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Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Today's Little Nonya's background sound effect very nice. The part where Chen Xi scold ZhenZhu, e background music very strong.. very shuang!

and 心花朵朵开 got one 插曲 very nice!

Opps so late still haven't post my 2008 reflections!

Before i start my reflections which most prob would take me few hours coz i'm watching tv at the same time.. muahahahaha...

Today our company work half day till 1pm.. then one big group of us went to Changi Bowling Resort to have bowling. Finance team is e strongest as we have 11 people and we all wore white tees. But we were split up to different groups with other departments.

I really super jia-lat leh... I nearly scored ZERO ALL THE WAY. My marks is super super low de lor..
First round, 1st try i got 7marks, then zero zero zero for many many tries lor.. So ps la.. then my ladybosses come n talk to me then suddenly i strike! lol...
But after that still a lot a lot zeroes n very bad la.. haha..
Very no confidence ba.. especially in front of colleagues from other departments.. I dun mind how ps is it if i'm with MsChiefs or my own department colleagues...

I am more interested in the arcade beside though~~~

There de environment quite nice sia.. got chalet, swimming pool i think.. and beach.. Never went before.. we can go there for chalet in future sia...

Tomorrow i will spend most of the time listening to 93.3 because whole day got top 100 songs of 08, and ard noon all the DJs will talk their 回顾2008 and 展望2009.. very nice de..

Although i took a day off on fri, but sat got to go back to rush AP cut off.. lol.. ironic.. i was hoping sat dun nid go back.. but, looks like it's impossible. Next week i will be very busy ba?
Mon & Tue OT which i predict will till quite late, then Wed & Thurs got study!!!
Just when i wonder if i should take next Fri off, coz after 4 days of very late nights, i scare Fri.. BUT, Fri is the day we have to prepare to resume payment!!!!

Tomorrow also must go youtube search Taipei 101 building's fireworks.. One of my wish is not just go taiwan, but also go Taiwan and on 31 Dec night go countdown concert & watch Taipei 101 fireworks with my own eyes!!!!

Sunday going to watch Mayday's concert! Just went youtube to find this concert at Taiwan.. 五月天十万人出头天演唱会...
Just as what phy told me, really VERY VERY NICE!!!
Quite touching lor...
August their Singapore concert is a must to go de..

Oki let's start my 2008 reflections:

First of all, this is my 2008's resolutions which i made at the beginning of the year http://isophiastory.blogspot.com/2008/01/2008-sorry-for-e-late-resolutions.html
My theme of the year is SMILE.. but, i didn't did it well enough..

For school, i did graduate smoothly..
For work, haix... , and the only passion n interest i found in my current job should be typing in invoices coz i love typing, and going to office to listen 933 whole day ba?
For friends............. ur know what.

For myself, i did achieve the going FLH concert! i did not lose my passion in idols, tv, radio although i lose a little energy to chase. i've also sort out i am not interested in finance.
The others all never achieve!!!!

2008 is not a good year for me. And some times i thought it was my worst year out of 20yrs that i've lived. It's a very rough year... in all areas.......
out of 365days, are there more than 30days which i never cry?

As everyone knows, i've lost a much treasured and still treasure friendship.
I would say i will treat everyone i love as my friends forever no matter what happened. Because if u truly treat someone as an important person, no matter what u'll still keep that person in your heart.



As for MsChiefs, i am glad that we've been formed.
But 2008, everyone is adjusting to the new change in our lifes.
No longer seeing each other in school everyday...

Everyone were very tired.
2009 i must make it better, with everyone's co-operation.

Next, i am very very disappointed and upset with myself as in 2008, 我再次的做了非常懦弱的选择,照着‘应该’走的路走。。。
That of coz is the decision to take up ACCA...
I don't dare to side track and quit A&F in Poly after year 1, so i continued till end of poly.. And once again i don't dare to side track and take up new diploma..
This is a super timid and useless choice....

Next my work, erm.. should i be happy or pathetic?

is because i've found a company whereby
- most of the colleagues in my department are very very nice people who dotes on me a lot, treat me like real sisters n daughters... i meant MOST of the colleagues, not ALL.
- i've got very good bosses, FM & FC.
- i get to listen to 933 the whole day everyday! very important because i have to miss most of the 娱百, therefore 933 is the only way that i can know of new songs ba..
- casual wear!!! i am still wearing the tees and jeans that i wore to TP! because i do not have to buy office wear since i wanna save $

is because i've a found a company whereby
- really super 受不了 one of the colleague, let's see if she'll be the one who makes me lose my temper in front of people first time ever in my life. u know, i really, really, really, really, really, really, really CANNOT STAND HER. 2009 i'll have to work with her MORE CLOSELY leh, oh my gosh i don't dare to think how i will vomit blood or 被她气到但又不能发脾气 till only can cry under my blanket everyday.
- erm... very not good benefit de company.. definitely. No bonus, 14days leave is 1mth give u 1 leave, no insurance, meal allowance only $5
- S.U.P.E.R BUSY!!!!!
- V.E.R.Y HEAVY LOAD!!!!!!!
- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i really hate it!!!! too heavy load= too many problem invoices, plus unfriendly unhelpful incoperative other department colleagues.

I became quite a troublemaker. Almost every month i have problem coping my work. First few months was the load + study i really 受不了, cannot cope.
Then it was i really 受不了 the phone calls, the feeling of being chased all e time and dragging payments coz boss dun wan pay on time.
Then now it was i cannot stand working with that colleague till i really dun wanna work with her anymore.

I'm too 'overwhelmed' for the 9 months since i work, my life is 98% filled up with work + study till i don't know what else i did other than work and goin to lessons?!!!
Even my house, i only remember coming back after OT or lectures to bath & sleep, then morning go out to work again.
Maybe only some Sundays i get to stay alone at home after i get home from church.

Felt that my life is meaningless as always, limited, useless, selfless and as if i've done nothing.
Not loving my parents enough
Not caring my friends enough
Not contributing enough to my company
Heck caring my study
Even neglect my idols & dramas.

Was there any happy issue that i remembered in 2008?

I'm glad that 2008 has come to an end..........

The song that i remembered most deeply in 2008 should be 猜不透 by 叮当 ba..

BYE BYE 2008!!!!

ps: check back my 2009 resolutions soon!

Glitter Graphics - GlitterLive.com

iSophia posted @9:34 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, December 29, 2008

Ur must have seen many Gatsby advertisement by 木村 in SG tv right? And most of ur dislike the song right. Me too!

But Taiwan's Gatsby song is not irritating at all.. and e advertisement is COMFORTABLE de lor.
But the way they pronounce is different.
Ours is 'Gats-B', theirs is 'Jets-bye'

These are e 2 short taiwan Gatsy advertisement, nice.

大東+亞綸's version

亦儒+吳尊's version.


They are the 代言人 of taiwan Gatsby!!! U know what, i super hope that we can watch these 2 ads in SG tv.. i am sure a lot ppl will buy de lor..

This is the short video they played in the concert of their individual solo part in 黑影 version.. VERY NICE... REALLY...
亞綸's piano hor... wa... really.. so handsome even though it's only shadow..

After this video is the part whereby 4 of them come out, with wuzun playing drum, yiru beat-boxing, da dong electronic guitar, and yalun on piano a short performance, then sing 超喜歡你.
SG nobody record e part where they play short band..
this is HK version,
very cool 4 of them play band.

Today 933 started playing 飛輪海's 寂寞暴走.. muahaha nice nice nice!!
2nd Jan is the day of release of their album...

Finished the essay. Actually it's not difficult coz it's only a 350words complaint letter. In fact i enjoyed typing it... I missed the times whereby we have to type reports..
It triggers my interest to start my own online novel again...

But i told my dad about it and he will talk to her on sun to explain to her.

When i sent her the essay, i wrote :

你可以到http://www.yahoo.com/http://www.google.com/ 寻找阅读模拟的信 (如 format of complaint letter),当作参考,然后写。

I wanted to sound more harsh.. but.. 算了..
Although i suggested her, but i never read eng newspapers haha..
But watching CHARMED, reading CHARMED story books, kept writing english composition, keep doing english exercise books, really let me improved my english few mths b4 O Levels lots lor. Seriously.
I kept writing new compositions other than lesson time and let my eng teacher mark.

Then i told the person who asked me to help her that

See, during e day in office i can't do my work at all. Whole day i'm just bearing other ppl's responsibilities. After work at home oso.
My things can't be done!

I tell u i really super super super bth that colleague.
I really really really really really really really cannot tahan.
The feeling gets more n more n more.
If i quit oso partly coz of her de definitely.

iSophia posted @11:11 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, December 28, 2008

This entry is quite long.. not very long, but quite long.

This is the view of e stage from e center.. I like the big word 'FAHRENHEIT' very much, i belive everyone too.

View from my seat..

The $168 tix really very worth, u see the crowd is just directly under that extended stage lor. Different from other concerts whereby the stage and e 1st row audience has a big gap.

The big FAHRENHEIT word is very nice when it's lit.

Ok time to blog.. i just spent 5hours doing something but not yet completed!
will reveal next yr....
And i haven't touch any of my to-do list, but it keep increases!
Watched finish 命中注定我愛你 already.. u know what's my first reaction right after i finish?
I wonder if the 編劇 or 導演 of this show is the same as 放羊的星星?
Coz, i had e feeling that these 2 shows' way of shooting, the schedule, the flow, the duration, the setting, is almost the same de leh!
Well i finally understand what is the meaning of 便利貼女孩..
I am one, but not totally one.
I'm just a 不會拒絕的爛好人....
It's in my character...

Pri sch's memory not very deep, let's talk abt Sec sch.
Some incidents:

1) during chinese lesson whereby every1 have to sit down quietly and finish a 作文 and hand up at the end of the lesson.
my classmate asked me to write a completely different new composition after i finish mine, using the same topic.

I did, and that classmate was sleeping throughout the lesson.

2) my classmate passed me their booklet, asked me to copy my homework's ans for them.
I did.
3) i didn't take Geography during sec 3 & 4, i took History which i loved.
but my classmate asked me to copy her friend's Geography mindmap for her.

I did.
and today,

4) my church got 1 china ppl, her fren came to SG to study hotel management and she have to write a 350 words essay for her assignment.
she asked me to help her friend to write.


gosh i really super 佩服 myself. I really don't dare to reject.

U know no matter how u rejected someone upon any kind of request, that person sure will have a little not happy, no matter she understands y u do so or not.
I really don't dare to see other ppl having any bit of unhappiness with me.

Me myself already have lots of things to do le, my PER i never even go n bother any second at all, still must help people write 350 words essay!

My FC told me during my appraisal that i lack confidence.
I admit.
Ever since Sec, i don't think i have any confident at all.
Not even now.

She told me that sometimes it's ok to say NO if i really think that it's not what i suppose to do. But if the person push things to you and you can learn something from that task, you should take up and learn new stuffs.

So, should i Thank the classmate who asked me to write another new compo, so that my 作文 gets better and better because for the same topic i wrote 2 different essays?

Will update more of my appraisal in work blog next few days.

the bad news is, i still don't know if i'll have any increment n bonus coz of e economic now. So stupid of me to enter a company w/o a contracted fixed 1 yr bonus right.
Everyone else took their fixed bonus n soon taking variable.
Only me. Nth.
And, other ppl have either more than 14days leave, can claim extra $ for dinner or study, got insurance etc etc.
Mine, nth.
No insurane, no OT pay, even leave is 1mth give 1day instead of Jan straight have 14days AL.
So pathetic hor.
Have been thinking a lot on my 2008 Reflections & 2009 Resolutions recently. Wanted to post 08 Reflections on 30th Dec & 09 Resolution on 1 Jan de, but seems like i have to settle that essay that i promised her to write first... haix..

She told me Fri need, but later my mom told me she Tue need le.. Thought i can wait till my Reflections & Resolution finish then help her de..
But surprisingly my mom oso asked me to help her. Even though i asked her y her own school assignment she don't do herself.... how can she learn if she doesn't do herself...

If you have a blog, i suggest you do ur reflections & resolutions too.
I even planned what will be my report's introduction, body & conclusion le.. wrote down the points that i wanna write..
I treat them seriously, and will search back my 2008 resolutions that i posted to see if i manage to attain what i wrote 1 year ago.
So i hope that your will read my reflections & resolutions seriously when i post them.
U know.. i am getting tired of my room liao..
Since i can't have my dream house & room, at least what i can do is change my room's setting to become nearer of what i want ba?
I always wanted a long long table, or a L-shape black classy table so that i can place my computer n do crafts & study at the same table...
And a nice n comfortable chair!!
But tables are too expensive le...

I would like to have a pink thin laptop too but, 2009 is impossible.

I always also wanted a nice book shelf, but inside will be full of the magazines i bought all these years, dvds & albums...

haha... haix.. wan to change my room oso no $ liao, 更不用説打通另一閒房間變成很大的房間..

Went to use N85 again few days ago... but i realise it's not very nice leh.. coz when u press the 'down' button, u tend to press the centre OK button too.. most of e time!
Seriously i tried a lot times that day but it annoyed me..

Walked in to Samsung shop too.. Played with Samsung Soul...
So cool... the centre nagivation is touch sensitive de..
Quite nice sia...

and LG Ice-cream phone is so sweet n cute oso..

But why all these nice phones are brands that i'm not willing to have?

偏偏 Nokia phones really.............................. not nice recently.

The reason why i'll choose N85 is becoz it has 5.0megapixel camera, mp3 function & it's 8gb memory card....
Quite 集聚一体 de feel...

Coz i dun wanna repeat charging my mp3 which runs out of batt very easily, almost everyday. And in replacement of my current 3.2mp cybershot phone, 5.0 mp camera is ok.

But, now that i found out a flaw which i belive will annoy me.. i'm back to don't know which phone i should take le la...
Nokia 5800xpress music is very nice.. but, it's fully touch screen.
I need the buttons de feel~~~~~
Sign... tmr i can't OT, by e way, from now till 6th Jan i think i will be super busy with work coz 6th is closing AP.
I can't OT becoz i hav to rush back to complete that 350 words essay for the china girl.
It's a complaint letter... think quite ok ba. 反正我怎樣隨便寫寫都會是不錯的 right. I can't write very well for it's not her standard.

Got to buy a little 09 schedule book.. too many dates to record down.
and a little note book to be with me all the time, becoz i kept forgetting what i need to blog la!
Oki, christmas report:

With MsChie7s:
We went for dinner & chatting session...
These are wad i made for them, due to time constraint, i can only do these.

These are what i received from them:
Cute pen from EL.

Self made hp accessories from Brenda.

Mini pouch & hp accessories from Bel.

A craft from PF.

My exchange gift! Phy dio me and she gave me a box Marks & Spencer mocha, and a note book. asked me to

What i gave to colleagues & chieh.
Thanks PF for teaching me GENEROUSLY!

These are what i received from them:
a little piglet inside a piglet mug from CCY jiejie.
Who is CCY jie jie?
Taken this when we went back to OT on a public holiday.
She's e only person whom i dare to play very crazily n violently in e office.
LOL. we always 'fight'
She looks quite old right??!!! muahahahaha still so childish!

She gave every1 a present but she got nth coz her exchange gift got to wait e colleague come back SG from phil then have.
See my piglet family!

My exchange gift from my FM!
The massager cushion that i wanted badly...

With Chieh (my pri sch fren):
Gave her an angel too...
my BIRTHDAY present! haha kept delaying the meet up with her till christmas... we only met twice per year sia.. once her bday, once christmas.

Her christmas present for me... the same cushion that el bought for bel, but she said blue is limited edition.

Went to watch YES MAN with her at Century on xmas day after my church.
Is it because i'm too sad stressed depressed over too much stuffs, i don't feel that it's very funny lei. Although i did laugh, but it's not very funny to me.

I wanna watch Ip Man la...
and Ponyo on the cliff by the Sea (from the author of Long Mao & Qian Yu Qian Xun)..
Haha the song very cute 'Ponyo Ponyo~~~~~~'
and Red Cliff 2,
and Hannah Montana: Best of Both World Concert movie,

She bought a $79 dress... wow.. i heard wrongly, i thought is $49 then i say it's worth coz e dress very nice. But she nv heard wrongly la.. Was shocked to realise it was $79 after she bought it..
$79 for a dress, i don't think i'll buy. Not in e next few yrs too.

Sian muz spend $ for CNY new stuffs le la. Nv expect it at all.
E most i budget $200. Just buy a jeans and 2 $20+ shirt, a small bag, a shoe at bedok will do ba.
No time care so much abt it. Anyhow wear will do.
Went to have dinner with my parents and dad drove us to orchard to see e lightings.
But we didnt see much coz they have the christmas grand concert there n e roads are blocked. LOL.

ps: time check. I started this entry at 10.37pm, and posted it at 12.26am! i spent 1hr 59min with this entry. So, if u haven't read properly, read again!

iSophia posted @10:37 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

寂寞暴走mv - 飛輪海

U know, i listen this song, listen till 1+min, i am actually quite surprised leh..
I hope i'm not wrong, but, they IMPROVED a lot!!!!

Maybe becoz they didnt include someone's voice most of e time (opps)
but, the whole song sounds nice! Seems like they really improved their singing too..

This song is very nice!!!

Anyway, my blog song oso 寂寞暴走 (iRadio 獨家首播)


Today i slept until 3++ leh!! Super long never sleep so long le sia..
If i get to stay at home everyday, i think i'll slim down naturally..

When i'm at work, i'll feel hungry.
But when i'm at home, i don't feel hungry at all leh!

Was chionging 命中注定我愛你 dvd, whole day.
From 3.30 to 12.10am now but left last disc, after i finish my powerpoint will finish it.

U know it's a very nice day. Just lying down chionging dvd all the time.
It would be perfect if i'm doing it in my dream entertainment room!

I totally already got the clear idea what kind of setting i want if i have my own house..
The kind of kitchen,
the kind of living room,
the kind of dining room,
the kind of balcony,
the kind of my master bedroom,
most importantly, the kind of my dream entertainment room.

But it's just too expensive to attain that.
純屬虛構... hahahaha...

Let me finish the dvd before i do any of what i have to do..

Really got lots to blog...

iSophia posted @12:15 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, December 26, 2008

Completely no mood to work today.
Our department only left 5ppl, but FC came back despite she's on leave.
But we all really no mood at all to work. After lunch all slacking.

Got lots to blog.. but no time to on computer..
My list to do went up to 9 items!
I think i take leave 3days oso can't finish all lor..

I was so stupid for the past many yrs lor..
Coz my mobile plan is starhub ma..
EVERY YEAR i upgrade my plan after i use 1 year.
Means every year i pay $100 upgrade fee to renew the contract coz i wanna change phone.

BUT today then i knew that, even 1 year only, u can call them to waive off the $100 upgrade fee and IN ADDITION ask for another $100 voucher lor!!!
Wa liew... i so stupid la..

Today was called in to chat for another hour again. Appraisal.
But not sure will hav increment/bonus not coz of e economic.
But even i have bonus, e most i'll give my parents a little more $ and e rest save up ba. Dun wanna spend on fashion or beauty kind of thing. E most use to buy some albums & dvds.

I really have lots to blog. Wait till i've got time to online ba~

iSophia posted @4:35 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas all my readers!!!

Yesterday co. half day, knocked off @ 1pm..
Went TM's Ding Tai Feng to ate lunch with 2 colleagues and headed home.

Saw the Samsung Emporium Armani Night Effect phone on display and went to take a look, the colours really cool sia..
But it's only $248 leh, why so cheap ah..

Too bad it's Samsung.
It has 3.2mp phone, mp3 buttons at e side, it's not slide/flip, e colours are cool.

Have been having headache yesterday and today!
Not those normal headache..
It feels like one which i will have when i'm very stressed.

But i'm alright with headache. It won't affect me in any way coz i'm only afraid of Stomach/Gastric pain & Sore Throat.

Didn't complete anything that i am suppose to.
Wrote down 7 items that i have to do at home..


Am chionging 命中注定我爱你.. haha..
watching 偶像剧 will let the person who watch 陷入 the plot and felt like u're in it. 陶醉 in it..

but after you off the tv, u'll get the 落寞 feel and can't sleep..
Becoz u're sure that it is impossible in real life.
We are too normal... Our lives are too normal to have anything to happen.
and the male leads are impossible to find in real life.

Took a day off on 2nd Jan.. Sign.. i wanted to push it back to another day, any day after 6th Jan de.. Coz AP closing 6th Jan.. I might have to go back to work on 1st Jan le, still have to leave on 2nd Jan!!!!

As usual, kept thinking that new sem i must study hard every week instead of leaving everything to last min before the exam.

And i have 100% confidence tat i'll fail the tax. So when e results r out which is fail, i will not be sad la. Coz it's clear.
I just have to take 3 exams in June lor..

But my mentor n e other one got exams on 1st to 3rd June too.
Die le. We 3 cannot take leave together la.
Siao liao siao liao..

There's a way out. Which is i'm not in the company in June anymore, so i won't have to worry about taking leave.
Maybe i should just be glad, contented & grateful of where n what God leads me to.
The next 2 months would be very critical for me.
I will pray and listen.

Maybe he has his intention and he will bring me to good.
Chinese New Year is coming soon.
One word.................... SIAN!!!!!

It's good to have angbaos,
but the thing i hate most of CNY is


I really DON'T WANNA spend $$ on clothes, shoes kind of things leh.
I don't have the extra cash to spend on these things.
I hate to shop for clothes or bags or shoes.

I rather spend $ on albums, dvds, things i like.

I don't need to look pretty, because i want to stay single, therefore i don't have to let guys notice me.


Merry Christmas again.

iSophia posted @10:10 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, December 22, 2008

Went Waraku restaurant @ east coast for dinner today.
Every Monday is ladies night (half price) till end of e yr.

Actually they got set lunch, one ramen/pasta + a side = 9.90 everyday lunch, including public holiday.
They said that only east coast branch is nice..

Finally settled on all the presents leh..

But a lot things haven't do..

I admit la, those 'things' is i find myself de, but not for myself la.
I really wanna do these for every1.
But i think i'll have to do that on christmas eve le..
Coz xmas eve half day, then i got time to stay at home.

This mth we r taking salary earlier.. Maybe Fri or Sat can take le.
Heard that next mth 16th Jan can take le..

My new goal is to pass driving practical by my bday 09.
If best is obtain the license by that day..

Sign.. u know, i really SUPER SUPER SUPER BTH her leh!!!
I never ever wanted to be angry or vent anger on any1 directly IN MY LIFE leh, today is the first time i felt that if i'm in e office few more hrs i'll definitely 发脾气.

But i did told her '我真的很受不了你' coz she really very no responsibility lar..
But i said this sentence in e middle of some jokes so i think she doesn't think i'm saying what i felt.

Even pf say i quit partly oso becoz of her.

I admit. There's too much reasons that i'm goin to quit.

1) too busy (definitely way more easy than other companies)
2) too much procedures/problems
3) too many sites therefore things r always having problems
4) people not co-operative
6) too busy till studies will be affected
7) bth her!!!

Then u know, this week we got few hundred cheques (coz clearing Sep's invoices & prepare due payments till Jan coz we freezing payment for next 2 weeks)

Then our cheque, need 2 person to check, then give 2 big boss to sign.
The 1st person to check, are the asst.mgrs n FM (3ppl, soon to be 4), after they check, then give to FC check.
Wa u know.. super tedious...

3 ppl, all 3 different style!!!
Esp one of them, SUPER DUPER strict...
Keep throwing back leh..
Really very cham...
And every cheque, must find either purchasing mgr, site mgr, other department colleagues, call suppliers etc etc leh...

U find other depart mgr, if too many times they give u face.
U find site ppl, i tell u, u fax n email everyday, they oso won't reply u.
U call supplier, sure dio scolded coz u clearing SEP payment only NOW.

I don't feel like working anymore!
Really a lot problems de... very 无奈..

then another thing i super bth her e whole day.
double bth!!!!

Today i really have e super strong feeling of 走人.
wished that today was my last day lor.
or wished that i can quit right now!

Really feel like telling my boss don't arrange any new things for me to do,

coz i'm going to quit in Feb n leaving in March.
Since sat till now, my mp3 only keep repeating 1 track, my computer oso only plays 1 track.
I listened this song, i think got more than 200 times le ba.. these 3days..
爱你爱到死.. hahahahaha

iSophia posted @10:25 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, December 20, 2008

YesterDay they sang the 翻滾吧,蛋炒飯 主題曲 ‘恆星’, very nice leh! Will be incluDeD in their new album.. nice nice.. here's the beginning part:

Watching 霹靂MIT, VERY NICE lor.. haha..

Dunno y, i really like him very very much.

iSophia posted @11:15 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

A song that most prob all taiwanese knows & those who watched 海角七號 knows,

愛你愛到死 by 同恩&马思婷&杨荞安 (大大)

OH OH OH~ 愛你 愛到不怕死

愛是什麼東西 不過就是種遊戲
情是什麼玩意 不就是玩玩而已
只要哄我高興 冥王星都陪你去

OH~愛你 愛到不怕死
但你若劈腿 就去死一死
OH OH OH~ 愛你 愛到不怕死

Makes me smile everytime i hear this song.. haha somehow i felt like watching this movie again, coz i misses the funny scenes...
Yesterday's concert.. let me short brief....

Really can see their 努力...

He sang a lot a lot yesterday...

Calvin is handsome in person de lor~~~~~i mentioned b4...

But they never sing their new song 越來越愛 sia..

I like the part where they appear with Wuzun playing drum, 大東 playing electric guitar, Calvin beat-box & 亞綸 play keyboard... very very cool!!!!

Calvin is the most 努力 one ba...
And they don't sound bad wor~~~

Never regret buying their tix.. Coz i really still like them very much although i don't have as much energy to go after them.

$168 tix reali worth lor, coz it's really just below the stage, super near.
Should borrow camera from someone lo.. Coz e stage have a big FAHRENHEIT word hanging.. cool!

Got one 16yr old fan super lucky.. She won something in singtel competition or wad.. Then she went on stage and FLH sang 愛到.. Then u know.. they took turns to hold her hands n bring her around the stage, 亞綸 even HUG HER!!!
omg i believe every1 below wishes to become her de lor..

Looking forward to their new album, hopefully there is autograph session on a SAT.

Fahrenheit Rocks!!!!


iSophia posted @3:14 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

U know. Really more n more bth some colleagues..


No sense of responsibility at all!!!

I dun understand, even I, who just started working with my 1st job, learnt the sense of responsibilty, why those who work for more than 2 yrs le still can't!

And another one...

U know i went her table to dig how many stuffs which she told me it's not with her!

I must take 100% precaution and write down whatever things that i pass to anyone.

It's so pathetic working here with so much documents, so much procedures, with people not co-operating!
And with all the calls!

Seriously i don't wanna continue with all these the next yr le.
So what if i'm given new things to do when i'm still facing all these rubbish!
CNY faster come!
Feb faster come!

iSophia posted @10:59 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, December 18, 2008

New story, after yesterday's issue:

Today morning we told the purchasing manager abt that idiot Chris Koon.
So she went to called the sales mgr of the company and yelled at him, ask him ask tat idiot don't call to harrass our accounts again.

Then she told me that idiot is the new A/C credit department staff AND is LAO AH BEH (OLD MAN)!!!!!

He's not e sales de.. is a/c de, should be whole day just chasing ppl payment.

Then later their a/c mgr Mr.A__ called and apologise that his man said rude stuffs to us. But this Mr.A is oso not a gd person. Super cunning one. Must be very careful when talking to him oso.

Then RIGHT AFTER Mr.A put down e phone, that IDIOT call us, he ask is it we go complain to our FC. Then we told him no, is the puchasing mgr.
Then my mentor ask him '听说你要进医院还要拉我一起去啊?'
Then she told him 那里可以这样讲话,欠钱的又不是我们..

U know today he still called 4 times in total!!!!!!!

Coz we hand over all the payment to the purchasing mgr, she super fierce and will yell at him de. Then later of e day he called another 2 or 3 times..
We keep telling him to call e purchasing mgr, but he DON'T DARE.
In e end oso never call her.. coz he don't dare!

Really is an IDIOT.
My stuff is so messy u know..
Everyday there are people calling me of their payment which i can't settle coz it's either Inv missing or no PO or purchasers' PO whole thing missing!

Very jialat de leh..

My things too many le lar... I can't organise it well lor..

Damn sian already...

Super... very 心力交瘁...

My phone really keep ringing de leh..

U know our site ppl. Last FRIDAY i start faxing them document to verify coz the cheque alr prepare le just got prob need their verification for work done then we can pay..
I FAX and EMAIL them EVERYDAY since LAST FRI, till today then i get their reply!!

Then e boss is super pro in delaying payments, more n more serious u know.

Since the beginning my dad already told me i am not suitable for this job.

I really cannot tahan hearing all the chase payment calls everyday..




Really waiting for Feb to come..

I rather my appraisal is ZERO marks till they sack me and i don't have to work here anymore.
Sat i'm going back office to work..

Closing is coming u know.. 6th Jan is the AP deadline.

Till now i can believe still got few hundred Nov's invoices haven match & key at all.

Hire temp seems no diff to me. Except filling n photocopy dun nid do.

After AP close 就紧接 Dec's Supplier Reconciliation Statement & prepare payment to be released before CNY (according to my colleagues, will be A LOT A LOT till every1 in e depart have to help out to call suppliers to collect cheques),
and i have to help out that 不负责任 person to prepare cheque (i dun think she will let me prepare cheque coz she will scare i key wrong, most prob let me do her tedious filling)

Dunno la. Maybe is character clash. Every1 can see i'm alr very good temper that i never 正面 give her attitude. My temper really very good de hor.

iSophia posted @10:10 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


我現在, 12 月 17 日, 11.16pm 才知道,

日期: 12月17日, 星期三
SQ877 (6.45pm)

=.="" i should have gone to fetch them since i'm @ changi too.
i can leave at 6pm to expo mrt de...

Guess what i'm holding????

Yes!!! It is!!!!

Today morning once i reach office, i went to sistic online n use my ntuc card to buy e tix!!
Lunch time went TM to collect...
My colleagues were surprised that i go alone..
Who says it's weird eating alone, shopping alone, watching movie alone, go concert alone?
To me, it's alright! As said, e rest of my life will be like tat le..
Since i'm staying single.

I already cannot go for the dream that i wanted,
i don't want to miss out such small things that i like.
Therefore i won't allow myself to miss,with the reason because nobody wanna go.

I told them, i'm going to watch the movie, i'm going to watch the concert, not going to chit chat with friends, so what's wrong with watching alone?
Yes, it's great if there's someone who likes the same thing and can share with u, but nobody will like 100% same as what u like.

The main purpose is the concert, isn't it..............
U know i've always got those few damn irritating n idiotic suppliers who kept calling to chase payment.
There's this SUPER IDIOTIC supplier's salesman, really very unbearable!!!

This man name C.H.R.I.S K.O.O.N from Isla__ Conc_te..
U know, their company damn funny.
This moment i receive another saleswomen's call. So i told her abt her payment status..
After less than 5min, this idiotic C called.
Wa liew one company dunno one day need how many ppl to call u know!!!

Then he always very irritating... Alr told him waiting for payment approval, he still keep say 'cannot la, cannot like this la.. dun like that lei.. cannot la' then keep going on..
Then sometimes he'll say '叫你老闆現在回來簽支票啦.. 跟他說我叫他現在回來簽支票..'
if not is '你現在打電話給你老闆跟他說我明天要支票啦'

Then today he super 過分...
He called a few times but maybe i'm not ard or i not free to pick up.
Then e recep call up say this IDIOT told her he wanna complain to
1) asst. finance manager,
2) finance manager,
3) finance comptroller,
4) finance director.
then ask us must get back to him.
So later we called but his turn to engage..
later he call me..
Coz we told him today will release a cheque to him,
MORNING i alr 親自 went down to give his dispatch e cheque le hor.
Dunno y he thought today no cheque for him..

Then e first thing he say is
'爲什麽有變卦..我的心跳100了啦,要進囯大醫院ICU了.. 如果我進醫院,我要bp (my mentor, she's on leave today) 陪我'
Meaning he wan my mentor company him go in ICU.
WTH lor..

Then i thought i hear wrong, i say '你進醫院關我們什麽事'
then he say again coz he can't get payment so he wan us company him go ICU.

U know.. i really very very bth him..
Few days ago he called my mentor oso.
Tat time he oso threaten her say, 告訴你老闆如果再不給支票我就要stop delivery.....
then my mentor say '好。我一定寫一個紙條給我老闆説是你說的'
then after tat he 怕死 say '不要啦,不要啦,不要搞到這樣,破壞我們的感情'










What man is this, talk like a WOMAN.


iSophia posted @11:16 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, December 15, 2008

Most important thing today:


hmmmmmmmm... i really xie mu those peeps who took leave today..
coz it's raining in the morning!

how i wish i can take leave and sleep at home too............

but why other people take leave to rest or play, i take leave only for study, tests, exams, all these shit things.

Unexpected OT today... because we are freezing payment next week onwards till 9th Jan, therefore these few days have to put those sub-con claims n invoices that will be due till beg Jan to let big boss approve payment, by this end week my colleague have to prepare all e cheques, so that the bosses can check & sign before Christmas (somemore Christmas eve is half day).

There are soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo MANY problem invoices leh..
Today my mentor's mood not very good oso, maybe coz too many problem invoices & missing invoices.. Really a lot..

So sick of doing all these.
With the phone ringing all the time too..
Therefore i'm so busy the whole day...

And i wanna settle the christmas celebration thing, but i can only check my email a little while during lunch break but not every1 replied too.
Thought can contact every1 at night but end up got to OT.

And my sickening phone button is spoil therefore i can't SMS much.

My table was in super big mess lor. With documents pilling each other here and there.

i don't think anyone is happy working here.
Every1 is full of complaints that workload is too much.

With 12 auditors here for 2 weeks, they are so damn busy.

Accounts sucks!
Real sucks!
Why on earth i am so stupid to sign up ACCA.

I wanna be a simple typist, sitting at a corner typing quietly.

iSophia posted @7:56 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Very very nice song!
大嘴巴- 永遠在身邊

baby boy
永远永远手牵手 一步两步一起走
永远永远要记得 我们要一起生活
不管晴天的时候 不管下雨的时候
不放开手到永久 我们要一起生活

眼泪 她为你流过 也为自己掉过
对於你们的爱 她总是抱着坚强的笑容
错过那些时间 谢谢她的守候
是时候 紧紧牵她的手 带她到你的城堡里

最近还好吗 想念的心开不了口
枯想着你有没有好好过 担心着你每天生活
你好吗 最近如何 照顾身体工作加油
我一个人也会勇敢好好过 不让你担心多一秒

想念着 每天每秒我们故事 每天每秒说好的事
两个人一起散步 是最浪漫的事
你是我的天使 给我力量能够坚持
那些关心问候 翅膀一样的双手 是我最幸福的所有
心里面有你建的角落 脆弱时我能够躲一躲

你爱我 像翅膀一样温柔的手
你的爱 是最蓝那片天空
cuz baby girl i’m coming back home

*baby boy
永远永远手牵手 一步两步一起走
永远永远要记得 我们要一起生活
不管晴天的时候 不管下雨的时候
不放开手到永久 我们要一起生活*

幸福 少了你在身边不会完整
这份爱 不是悸动 守护一辈子的感动

心疼你会睡不好 总是缩在床的一角
我要回来给你依靠 哄你看你笑着睡着
照片里 你的微笑 我们甜蜜得打闹
好希望微风把思念 代替我亲吻你嘴角

想念着 每天每秒我们故事 每天每秒说好的事
约定好去看的风景 爱谱成了诗
你就是我的天使 给我力量能够坚持

阳光灿烂午後 我又在街上走
想到你的身边到不了 像个路人般看热闹
经过那个属於我们的转角 走过两个人曾经逛的街
那些店 还有熟悉的画面
oh baby girl i’m coming back home

*baby boy
永远永远手牵手 一步两步一起走
永远永远要记得 我们要一起生活
不管晴天的时候 不管下雨的时候
不放开手到永久 我们要一起生活*

没有办法想像 那画面
一个孤独的背影走在 小公园
一颗心 需要暖 一双手 需要牵
故事要有美好结局 需要两双手来写

永远 不是只出现在童话里的梦
在身边 眼泪加了蜜糖甜这句点
恋人们 要一起珍藏
LOL my 3rd post today!!!

Had a date with................................. myself today.

Went Shaw Plaza at balestier to watch 海角七號.. it's so far from tampines.. Took bus 21, journey duration is 1hour 15min...

It was raining and i was considering if i should go, since it's so far and it's raining.. But nevertheless, i still went.. Because i really wanna watch 海角七號..
and i won't go Orchard. I dun like town!

I have some discovery.. After the movie i was walking to the bus stop to go home, then i saw a street sign 'Mandalay Road'

then i walk into the 小巷, and discovered these:

Mandale Heights Condo... build by my current co., one of our directors live in here.

(hey, my phone's camera is very clear hor?!)
directly opposite Mandale Heights is Montebleu Condo, which is still under construction.

Haha.. and there's another building at another side of Balestier Road, ur know the Durian Stall in 一房半廳一水缸, that building is going to be tear down and reconstruct to a new condo Ruby Plaza soon..

After that went to the coffee shop to have dinner + tea before i take bus home.. The journey home is faster sia, only 40min..

Wan ask me won't i feel awkward watching movie alone, having dinner at coffee shop alone?

NOPE! In fact i enjoyed it...
But i will only do that in Bedok, Tamp or these kind of less ppl places...

The movie was quite nice.. Funny... I dunno how to say, it's not like other movies, but i still like it. The last part where they sang 無樂不作, i 忍不住 sang out a few sentences lor haha..

Then i can't help but start to think about my dream home...
How perfect is it if i'm staying alone in a nice condo, with a entertainment room that i mentioned previously, then i have my own car...

Then all my friends will have family alr so i can't expect them to company me all the time. So just like today, i can go out to watch movie alone, eat dinner alone, shopping alone at familiar places that i'm comfortable...
Then 偶爾 ask friends come over to have steamboat, bbq and swim, watch movie etc etc..
i'm dreaming again~~~~~~
15TH DEC!!!!!
首播 OF 飛輪海 越來越愛 MV!!!!

See what my mom did to my stitch-s...
Was shocked when i got home lol. Thought someone kidnapped them.
PS: i still haven't give up the idea of franchising a Subway at TP!!!

iSophia posted @8:16 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

I really respect those 幕后工作人员 of live shows and variety shows...
TP's mass comm got an area (forgot the name..), which i went in 4 times to walk one round b4 ( sec school every year go TP open house just to get into this room)

Inside got a DJ room, whereby the student DJ of e day will sit in and broadcast,
then got a Studio, whereby the level 1 is 摄影棚 whereby students will film videos, then a staircase to level 2 whereby it's 导播室..

Level 1 got a few cameras filming, so level 2 the 导播 will control which camera to be use at which timing to be shown on the tv screen...

Got other rooms such as 剪辑室, etc etc etc..

Very excellent one-stop mass comm centre lor...

I can experienced a little bit of the excitement in 幕后 whereby live show is going on..

Coz whenever got guests come to church to perform, sometimes have sudden error, videos can't be played, no sound, file cannot open etc etc...

Mistakes i've made were
1) when the service starts and they are singing songs n i operate the powerpoint, but i suddenly press the SLEEP button, then the whole computer shut down.. The leaders carry on singing, but the audience have no lyrics to sing along... -.-"

2) Church com siao siao one.. If u open Chinese Star, later u can't open internet, can't play video, video will have no sound etc etc etc a lot error... Before i figured out it was Chinese Star, there were a few times whereby the guest alr signal me to start playing the video, but i click play, no sound! Then end up have to restart the computer and e guest have to drag by talking..
And the prob is chuch com restart takes 10min~!!!!!

Today is a busy day too because there 2 guests..
1st guests needs to play 3 dvd videos in 2 different dvd disc..

2nd guests have to play 2 songs in a cd, but she forgot to bring her powerpoint slides.

So, during service, while i am operating my mom's powerpoint, i have to type the guest's powerpoint before my mom sing till next slide...

Then u know, this guest's assistant is so anxious... She keep asking me stuffs while i'm already doing 2 things at e same time, then i missed my mom's slides a few times lor.. As in she sing till next slide already but i never change slide in e slideshow.

Then after that this guest went up to sing, they told me the wrong track number ma.. No.4 become No.3, then the assistant super anxious.. I ask her to calm down then we take out the cd and see the correct track.. But she was beside me 'gosh please don't let anything go wrong again..'

Then she keep adjusting the music volume till very very loud leh.. She say coz she met a lot singers who demands high volume de..
Then when she go down to take photos, i secretly lower down e volume, coz it's really too loud till can't hear the singer's voice lar...

Later when another guest go up right, i was busy playing the videos liao..
This assistant come n ask me to transfer these video files to her thumbdrive..

Sign... but she was very polite though...

It's very exciting, when problems pop up and how u have to react fast and solve it asap immediately. Then next time you improve and try not to make the same mistake again.

Today, coz i have to type the guest's powerpoint last min ma, but i can't open Chinese Star, if not another guest's videos cannot play le..
So i went online to find type chinese program and type there then copy&paste.

iSophia posted @12:45 PM & welcomes u to visit here again



越来越爱 - 飞轮海 (试听版)
作曲:郑楠 作词:陈信

如果青春只剩一张绝版海报 把你贴在额角
收藏你的背影变成无价之宝 有我到处炫耀


*怎麽办 我越来越爱 快给我大声公告白
爱就爱马上要精彩 不要再怕
为你哭 为你笑 为你跳 为你呆
无抵抗 不耍赖 不悔改
管他的青红惑皂白 只要对你崇拜*



*怎麽办我越来越爱 默契是最夸张的舞台
第一个冲到第一排 比谁都快
为你哭 为你笑 为你down 为你high
不抵抗 不耍赖 不悔改
管他的青红或皂白 只要对你崇拜*

Oh My God 我越来越爱 享受着宿命的安排
眼看你执迷的风采 排山倒海
为你哭 为你笑 为你down 为你high
不抵抗 不耍赖 不悔改
越享受越停不下来 反而越来越爱

Oh My God我越来越爱 不必爱天都塌下来
爱若是你给的天灾 我要被害
为你恨 为你爱 为你坏 为你乖
不应该 更应该 才活该
越忍耐越停不下来 只能越来越爱

NoNoNoNo wooo
NoNoNo wooo
GoGoGo 只能越来越爱

This is the first time i on my computer this week..

If by Wednesday i did not receive any call notifying me that i won FLH's concert tix, i will go down to sistic at TM to buy the tix le ba.

Finally finish some stuffs..
down to few more stuffs...

Will be busy these few weeks... sad to leave my blog unblogged (o.O?)
Wanted to revamp my blog to christmas edition but no time to do that so forget it..

I cannot let myself to miss 海角七号!!!

This is 罗志祥's latest MV, his new song of his new album

箇中強手 Hot Shot
(the full version of 籃球火's 主題曲, and his new dance, abit of 踢踏舞)

iSophia posted @12:56 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

about ME!

♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
♥Likes to share all e gd news to everyone
♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

What i Like!


♥The Arcade


♥Bubble Tea

♥Viwawa's Big 2.5

my FavouriTes


♥Jerry Yan




♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car

Idol's Blogs

♥93.3's 丁志勇_Cruz
♥93.3's 佩芬_PeiFen
♥Felicia Chin


fRiend's Blogs

♥Chan Chieh
♥Feng Ying
♥Jing Mei
♥Jing Xian
♥Jing Ting
♥Jun Xiang
♥Qi Wei
♥Swee Mei
♥Wei Ming

fAvoritE sitEs

♥林依晨's official site
♥Fahrenheit International Site
♥SG 飛輪海's FC
♥鄭元暢's official site
♥OMY.sg FLH's blog
♥Yes 93.3
♥Maple Sea
♥CozyCot beauty forum


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- 以前说的不是这种以后〜
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