is not bad..
previously was losing confidence in it coz e few issues b4 last wk wasnt interesting to me. Maybe becoz i'm not reali interested in those few topics ba.

But last & this wk's not bad.. haha.. maybe becoz i'm interested in e reports.. i will read most of e pages de.. all e words..
This wk is Taiwan idol dramas leh.. 正中我的喜好
Jerry Yan rocks!!!!

Jolin's nail shop de nail polish are available in SG le!
but very exp lor..

Rox man!
so many nice new dramas coming up..
霹雳MIT (亞綸,鬼鬼,小鬼)
爱就宅一起 (大東,Rainie)
星光的淚光 (JERRY YAN!!!)
紙玫瑰 (林依晨)

e best are these 2 le ba..
我的億萬麵包 (golden couple: 林依晨&鄭元暢!!)
華麗的挑戰 (Jerry Yan & 林依晨) omg my most fav male & female actors!

iSophia posted @10:08 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

[You can be a withness, You can be a prophet
You can make the whole world believe.
Break the strongest fortress, change the way the world thinks
You can build a bridge where foes can meet.
Hope for the future,
Shout it, don't whisper,
Dreams are what we make them to be]

[Take my five loaves and two fishes
Do with it as you will
I surrender
Take my fears and inhibitions
All my burdens, my ambitions
You can use it all, to feed them all"]

One of my greatest wish... "a bridge where foes can meet"
Not meet to fight.. meet to become friends.. the last thing i wan would be having any bit of unhappiness with anyone.

Why would people wan to get unhappy or nasty with one another? It's a so unhappy thing.. Why just can't people be happy and content with one another.. This world is just full of those unbalance unequal and selfish thinkings that people only WANTS to get UNHAPPY with another another instead of wan to have good relationships.

although i haven watch any epi of 篮球火, but this dance is the dance that 霹雳队 will dance after their victory. The show don't have full of it, this one is e full version, 2min!

It's funny coz u see very very cool's Jerry Yan dancing n have to still act cool then cannot dance too much coz must act cool..
then 小猪 明明 can dance v cool n well but he have to act funny.
then Jerry have to face 小猪 who keeps silly-smile, got 1 part he can't tahan n smile out but very fast turn back to 'cool' face. hahahaha.. so funny.
i think e most comfortable ones are e 3 dancers who can be themselves.

Yeah, 我是 SUPERMAN!!

i think Derrick's autograph is end of aug..

HEROES tonight!
Previously it was becoz of SuperBand that i cannot OT or cannot go out on Mondays, but now SuperBand isn't nice unless i am interested in the performance guest (whom i hope it'll be Derrick soon), but now i definitely can't OT till late or can't go out till late coz of HEROES!!

Headache u know. I think the rest of ACCA semesters, coz it's 2 days ma.. it'll be a great TORTURE to me, coz Jan 2009 will start AMERICAN IDOL, which falls on every Wed & Thurs 10pm.
I always reach home @ 11.30pm after sch leh..

Then if HEROES seasons come it'll be on Mondays, OH NO..

I think i really gonna get a TV PHONE which is quite common in sg alr.
Juz tat e function all tat is quite user UNFRIENDLY, but no choice, hav to buy it coz of TV... but wad if on e mrt & bus e reception is damn bad?!

and i'm simply love e way Cruz blogs!
"First, the Prime Minister’s National Day Message lang-gar-ed with the Opening Ceremony of the Beijing Olympics. Now his National Day Rally lang-gars with the Table Tennis Team Finals."
i bet ur understand e funny thing: lang-gars

iSophia posted @8:23 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Teens Sep issue is out! with this wonderful 封面:

OPPS.. forgot to mention..
This song 你走天橋,我走地下道 is written by 吳佳明, 和聲 is by 林琪玉!
Worth mentioning coz i think most of ur know who are they.

Today went to celebrate Phy's 20th birthday.

In e morning went driving centre with bel pf n brenda. Pf n Brenda went to take their basic theory test, me n bel went to register.

[My mom asked me where i'm gg when i wake up early, i told her register driving. After i came out from e toilet,
my dad told me '你知道你的媽媽說什麽嗎?'
me: 什麽?
dad: 她說 "沒有錢買車還考來干嘛"]
So angry *PUFF* and threw a pillow towards her.
Wanted to shout le, but i change to '那就謝謝你會買一輛給我'

Then i ask my dad can sponsor my driving lessons ma..
He say '不用學得啦,跟我一樣,考試前一個月去上幾堂課就可以了。要不然去買一個L plate,星期六帶你去carpark,我教你啦'

Then after tat i say i'll go celebrate phy's bday n go career fair coz wanna see mediacorp's booth. then my mom start to ##$%$%^*&*$%^$^ again,
[she: 933 他們說你老了他們就不要你了
me: 我知道啊,不然?他們是年輕電台,哪裏可能讓老人做廣播員
she: then 之後不是沒有工作
me: 做別的啦!
she: 工錢多少?
me: 不知道
she: 不知道!不要亂亂來hor.
me:(火冒三丈) 最重要的是你曾經達到你的夢想,至少開心的作工,其他的東西根本不重要!]
she keep &^%^&#%^#^%&*&^*&^(^(^%^
then i bth n say '933 就不用 account meh!!'
actually in e VERY first place, i've never thought of applying for other positions coz i'm so damn clear that i dun hav the relevant qualification or the presentable looks for publicity purpose. I JUST WAN TO TAKE A LOOK.

dun wanna tell them ANYTHING abt me ANYMORE.

i've always been very truthful of wad i wan, wad i think, wad i insist, wad i really meant, wad i realli think to everyone. BUT some ppl JUST don't bother to respect or understand it at all.
Last yr those bunch of ppl is,mom sometimes is,now in xxxx oso like this.

Took mrt to cityhall.. met hweesing at aljunied coz need her to write phy's card. then phy called, we're in e same train!!
WHY... we always have this kind of last min situation.
Previously Englee's de oso. haha.. all becoz of CARD!! haha exciting!!!
Then we purposely tell her we're at e TAIL but infact we're at e HEAD.
Then hav to write b4 we all reach cityhall platform, we onli finish e card few sec b4 we reach cityhall lor!! so 驚險..

went ICHIBAN BOSHI @ Esplanade..

ok e interesting part is e cake..
Coz phy wanted e Bengawan Kaya Pandan cake. Pf n me went Suntec to buy e cake while e rest go esplanade first. WHEN........................ we reach bengawan, OH NO.. e Kaya Panda was sold out!!


haha then we bought LIGHT CHEESE. i think all of us enjoyed e cake v v v much except hs, 不好意思 neh i promise we won't buy durian or cheese cake for ur bday.. haha..

[this is juz a small piece out of e whole cake tat we bought, reali v pretty]

n tastes nice too!!!

For e present, we bought 5 tees and 2 dresses for her..

厲害吧, we fully n nicely used our limited budget.
Coz we've got our Chief Purchasing Officer (Brenda) & our Chief Negotiation Officer (Eng Lee)!

Find one day take a day off to go bugis street shopping oso.
Weekends tooooooooooo many ppl.

More pics will be uploaded when i've receive El & Phy's bday pics..
(hmm hmm phy.. haha..)

Then proceed to Career Fair at Suntec. Aiyo i saw a booth which is one of our supplier 'XX 鳥生' haha i write until like tat then no matter how tat supplier's staff search e web oso can't search dao i write abt them.. They're hiring Accts Assistant on AR.

Then i told bel to apply.. haha.. If she got in, then most prob she'll be e one calling me to chase payment coz she's AR i'm AP. This co. got 2 ppl ALWAYS call me to chase payment. E accountant is quite good. BUT their stupid sales person SUPER rude, cocky n irritating!!! E way he speak is super super super cocky.

Oh yes, e Mediacorp booth was quite big.. If u're applying for their broadcaster or reporter kind of position, they set up a shooting scene there, imeediately u hav to stand in e scene, they'll shoot u n there's a tv there n u hav to speak, intro urself..

COOL hor.. not that i don't dare to go for it. is no confidence becoz of my wai biao. Then accounting-relating de job all is hire manager level de. -.- wad's wrong with fresh grads.

[A little collection of mine.. A radio clock.. My collections so far were nice bottles n cans.. My next desire collection will be CLOCKS.]

Aiyo today then i realise my Derrick's blog de link is invalid de leh.. why no ppl tell me! becoz nobody visits e idols' blogs?! like that if i hide my most secret blog in one of e many links ur oso dunno.....................................................

Oh ya.. i was saying olympics opening ceremony they introed 204 countries n most i reali never heard b4.. Cruz posted similar-looking flags.. read this post http://www.cruzteng.com/2008/08/14/flags/, e flags reali look sooo similar!

By e way, our BTT date is 26th Sep 4.30pm, gotta take time-off.
& i wish to intro 2 of Corrine May's songs soon.

iSophia posted @11:22 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, August 15, 2008

Told my mom abt my deicision in my mind, i knew it.. dun nid to tell her de lor. she won't understand de. Keep asking me izzit human relationship problem.
if not her only concern is $$$$$$$.
Tat's y i like to stay alone, even i can't, i oso wish i could slp alone in a room.
It's really hard to tell my family abt my own things,
so it's always ended up hiding behind blankets n weep quietly.

Yesterday de tax lecture got an hour or so is revolving ard a long qns, determining all e expenses whether it's Deductible or Not Deductible.
My whole head is swirling with e word 'Deductible, Not Deductible...'

933 got a booth @ e career fair leh.
will be going to see see tmr.

U know recently tv ad got a new album FAITH.
E next day i went CD shop, wanted to buy de..
but can't bring myself to spend e $ yet.

你走天橋 我走地下道- 何維健
all e lyrics is i type myself, not copy n paste,
so, at least listen to e song..

把我心燃燒 也得不到擁抱
慢慢的消耗 消失在每分每秒

真心無法作比較 就算我愛得很霸道

*看你走上了天橋 我走下了地下道
我轉進單行道 一路把過去甩掉

在這條曾說過要一起 走的幸福大道

iSophia posted @8:51 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

faint. feel like banging e wall.

i think there is only an ultimate solution to this everlasting problem.

just when.
got a little shock from a MV..
didnt knew tat 黑澀會 changed name to 黑Girl.
this is not all,
大牙's hair IS SO SHOCKING.
-.-"" x2
dunno y i like de all become not as pretty- MeiMei,鬼鬼 e hair become uglier.
then e others i never like de all become prettier.
-.-""" x3

their new mv

iSophia posted @8:27 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

faint. feel like banging e wall.

bear with me when i complain to ur.

iSophia posted @8:27 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

start to bth my hair le lor. haha.. coz i need 20min to use e straightener to straighten my hair, then most of e days i just wake up wash hair then juz use hair dryer blow dry, never straighten. Then whole day so pek chek with my hair so very pong n messy.
Then i reali bth n tie up, my colleagues say very aunty n ugly.
but if rebond oso too bian oso not nice.
jia lat.
temporary every night straighten it.

work blog will be updated tonight.

e more i watch HEROES, e more i like her-
Hayden Panettiere (Claire)
she's so pretty!!!

iSophia posted @9:01 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, August 11, 2008

haix.. somehow i've seen n felt something different from what everyone else thinks so.
i can always see people's darker n unexpected or real & true faces.
the fan cha is too big that i can feel immediately.
so many things have been going on in my mind.


cannot be my tagboard placed too bottom that nobody can see ba??

PLS TAG!!!! hahahaha

look forward to HEROES tonight.. :P

iSophia posted @3:02 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Got new game Cooking Dash! go playfirst.com to dl e 60min trial!
very sian, only can keep downloading playfirst's 6omin trial games.. wanted to dl free games to my phone but can't find really free one. how i wish i had Wii or PSP or RockBand, or an arcade machine HEHEHEHE.

To 配合 SuperBand's theme, let me dedicate this song & share with ur.


池塘边的榕树下 知了在声声叫着夏天
操场边的秋千上 只有蝴蝶停在上面
黑板上老师的粉笔 还在拼命 吱吱喳喳写个不停
等待着下课 等待着放学 等待游戏的童年

福利社里面什么都有 就是口袋里没有半毛钱
诸葛四郎和魔鬼党 到底谁抢到那只宝剑
隔壁班的那个女孩 怎么还没经过我的窗前
嘴里的零食 手里的漫画 心里初恋的童年

没有人知道为什么 太阳总下到山的那一边

没有人能够告诉我 山里面有没有住着神仙
多少的日子里总是一个人 面对着天空发呆
就这么好奇 就这么幻想 这么孤单的童年

总是要等到睡觉前 才知道功课只做了一点点
总是要等到考试以后 才知道该念的书都没有念
一寸光阴一寸金 老师说过寸金难买寸光阴
一天又一天 一年又一年 迷迷糊糊的童年

哦!一天又一天 一年又一年 

haha, was afraid that imeem won't hav this song coz so long le, wanted to go download n upload it le.. but imeem reali got! haha e verse [总是要等到睡觉前,才知道功课只做了一点点.
总是要等到考试以后,才知道该念的书都没有念] so close to me sia.. or should i say, so close to everyone of us in TP..

this song very nice neh!

this song got a little meaning to me de..
My frens know i like to sing song ba..

When i'm in Pri 5, there's once whereby dunno got wad festival la, then got those assembly 表演 ma.. then together with 3 other classmates, we signed up to sing a song!
and we sang this song!!
then have to buy e same clothes at this fashion, i think it costs ard $15, then i no $, i pay my classmate instalment, then in e end my dad knew n gave me $ to pay.

Then another time is me n chieh signed up to sing 夢裏 which is 環珠格格's song.. tat time 環珠格格 super popular lor.. but we gave up after e trial session.

brave ba! haha.. tat time never think so much, just do it. if i wan something, i will not consider if it's embarrassing or paiseh but just do it, abit like 衝動. i wan means i wan.

Sat night watched HEROES season 2..

this show rocks rocks rocks!!!

At 1st when we watched season 1 we're not used to e way they kept changing e scenes from one hero to another rite, but now i'm so used to it and in fact i like it!

I still like Claire very much.. esp her relationship with her dad, i mean her foster dad.

Everyone is not dead!
I thought Nathan would be dead coz he flew Peter up n Peter exploded, but he didnt.
Peter was not dead too, expected coz he absorbed regenerating power from Claire.
The most exciting part is, SYLAR is not dead!!!!

and now season 2 is revolving around this symbol:

it's so mysterious.. and Claire got boyfriend who gets near to her in school n he can fly. So exciting coz u dunno if he's good or bad..

Claire's foster dad is still working on secretly with Dr.Suresh to fight e company that tried to controlled them.. Dr.Suresh lure the company's ppl to approach him n he 'joined' them but e truth is he's working with Claire's dad to remove this company.
But i wonder if Dr.Suresh will turn bad.

Very very very very very very VERY exciting.
Every MONDAYS i cannot miss liao.
Really super nice.

Heard that PSP now e price drop till 200+ le, i was tempting to buy leh..
Coz i like to play games..
Nowadays i play my hp's Tennis tournament sia.
Coz i dun hav PSP, so only can play HP games.
But, 200+ oso not small amt leh..



iSophia posted @9:44 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, August 09, 2008

忘得掉- 何維健 Derrick Hoh
作詞/曲:陳孟奇 (Hagen)

怎麽會忘得掉 你那可愛的微笑
我還是忘不掉 愛情讓我搞得亂糟糟
哦忘不掉 我只希望我有一天能夠和你一起

我只要忘得掉 你那美麗的眼睛
我才能忘得掉 愛情的魔力
我還是要忘得掉 我不要再一直捉摸而失去你

我只要你的心知道 你的心才明瞭

*就把全部煩惱全都忘掉 讓我帶你到我的心煩惱不見了
只是想要問你 你好不好
讓我給你快樂 讓你high 你說好不好*

和你到老老 這事我能做得到
不用再煩惱 我是你的依靠
不要再笑笑 我不是在開玩笑
你的眼睛 別再玩遊戲 (NO NO)
好不好 好不好 好不好

was struggling whether to intro ur 碰碰愛 or 忘得掉 first.. but i chose 忘得掉 first coz 碰碰愛 got shoot MV therefore sooner or later it'll appear on tv ad..

there is another slow song 我相信 very nice.. It's a korean song de.. Really very nice. i'll oso intro later.
today went to work @ 7am, 5.30pm went home. actually i was thinking of going Parkway to shopping de.. but in e end ard 5 it started to rain.. then i wanted to stay in e office till night, maybe ard 8 or 9.. no matter wad i just need to reach home @ 10pm to watch HEROES 2.

since it was raining, and my colleagues are gg home alr.. raining i oso sian to go shopping, so go home lo.. but brought e june's supp. reconciliation home to do la..

then on e NDP to watch n work at e same time.. all e way till 8pm.. wa super sian. dun work liao. so onlined..

anyway i think e only thing tat interests me in NDP is e airplanes' performances.. my hse from e windows can see some of them, and e flames that they left on e sky.. while i was viewing those, i saw a very clear streak of e Rainbow!

Then i remembered this in my mind 'the rainbow is a gift from God and the seal of his covenant with mankind' (Genesis 9:8-17)

yesterday had a little fun experience @ work, for more info, read my work blog..

anyway, tag!!!!! and my main cursor on this site is Charmed's logo, for those who dunno.

PS: check back on sunday night or monday morning for a surprise song on my blog

iSophia posted @7:55 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

[phy said i was very convincing, i also think that i could write stories already.. *wink*]

Today is National Day, happy birthday SG.
And, i'm at work.

Yesterday night watched the olympics opening ceremony, so nice sia.
Juz as wad phy said, suddenly felt proud of e chinese.
Love the part of tai-ji..
Martial Arts is really very nice..

i can't type e lyrics of e song now coz i'm @ office,
everything leave till tonight ba..

Song: Wang De Diao by Derrick Hoh,
written by... u can hear??? familiar???
so familiar to me..

iSophia posted @8:34 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, August 07, 2008

I know wad show Derrick went yesterday le!!

何维健Derrick Hoh 《无法归类》记者会

[独家]何维健专访Derrick Hoh Interview

die le. my friend whose name called 'insomnia' really come back le.

Yesterday night wanted to cut ringtones n play viwawa b4 i slp de.
I brought a pail of water into my room, then i spill e whole thing, my room became flooded haha.. And somemore e pail is near e computer sockets de..
Then i faster off my com n clean up..

2days ago my mom tell me fri got wedding dinner but didnt told me who then i thought i can don't need go coz they always put my Mr. & Mrs. xxx on e invitation card only.
But yesterday night she told me it's Wendy jie jie's wedding leh..

Then must go liao. Coz she got put my name on e card.
So long never see her.. I only rmb when i'm young, b4 her parents emigrate to canada, there's once whereby e church goes malaysia for retreat a few days then i never go.
Then i went their hse and Wendy jie jie look after me for 3days.

Wa.. pei fu her.. i wonder why she will agree to take care of me for 3days. U ask me to take care of kids few hours i oso NO WAY de lor. haha..
But i'm a good kid so it should be easy for her de la..

zzZzZzzZ then i'll missed Fei Teng Bing Dian both today & tmr lor..
maybe really will subscibe mobTV, but i still got i-weekly can read leh..

iSophia posted @10:56 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

Yesterday night gave myself a fright..
After playing a while of viwawa with brenda n my colleagues, i went to sleep.
Then out of sudden i just burst out crying and crying and crying.

One yr plus ago i oso went into a mini depression which last ard half a yr, every night it's either insomina can't sleep or insomnia+keep crying.

But jin ci yu night time la. Day time i'm alright de. So read n keep it to urself.

Then feel down, end up kept eating and eating and eating.
Therefore i grew fat..
I think only those who knew me long enough will know actually i'm thin de lor!
I'm not fat de!!!

I think i put up 10kg this period lor.
Coz i rmb clearly b4 i grew fat i asked my fren to help me check my acceptable weight range, is 45kg then i still so happy coz i gang gang hao 45kg at tat time..
now... haix..

Then i was wondering, if this time round i feel down, is lose appetite, wa.. Qiu Zhi Bu De lor.. one time is grow fat, another time is slim down, then is perfect le.
Then i will die oso dun wan to go into depression again.
-.- crap.

Sian tmr got study again..
Haix. seriously other than every thurs go there sit down listen, i never touch at all lor.

iSophia posted @12:27 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Updated @ 10.34pm
This sat is public holiday but i'm gg back office to ot..
Every now and then i'll bring home work to do.
Tell me how can i study at this kind of situation?
心力交瘁 le...

Today went TM after work to walk 一圈..
wanted to buy some clothes coz, gosh i'm wearing e same 4-5 tees for so many mths to work le. wear till i oso feel abit paiseh.
Saw some nice clothes which only costs ard $15 each, but.. can't bring myself to spend e $, esp after my calculations 2nights ago..

Really really really very very 被 ACCA 壓得喘不過氣.
I only can bring myself to buy something tat i reali super super hav passion, u know now even i want to buy my fav show de dvd i oso keep dragging dun dare to buy leh.


Felt so helpless lor.
Wan to find 2nd job to 減輕 e financial stress but my work like tat how to find time n energy for 2nd job..
Why i feel so typically 杉菜 lol..
and super poor till can't bring myself to buy anything.

where's my 道明寺, lol -.-
花澤類 oso not bad..
haha *this girl is spending a little time night-dreaming*

thought by complaining here n there to my mom, they will helped me abit but.. she 反而 tell me: [good wad, buy clothes for wad. dun buy anything la.]
1st time see mom like tat, dun care abt daughter's image at all.
Tat's y sometimes i'm so angry with her.
She won't even bring me out to shopping at all.

My goal is to live myself, therefore everything i have to bear myself.
In future still have to bear my house instalments, tat's a big sum.
tsk tsk tsk..

reali is my greastest wish all these yrs, 死了最好.

So, as u can read, recently my mood isn't good.

gosh.. DREAMFACTORY is eliminated!
haix.. this yr's bands are not as entertaining..
i thought DreamFactory got hope de..

Derrick's new ad!!
Featuring Song: 你走天橋我走地下道


我的首張專輯 "無法歸類" 終於面世了

His news online on various sites:

He states on his blog that he has lu ying..
which programme will it be???
pls take note and tell me in case i've missed!

Looking forward to see his live performance!
Yesterday night after watching Fei Teng Bing Dian then i went to sleep le..
Still wondering if i should subscribe MOBtv 1 mth coz i wanna watch this show.

The reason why i sleep so early?!
Coz i never take dinner nowadays except if got soup then i drink a bit, so coz now i still have to ren.. coz just beginning ma.. So sleep earlier if not very tong ku lol..

Then i wake up at 7am to go down for a little jog, but end up keep stopping to walk.. haha.. reali too long never exercise liao wor..

Nowadays have been forcing myself on so many things.

*forcing myself to wake up at 7
*forcing myself to go down to jog
*forcing myself not to take dinner & fast food
*forcing myself not to buy things
*forcing myself to STUDY ACCA
*forcing myself...................... not to quit my job.

Tsk tsk tsk..
What a pathetic life of isophia.

iSophia posted @8:59 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, August 04, 2008

stupid CCY (my colleague) found my main blog

iSophia posted @2:33 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Today met up with chieh, planning to go e gym at my hse here de CC.
haha is it fated.. 2 times we go, 2 time it's close.
Last last wk is becoz tat sat they close for staff training,
today is becoz we didn't know that they close @ 5pm on sundays.

Then went to e running track behind my hse. But onli ran a bit, kept stopping lol.. No stamina at all la me.

Reali grew so fat sia me.. Haix.. Who to blame??? shh.. haha..
Don't mention abt e past anymore.

Those who know me knew that all along i'm extremely inferior.
Last time is becoz face got acne, now worse... + fat + stupid hair.

In addition, my work was too busy that ppl sms me, i just read n never replies. And i don't have any remaining energy to contact with ppl.

So these few mths, or these 2 yrs, i only stay close contact with MisChiefs and neglected a lot other people..
Maybe it's time that i should spend some time catching up with my friends.

Chieh, Nic, Jx & Wei Bros etc etc..

I'm avoiding all these ppl except Chieh becoz i don't dare to meet up with them to face them coz i grew fat. I know they won't laugh at me but i can't overcome the inferior sensation to meet them. Basically i'm just avoiding meeting everyone except MisChiefs n Chieh.

That's why i don't dare to go to city to work and dislike going town for shopping.

Haix, so, let me try my best to slim down -.-

Got the intention from Chieh to find a 2nd job..
To save as much $ as possible to get wad i wan sooner..
And actually, i think that's quite a good plan..
But my work is just too busy that i don't think i hav anymore energy to do so.
If not i don't mind working a part time job in addition to my main job.

And my stupid hair is in a very awkward situation now -.-

This coming week i will be very very busy ba.. coz of stupid closing period.

My slim down plan is.. to wake up every morning @ 7am, go down to e running track to fast walk+job *abit*, coz report shows tat ppl will feel very refreshing n awake e whole day at work if exercise in e morning..
Then i'm not having dinner except if there's soup..

Haha, i think most of u will be laughing by now.
Becoz, i also doubt myself that i could do these.
Jia.You lo...

Once again, explore my side bars!!
and, this song nice rite!
Scroll down next entry 4 e lyrics!

iSophia posted @10:24 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

My new blog skin!!!.... finally -.-
check out the right sidebar, all e details i've spent lots of time!
check out at the end of every entry e permanent picture that i made!

Actually i haven found a skin that i like, mayb what i wan is reali too picky..
Yesterday 4pm i started 'renovating' my blog, all e way till 1.37am!!!

In between i played viwawa half hour, went out half hr to eat, watch Guess x3 half hour... so i spent 8 hours changing my blog skin!!!

-i saved e top pic, edited it by adding my blog url, deleting e words, then save n upload to photobucket n replace e original pic

-on my com, e original skin, i have to scroll right to be able to see e whole picture, i super dun like this, i wan my skin to fix perfectly in a page and not scrolling left n right.
then the whole background is split into 2 different pics, download, edit n upload again. but must zhun zhun then adjusted quite long..

-i dun like the heading of every entry whereby e date & day of e entry, so i copied e navigation's code, e black box n paste on top of my blogger entries code

-edit till halfway then realise hor, this blog doesn't allows right click! cannot! so e 1st time i adjusted this kind of code, found e code n deleted e code which instructs 'no right click'.
why must let ppl right click??? coz if got nice pics, must let ppl to dl ma.

-then i used our grad photo, went slide.com to customise using e effects, spent quite some time haha.. then muz print screen to paint coz i dun wan to use their code, then upload to photobucket n place e code in.

-haha my navigation details oso change.. more self-intro, and used pictures to show wad i like.. e pictures were not hard to find, but spent some time fixing them.
Coz e pictures are all in different widths, i dun wan it to be too messy,
so i paste all into powerpoint, adjust to ard e same width,
copy to paint, save,
upload to photobucket, and paste e codes in.

-actually a lot of links last time is changed but i didn't take any effort to change them.. e idols blogs, esp ilovesuper.com de keep changing, now i alr changed to their new links le,
and added A Mei, Elva & 东城卫's Xiu..

-friend's links oso.. added Hs, phy, my work blog, and some change blog add but now then i edit :P

We are from accting therefore we never learn htmls in our lessons.. very interesting sia.. i think the main point is to keep try & error..
When i started blogger i didn't know anything abt e codes too.
But somehow i will bth every blogskin de layout,size,font or wadever,
and that forces me to start to edit e html codes.

I will read e codes, try to understand them.. then change abit, preview.
Keep previewing for many hours.. Till i get what i want..
The skin i want is very neat, one big space for entries, then side bar is very neat.
Fix nicely into a page w/o having to scroll.

Haha then ard 1.20am i finish leh..
Then i paste e code, saved, and went to view e real page,
everything is in a MESS!!!
so weird it's different from my preview!!!
then i told bel 'i go n wash my face first, super tired'
wanted to give up and leave it to today, but nvm,
then i went to dl e original code, paste it again,
then i paste my edited codes again,
then i slowly edit this edit that see where is e prob..
finally i realise actually there's nth wrong with my edits,
just that i forgot to close one of e code.
coz like for eg if u wan this font color, e code starts with [font color=white] and ends with [/font]
somethin like that..

i realise my date & day class de code never close la.. forgot to put [/div] at e end.

I realise u just hav to put e name of e font, any font oso can leh.. Coz i downloaded a lot fancy fonts in my computer to use at MICROSOFT programmes ma.. then i just try n type e font name, wa reali can leh.. haha so cool..

Then fixed le..
But, i am very tired to blog new entry, so i went to find e 'blog closed' code n paste.
Then after pasting then i realise, i should put something, if not other ppl will think that my blog reali closed and don't come back..
So i download e pic, edit, save, upload to photobucket, n replace e original pic code.

The first thing i do is drink water -.-
when i'm concentrating on doing something.. change blog or chiong dvd, i can dun eat dun drink dun slp to complete it.

Take some time to explore my blog ba...

Actually i hope to use photoshop to create my own top pic so that i can create my own blogskin, i think i can le lor, keep 研究 e codes.. But too bad i still dunno how to use photoshop la. haha..
Derrick's 1st batch of album really sold out on Wed leh..
so nice...

Now intro another song, slow song.. which i like very much.

今天过去- 何维健
作词: 葛大为
作曲: So Million

我們多麽 用心 說再見都 保持冷靜
微笑著分手 沒有人哭泣
我們都沒 逃避 時間給愛的 難題
不論交給誰 都無法處理 oh

今天過去 我是我 你是你
以後 就沒有權利 多給你關心
再捨不得 太愛你 才忍心放棄
這是對的決定 請勇敢飛行
你要的幸福 不在我這裡
我可以 獨自把夢延續

*還是一樣 上班來不及
還是一樣 看夜場電影
我的生活 依然規律 仿佛忘記 你已離去

還是一樣 城市太擁擠
還是一樣 多變的天氣
你的生活 是否順心 有沒有人 走進你生命

Rap: 相愛到最後 我們變成朋友
不見面 沒聯絡 像路人的朋友
想念讓人失落 也不能說出口
某個路口 曾經與你 擦肩而過
不打擾的溫柔 是我唯一能做
因爲 你還相信愛情
真的覺得感動 我會在這裡 再守候
默默看著你 再心動 不寂寞 是否你也偶爾想念過

next up i'll intro another fast song few days later....
this song so nice!!
this sentence super.............
[以後 就沒有權利 多給你關心]

Oh ya, www.omy.sg
haha they have a little interesting thing..
u go e site, u click, then it will show out a game..
It's either u play n solve it or u cannot view e site..
It's different GHOSTS flying ard, then u have respective weapon to destroy them.
quite interesting la..
U know e 1st thing i take is Garlic then put to 贞子 coz in X Family, 夏美 usings Garlic to control 贞子 ma.. but actually is another lor... haha..

iSophia posted @12:04 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

about ME!

♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
♥Likes to share all e gd news to everyone
♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

What i Like!


♥The Arcade


♥Bubble Tea

♥Viwawa's Big 2.5

my FavouriTes


♥Jerry Yan




♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car

Idol's Blogs

♥93.3's 丁志勇_Cruz
♥93.3's 佩芬_PeiFen
♥Felicia Chin


fRiend's Blogs

♥Chan Chieh
♥Feng Ying
♥Jing Mei
♥Jing Xian
♥Jing Ting
♥Jun Xiang
♥Qi Wei
♥Swee Mei
♥Wei Ming

fAvoritE sitEs

♥林依晨's official site
♥Fahrenheit International Site
♥SG 飛輪海's FC
♥鄭元暢's official site
♥OMY.sg FLH's blog
♥Yes 93.3
♥Maple Sea
♥CozyCot beauty forum


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Recent EntRies

- 原来把书读完是为了。。。
- Time of my Life.
- 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦。。。。。
- 一旦拥有 就会害怕失去
- 以前说的不是这种以后〜
- the moment that dreams come true
- Byebye 2012!
- 五月天 - 星空
- 我的女神
- 疯狂世界


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