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Saturday, January 31, 2009


Turned out i went to tender my resignation today.. but failed.

Waited all e way till 6.30 then went to find my FC.
Before that told her i need to find her later...
But she was so busy...

Reason i change to today because i assume mon she'll be more busy.. Mondays are always busy for everyone...
But she's really very busy today... Very hard to catch her..
One moment she's at another place, one moment someone is in her room.

Then she told me she need to go off at 7+, so 6+ i waited for her outside a room.
The auditor oso looking for her.. But i told him i need to find her first!

So i went in.. crack a little joke, and gave her the letter..
I very creative. lol.. i told her
"你知道新加坡国旗有两个颜色。早上你给了我红色(ang bao),现在我给你另外一个颜色"

Told her it's not becoz of e bonus&increment, not becoz of them, not becoz of what i'm handling.
But she want to know what exactly then is the reason..
She said study is not the right excuse as study is not short term...

Then 很不争气的眼泪就开始流啊流啊流....
Then she called my FM to come in..
But i still can't say anything..
then called ccy came in too..

Hmm she asked me to take back e letter n tender again on monday after work. Becoz she's not feeling comfortable n her mind is very confused after the whole day of incidents...

So i got to wait till Mon again....

But i think it over n over... Really any situation i also hard to accept..
1- shuffle till i dun hav to work with tat person again. But i'll still have the other problems.
2- shuffle till i dun hav to do AP at all. I can't accept coz it's very unfair to my mentor.

There's no way out ba...

Really very 辜负 their good intention to help me over n over again.
But, over n over again becoz of them i tried to stay on and try to bear with anything.
But it always doesn't turns out better.
I got to 放过我自己 le ba...

Anyway, tmr going to sing K and have dinner with MsChie7s..
can't wait!!!!
I want to be crazy tmr!!!!
Must 发泄!!!!
I won't be paiseh in front of them.. muahahahaha

iSophia posted @12:00 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, January 30, 2009

Ok, i'll do it on Monday. 2nd Feb!!!

Is it very bad to do this at the beginning of a week?

Hahahaha.. But i dun think i can wait le...

Jiayou ba.............

iSophia posted @12:20 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

yes, i have an unrecorded leave today, means whole company not working.
tmr i'm goin back to office for a lunch at 11.30 and will end ard 3pm.
Fri 9am then can step into the office to work.

Very good? hmm, for this short 2days it is. This should be the only little benefit that i had ba?
So i dun think it's good at all.
Went to watch Love Matters today.. hmm.. not very nice la.

Quick quick, choose an 'auspicious' date.. hahahaha...

Actually i reali do think that my 意志力 is quite 強 u know.
There were a few times whereby i felt that i'm going to 陷入 depression then i quickly pull myself out of the '漩渦'.
Sounds hilarious hor.. hahaha..

For the past 2 nights, i had been waking up ard 3 or 4am and started to cry n cry n cry. Had to use the blanket to cover my mouth to prevent my parents hearing the cries.
Partly because i recall the 'moments' where that person behaves..
That person.. u know~~~~~
my deparment that one~~~~~~~
Think she really triggers my fireline.
Just dunno y keep crying n crying till i can't control oso.
Then started to felt like i dun wanna step out of e hse, dun wanna face anyone.
Dun wanna go to anywhere.

But this morning i faster pull myself out and dun think so much again.


I dun like dark places. Not that i'm afraid of dark.
Even those restaurant that is very dim, i also dun like.
Not comfortable...
My hse also. My mom like to pull e curtain, then dun on e light.
But i ard 5pm i will start to on e lights alr.
I dun like dim.
But movie theatre of coz is e darker e better la -.-

Anyway since more or less i've decided, i hope this time i won't change my mind again. Hopefully...

Today went to my dad's 四姨's house.
Dunno what should i call her also.
But this is the 1st time in my life meeting her.
Then my parents chat with her while my eyes glue on e tv coz it's showing 心花朵朵開 hahahahaha...

Tmr's office lunch... really dun feel like going leh.
Really wanna sms my colleagues tell them i'm having high fever cannot go lol.
Very sian la..
Dun wanna see those idiots.
And the timing really very 卡在中間..
I haven do my PM homework leh! (不稀奇...)

I sure won't wake up early (now i confirm i can't wake up early to study after many tries), but after the lunch reach home 4++, after a while must go out for PM lecture alr.
No time lei. I will take a lot time to do coz i dunno anything at all lol.
Must read all e theory, maybe even must read e textbook all tat then maybe also still dunno how to do lol.
Why can't it only be theory based?

But really think that will not choose him as e lecturer anymore.
He's horrible+terrible = horrigible.

Not meaning his way of forcing ppl to do hw or wad.
But e way that he reali doesnt show e complete ans, how am i suppose to know how he get e ans.
And i really dunno wad is he teaching. His method... haix...
I dun think after i read all e notes n e textbook i will know.
He just never teach properly i think.
At least to me, he is like this.

Saw this news on yahoo!news
Naked couple surprises diners in Singapore stroll
read it @ http://sg.news.yahoo.com/rtrs/20090128/tap-singapore-naked-c3bb44c.html

Saw this entertainment news too:

Wa, if really is true de.. 阿Sa really sacrifice super much leh..
36yrs old sia.. tat age she should get married n have children le sia..

iSophia posted @11:55 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

First of all, Happy Chinese New Year to all my readers!!!

Woohoo~~~~~ Hope your receive as many angbaos as possible!!


Today (monday), woke up @ 11+, ate 面綫..
Coz it's our tradition to eat 面綫 on 初一..

Then 12+ start, sit in front of my living room tv, all e way till now, 2am!
Doing matching of invoices @ e same time!!!

I do slow coz i'm watching tv e whole day at e same time la..
But till 9pm i only manage to match finish 1 supplier's invoices!
Coz very mafan, must check quantity, some must use calculator to calculate e size, then flip e catalogue item by item to find n see e unit price.

But finally finish all e GRN PO's matching. This is only 1 kind of matching wor..
Still got another file which is must open e different contract files which i've saved to my thumbdrive to check e unit price one by one.
But i never bring back that file.

My parents went to church at noon n came back near midnight..
So i had e perfect quiet day at home today.

My mom so 矛盾.. think my 猶豫不決 other than coz of my horoscope, oso got 遺傳 from my mom. hahahahahahha..
At first she ask me dun nid work so hard, dun nid bring work home, dun nid go back on weekend, dun nid OT, 你管它,頓多多不要緊的嗎.
But i told her it's very irresponsible for that.
If i'm still taking salary, i must make sure i do my work well with e best effort i can give and no matter how tat colleague (hmm hmm u know who i talking abt) is so irresponsible, it's her business that she's so 沒有道德,讓人不尊重.

I don't want to let other ppl say i don't take my work serious or i'm just 混日子. At least i don't want to leave this kind of impression and testimonial.

Then after a while she ask me to 再三考慮 coz now really very very hard to find new job.

lol very 矛盾 right. hahahaha..

But i told her i alr got e worst situation which is stop ACCA after i take PM n LAW exam lo. 對我來說應該沒什麽大不了,讀或沒讀都無所謂.

Anyway today morning we called back malaysia leh..
Called e JB aunt, then e taiping aunt.. but didnt call e perak aunt..
When my mom was talking to the taiping aunt, i alr bet she sure will cry de.
And indeed she really cry!!!

Coz 畢竟 is 從小一起長大的家人ma... My mom came out sg at 20+ de..
Then we alr ard 5-6yrs never go back malaysia le.
The big house alr being burnt down by fire break out n my perak aunt alr bought another house le.
A lot cousins married, gave birth to a few children, but we never go back n never see b4.
Even my big aunt that time is quite ill and she came out JB to do operation we oso nv go visit her at all.
That time my 3rd aunt came out SG wanted to find my mom but too bad she brought that gang of friends which my mom doesnt like so my mom refuse to take her calls coz dun wan let those ppl know where we staying.
So my 3rd aunt was angry, very petty n only have $$ in her eyes.

But it's only 一時的熱血 la. My mom oso say it's ok since we're living permanently in SG le, and never contact with them anymore le. So she won't care abt them at all.

Same as my dad. His case worst, all e relatives alr lost contact. LOL.. I dunno any single one.

at least this is what i thought.

Now packing my room coz tmr got a lot ppl coming. But i got plan to lock my room la.. Coz my giant FLH poster is actually half e height of e wall, so kids oso can reach. I scare they'll pull it down lar!

This yr ang bao really got 縮水 ba? At least 除夕 those few i got is got 縮水 one..
Other than e economic condition, another important factor is coz i am working alr!!!!
But at e same time i'm also studying leh!!!
Work to support study oso = no work ma!!!
But anyway, what matters is the blessing that elders gave us.

Oh yes, this whole day i got think la.
Should i really stop ACCA for one sem first.
Should i maybe rest 1 or 2 mth to study first?
should i chiong all e driving lessons in 1 mth n get my license!

Tired. Go to sleep first. Nights.
Tmr my turn to run around 拜年-ing le.

Anyway 心花朵朵开2 is very nice leh.. haha.. Although i never watch any complete episode n never read it's story line in I-weekly before, but i 大概大概 know abit.. then last few episodes i got watch the complete ones n start to read abt it's storyline in I-weekly le.
My dad forgot the 4th sister in 1st series lor!!
Fri WenZhu came back n i still rmb her but he completely forget!

Hmm, quite looking forward to e new shoe 我的未来不是梦. But most look forward is 双子星.

Thur's company lunch i reali dun feel like going. Coz this yr split up, every table got diff department ppl. Although i still have corinne mama sitting with me, but got those site idiots n some not-so-like-ppl leh..
But if nv go big boss will unhappy.
Very pan-dang chinese boss i have.

Haha i very daring?
dun care le la.
sack me lor!

iSophia posted @2:13 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, January 24, 2009

Updated: Sunday 11.57am

*so scary. was watching kang xi then ard 2am suddenly the highway beside my block suddenly got vehicle accident car crash sound.. so loud lor.. then i dun dare to go my window see.. went to wake up my parents but only my mom wakes up.

If my dad know he sure will go down see then i will follow, i admit i very kpo one.

Then ard 10min later an ambulance n e police came.. Wanted to go down to see de lor, a lot ppl went down.. But my mom dun allow. But can see the vehicles from my window juz tat it's blocked by lots of trees -.-
Then i realise i should have dialled mediacorp's news hotline e moment i heard e crash!!!!

But the highway 瞬间 traffic jam la.. and can smell diesel de smell leh.

Aftermath still got many sounds.. like police car, ppl downstairs chatting abt it, other vehicles' sounds all that la..

The moment the crash sound appears it's really scary. Like imagined u'll see bloody bodies or wad cruel stuff.. But after i open e window it's not that scary le.. Coz it's actually quite ok coz i cant see e real scene. Blocked by trees. And there's a lot ppl below.

FLH got 4 new mvs!!!!

AND 我期盼已久的........终极三部曲--终极三国!!!

Ok let's start with 终极三国... which is after 终极一班&终极一家..

BUT BUT BUT it's a very disappointing stuff..

Let ur watch 2 previews of this show first:


See what's e disappointing point??? It's not FLH as main characters anymore lar!! Became e others.. although seems like 汪大东,丁小雨 & 亚瑟王 will still appear in this la.

But it's still continous from 一班&一家.. so i definitely will watch.

飛輪海 恒星 MV

飛輪海 默默 MV (大東&楊丞琳's new show 愛就宅一起's 片尾曲)

飛輪海 孤单摩天轮 MV

飛輪海 -最佳聽衆

and this!!!! 康熙来了 言承旭的康熙初體驗!!
Jerry Yan leh!! omg.. think i only rmb him at 封面人物 many yrs ago.. no other variety shows!!
Must watch de.. Must must watch..

He's my idol which i really dun know much about him.. Only know he's very serious in his work n he's not a bad person.

He's quite secretive n other than little publicity, there's no news of him de!
So this time he go 康熙 really must watch... RARE man...

1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sXTjCkejfZM
2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXH83Ivrgm0
3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=038W16ViEog
4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P3xa5PH3P0
5 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3v62wefJTg

View in high quality, click the 'high quality' button at the right bottom corner of e video box, reali got great difference in high quality. much more clearer.

Today i woke up @ 12+.
Except for the half hour which i went market to eat dinner with my parents, e rest of the whole day i'm sitting in front of the TV


Brought home these:

Coz i never touch the DOs, the invs, e matching all tat for ard 3 weeks le leh!! All becoz of e payment peak period..
So to prevent as much as possible that i have to chiong like mad once new yr holi is over, i will try to do as much as possible these few days.

One supplier's DO alr can reach 100+ for half mth le lor..

Today whole day i only manage to check qty, check a/c code for 3 weeks' DO&PO which e purchaser gave me.
Coz those DO which they got issue PO, once returned from site, they will match with their PO, then do Goods Received Note in the system, then pass to me together with the edit listing.

Then i hav to double check e qty of the DO & PO, then check if the acc code n cost code that they key is correct, coz.... cannot ensure they're all correct..

So whole day 12+pm till now 11+pm i only manage to finish doing this!!!

Tmr after church i'll continue to work until dinner time, then Mon oso whole day working coz dun nid to go out, coz my parents hav to go church in e afternoon.. Coz together with some other ppl they will make 1000+ 饺子 for china ppl coz at night they got china service.

Then i'll stay at home alone whole day to work n watch tv... Lunch n dinner all i hav to settle myself coz they'll only be home very late.

Then Tue whole day go ard 拜年 after every1 come our hse for lunch.

Then Wed, think continue to 拜年 n going to watch Jack Neo's movie.

I think i don't have time to do PM homework again!!
hahahahahahaha and i don't wish to do too.

U know this week's lesson (which is last wk's homework), i never do at all, then i go there, i only copy wadever e ans that e lecturer writes out, even though i dun even know how he calculate n wad are e working's figures.

I dunno anything at all. Just sit there blank blank n dun understand.

Really damn no mood to study all these at all. Dun even care abt it lor.
This attitude is of coz very terrible, but i'm really not interested at all!
I dun wanna care abt anything, i dun wanna do anything, dun wanna touch anything leh.

Then u'll ask me then y i still sign up ACCA?
I dunno.
Just afraid that if in future i wanna sign up, nobody will study with me alr.
and at the start i thought i would give up on all these dream thing n concentrate on accounts.

Fri after work asked my dad to come n drive all the documents home, then i went white sands.. Bought a bag and a wallet.. E most expensive bag i've ever bought in my life. After discount $54..

Went CS and bought a shoe after that..

Then bought Mayday's concert tix in e morning... Bought $148 de tix, after discount $133.20.


Anyway i've received a bonus of $600.

Now left is thinking of the speech when i give in my letter. Really felt very 辜负 my bosses, coz it's really not coz of them, they care n help me so much, ask me to trust them n confide in them but in the end i still disappoint them very much..

That's why i've dragged so many months, because i've already 尽量能忍就忍了..
可能我就是草莓族,经不起这些磨练. 这样就要放弃了。

我生命失败的地方,永远都是因为 [人]



我也不要再看那些人和 site 的 shit attitude anymore.

AP也好,full set也好,什麼都好,对我来说没有分别,没有关系,因为全部都不是我所兴趣的.
Have you all watch 小猪's 撑腰 mv? Watch it! At my previous entry!!!



我的朋友们都需要 学业进步




iSophia posted @11:40 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, January 22, 2009

梁静茹- 没有如果
词/曲:严爵 编曲:严爵/朱敬然

*如果我說 愛我沒有如果
錯過就過 你是不是會難過
若如果拿來當藉口 那是不是有一點弱

如果我說 愛我沒有如果
真的愛我 就放手一搏
還想什麼 還怕什麼 快牽起我的手*

而是我就站在你面前 你卻不知道我愛你


*如果我說 愛我沒有如果
錯過就過 你是不是會難過
若如果拿來當藉口 那是不是有一點弱

如果我說 愛我沒有如果
真的愛我 就放手一搏
還想什麼 還怕什麼 快牽起我的手*

如果 如果 如果 如果 如果
最後變成路過 我也不能接受
錯過 錯過 錯過 錯過 錯過
我比你更難過 不會一錯再錯



*如果我說 愛我沒有如果
錯過就過 你是不是會難過
若如果拿來當藉口 那是不是有一點弱

如果我說 愛我沒有如果
真的愛我 就放手一搏
還想什麼 還怕什麼 快牽起我的手*


如果我說 愛我沒有如果

Do you find this song familiar? Still remember one of my blog song 大嘴巴's 永远在身边? This song is a very popular japan song which has many version and 大嘴巴 converted it to a mandarin version which is very nice..

This song of Fish Leong is also 改编 from this song! 青山黛玛的畅销曲〈留在我身边〉. Also very nice!!!!! It's also 《败犬女王》's 片头曲.

羅志祥 撐腰MV V台首播(清晰完整版)

The mv which he invites Jolin, Jacky Wu, 大小S, 胡瓜, 柴智屏 (very famous 可米 经纪人), 林合隆 导演 etc etc to dance with him! MUST WATCH!!!!!

OH NO!!!!

Just when i want to download application form to apply NP's Dip in Chinese Media (whatever it is, just apply. If really successful then do final decision to accept or reject)


Application ended on 16th Jan!!!!!!

iSophia posted @11:31 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, January 19, 2009


Diploma in Chinese Media & Communication

The Diploma in Chinese Media & Communication (CMC) is the first media studies programme in Chinese to be offered at the polytechnic level. Career opportunities are plentiful, given the wide readership of Chinese newspapers and huge popularity of Chinese TV and radio programmes in Singapore.

Leveraging on Ngee Ann’s strong partnerships with Singapore Press Holdings (SPH), Singapore Media Academy (SMA), MediaCorp and other media companies, students will enjoy offsite learning opportunities as well as work on special projects through such industry collaborations.

Seventy per cent of the course will be conducted in Chinese . Besides learning the ropes of writing for the Chinese media, students will be trained in video production, radio production, web design and copywriting. They will also acquire a good understanding of Chinese culture and literature.

Final-year students will work on an industry project or intern at a top overseas or local media company for one semester. They will also spend another semester overseas in China to be immersed in Chinese language and culture, as well as attend classes at a top Chinese university such as Fudan University in Shanghai and Communication University of China in Beijing.

Graduates will be in demand as print, broadcast and online journalists, producers, translators, interpreters and copywriters. They will also do well in advertising and public relations.

First intake: 50 students
Offered by: School of Humanities (ngee ann poly)

Have you always wanted to be a Chinese radio deejay, a reporter for the Chinese newspapers, magazines and TV? Or even a Chinese news presenter?

If your answer is yes to any of the above, then the new Diploma in Chinese Media & Communication (CMC) is for you.
CMC is designed for students seeking a career in the Chinese print, broadcast and interactive media. The course covers a range of exciting and creative modules such as Writing for Chinese Media, Visual Communication, Copywriting & Advertising, Radio Production and Video Production.
Besides media studies modules, you will also learn Chinese language, literature, culture, translation and interpretation skills.
Career Prospects

As a bilingual media practitioner, you will be able to work in this growing Chinese-language media industry as a print, broadcast or online journalist, producer, translator or interpreter, copywriter or advertising, PR and marketing communications executive.
Further Studies

You can receive up to one semester’s exemption when you sign up for relevant degree programmes at the following local institutions:
• Nanyang Technological University
• National University of Singapore

You can also enjoy exemptions at the following institutions if you take up a Bachelor in Chinese Studies or related programmes:

• Zhejiang University, China
• Huazhong Normal University, China
• University of Queensland, Australia
• Shanghai University, China
• Shanghai International Studies University, China
• Fudan University, China
• Communication University of China
Shih Hsin University, Taiwan (世新大学)
Entry Requirements

English Language* 1–6
Higher Chinese 1-4 OR
Chinese as a second language 1–3
Any three other subjects 1–6
Do you have an 'OH MY GOSH' feeling? At least for me?

Thanks hs for the info. I didn't had much feeling in e morning, until i'm back at home n read about the course details.. Then i was STUNNED for a few sec and next was 'AHHHHH OH MY GOSH!!!! WHY AM I BORN IN 1988???'


I think i can meet the entry requirements.
The career aspects are so so so so so interesting!! Almost all i've imagined before..
Deejay of coz, producers!, journalism, PR...

Juz then my mom came in with my clothes..

Then i asked her: '妈妈,你知道吗,今年poly出新的科目。华文的传媒'
妈:then? 怎样? 你有兴趣meh? 传媒啊?不要啦。
我: 我一直以来的梦想。。。
妈:你要读啊?then 读 lor, accounts 不要做 lor.

It's becoz she haven know it's equal to repeating 3 yrs of full time poly. She 好不容易 供我读完3年的poly, 不可能会再供我读full time.

What's next? The moment she closes the door 就痛哭了.

我好像还没有烦完工作的事,就要再想要不要放弃每个月辛苦工作存钱一共花了$2000+的ACCA, 浪费这些对我来说很庞大的钱去重读 poly????

而且我哪里来的钱去读3年full time?

那我的PR就要变回foreigner student pass了吗?



明年我就22岁,读完就是25岁, diploma---25岁?

Another turning point decision in my life? Why are there so many decisions to make in life?

Today i asked my parents' opinions... My dad just told me i have to do it well before i leave.

1) peak period: 在过几天就过了
2) bonus: 好像不可能了,但还有一丝希望
3) after CNY: 也要到了

Told my dad today just got yelled by some ppl, and those idiotic site ppl's shit attitudes. He's lame la.. '你没有做了之后告诉我是谁?谁?我去讲他!做人那里可以那么没有礼貌,不会尊重人!' haha.. sounds like holigan

iSophia posted @11:26 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, January 18, 2009


These weekend is really great for me, except for a little issue yesterday.
Yesterday i woke up, and chiong 霹雳 MIT till midnight 2++,
i wanted to stay at home whole day de, but my parents kept forcing me to go out for dinner.. Then i super bu shuang and my face was as black as charcoal throughout the diner de.

I believe ur should know i very 渴望 to have one complete day which i don't have to step out of the house at all... Mons- Fris cannot coz got work, Suns cannot coz got church. Left SAT!!
And a sat which i don't have to go to work, don't have to go out for somethin!

Then today, after church... Went bedok's NTUC to buy junk food!!
Bought cup noodles, canned food, tidbits, chocolates..
Then went MAC to take away a meal.. YAY i finally ate the twister fries..
Last few days got ulcer can't eat.. hahahaha..

Then came home to enjoy the quietness, tv and food.
Then went to take a nap,
then wake up, ate cup noodle with the 五香肉丁, then watch tv PROGRAMMEs again.. muahahaha..

It's really a super nice feeling.. Come back to an empty house with comfortable setting, then i can do whatever i want with NIL disturbance..
Normally when i'm at home, i'll ignore my house phone and if my dad calls my HP i oso ignore de. Coz i know nobody will call me through house phone.
And i know what my dad's intention of calling me,
so i just throw the phones under e blanket and ignores them! hahahaha

And from what you read, u must be thinking, 'she's not studying again'


But i promise i will do the PM homework before Thursday, even if it is to do after law lecture on Wed i also will do.
Coz the lecturer is TOO SCARY le.
Never bring calculator, or bring le never calculate oso must care sia.
All along my 'style' is wait for ans and dun do anything de ma.
Now must 提高警惕 and 保持最高专心力 sia.

So fast this week is CNY le sia.. 完全没有新年气氛 lor.
Only know next few days or even the whole week will be SUPER busy de.
Busy wad?
Mostly is calls de.

A lot suppliers alr demand wants the cheque on fri, but i told everyone of them either mon/tue. Of coz they want mon right..
But we cannot release tmr, must release on TUE, so dun need brain oso will know tmr they never receive our call, all sure call de.
So tmr i can just be the reception.
Tue n Wed oso reception, coz must call out everyone to collect payment.
Why don't have voice recorder?
Coz must repeat the same sentence de lor.
Haha but at least if there's no pressure but only call out, then it's very relax de lor.

Sign... just hope next few days faster over then CNY can rest a few days ba.

iSophia posted @9:27 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

2.23am!!! I finished 霹雳MIT!!!!

Hmm hmm although i dunno why taiwan haven finish but online alr got e whole show, maybe is dvd out le..

It's nice!!! As the episode goes on, i have my own guess about something, and e more i believe i'm right..

And the truth is what i really thought it is!!
But there's some part where it's quite shocking which i've never expected!!

Nice investigating show.
With my super handsome 亚纶!!!!

Hmmmm... next is 篮球火.. but most prob will choose to buy e dvd instead of watching online. It's nicer to watch on tv, and furthermore it's Jerry's show. I should buy n keep forever!

Although i only watched 3 episodes of 篮球火 before coz i dun wanna watch it on computer screen, my dad oso watched few min b4, the part where 球魁 came out.

iSophia posted @2:23 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, January 17, 2009

I like this pic very much... not becoz of the 2 person in it, but the background all that.. very very nice...

This song is quite long.. 4mins..
But everytime i heard it over on e radio, i kept thinking whose song is this.. I was thinking about A-Lin coz her voice is quite the same, but actually it's 顺子!!
Nice song, very calm.

顺子 - sunrises (中文版)

想问 你睡了没
只有 你的笑脸

sunrises 才看见
风已停 雨已歇
让泪水 成纪念
每次心碎 都有你 在身边

习惯 所有防备
在你面前 都无所谓
倦了 停在原点
我的伤悲 有你的泪水

sunrises 才了解
夜里的黑 会走远
当光线 在心里
那滋味 就是爱

完整的美 值得多等待
让时间 证明爱不难
若有一天 喔 真有一天

sunrises 才看见
风已停 雨已歇
让泪水 成纪念
每次心碎 有你在身边

sunrises 才了解
夜里的黑 会走远
当光线 在心里面
那滋味 胜过一切
Read an article over the net:

What specific jobs you will now be taking will be very important in your own spiritual growth and development with the Lord. The jobs you will now be taking will be building blocks that will lead you into whatever His specific plan and call is for you in this life.

This now takes the burden off of you in trying to find the next right job. You obviously will still have to seek after the next job - but God will now be guiding your steps as you continue to seek after this new job - making sure that you land in the specific jobs that He will want you to have.

You are now operating on a different playing field where the rules have changed a bit for you. What this means is that if you go on a job interview and do not get the job, this means that God did not want you to have this job in the first place, and He was the One who closed the door on you getting that job so as to make sure that you did not go down a wrong path.

So when you keep getting rejected after several interviews, do not look at these rejections like you are a failure. Look at it that these were jobs that God did not want you to have in the first place, and that God was the One who ran interference so as to make sure that you did not end up taking the wrong job.

Remember this - God already has your next job all set up and planned out for you. You simply have to wait for His timing to bring it to you!

I know the waiting can really get to you, but this is how God develops the fruit of patience and faith in your personality.

You simply have to have full faith, trust and belief that God now has your life completely in His hands and that He will now bring the right job to you at the right time.

You simply have to learn to have patience during these waiting periods. In the meantime, God will make sure and arrange that you have enough money and support coming in to help keep you afloat until this next job comes through.

This is where you have to learn how to have complete faith in the Lord to do all of this for you.

I trust, i believe. I know whatever good or bad things that happened to me is all God's means and he meant good to me.
Bad things happened might be to teach me lessons, culture my patience and personality, or make me grows.
Good things will happen, coz of my faith.

I am awaiting for his guidance, for his signals.......................
What should i do?

iSophia posted @12:03 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Let's read about my work and then the PM lesson tonight.
(weirdo am i... i dont touch my computer after work, but i will on it after lesson! which isn't logical as i am suppose to be more tired n more reluctant to online after working n studying whole day than normal days right?)

My office msn nick was 'Crazily and Madly Busy' today.. hahahaha..
Seems like everything come all at once..
At the same moment i have to
- settle one basket of problem invoices
- 1 inv suspect double take in, must find previous payment voucher and issue credit note to offset 2nd entry
- have to cancel 1 cheque
- big boss question on 1 of the invoice but i can't find previous mth's inv to explain
- another boss question on 1 cheque, got to find e AR invoice of backcharging
- got to tear off the printed cheques, attach to the respective invoices, and update into the cash book
- suddenly IT man come in to find one particular photocopier's serial number, coz recently they keep transferring the machine from one site to another then super messy. So got to dig paid invoices to see where it bills to
- suddenly purchasers pass 1 invoice say tmr need the cheque, then took capital expenditure form from them coz buy asset must fill up the form to let boss approve. End up most of the forms are for the developer companies, not really the construction company which i'm in.
- got to call suppliers to get CN or documents from them
- got to call site personnels to get them to collect fax n verify stuffs
and of coz at e same time e phone non stop ringing.

Got all kinds of calls. and i haven't been polite n nice these days.
1 of the TKL sub-con who is providing labour, he keep calling, call 3 or 4 times daily. We told him the truth, we haven't receive his progress certificate.
He keep saying '怎么可能?老板都签了也拿给你们了。怎么可能还没到?'
normally i will say nicely that there's procedures all tat, and it's obviously ridiculous, he's not in our office how would he know the boss alr sign n passed to us?
but recently i just reply him '怎么不可能。还没有看到就是还没有看到,哪里有可能不可能。'

Some is say someone promised him when when can get the payment. then i reply '谁?谁说的。你告诉我名字我去问他。我们不可能会随便肯定几时可以拿支票的。'

Then today receive one is say his father in law is very ill, his wife from m'sia say very serious alr, he might need to go back m'sia these few days, so he wants e cheque asap.

But the most common which nearly every calls said this '你把我的支票放在第一个啦。'

One thing is, that IDIOT CHRIS KOON did not call us anymore, after being scolded. But i believe it's only temporary.

Then we prepare finish nearly all the cheques today.. She told us that she's VERY happy coz it's so fast... Of coz la.. we alr finish most of e cheques by e time u r starting.
Good lo, ur job is done.
But after our managers check the cheques, a lot will be bounce back n hav to go n run around solving the problems again.

It's so nice to just sit on ur chair and just type type type and dont hav to care abt the problems.
and having ppl help so much.

U know those new site managers hor, super attitude leh..
Yesterday 1 came back who is in charge of some new projects, wa liew ask him about some delivery orders which differs from e inv n PO, coz he was the one who received e goods n signed on the DO ma! Super yaya u know..

Today tat most cham who is in charge of e biggest project de come back, my mentor went to find him to ask him check on some DO's details ma. He just say he's very busy n slot e thing aside n walk away.
Super yaya.

I think must be ever since tat new director 公然 不尊重这些程序 in front of all site personnels, therefore their attitude is even worse now.
SUPER YAYA leh... buay tahan.. like we're very lowly creatures that is begging them like that.

Why does God leads me to very very good colleagues in my department, but at the same time leads me to nasty colleagues too?

So, is VERY VERY GOOD managers & colleagues around me more important, or not facing other nasty colleagues everyday more important?
PM lesson:

The 1st hour was a torture too. Because he went through 1 question on last wk's theory, Absorption costing and Marginal Costing, OAR all tat..
AHHHH the whole question hor, i am just writing the workings, then press calculator with his workings.

But after the question is a lot better le..
Coz he taught theory of Total Quality Management, Activity Based Costing all that..
再次燃烧我对 POM & OB 的热爱!
I dunno why... i like poly's Principles of Mgtment & Organisational Behaviour very much.. These kind of study very human-related stuff, like analyzing human's behaviour, attitude, n thinking like that...

Before i get threatened by brenda n el of PM, i really thought it's an extension of POM, i was quite looking forward to it.. BUT in e end it was CMA...

So far i like the theory part as at today. But i am SURE that next wk once he add the NUMBERS in, i'll be TOTALLY LOST again.

Maybe all along i like POM & OB's kind of theory, but i kept thinking i don't like?
Anyway there's no specific course of study in these so no point talking abt it.

iSophia posted @11:26 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

飞轮海 留下来 mv ( song by MAYDAY)


To think that i only realised this when i got home, bath, and on the tv at 11.10pm!

AMERICAN IDOL SEASON 8 has started!!!

Every Wednesdays and Thursdays 10pm ch5!
There's a new judge this year.. Kara DioGuardi!

This is N times i'm saying this, i really love the spirit, the attitude, the judges, the host, the songs, almost everything!!!
I dun listen to english radio or songs, but i get to know a lot nice english songs from watching this show..
I am glad that i am able to record down since i'm studying on every wed n thur.

Season 8... 8yrs!!!
CHARMED also 8 seasons.....
Since it's not much chance of TW this yr, so i can use $800 to buy 8 season's CHARMED dvd? Is there any cheaper alternative?
The first thing i do after blogging today is to update all my resumes in all the job-search sites..
And since after CNY many r worrying abt losing jobs, so it'll be a lot easier for them to find a replacement to take over me right?

Every1 is so not co-operative in this company. Only know how to blame n chase a/cs, but who's going to stop pushing responsibilities to us?

Site only knows how to call n scream @ us when payment is not smooth, but did they ever think that every mth there's so many price difference & quantity difference, or no DO, or no PO invoices that leads to the payment being stuck?
And despite many faxes and emails oso no replies?

U know the feeling. There's a department purchasing items, agree the price n quantity with suppliers, issue Purchase Order.
There's site personnels who fill up form to apply material purchasing and they are the ones who receive n accept the delivery.
ME, i receive the PO from e department, i receive the DO from site personnels, i receive the invoices billed from the suppliers, this is the 1st time i'm seeing these 3 documents,
so i just have to match them, ensure they're ok, take into system and that's it.
When it's due i just have to bring in to let big boss chop payment approval if he wants to pay.
But always end up it's our business that these 3 documents doesnt tally and payment stuck it's our fault only. Calls come to us, screams n complains come to us, everything is our responsibility.
Don't suggest me ways like throwing back to them, ask suppliers call them, tell them they're responsible etc etc. NO USE AT ALL de. It doesnt work this way coz this company is just like this!!!!!!!

Whenever there is price difference btw inv n PO, who should we look for? Of coz the ones who in the first place agreed the prices with suppliers when issuing the purchase orders right?
But it seems like most of the time i am pleding the manager to sign/verify the difference for me as if it's my fault that there's a difference.
Or most of the time they refuse to sign/verify and i'm stuck with the invoice with difference.
Other people say 1 word then it's all back to us. Even those weird documents that nobody wants oso throw to us.

And of coz that person..............................
I don't want to wait till it become a big issue or make the relationship tense.
Seriously 越過一天,我越受不了...
The best way to avoid starting a dispute is not facing it, since it's not going to be resolved in any way.

I don't know.. Really don't know.
I thought i've got a signal that i'll gain something new and i can get something new to learn very soon and it might be ok with the new reshuffle...
But, i don't think anything new helps any of the situation that i'm concern.
So what if i am able to get to learn real important stuffs that it's very good to me when it's not my main concern?
I'm not concern that i'm only doin AP or i'm not learning anything, i just started working i don't expect much. And i dun think i still rmb wad i learnt.
But i'm tired of all these calls n problems n facing attitude colleagues n her.

God, please guide me.

The reason why i kept dragging and delaying is because everytime i'm at the verge, i felt that God has his means and reason for bringing me here. And suddenly i'll feel that it's ok and i will understand and know why God brings me here.

I'm in the midst of searching an ans, whether God wants me to stay or leave for good.
Lots of prayers and time is needed.

iSophia posted @11:30 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, January 12, 2009

Tiring... i haven't got any chance to start any studying at all.

My work is as usual very busy. e one whole basket of problem invoices, ahhh today i tried to go through, but really very hard to settle, for me la. Coz i reali dun wanna bother other ppl.
But alr started helping to prepare the cheques...
I tell u, today my level is 0.3/10 of bth.
I really really really really really really cant help but keep bth-ing.

After work i came home to my new bed~~~
But my room is really a mess.
Went IKEA to buy the $99 tv console, BUT, in e end nv buy anythin.
Then came home to try to re-arrange my room,
but the final arrangement i very not satisfy.

But, what to do? No $ to buy new table new shelf, only can anyhow arrange with existing stuff first.

My bed! Ask me y i bought yellow? Coz there's no pink!!
And i dun wan dark colours!
It's really small!!!! My dolls no place to put!

Haha the F4 poster is many yrs ago paste de..

I have no 'ding' on the walls, so i hav to try to find a way to put up my clock, my giant FLH poster, my puzzle frame.

The black table is shifted to beside the brown one.. I dun like!
The colours look weird!!

Very sleepy!!

When can i buy finish those CNY things??
SIAN ah~~~~~
Tmr must try to study a bit of PM, law heck care first.
Fri muz go out TM but not to shop,
Sat & Sun TM so many ppl, how to shop.
But next week is too near to CNY to shop.

LOL!! dun nid buy la!

iSophia posted @11:57 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, January 10, 2009

Just back from TM. Went to buy bedsheets.
Wanted to buy CNY clothes de... but....................
once i go into clothes shop, i dun even wanna go n take a look at the clothes..

Dunno y.. my face black black n e mood just down to e bottom.
My mom end up oso face black black coz i no motivation to buy any clothes for new yr.

Maybe i dunno wad i should buy. Maybe i dun wanna spend any $.
But i just don't wanna buy anything.

Will i end up breaking record and never buy any new clothes/bag/shoe for CNY at all?
I oso dunno y i so unhappy. Very sian of shopping.
I haven even buy FLH's album.

Recently there's this 口水戰 broke out in TW entertainment.
Jay Chou had a 記者會 which main theme is to stop 唱片公司 買榜.
Means shooting some companies buy their own singer's album to let it become No.1 result in those music billboards.

This week FLH is no.1 at G-Music, e rest 5 boards No.1 is 小豬.
FLH oso sent a 花圈 to Jay Chou supporting the action to stop 買榜.
So the reporters report that all of them is shooting 小豬's company coz he top 5 boards, 王力宏 only got no.3 or no.4.

And there's this new rumour that FLH going to shoot 新版 流星花園.
But they denied.
I dun mind though.. but i am more hoping that there's really 終極一街.

And 2008 when they celebrate 亞綸's birthday, he mentioned that he was being cheated by his girlfriend 1 yr ago, and she cheated his $ (around 20幾万) and get close to him only because he's an idol.

So when they go 康熙, they kept asking 亞綸 this matter...
Tat means after he become 飛輪海,he still got girlfriend!
Then he very 無奈 de say out some details..
Ahhh~~~ 好可憐~~~~


iSophia posted @10:15 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Song: 國王皇后 by 大嘴巴.

Here are the pics when we went to changi bowling centre for new year celebration:

1st shot of Finance department!
All wearing white....
Back: Kristelle, Candice, LayHwa(so-call my godma), Me, Lynn, CCY, Irvann

Front: Corinne mama ,ChengHwa(our FC), YewMei(our FM), BeePeng (my mentor)

My bowling team:
Mr.Chooi (GM),Pauline(property),CCY,Lawrence(QS),Sylvia(admin),Me.

Me & Candice
(the one sitting behind me in e office,ur know my meaning..she's e one..)
She's 30+! look as young or even younger than us!!!

Finance team shot 2!

Finance team final shot!

Overall picture...

Wanted to leave this weekend to study..

I think we really realise we have to really study every week if not we're be dead fish.
i slept till 2pm today...
Very sleepy. I am glad that at least there's a sat (once in a mth) i can sleep late at home. Because this week.. Tue OT, wed & thur lesson, Fri OT till 11pm..
After tat have to continue a bit of cleaning of my room, but stop after a while, went to took out CMA 1 & 2's notes and books to see because after reading few sentence of PM notes, i still dunno what is it.
Then i realise, all these things we really learnt before.. I flip the CMA notes hor, i realise maybe the problem is i forgotten everything.
I really dunno what are they when i read the notes which i've learnt before leh!
Seriously i really really forgotten everything i've learnt in poly..
How amazing it is lor, really everything leh.
But have to go out to church then later going TM to buy my bedsheets for my new bed which is arriving on monday, maybe see if i have any luck on CNY clothes.
Anyway my room is not done.
The old bed haven remove,
i haven't shift my table,
a lot of things still not yet done!
'wanchin XD' on imeem is back!!!
gosh there's so many new album n songs.. i can just 試聼 all e albums for many hours.
- 飛輪海 越來越愛
- 大嘴巴 王元口力口 (國王皇后 is nice)
- 唐禹哲 D新引力
- 王力宏 心。跳
- 罗志祥 潮男正传
- 梁静如 幸福的抉择
- 萧敬腾 给。爱人
- 黄立行 最后只好躺下来 (最后只好躺下来 is nice)
- KenT (new singer)
- 石心卉 女皇
- 方大同 橙月

iSophia posted @4:13 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, January 08, 2009

After PM lesson today, what i wanna say is...


I totally, i meant t.o.t.a.l.l.y didn't understand any single thing that he taught!

Very serious lor.

He said that now our face is =)
after some time is =|
after some more time is =(
before exam is ="(

BUT, dun nid wait till so long.. near to end of lesson today i alr ="(

Really dunno anything leh...



Very 夸张 lor!!!!!!!!


Damn stressed till i felt like vomitting!

PF asked me in lesson is it my gastric pain very serious, coz my face is 皱到....
& after lunch i've got gastric pain in office ma.

BUT, it's not that. It's because i seriously dunno wad e heck is e lecturer teaching.


Maybe we should really quit our job and concentrate on studying only.
Working on my supplier reconciliation statements now again, after lesson.
Tmr my FM need to go through le...

And my bed delivery is postpone to MONDAY.

At least i've exchanged rooms with my parents temporary.
But they've got no bug bites or mosquitoes bites when they slept in my room lei.

iSophia posted @11:25 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Just back from 1st Law lecture.
Am laughing all the way... will talk about it more.

Yesterday morning one of my colleague told me that she thinks that now i 比较看开了..
Coz i dun seem as glummy as past few months these days.

Hmm... of coz la... coz
1) it's been school holidays for a few weeks! means temporary lesser stress.. less lots and lots of stress!
2) there's a temp helping out in very time-consuming stuffs like filling, photocopying, sorting.
3) Sunday's Mayday mini showcase concert did allows me to let out lots of unhappiness! Although it's hot, but hor, it's really very fun for me lar.. Coz was shouting, jumping, singing loudly. Very enjoyable and screammed out lots of unhappiness, sian-ness, stress, worries..
When we were in the queue in the afternoon n they were rehearsing inside, all the fans outside were alr singing along,
then after the concert ends and they played their CD, while walking out, all e fans were also singing along...
We sing all e way from b4 we go in till when we r walking out!
4) It's freeze payment period! Means lesser payment to settle!

BUT, everything will turn different from next week onwards, or end of this week.
Because today we started the new semester with 2 subjects!
x2 stress than last few mths!
and payment resuming, and CNY coming, means everyone will be chasing payment like mad.

and of coz, even more 受不了u know who.

AP close le... but there's one big full basket of problem invoices to be settled.
along with other stuffs to do.
Supplier reconciliation statement, settle problem invoice, payment, auditor confirmations that suppliers sent, next week got to help in cheque preparing too.

Before i could go through problem invoices n solve them, the suppliers r calling to demand for those payments already! hahahahaha...
I admit, i lack the ability to solve those problem invoices because i really don't want to go n bother the site ppl or call the suppliers.

And apparently people keep pushing responsibilities back to me and i don't dare to retaliate.

But also trying not to get stress up too easily ba?
Let's see next week i'll get damn fustrated or not.
Today's lecture... hahaha...
The lecturer is very humourous la...
But he really speaks very fast.
LAW.................... requires lots of self-reading lor...
I really have to get down to study every weekend le... Or after work!!!

- if u don't do self reading, u won't understand and cannot do last min study before exam. Got to write own notes, do own mindmap, read the textbook, read cases online etc etc..

- before we go for the lesson alr being 'threatened' by Brenda n EL le lor.. *MUST* do homework, and they mentioned it's LOTS of homework every week!!!

One PM already don't know can cope or not le. Now LAW oso must spend lots time.
Gosh, is there time for me,
or even energy left after work?

Back to the topic, the lecturer was so funny. Was laughing all the way throughout the lesson.
Then thurs' PM is totally different. Is serious, cannot talk de.

But it felts a little back to TP.. one whole row of us... misses those days.

Aljunied is really nearer. I can leave the office half hour later, and i reaches home before 11pm! At least 20mins earlier.

Now i'm starting to work. Brought the supplier's reconciliation statement home to do. Because i realise i can't do it in office as i have to settle the invoices asap to pay them, and ENTERTAIN CALLS.

All the best to me for these 6 months.

And there's bad news... if there's increment, it'll be patheticly little.
and no news of bonus at all!

Hmmmm... i can only say i'm not that lucky. Getting the same pay with shockingly more workloads, and no bonus at all. With nearly nil benefits.

and still got to put up with her!

iSophia posted @11:17 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, January 03, 2009

Glad that Derrick is quite successful there, especially being taken care of by xiao zhu n jam. Pics from his blog:

Song: 撐腰 by 羅志祥

Happy New Year to everyone!!!!

New yr eve night my parents came home at nearly 4am lor!
Got watchnight service at church but i never go.

As mentioned, i'm changing my bed.. Hmm.. it's very very hard to rearrange my room now.. I don't want my single bed to be by the window, coz my room in e afternoon is got sunlight shoot in but with curtains it won't feel as heaty. I dun like to be beside the curtain or windows coz i reali think the dusts are from there.

Why are tables nowadays so expensive? If not i would want to buy a longer table for myself. All the way from the wall to just beside my door. So that i can place my computer, speaker, printer on it, and still have generous allowance of empty space for me to study/craft or whatever.

E most i can fork is only $200 out of the taiwan trip, which is, hahaha, impossible to get such a big table with such prices -.-"

Saw in the latest ikea cateloge there's a tv console for $99, i can put my tv, dvd player & radio all at one to save space!!
But storage would be a problem. Now my radio is above my small wardrobe which i've used when i'm a kid. Inside are all my books, and many cards n crafts from my frens, and all my posters!

But most importantly is where should i place my bed ba! I dun wan to be by any corner of the walls. But if it's in e centre, it will be very near to the tv and no space to walk through.

As for my current wardrobe, i dun bother to care abt it coz inside are clothes that i'm not concerned with!

My FM replied my new yr msg to tell me sorry she couldn't go through my appraisal with me b4 new yr. coz last wk only my FC went through with me. my FM is suppose to go through my strenghth n weaknesses.

Then i replied: 'it's ok,i know my strengh is very 乖,my weakness is i very 可愛'
Oki, here's my 2009 Resolutions:
But still can't decide on which phone!
2008 is finally over. Although actually it feels like the same coz it's just another day. So what if it's 2009? Everthing's still the same.

But at least on this 1st Jan 2009, let me 小小的充滿熱血的期待.

From what my instinct felt, 2009 will NOT be a better year than 2008 for me ba?
I will still be revolving around the same few issues.

Difficult to cope between study and work.

What is ahead waiting for me in this year is a greater challenge that i must face. For the past 6 months i'm only taking 1 module, and i already having problems every month coping because my work is really too heavy.

From next week onwards it's 2 modules with one of it a super heavy n tough one, and there would be some changes in my work too. I might get even more heavy load.

These few weeks i kept telling myself, i cannot give nuisance to my bosses as what i did for the past few months. With this greater challenge, i must prepare myself that i'll be 2 or 3 times more stress, more tired, more heavy load, but i must try my best to 看開一點,
i must keep working, and i must study, and i must not neglect my life too.

I must not let the word 'tired' beat me. Although it's really super sleepy after work, and after lessons.............

- Hope i can cope with the heavier load from new assignments & greater stress from study.

- Hope that colleague will learn to take up more responsibility, but i think this is impossible becoz she was complaining about the fear of next next wk when we resume payment and she have to prepare e most cheques ever coz bosses will wan to release most of the payments before CNY. I told her what she could do is give herself a 心理準備 so that when the time comes she won't be too stressed becoz u alr knew what is coming.

She shoot back me '不要再講風涼話了啦...'
I bet next next week i sure will 達到更高的境界.. meaning will buay tahan her till a higher level. And i should have a 心理準備 for that so that i won't lose my temper n do anything 衝動.

- Hope i can cope lor. as usual. What i say now is what i say before any semester starts. Hope after work i can revise the current chapter a little, weekends do homework.
Warning to PF, Bel & HS, according to those who took PM b4, this lecturer very pro. He will check homework and he can know what u're doing at ur desk!

- Just hope to pass all the 3 exams in june. Which are Tax, PM & Law. Well, i reali never pin any hope that my tax will be pass liao. Just get prepared to retake in June.

- Hope i can obtain my license before my birthday lo.

- Hope everyone can really make more effort to do more things for everyone. Weekends when u're free at home, watching tv, anime, playing games, or u're free during your work, why not just spend an hour or so of your tv/anime/games time and do something for everyone, instead of just enjoying your own and leave all the planning or stuffs to other people?

I will try my best to work through more stuffs that we can do and just hope that i'll receive co-operation, and initiatives, for everyone knew how busy is my work right.. I am not using my busy work as an excuse to ignore things and just throw to other people.

And i hope that i can be closer to God, read more of the bible which i've really neglected many years, and talk to him more.

As usual, i hope everyone can 抛開以前種種的不愉快, forgive forget, have a heart full of 包容,忍耐,愛,關懷,耐心,寬闊的心 去對待任何你身邊的人,包括你不喜歡的人。

Although we can't change what is already happening, which is we're stuck with ACCA, Uni, Work, and Accounts, but what we can do is stop thinking that it's very bad.

It's ALREADY very bad, so what we can do is try to make our life happier, livelier (lol wad word is this), and greater with what we can. Which is little stuffs here n there with friends and family.

Last sentence: Just hope that i can cope with 2009 with lesser cries.

Things that i need to buy soon:
1) Pencil box! mine spoilt!
2) Handphone! mine buttons spoilt!
3) Wallet! mine spoilt!

Things that i need to accomplish in 09:
1) obtain my driving license!
2) pass all the exams in this year, includin retake of tax
3) go Mayday's concert in Aug


Theme for 2009:

Myspace Comments, Glitter Graphics at GlitterYourWay.com


'wanchin XD' on imeem is back!!! gosh there's so many new album n songs.. i can just 試聼 all e albums for many hours.
- 飛輪海 越來越愛
- 大嘴巴 王元口里口 (國王皇后 is nice)
- 唐禹哲 D新引力
- 王力宏 心。跳
- 罗志祥 潮男正传
- 梁静如 幸福的抉择
- 萧敬腾 给。爱人
- 黄立行 最后只好躺下来 (最后只好躺下来 is nice)
- KenT (new singer)
- 石心卉 女皇
- 方大同 橙月

iSophia posted @7:57 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Pardon me for not posting my resolutions yet.
Actually 1st Jan i already type till halfway. but i haven't complete it.

Coz i went ikea to find bed.. Ever since Tue night i have been sleeping in the living room sofa. Coz my bed dunno is got bed bug or i'm sensitive to the bedsheets or whatever, i kept getting bites.

Nearly bought a sofa bed so that i can use as a sofa to watch tv n save space in e day. But didn't bought it coz sofa bed is not suitable for sleeping everyday.
Then went home n have a nap.. then woke up went to have dinner and went Nova Furniture last min, we're the last customer. And bought a bed...

Downgrade!!! I had been sleeping on e queen size bed for more than 10yrs, but my new bed is super single size only... The price between the super single n e other double bed (excluding mattress coz mattress is e same price regardless of sizes), the difference is only $30!!
My mom die oso dun let me buy e queen size coz she say my room not enough space to put.
Single is 3 寸, super single is 3.5 寸 .. 1st time heard of super single.
But, seriously, that 0.5 寸 looks like no difference to me.

Then 2nd Jan from 12pm all e way i tidy n clean my room till now, 1.10am!!!!!
Well, i did stop 2 hrs to watch Yu Bai & Xiao Niang Re la.. hahaha..

I still haven't finish!!! still got 2/5 of the room not yet tidy n clean.
I discard super lots of things. Coz it's all those small rubbish.
But since pri sch my frenz give me de things, letters, cards, i never throw any single of them. These are precious things to me although some of them alr lost contact or i dun even rmb their faces le... I see some of e cards, from XXX, i was thinking, who are they? Do i ever know them?

Also tied up all the modlues worksheets from poly. Will be throwing all e worksheets n textbooks into store room. I only kept 1 subject's worksheets n textbooks with me from sec sch.. which is POA..

Cleared out a temporary shell to put my magazines.. i should buy a lot of big plastic boxes to put all my magazines sia. My precious too.. haha.. and i found a little plastic box inside full of Readers Digest which our sec sch wanted us to subscribe.

So, my new bed will be coming next FRIDAY. tat means i have to sleep on the sofa SEVEN more nights.. oh man~ my back is really aching.

Sat, which is today, got to go back office whole day le. Meeting my FC n 3 other colleages at bedok for breakfast at 8.30am b4 we head to office together.
But think i'll be eating with my parents since they're goin there for breakfast too.

I took leave but never rest at all. Whole day blasting 933 n computer & packing my room.
My dad say i everyday on 933 whole day his electricity bills sure very high. haha but i never on air-con at all so i saved lots on electricity already.

Trying hard to adjust my own feelings to be prepared to face greater stress next week onwards. I realise cannot use TIRED as an excuse anymore.
Should try to overcome tired & sleepy, and continue to do a lot of things.
But, typing is forever easier to say than be done.


iSophia posted @1:28 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, January 02, 2009

iSophia posted @5:56 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

about ME!

♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
♥Likes to share all e gd news to everyone
♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

What i Like!


♥The Arcade


♥Bubble Tea

♥Viwawa's Big 2.5

my FavouriTes


♥Jerry Yan




♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car

Idol's Blogs

♥93.3's 丁志勇_Cruz
♥93.3's 佩芬_PeiFen
♥Felicia Chin


fRiend's Blogs

♥Chan Chieh
♥Feng Ying
♥Jing Mei
♥Jing Xian
♥Jing Ting
♥Jun Xiang
♥Qi Wei
♥Swee Mei
♥Wei Ming

fAvoritE sitEs

♥林依晨's official site
♥Fahrenheit International Site
♥SG 飛輪海's FC
♥鄭元暢's official site
♥OMY.sg FLH's blog
♥Yes 93.3
♥Maple Sea
♥CozyCot beauty forum


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