Eason Chen said he never really listens to other people's albums coz he needs to release 3 albums a year, no time. But recent the only album that he really listens and like it very much is.............盧廣仲's「100種生活」..... WOW.................!
His album's results very good sia.. 最佳作曲人奖 - 卢广仲《100种生活》 最佳新人奖 - 卢广仲 ----------------------------------------------- My current handphone ringtone before 范玮琪&MC Hotdog's 1到10等于我和你 is out. Song: 爱上 by 小宇
阳光晒过的温柔 是你给我的回应 很想了解你更多 想让距离更靠近 Oh 我的期待 像一个城堡 我想要宠坏 你一丝一毫 请你别说 No No No
*我爱上的唯一 我爱上的纯净 你所有姿态 就是喜欢 像是舞蹈 在世界心田
我爱上的唯一 我爱上的纯净 你所有的好 多么重要 许个愿望 因为 是你*
Maybe a lot of people doesn't know who is 小宇... I knew him from 热情仲夏's OST where he sang the 主题曲 of this show... very nice..
Then he released his own album 小宇同学就是我.. I think a lot ppl knew his song lar... "就是说不出口", "终于说出口".......
And now he released his 2nd album... My speaker spoil.. so i'm using ear piece to listen. "爱上" is nice!!! "说分手之后" is also nice!!! ------------------------------
Other albums that i'm 试听-ing - 言承旭 ‘多出来的自由’ - 曹格 ‘超级4场’ (very nice) - 张惠妹 ‘阿密特’ - S.H.E ‘爱的地图’
Circus Action 4's theme is 热血巴士!!!!
They selected 30 fans to go on this exciting journey with them this season.
Cool sia...
7月4日起, every sat!!!!!
iSophia posted @4:14 PM & welcomes u to visit here again
Sorry ah recently in office hard to surf net.. then at night only come home to sleep. But there are new songs that i like de... One of it is definitely 范范 & MC Hotdog's 1到10等于我爱你... haha think i'm really liking MC Hotdog's songs already, ever since 差不多先生 album.
Hmm.... today's my 5th driving lesson.. yesterday 4th one was a terrible one... not sure is it due to emotions from work, the whole night of lesson my instructor said my mind was very luan and i can't focus at all. therefore i can't listen in whatever he is saying.
tonight met another instructor. quite nice also. so far all 3 instructors are quite nice. regained a little confidence from yesterday's failure tonight.
hope i won't forget everything and get panic and nervous again in next lesson (sat morning).
Today the singn** crew came over to install the new broadband modem and the free 1-yr mio tv... seriously, SCV from *hub is really better. Coz even with all free channels for a mth, after browsing today, i have no interest in any of it's channel at all. After a mth is 1 mth 3 free movies... (for wad?) i don't think i will even watch it.
The only interesting thing is if you purchase season pass of those US series which are very nice lar...
Well, the person said my com was in virus, and my CIMOS or dunno wad thing spoiled etc etc etc. He said something over the phone while i was working to something abt my motherboard i think... i didn't really hear properly coz i know if is motherboard then dun bother to repair juz bear half yr more to buy a new com when i saved the $.
But later my dad call again say he quote us $180 do wad wad wad wad wad wad wad wad wad wad wad wad wad. I didn't really bother much then jus say ok lo. Coz $180 is not very expensive although i knew that maybe what he will be doing won't cost a cent if i asked someone who knew more about computer to help me.
Very tired don't wanna worry so much about such things le lar.
My room is back into rubbin bin state. Because i've been only coming home to sleep. Hahahaha... ----------------------- Heard some colleagues talking abt a GM of our co.... wow last time he was really super duper fierce. really super duper scary. i thought he was already very scary and i always avoided him already sia. He knew that then he also try not to ask me a lot of things coz he always asking abt sub-con's payment. But he's really more friendly now but still very fierce la. Made a careless mistake once 2 mths ago and dio his call to my desk to 'remind'.
I get to decide either to choose to handle suppliers' calls and invoices or shift to do payment and sub-cons. Haha then was telling those online that i am deciding to liase more with the purchasing mgr which i reali...............(read my previous entriessssssssss), or liase more with this fierce GM. lolx....
One very sian thing is coming. Sign i think everyone doesn't want to be reminded of this but, NEXT WEEK IS THE START OF NEW SEMESTER!!!!
Arghhhhh holidays never seems to be enough. In fact, NO HOLIDAYS is felt at all except maybe the day that i look leave when my parents were at bintan.
PF!!! rmb wad we said before our exams in june???? We have to be discipline, study and make notes every week after lesson wor...
Hmm... see, b4 every sem starts i sure will make an entry like this. Ever since from poly... if u're too free u can read all my past entries. it's always like this.
And things will turn out the other way always too...
Hmm... let's see if i can try my best not to leave everything to last min study again. -.- Let's see.... lolx!!!!! ------------------------- Oh yes, one very important thing.... I saw this trailer and i was clapping and shouting 'woohooo'
YES!!! CIRCUS ACTION 4 is coming!!!!!
Super excited. It's a show that really makes me laugh lots and really makes me relax for that hour. And it's really very shiok to see them having fun and that's really 青春... They do what all of us doesn't dare to do just because we're afraid of being embarrassed. Haha.
Circus Action 4! Coming soon!
iSophia posted @12:00 AM & welcomes u to visit here again
Spent a lot a lot $$ recently... never monitor my $$$... Ever since bought the OTO powertap for my mom for mother's day out of no plans, i have been spending and spending without considering my budgets or savings. lolx...
I am very thrift in small small things like clothes, bags, shoes, facial products or what... but if i spend, is big sum big sum de sia... very scary....
Bought CHARMED dvd online...
Bought OTO powertap for my mom....
Bought Ebene for my dad's knee...
Spent over 2k for driving lessons already (that equals to spending all my savings for the past year that i save from my salary haha)...
Upcoming would be $550 for the radio course (which dunno when, it juz suddenly comes out the schedule but giving u 1 or 2 weeks to sign up only)
and... many other daily expenses ba.. a lot albums coming out... haha.. --------------------- These few days have been eating and eating and eating. Going to grow fat dunno how many kgs.
Fri i was on leave.. hmm didn't i mention? how come a lot ppl didnt know that. Reason for taking leave: Becoz my parents went bintan for 3days, i HAD to take leave to enjoy the last day of peace at home for 2009. Becoz i dun think my parents are going anywhere else in this year already.
I really yearns to stay at home ALONE for the whole day. This is always my wish since poly till now...
I didnt do much things.. Don't have the motivation to chiong shows.. I just want to be alone at home.
Ordered Pasta Mania's creamy chicken and garlic bread for dinner becoz i really don't wanna step out of my house at all.. ---- Sat, as in previous entry, went for driving lesson in the morning then went MsChie7s BBQ after that..
After church, met CCY and went suntec with her... Went to see the Akira tv... But never buy. I want to buy a dvd player lar... haha.. but always can't decide to buy. drag drag drag..............................................................
Then she brought me to a jap restaurant at raffles city B1. Opps forgot the name but it's beside Ding Tai Feng. 2.30-5.30 they have promotion, a coffee/tea with a dessert only costs $6. We had it. But i didnt finish the dessert coz i'm very full... maybe becoz it's my 'don't really like sweet stuff period' again. LOLX.. dunno.. sometimes a period of time i jus dont like to eat sweet stuffs.
After that was too full to go Ding Tai Feng immediately (tat's our original plan), we just shop around raffles city........................
Ard 7+ we went to 鼎泰豐 to eat.... As usual ordered the MUST order- fried rice and xiao long bao... Wanted to try the new mini xiao long bao but it's only available in Paragon branch and only got certain hours. each day only 2 hours got.
Then we saw their additional menu got this dish that looks very nice and we never see b4.. Forgot the name le la.. But is fried de.. then inside is all prawns..
VERY NICE!!!! hahahaha..
In future go taiwan must try their ding tai feng there.. she says their xiao long bao there is a lot nicer than here de...
I still like Ding Tai Feng the best.. The fried rice.. the egg in it, reali very nice to me lar... Everytime i say i must try their zha jiang mian next time, but always end up ordering fried rice de lar.. haha can't resist.
After that took train to raffles to see the river festival programmes... walked a lot sia! In the end went to take the dunno-call-wad boat on the singapore river. My 'mommy' lol... --------------------------- Sat's BBQ pics:
Sorry ah i start from bottom coz it's already 1.42am in the night and i really got to slp. Can't manage to organise the pics in orders.
This week Mon-Thurs 8.40pm to 10.20pm i'm having driving lessons. Pardon me if i never reply ur SMS-es until next day becoz i guess i'll jus bath and slp immediately after i reach home.
(Once again, don't save these photos becoz these are resized ones..)
Photos by the swimming pool....
Photos at the table by the pit....
Left: see brenda's face
Right: our BLACK GRAPES... haha... chao da corn...
Enjoying the food~~~~
Preparing to BBQ....
iSophia posted @11:59 PM & welcomes u to visit here again
I'm back to mapling!!!! hmm.. played 3hrs yesterday.. Haha was playing some 'games' in it... But i have to wait till next weekend then got time to play le... I wanna level 100!!!! Now only lvl 94 50%.....
This new song, quite nice sia!!
It's coca cola new song by Derrick Hoh and Guo Mei Mei.
COOL! ---------------------- Today is my first driving lesson... took manual coz my dad is driving manual car. Was really very very nervous before the lesson.... Worrying abt all sorts of stuffs... But thank god my instructor was a very nice person.
Interesting thing is he analysed how i might drive using my horoscope. He said Libras tend to be nervous and is organised and always has a set of rule for everything. Means for certain things, it must be done by this fix way.
Then i did step on the pedals a bit to move forward and backward. But i sort of forgot the procedure of stepping the cluth, brake and accelerator now! Mon i'll meet another instructor.
Hope everything will be smooth and i can get my license before my bday. ---------------------- Had a great day today.... MsChie7s had a BBQ session @ phy sis's condo @ simei.
由於 it's too late and file sizes too big, i can't upload it today. Will do it in the next few days... muahaha... Where the whole day i can juz leave it on to upload (at u-know-what-kind-of-place). hahahahahahahaha shhhhhhhhhhh...
It's really very very fun tonight.... We shoot 2 funny videos.. The last one was really damn lame but super fun lar. We are having our MsChie7s Awards Ceremony 2009. Super super funny.
Very tired. Nite...
iSophia posted @11:51 PM & welcomes u to visit here again
At first, is either my com or my internet speed that is ridiculously slow till 1 hour i only can download 2% of the game client.
So, i gave up downloading. Instead, bel transferred her client into my hard-disk.
Happily i install it in my com, and wow it works, heard the 'deng deng deng~~' is so happy de.. 好感動啊...
BUT, the next problem came,
it started patching the latest patch, but until last stage, my com's disk have not enough space!!!!
Today finally i got time to 'clean' my com...
Finally i understand '求好心切' de meaning....
I started to delete a lot of things in my com..
files, programs...
End up i dunno delete wad till my com no more sound!
Thank God there is something call system recovery that i can recover till the stage b4 i anyhow delete programs.
And yes, now finally there's 'some' space enough to let it patch finish...
And i manage to reach the login page................
End up..............
I never change pw!!!!!!!
So, i tried to login to asiasoft to check...........
After i login, need to change new asiasoft pw, then change the u-know-wad very important pin, but, dunno izzit my internet again, the page can't load after i submit the new pin!!!!
iSophia posted @12:36 AM & welcomes u to visit here again
TheSims first version is my favourite game la... I always created a house with CHARMED's 3 sisters inside.. then another house will have Leo and Cole, then i will make these 2 families meet all the time and let Leo married Piper, and Cole married Pheobe...
Then Leo and Pipe will have babies call White.... (at that time baby Chris wasn't born in CHARMED series yet so i didnt create him)... The totally same situation as in CHARMED.............
Very sweet...
then of coz i'll have a house with me and my friends (at that time), then another house for F4 (at the time FLH not out yet too)...
Haha... very very nice la...
Shhhhh.... there's a very simple cheat at that time, i will always use them to increase my $$$$ in game so that i can build a super nice n big house for the CHARMED families immediately... hahaahaha
That time is very simple de la. just create house n characters then keep commanding them to do what..
But ever since there's SIMS2 i never play le. I think got alot a lot new de.. Got Sims vacation lar, Sims theme park la, so on and so on.. so fun lor...
Now with Sims3 and i'm working, maybe i can buy...
BUT, i need a new com to do any of these above stuffs lar.
iSophia posted @11:03 PM & welcomes u to visit here again
I open up my hotmail, create a new message, copy and pasted an email add, uploaded a file from my computer, wrote a short message, and clicked 'SEND'
My heard was pumping pumping pumping pumping....
I took out my first step.
What will the outcome be?
I'm not really ready yet.
There's a lot of 'What Ifs' going on in my head now.
I hope something will happen, and i hope nothing will happen.
I'll just leave everything to God's will because he has plans for me and i just have to follow. No matter in what good or bad situation i am, i believes he has his meaning and intention for me to be in it.
Gave up on PM. Confirm retaking.
iSophia posted @12:45 PM & welcomes u to visit here again
♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
♥Likes to share all e gd news to everyone
♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games
♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car