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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Listening to this album everyday.

Like this album quite a lot...

Almost all the songs are quite nice

在树上唱歌,心墙,牛角尖,不说,看见,三部曲,Goodbye are nice..

明白 and 简单 are quite nice too.

My favourite is Goodbye. Coz of the lyrics... muahahahaha...

My ringtone is 在树上唱歌

iSophia posted @11:33 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

亞綸&亦儒 as main leads, Derrick Hoh is in this show too!

iSophia posted @3:48 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, May 22, 2009

Hmmm.... i super long never login facebook or friendster already.

No time lar....................

See all of them playing, i also feel like playing.

After exams also no time...

Either driving lesson or OT or start studying again.

And i'm so badly want to play Maple lar!!!!!!

I also have to buy a new dvd player and chiong my CHARMED dvd.

GOSH! so many stuffs to do!!!!


When can i have A LOT A LOT A LOT A LOT A LOT A LOT of time to do all these stuffs?

Don't go out just ROT at home and face the computer and tv ALL DAY?

haha... only can take leave for E.X.A.M.S

Also cannot play or watch tv for very long. zzZzzzzzZzzZzzzz

iSophia posted @8:24 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Didn't take half day tmr for American Idol finale in the morning...
But i believe my phil. colleague and I will google the results as soon as possible.

Carrie Underwood perform at the end of tonight's performance of 'Home Sweet Home', the goodbye song every week when contestant is eliminated.
Carrie Underwood always rocks with any performance!
This is the full version of the song, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2CkjlA0VE3o
Very nice, go and listen.

Was asking the HR's temp what was the performing song for her graduation last night, she don't remember the song name but it's sang by a women.
I thought they will play David Cook's 'Time of my life' which is last year's winning song.

Every year American Idol will have someone who write a song specially for the contestant then both of them will sing the same song as one of their competiting songs. And these songs are normally very meaningful with very meaningful lyrics.

Carrie Underwood's is 'Inside Your Heaven'

Jordin Sparks's is 'This is My Now' which is our last yr TP grad's performing song

David Cook's is 'Time of My Life' last year...

Very meaningful songs every year.
This yr's song is written by Kara which is the new judge from this year onwards.

As you can see from the videos, the audience will stand up, ALL of them when the winner is announced. They will ALL stand up, clap, and stand all the way till end of performance.

This is what i reali like of American Idol... The whole country SUPPORTS their idol. This show is really involving the whole country. Not like here is friends n relatives voting. Over there is 幾十million votes WEEKLY de.

Comparing to the audience issue in recent competition here, tsk... really very jialat.

Caution: Complain essay

Was very very fed up with the phone today.

Everyone who knew me enough knew that i am afraid of talking on the phone. Even before i started working in this company. That's y i always had the bad habit of passing the phone to let other ppl listen.

Coz i'm really paranoid of talking on the phone.
So indeed one of the most miserable part of this job in SB is to pick up calls.

Our recep had a fall and she is on MC for many weeks. The admin department colleagues have been doing routines each day to take over the recep task few hours each person a day.

You know what all of them told me?
'你有很多電話hor, 樓下兩只電話一直不停的響,都是找你的leh. You are so popular'

Sometimes for a long time, i just give up of what i'm doing, and 'concentrate' on picking up calls. After one hung up, i'll start to count '1...2....3...4...5.............' within few sec it will ring again and it goes on and on and on like this.

Today is was so fed up and very afraid of the phone. Super 排斥.
So i mute the phone or just pick up n don't let any phone come in.
I don't care. Sack me, for all means.

That leaves me msn and sms the only way to communicate freely.
So msn-ing and sms-ing is very important to me.

Didn't went for lunch today.
Ran off to the toilet because suddenly want to burst out crying.
Nobody knows......
Guess this is one of my advantage, nobody will find out that i cried because my eyes won't get red n swollen.

Why must everyone else working in an office be so inconsiderate, unhelpful, unkind, attitude, serious mood swings, and always bringing miserable to other colleagues?
Really can't stand them... especially H.E.R!!!!!

I'm not exaggerating, her mood swing is DAMN SERIOUS.
Coz she's someone with a certain authority, a manager of *u-know-what* department that i'm always mentioning.

When she's in not-so-good mood, her face is even black than charcoal n 比什麽東西都還臭. She'll yell and shout, being very inconsiderate, rude, disrespectful, and super attitude.
But when her mood is quite good which is 1 HOUR out of 10 DAYS maybe, no matter wad u say or ask she oso smile smile.

This is not it, the most can't -stand thing is they always blame us for not paying the suppliers. Alr told them not that we want to drag. WHAT THE HELL?!
I believe it's clear to all of them that we are working very hard already?
Always OT, bring home to do, always busy.
Not like them can surf net can chit chat.

I really don't understand why other people must be like that? I'm already doing the best i could. I'm always busy, forever many stuffs to do because everyday new things keep coming in and old stuffs keep piling. Why i work so much but things are still like this? Sign...............

Another person would be more suitable for this job than me.

iSophia posted @9:07 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

太青春 by Choc7 (超可7)
for those who dunno who are they, they are also from 模範棒棒堂.. there are 7 of them and this is their latest EP.

Ok.... Thurs morning 8am-10am ch5 LIVE telecast American Idol season 8 FINALE!! arghhh i remember the last time i watch an American Idol LIVE telecast on ch5 was the season that Carrie Underwood won...

If i'm still a student, i'll definitely skip any lesson on this Thurs. Hmmm and i'm actually having thoughts of taking half day of Thurs morning....

American Idol rocks lar!

The 2 finalists, Adam Lambert is super good, everyone knows that... He can hit super high notes like it's nothing and he rocks!

Kris Allen.... i never dislike him, but his enter into finale is a big surprise. Danny Gokey was the other popular bomb other than Adam this season, but he was eliminated last week.
But Kris really has the magical power when he's with his acoustic guitar...
The way he perform with his guitar on stage, really will feel the magical strength in his performance. Even though his singing is not as gd as Adam n Danny.

But i still hope Adam will win.
This is Kris's last week's performance of 'Heartless' with his acoustic guitar

This is Danny Gokey's performance that i like very much this season, singing Carrie Underwood's 'Jesus Take the wheels'

郭靜's new song - 在樹上唱歌


張智成 & Tank's albums also nice!

iSophia posted @9:25 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Heard that Circus going to 出新書 soon... hmmm... most prob will support.. reali like them very much!!! haha..

watching Circus Action 3 slowly, which is 1 or 2 yrs ago de ba.. they recorded a song "Go Rock Boys" and learnt a dance, then they went to customise a 花車 and go around taiwan performing with the 花車...

Super funny super fun. They reali super daring. Along the way they played many things also... Super daring de lor... haha... And very very very funny.

So far i watch them de is they go a themepark that is closed down coz their 雲霄飛車 railway broke n various ppl died out of that accident, then at a hotel they go n play the emergency escape thing jump down from level 2 then run away after they succeed coz the hotel staff saw them etc etc etc..

And once their 'lorry' 撞坏 a shop's rain shelter then they wanted to use their dance to pay off but e auntie reali 不給面子

Really crazy daring n funny lar. Every episode they try so many funny n wu liao things. Always full of laughters when i watch their show.. U can't imagine how crazy stuff they will do de lor... Super daring.

Reali like Circus's programmes!!!!

Circus Action 4 is coming... super 期待!

And one of them Leo 廖人帥's clothes shop website is www.outerspace.com.tw his website so cool lar...

Oh yea, found a video on Andy 哥 went to their Circus Action 1st season play game de video.

Mon 933 going to 首播 Gary 曹格's new song, and Wed going to 首播 Mayday 五月天's new song.

gosh there are so many new albums i no time to 試聼!

Was reading Cruz's blog and know about this website http://www.below10dollargifts.com/
very cool sia!!! interesting gifts..

take a look ba!


十五到二十五? 三十 ? 100?

從懂愛開始 許多人一輩子尋尋覓覓 為求一個"真愛"

許多人為了"真愛"跌跌撞撞 身上密密麻麻全是傷

這可謂真愛旅程裡的遊客不勝其數 那麼多人為求心中理想的愛付出了一生那麼一次的衝動


自此 那麼多人中 開始分道揚鑣

有些人 放棄了這趟旅程 將自己投身可有可無 心中遺忘衝勁的虛無飄渺中

有些人 拖著傷痕累累的身軀 在少年維特的煩惱中 不改本色的靠著傻勁往前衝

有些人 努力的堅持信念 一邊受傷一邊不放棄的相信 有如掏金潮的那些人們 相信最終甜蜜的果實會屬於自己的

有些人 待這次的傷好了 身心都健康了 繼續追逐年輕的夢

更有人為了達成理想 不斷長大成熟 使自己成為別人追逐的目標

好多好多種結果 但我大概分出了這幾種

由上到下 現在的年輕人 百分比所佔人數的多寡 也是依序由多到少

速食佔據了我們的飲食 沒想到也佔據了愛情?

自怨自艾 換個角度想 是否操之過急 是否非有愛情不可 是否自己都還未從別人給予你的傷害中痊癒就急著希望利用另一段愛情麻痺前者的疼痛?

等待 會是最好的處方

不是空等 是等待自己把自己傷口癒合 再次用更成熟更穩定的心態愛下一個"人"


posted from:
炎亞綸's latest blog entry...

Is he talking about his recent affair? Talking about the previous one that cheated his $, then about the recent one?

He always write a lot of his way of thoughts de theory... this is how i get to like him very very much, after reading all his blog entries since 2yrs ago....
ok i'm so interested in this again
At least this is something reali in dept, got certificate at the end, and got go into production to have a taste of recording programmes!!!

i should start saving $ and wait for the next round....


iSophia posted @9:53 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Grats to Fann Wong and Christopher Lee! Finally... haha...

Tonight's newspaper cover page is them, you know what's the VERY EXCITING thing the 1ST SIGHT i saw the picture at the cover page??


is so familar....


This is the 1st 1st thing i react. Then quickly tell my parents '這個這個 飛輪海的炎亞綸已經戴過了。。。。。。'

Latest Canon Ixus's commercial advertisement:

Quick one..

Listening to Zhang Zhi Cheng's latest album, other than e 1st songs, e other songs quite nice wor... http://www.imeem.com/9262446/playlist/-IgOMkjV/an-lian-album-by-zhang-zhi-cheng-music-playlist/

Oh no Danny Gokey is eliminated this week... unexpected results coz everyone thought Danny and Adam will be the finalists for next week's finale...

Yes, next week is the finale of American Idol 2009!!!!
Hopefully Carrie Underwood will be performing.....

Thought a lot at home...

Ever since an episode of 世界那麽大 few weeks ago about the cambodia, i have been thinking about one of the stuff that they mentioned almost everyday. It's so scary and horrible and i can't imagine how torturing it is. Felt damn sad and pathetic for the people back then and really felt disgusted. Can't put that off my mind.

hope i can finish this boring course that i'm taking currently asap, then go ahead for another course of my interested area, and after that, go and try out my dream jobs...

If i fail. then i just have to resign to fate and work back in office.
At least there's a backup.

So, what i need, is not a job with quality, not in the concern that i can get the chance to do important stuff, but is a job that i won't be busy.

I know clearly that this is what i should do--- quit SB!!!!

I'm actually thinking about this issue every single day.
Just that i still can't get into a final decision.

Ok, wish all of us the best for our exams ba.
Bet this coming Mon-Fri i'll be damn pek chek in office n hope i won't end up crying every night.

After watching korea's meteor garden ep.1, hmm... got quite a lot comments. But it's only ep.1, so i can't jump to conclusions too fast.

But one thing i'm sure, i don't like the choice of 藤堂静... she distorted the perfect beauty image of who 藤堂静 should be!!!!

iSophia posted @11:08 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, May 10, 2009


After watching tv from 11am to now, i am considering if i should go back to office to work after church later?

Haven't started studying PM although i should start it on 1st May.
Today is just lying on e sofa n watch tv all e way...
Never stop at all.
Only watch tv.

There's a lot of invoices haven't match, haven't solve.
My table got too much rubbish that i must settle and sort them.
Even if i can match n key in a lot invoices on Mon n Tue for closing, but i still have a lot problem invoices outstanding.

So, should i go back n do as much as i can because i left Mon and Tue?

But i am SUPER X 10days behind schedule of my study.
And my law only study till LESS THAN H.A.L.F only.
The most happy news for this week should be this le ba:

Haha this video very funny.. FLH, SHE they all went shanghai's music awards and they were taking photos at the backstage together,
then ella keep using her 'front' to 頂 亞綸 then he super paiseh n face turn very red.

click HQ at the bottom right for clearer view.

iSophia posted @2:04 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

1) 爱异想-郭采洁
2) 秘密-蓝又时

Got lots of time to 试听 albums every night.
Coz gonna study till around 4am for most of the nights.

Time pass so fast during midnight lor. Still @ law. But is reading the text only.
Still can't finish by today.

ZzZzzz, alr behind schedule 5th day le lar...
Watched the preview of Circus Paparazzi last episode this coming sat le.
IT'S A M.U.S.T watch lor!

Last episode they show whereby they went Mayday's school concert to perform.
and i think is kid ba, he jump into shit pool 粪池 with 小甜甜.
They really very daring and tries everything de.

sure super funny lar.
must watch.

iSophia posted @1:42 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, May 03, 2009

love life

超想拥有love life's t-shirt的。

The tee is @ $29, dunno SG can buy or not.

Thanks Brenda for your support!! hahaha...
Today i'm going to intro "Circus"

Hmmm... I'm not very clear about them because i just get to watch their programmes only recently after Fahrenheit was their guests.
But then after that every week i got watch their videos le..

From the net,
[CIRCUS 是台湾花莲县4位大学生所组成的团体,成员有廖人帅(LEO)、黄尹宣(EASON)、林柏升(KID)、林家纬(小马)等4人。

他们是一群拥有热血怀有梦想的少年们,敢把很多疯狂的想法通通付诸行动,刚开始是由林柏升(KID)一次的挑战喝啤酒中输掉而在桥上裸奔,后来将自己拍的影片放在网络上供人欣赏,之后幸运地被channel V 发现,得以在电视上播出。]

1) Kid- my favourite out of 4 of them.

2) 小马- the one whereby 亚纶 wants to be friend with his gf.

3) Leo 廖人帅- he is the 导演 of their programs, the oldest coz i think e other 3 still students, and he got his own shop selling tees.

4) Eason- they always mention he is the most handsome one, but, to me, it's Kid. haha.

Circus 狗仔队 is not their 1st 节目... actually i think long ago they have Circus Action 1, then Circus Action 2, then Circus Action 3, then Circus 狗仔队, and next sat is last episode already. After that coming up is Circus Action 4 i think.

I've watched a few clips of their Circus Action... They are really very daring and happening. They really dare to do a lot of things, really very brave and fun.

Just like what we don't dare to do when we're young, but watch them do is really very admiring. Really dare to try anything. 玩疯了. And their friendship is really strong.

They produce their own show, shooting, 剪接, etc etc all is done by themselves.
Really like their 节目 very much, although sometimes it's a little shaky as they have to shoot their videos themselves.

The way they speak is also what i like very very much. Just, very funny lor.
Very nice... hahahaha....

But they're really fun and funny. hahaha... Like to watch their show very much.
Circus 狗仔队 also very nice. Watch quite a lot of episodes.
Of coz 飞轮海 that episode very nice...
五月天 and 小甜甜's episodes also very nice.

When Mayday was in their show, they invited them to perform in one of their school concert on 25th April.
Circus also like to play band de...
Then if Mayday's audience, less than half of them like the performance of Circus, then they have to get out of band-world.

Recently also like to browse their blog lar.
This is one of the entry of LEO after they perform at Mayday's school concert.

This is the a short extract of the entry by 小马 after the performance,

Haha really very funny lar.

They are really very 努力 in what they are doing.
Really hope they can continue to be like this, and really supports them!

iSophia posted @12:29 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, May 02, 2009

If you're free, support me at the OMY Singapore Blog Awards!
I've participated in the category of Best Individual Blog.
You can rally for me!
Search under Best Individual Blog category, and look for Smile-Isophia.

What's your internet explorer's homepage?
Mine is everchanging...
Previously was singnet because 懒得去换,反正我来来去去的几个idol sites我都是记得exact url address.

Recently changed my homepage to omy.sg, then to yahoo.com,
but from now onwards it would most prob permanently be Yahoo奇摩!!

What's that? It's TAIWAN YAHOO!!! hahahaha...
A lot a lot a lot a lot of things to explore.
It's just like normal yahoo la.
But the entertainment news is what i'll read everyday. Not just my own idol's news wor.
Then it got a lot other things as well...

A lot of online shopping products ba. http://buy.yahoo.com.tw/?hpp=n1

Have been using taiwan yahoo for a long time. Recently like to go their 交友 page to read about the users.. haha...毕竟亚纶是在奇摩交友网站被发掘的。

Ella、 言承旭湊對搭檔八大新戲「就想賴著妳」,之前曾揚言要「融化」言承旭的她,昨天該戲開鏡記者會,Ella果然頻發功,「賴著」她口中的「天王」 跳熱舞,故意貼著言承旭施展「媚力」,頻喊他:「旭旭~~!」太過熱情的結果,反而惹得言承旭苦笑:「想說她在叫誰啊?!」

张伯芝 super super pretty in this video sia..

Hmm.. wish i could have this tee..

Love Life

These 2 days is quite happy de wor....

Coz i finally have chance to 实现 a little of what i always wanted...

I never step out any step of my house these 2 days at all!!!

My parents are out the whole day, only back at night. So the whole day i have the whole house to myself, very peaceful, no disturbance except for a few phone calls.

Very very very enjoyable.

I hide myself in my dad's study room these few days. Sleeping in here starting from Thurs night. Because i have to be in his room whereby there's no tv so that i can concentrate to study 'a bit'.
I am online whole day using his laptop, because i want to listen to my imeem playlist while studying. Then my previous queen size mattress is in here so i just sleep here after i study.

However my study progress is super slow. WAY BEHIND my schedule that i planned. Super slow... i am 'copying' the law textbook into full-scrap papers.
Should have completed copying by Thurs and start PM since yesterday.

But till now i haven even copy finish half of the law. Way behind schedule.
I am quite stressed by this progress but i don't have the exact 动力 to study.
So i also slack here and there, play DS, go out to watch tv, online to play games etc etc.

只差还没买新的dvd player来播放我的charmed dvd!!

差一点要把 恶作剧之吻,爱上女主播,流星花园 和终极一班那出来重看。

But i really super enjoy the peace that i had these 2 days. Seriously.
Love this feeling.

I just want this kind of life.

Staying alone. Enjoying the peace and do what i want to do without any disturbance.

The fact that i thought of that some of my colleagues will be busy taking care of kids, husband, families.... tsk tsk tsk...... Have to wake up early to cook for family, have to take care of kids, have to bring them out, shopping also have to bring them along, cannot watch tv quietly, forever have someone beside being noisy...

No time for own self at all... tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk...




Can you imagine how pathetic we are.
All other colleagues take leave to go for holidays, to rest, to play.
But, 14days Annual Leave per year + my time-off,
we have to apply them for S.T.U.D.Y

Gosh. It feels really pathetic.






时间不够,can't study finish.



话太普通 by 农夫&

iSophia posted @12:10 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

about ME!

♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
♥Likes to share all e gd news to everyone
♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

What i Like!


♥The Arcade


♥Bubble Tea

♥Viwawa's Big 2.5

my FavouriTes


♥Jerry Yan




♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car

Idol's Blogs

♥93.3's 丁志勇_Cruz
♥93.3's 佩芬_PeiFen
♥Felicia Chin


fRiend's Blogs

♥Chan Chieh
♥Feng Ying
♥Jing Mei
♥Jing Xian
♥Jing Ting
♥Jun Xiang
♥Qi Wei
♥Swee Mei
♥Wei Ming

fAvoritE sitEs

♥林依晨's official site
♥Fahrenheit International Site
♥SG 飛輪海's FC
♥鄭元暢's official site
♥OMY.sg FLH's blog
♥Yes 93.3
♥Maple Sea
♥CozyCot beauty forum


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Recent EntRies

- 原来把书读完是为了。。。
- Time of my Life.
- 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦。。。。。
- 一旦拥有 就会害怕失去
- 以前说的不是这种以后〜
- the moment that dreams come true
- Byebye 2012!
- 五月天 - 星空
- 我的女神
- 疯狂世界


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