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Monday, September 28, 2009


Can listen to 丁噹's new album le!!!


Her MV '夜貓' is out but youtube doesn't have a very clear version yet so let's wait a little while more...

MUahahahahaha going to CD stores soon!!!

Watch her new MV '你为什么说谎'!
very hard to sing de song!!!!

iSophia posted @8:38 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, September 27, 2009

This is 3rd song from 丁噹's 夜貓 album. 你爲什麽説謊. At first when i listen, ok ok only. but e more i listen, e nicer it becomes... and 高難度 to sing! http://www.tudou.com/programs/view/hmZULuLMKxc/

Like the chorus very much, esp towards e end of the song.. Can imagine how nice is it if she 飆 this song perfectly LIVE....


Countdown 2 days to the release of her album!

iSophia posted @9:03 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, September 26, 2009



this week 楊駿文 is so brave! he chose Mayday's 突然好想你 as his 2nd song because after he enter into this competition few weeks later his best friend passed away.
His best friend always like to sing this song when they go K.
oh so sad! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VVw02U7cT6Y
next wk very nice!

Angela's "第5季" & Eason 陈亦讯's "上五楼的快活" new album is out!
I like Eason's new songs! http://www.haoting.com/musiclist/ht_e3d5374793077b22.htm
this album's songs very nice...

not forgetting to keep in mind 29th Sep is the release of 丁噹's album!!!

iSophia posted @12:04 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, September 25, 2009

let's go!

iSophia posted @5:50 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

As you all know, birthday is not a big deal to me.

Just another normal day out of 365days in a year.

A great celebration is not i wanted for this year too.

It turn out to be.

I don't wish to complain because it's bad to do so after every1's intention.

I am really grateful although i questioned myself who am i to deserve this treatment.

And my own friends, really appreciate everything that your've done... (esp u-know-who)

Kinda feel very bad to every1 that did something to my upcoming birthday.

Failed my driving test -.-

30demerit points!!!!

Hit a kerb in crank course -- 10pts
Fail to confirm safety @ vertical parking -- 4pts
Fail to confirm safety @ directional change -- 4pts
Fail to use appropriate gear -- 2pts
Fail to keep a safe following distance -- 6pts
Insufficient acceleration -- 4pts
most important one - cross double white line -- immediate failure.


done super BADLY right.
kept asking myself how come i made so much mistakes.
everything was fine when i had my warm-up round and my last few lessons.

nevermind. i must do well and pass in the next test date!!!!

iSophia posted @1:21 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, September 21, 2009

Starting watching 超級星光大道 every week... Season 1-5 i never watch, only search for sugi's performance in the past.

This season 6, at first i also never watch. Only search for sg challengers' performance to watch.
But someone caught my attention and i like him very much so every week i look forward to his performance.



Love the week he sang 張學友's song... and this week his fast/slow song.

But this coming fri he's going to sing 無樂不做!!!!


Last fri 徐永寧's performance really rocks!!! A Mei's new song...
Nice nice nice....

Not that i never watch Circus Action 4, just that i never really have the time to blog.
Really like Circus's shows as usual... haha...
Like their dreams coming true, like their 熱血!!!
like everything that they work hard for their dreams.

Their show is not just having fun or what... They also work very hard to become a band.

And most importantly, their friendship.

They're a great fan of Mayday too... most of the songs in their show are Mayday's songs... cool!!! really love all the background music they used too...

I promise someday i'll buy that 熱血 T-shirt!!!
I would want to visit Outerspace too!!
Alr emailed the administrater, he say can order oversea but, i think e extra costs are expensive...

6 new blogs:
1) Circus action 4

Circus's member's personal blogs
2) Eason
3) 小馬
4) Leo 廖人帥 (the boss of Outerspace)
5) Kid

6) 丁噹

iSophia posted @10:57 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, September 15, 2009



933 got her another new song... but it's not as nice.
Let's wait for her fast dance song that is going to be surprising and hopefully great!

iSophia posted @11:04 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, September 13, 2009

i miss the days where we have steamboat @ home together.


Can we PLEASEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE play lanterns again together?

iSophia posted @8:33 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Had a nice day today....

Other than going out 100min for driving lesson, i've stayed at home whole day!
Although for weeks i didn't had time to have dinner with my parents, but i didn't go dinner with them today either.

Juz wanna stay @ home after MONTHS that i don't have time for that.

As usual brought home some work but i really really don't wanna touch it.

I know i should do some studying coz it's seriously late to start now.

I am even thinking of aborting this sem's exam because i haven't even started studying any bit and for goodness's sake everyone knows that even you study very hard, it's hard to pass Audit.

But, i just wanna enjoy this day for myself.

Watched CHARMED the whole day as usual.
Love it soooooooooooooooooo much that i can ever know.
The touch and warmth of family....
This show is greater than great.
The best best best best best.

And login to facebook to harvest my farm @ country story and to listen to 丁噹's new songs.
Can't wait to get hold of her new album....

Got to go popular to buy FLH's new book le.
Remind me to go popular when i go TM!

Made some careless mistakes @ work..
Prepared the wrong cheque amount.
Twice in a day!

$5894 i paid $5984 to someone.
$5930 but i paid $5390 to another people.

LOLX... i have this problem my whole life isn't it. Even in past exams.
They must be so disappointed that i made such mistakes so often.

Someone i really feel attracted to all the music, entertainment news etc etc and maybe stuck sitting in the office everyday isn't just my thing.

Recently i've been hearing this sentence 'maybe it is just wasn't meant to be' from all over the place. Be it from charmed, from other tv shows, from radio, or from people around me.

And i really doesn't like this sentence.
Not that i don't like people saying it, not that meaning.

But i don't like the meaning of this sentence.

iSophia posted @11:06 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, September 11, 2009


Have a feeling that she will 改版...
but, am i able to wait till she 改版 then buy???

so good.. got concert @ taiwan....

苏打绿 "夏·狂热" album is out
very nice!
i like 他夏了夏天 & 无眠, would it be weird to put 无眠 as ringtone?

iSophia posted @8:31 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, September 09, 2009


丁噹最新國語單曲 我愛他

丁噹's new album 夜貓 releasing on 29th Sep!!!

so many nice songs, so hard to decide which 2 to be my ringing & message tone! hahahahahahahahahahaha
can't wait to get hold and listen to her album!
Does Li Teng's shop sells Outerspace's t-shirts?
I wanna buy outerspace's t-shirts!!!!
A brand created by Leo from Circus...
Outerspace sells Love Life tee black-gold version too!

iSophia posted @11:30 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Misses Mayday's concert....


Hope they come every year.

iSophia posted @11:30 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

鄭元暢 joesph cheng - 暢一首歌 MV

surprise to see this great change in him... hahaha
he's really work very hard for this.
from someone who doesn't know how to sing, dance.
from someone whom we only seen him walking as a model or a very tall slim guy in e show, to someone in this mv.

and first time watching 林志玲 dance!!!!

not bad!

iSophia posted @10:09 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Not that i'm superstitious or what.
I'm having a sore throat now.
Guess what, i-weekly this week's libra horoscope says:
omg! hahahahahaha



Her previous album '我愛上的' mostly de songs i like!!! Her whole album is in my mp3.
And till now i still set my mp3 to keep repeating '猜不透' and '我不怕'. Sometimes for a few days i only listen to these 2 songs continously all e time on my mp3.

Hope she can come SG for autograph this time round...

Was hoping 郭靜 to come for her '在樹上唱歌', but... never...

Hope 丁噹 will come for her new album...

Hope 林依晨&鄭元暢 can come for their own new albums too...

Yes, 鄭元暢's new album is coming out very soon... hahaha.. unexpected!

iSophia posted @1:03 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


丁噹's new song!!!!!!!

丁噹+五月天阿信 [ 花火 ]

i just love Ding Dang's voice.... and most of her songs...
This is fri night's last song. they change the songlist abit for both days.
i wished i was there. the last part where every1 never stop la la la even after they finish and they cried.

iSophia posted @9:26 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

about ME!

♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
♥Likes to share all e gd news to everyone
♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

What i Like!


♥The Arcade


♥Bubble Tea

♥Viwawa's Big 2.5

my FavouriTes


♥Jerry Yan




♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car

Idol's Blogs

♥93.3's 丁志勇_Cruz
♥93.3's 佩芬_PeiFen
♥Felicia Chin


fRiend's Blogs

♥Chan Chieh
♥Feng Ying
♥Jing Mei
♥Jing Xian
♥Jing Ting
♥Jun Xiang
♥Qi Wei
♥Swee Mei
♥Wei Ming

fAvoritE sitEs

♥林依晨's official site
♥Fahrenheit International Site
♥SG 飛輪海's FC
♥鄭元暢's official site
♥OMY.sg FLH's blog
♥Yes 93.3
♥Maple Sea
♥CozyCot beauty forum


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- 以前说的不是这种以后〜
- the moment that dreams come true
- Byebye 2012!
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