Mayday's concert rocks!!!!! They also sang until 12.10am yesterday... We stand up throughout the whole concert!!! Very very enjoyable... jump during the high songs too. Great atmosphere... I'll attend their concert everytime they come. Very memorable. I will attend more concerts as it comes le... Zhang Xue You, Zhang Hui Mei, S.H.E etc etc... Haha... Mayday's concert rocks.. Even you're not a fan. I really intro you to go n watch their concert. They're music is really good... Really nice... Jiayou jiayou!!!
iSophia posted @12:45 PM & welcomes u to visit here again
Got so much to study... got so much to work.........
trying to find a balance on both.
i'm really very busy.
as in, busy until i have no time to spend with my parents at all.
or should i say, i always choose friends over family.
this is how important friendship is on my 天秤.
Audit is getting more n more stress....
Someone i dun understand how to write the notes leh... Combine manual+his notes+Q&A.. but how......
And there's 10 questions to do!!!!!
No time no time!!!!
Saturdays can go back TP to study (but unfortunately every sat i hav driving lesson) Weekdays and Sundays only left my house...
Although i have one more choice, which is staying back in the office. But paiseh to let my mgr to drive me home all the time coz she stays at jurong.
I realise nowadays Mac no longer have the no-study sign wor.. does it mean can go there study le?? haha... Or go back TP after work???
Can't study at home de.
My CHARMED is too tempting.
But we really need to start study, not only on weekends...
Came across this qns while i'm doing a facebook quiz:
Which iof these are you most likely to do at the weekend? 1) Meet someone off the internet that you've been talking to for a few months 2) Going round that guy/girl's house .... *wink* 3) Stay in and think about the week ahead 4) Go out clubbing/partying just like every weekend! 5) Got something nice planned with the family or some friend
I would choose no.3 usually. but now i'm more of choose no.5 Really enjoy going out with mschie7s friends nowadays.
I learnt vertical parking today! Ha.. Seriously i have more confident in the circuit doing the courses and parking than the road. Hope i can pass the driving test once and for all lo.... So that i can use my dad's car every sunday, i can go out, go home, or go office then at night go back fetch them. He's driving the church van most of the time now.
Next Sat is Mayday's concert!!! woohooo!!!! Fri night's concert will be until 12am.. soo good sia.. but not fair coz when they come out pre-order tickets in the beginning of this year, they only have 29th de.... =.="
iSophia posted @9:00 PM & welcomes u to visit here again
Hmmm... results this time... passed both PM & law.
Didn't have much feelings before or after the announcements.
Seriously maybe i don't really care what the results would be.
The F1 concert.. got 张学友、阿妹、苏打绿、大嘴巴... but... it's on 24th Sep!!!! I can't go!!!!!!!
Went Phy's 21st birthday party at Jurong last sat. It was fun but we were really too good to her that we didn't smash cake on her face.
Yesterday her actual day, we went Kbox downtown east to celebrate. Planned a surprise with cake n flowers.
As usual, photos will be uploaded later... (who knows when i'll be free to do that..haha)
Today brenda went changi south '*HL' for an interview... just nice we need to hire a temp/perm to takeover someone... so LAST MINUTE asked her to come over my office for an interview too.
After that she joined us to tampines 1 for lunch with my colleagues. Ate Carl's Junior for the 1st time.. not bad....
Kind of hope she can get the job and kind of hope she will choose *HL if she's accepted both side. As her friend, not sure if my company's hectic work will end up being very stressful not... hahahaha...
It's both heaven & hell here.
Few months ago *santa* joined our company... Thanks to *santa*, our closing date was brought forward & fixed at 9th of every month now. OH NO..... I still haven't got time to really learn about my 2 new accounts and now everything is so tight.
If e director lai bu ji sign the petty cash claims this week,
that means i'll have to wait till 1st week of Sep then i can issue the petty cash cheques... And that means it clashes with my closing period and that means i have to OT a lot again, and that means i'll just blurly and blindly close the accounts w/o taking the time to understand it again.
Juz ask me personally why is it SANTA. it's not what you think.
And have to help out more stuffs becoz of the takeover too.
Yeah, grats me.
iSophia posted @7:54 PM & welcomes u to visit here again
a silly thought came to my mind yesterday morning. i was thinking, i like tw so much that i wished i was born there... should i emigrate there?
forgot to visit e clinic for my ear today. -.- ------------------------------------ here comes 三個月一度 (taken from original 一年一度) 's hair worrying season.
Yes, my hair is starting to go haywire as the curls come out again.
Reali messy n untidy looking u know.
That's e damn prob after u start rebonding the 1st time.
U can never stop.
Since year 2002 i've been rebonding a few times per year. First it was twice per year, but the more times u rebond, e shorter it last.
My previous rebonding was only 3 months ago!!!!!
Next up, should i continue to rebond, or perm my hair?
Tsk tsk tsk....
Really sick of rebonding alr, my hair is getting lesser and lesser. But, what if perming turns out to be a disaster?
What should i do?????!!!!!!!!!!
----------------------------------------- Original plan was to meet up hs bel n brenda to go ECP for cycling today morning. To have some exercise. But turn out it rains... So, got to call off the cycling...
too bad.
Treated my parents to Kim Gary... honestly we don't like it.
After that bought a shoe at CS, and some clothes at Cache Cache at T1.
I think this is the 1st time i have time with my parents for weeks. Seriously life is getting so busy for all 3 of us that, for the past few weeks, i don't really have time to even ask them if i can go TW next yr or not. I just decide w/o asking them.
Either after work i go home, they're not around. Or when they're around, i hav to OT, go out or wad.
Weekends is don't nid say de. They'll be out the whole weekend. Even if Sun morning when we go to church, they also won't have time to talk to me at all. After morning's church session i'll go off alone while they stay there till night. (PS: i can drive his car off every sun if i've got my licence coz he'll be using the church van)
Perhaps the only few mins that i hav time to talk to them is Mon-Fri morning when they drive me to office. BUT, i'll be dozing off behind instead.
But i love the peace being alone at home.
iSophia posted @10:00 PM & welcomes u to visit here again
Got to find a time to visit the clinic for my left ear.
Haha everyone keep saying i am deaf. My left ear really got prob le.
These 2 weeks when i'm adjusting the PA system at church, my left ear is blocked.
And whenever i eat very spicy food (as in to me it's very spicy), for eg, McSpicy.. my left ear will be blocked temporarily for maybe half an hour.
Let's just hope it's a minor problem and can be treated easily. ---------------------- I plan my driving schedule wrongly. I am under 2 instructors now.
But i prefer one of them...
More n more don't prefer the other one.
Somehow he's more discouraging for me lo.
But very suay, whenever i'm free, it's always his slot.
So for the next 2 mths, mostly is his lesson lor...
SIAN sia.
Not that i plan wrong. is my available days is all his slot. ----------------------
i like to do this. search for KTV version. use ur ear piece to listen. 1 side is only music, 1 side is music+singing so i will only use the music side and sing along like singing K. haha.
i like can buy mic and plug into CPU oso sia. then totally is sing K at home le!
Got one song i want to sing badly at K, but now i realise, really very hard for me to sing..
But of coz, now i like to sing Xiao Yu's Ai SHang!
funny thing about the below song is only MC Hotdog's part can sing urself. haha. can train the rap
muahahaha can train 差不多先生 too!!!
iSophia posted @10:57 PM & welcomes u to visit here again
slept at 4am on sat night and woke up at 8am on sun morning.
after church, went bedok to meet ccy. she got a new car.
Went choc-a-bloc to collect the cake for our director, then head to office to work awhile.
Then went parkway. bought a 'gel' keyboard for $13 to try it.
Went to play arcade too.
Shop around with a company laptop on my back + my own bag. Very heavy!!!
Brought ccy's office laptop home and continue to work till now.
Didnt manage to finish what i wanted to finish by tonight. Very tired.
Reason being wanting to finish tonight is hope i won't end up being too tired on Wed night. i'll screw up the driving lesson if i'm too tired to concentrate or if my mood is really affected in the day.
In the end didn't go sembawang shopping centre to exchange the 933 water bottle. sign... guess it's just too far.
My house behind is those private bunglows. There's a big empty land which always have people playing sports there. I wished someone would build a shopping centre and an office building here. And i dream that my company will shift here. best is there's a mrt nearby too.
How great would it be that i just walk a few steps and reach office everyday. and a nice shopping centre beside. don't need to travel anymore.
lolx. this just sound how lazy i truly am.
iSophia posted @12:28 AM & welcomes u to visit here again
have been trying something for a few times but didn't succeed. i have the full CHARMED's song 'How Soon is now', i wanted to make it my ringtone. The tv series cut the song from different parts and join together.
But i'm really not a music master and not having the exact perfect music mixer program, so i tried many times to cut it in the way same as the tv part without the awkward intervals. i just can't.
u know. if you are chionging a set of dvd. u would fast foward the beginning credits from 2nd episodes onwards right. i always do.
but for this, i will want to watch & listen to the beginning credits for each and every episode.
just love it.
my current ringtone is this song:
曾經唱過的歌 分享過的笑聲 在心中不斷拉扯 想念不能承認 偷偷擦去淚痕 冬天過了還是會很冷
sweet sweet~~~~
and my previous ringtone:
i still like this song very much
iSophia posted @12:42 AM & welcomes u to visit here again
2002 i started listening to his radio programme every night, writing letters in often... and since then, i had my dreams till now.
Happy Birthday! ------------- going back to the office tomorrow after church.
I wonder if we will end up going back to work on the coming public holiday or not. I remember last year's National Day PH i went back office to work whole day. I bet this year too, because closing is brough forward a week suddenly.
All because of this new idiot that came in. This new idiot that is tiring people (not me) out, squeezing them to work till falling sick.
Of coz this is someone 'big' i'm talking about. haha. Although doesn't affects us the small ones, but pity on those affected. Because they're affected badly. -------- We have 'activated' the study group on every Saturdays starting today. Went back TP to study for a while.
It's weird, we can't tap the wireless. No network found at all.
Nowadays so seldom seeing people online on msn. Gosh, msn is a really good way to stay in contact!
Just online!!!
Hahaha... --------- My colleagues book the NTUC chalet from 23rd to 25th Sep for my birthday -.- It's too late for me to stop them!!!
And it took me today to remember i have lesson on thursdays.
Sign. I don't want to make a fuss out of my birthday because it's just another boring day in life. What's there to celebrate.
The world won't make any changes just because it's my birthday.
iSophia posted @11:24 PM & welcomes u to visit here again
♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
♥Likes to share all e gd news to everyone
♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games
♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car