KARA's STEP. Didnt realise that the president's daughter inside City Hunter belongs to KARA's member...
I do listen to their songs but this is the first time watching their MV and recognising faces.
Have been stayin at home everyday (yes, i can stay at home EVERYDAY without going out), enjoying life of course! hahahaha...
Been wanting to find a part-time (few hours per day or few days per week) job to satisfying my parent's demand, but no jobs are satisfying for me.
Maybe it's just that i don't want to work! Haha...
But i've sent some resumes for full-time serious job today..
Actually having a little dilemna of what i should applied AFTER graduating... Didn't want to find back the same kind of job scope doing the same old stuffs, but neither do i have the experience for the higher level stuffs.
Whatever it is, walk one step count one step (direct translate).
Am really enjoying the moment of staying at home and not working!!
However having a little sleeping problems these few nights and i doubt it'll stop here. Last night was worst, slept at 4am however woke up at 7am, with the feeling that i've never been sleeping.
Guess the quality of my sleep hasn't been really good, it's like only at the low level of sleep, very very light sleeping.. As if my mind didn't really go into sleep.
-------------------- Countdown 2 more days to MAYDAY'S 追梦 3DNA concert movie!!!! Am so excited!! We're going to the Premiere party at GV Marina and there's blue lightsticks given! Can't wait =D
Definitely have to make a trip to Crazyworld Cafe (疯狂世界 - named by Mayday's 1st song) http://www.crazyworldcafe.com/ some day before 2nd October... They're having a Mayday theme and there's 10% discount on the bills by presenting the movie ticket buds.
Hehe i was just telling some that if i ever had the money and chance to open my own cafe in the future, i would like to name it 离开地球表面... hahaha.. no joke.
Opps sorry haven't been able to upload taiwan trip photos yet as i'm not really that free even though i stayed at home everyday u know...
I have to read 九把刀 http://giddens.twbbs.org/index.htm books on ipod (yes, there's an application!! download it, there's many nice novels!). I've finish reading 那些年,我们一起追的女孩... Am looking forward to watching the movie on November (yes, it's showing on sg on november).
Very nice, simple yet touching story!
I have to read the 9 books i bought from TW plus 2 more books bought from Kino long ago.
I have to watch GLEE season 1 and 2 (am watching season 1 halfway now).
I have to STUDY (yes i do study.)
-------------------------- Communication!
I know this is kind of crap but, i have to remind everyone that Communication is a very important thing...
It is not just the important thing to bond, to connect, to strengthen, to maintain any relationship, but it is also the important thing to resolve conflicts, and to show concern, and to show that you really want to be concern.
If there's any conflicts or unhappiness, the most important thing is to communicate with each other, find out and let each other know why the particular issue pissed you off, and solutions if necessary. This will avoid future conflicts out of the same thing again and again and again...
Remember, your friend/family/colleague won't bother to ask or advise you and give you suggestions if they aren't concern about you in the first place.
I am glad that i have friends that do concern about me, doesn't hesitate to suggest what i should do or advise me (i am very open to all kinds of advises and won't get angry if i didn't like it). I know you're just doing for my own good.
And i am very glad that i am very very open to share with everyone, i seriously mean everyone, about all little things about my life. Be it my thoughts, my feelings, what i'm thinking, what i like or don't like. And thanks to msn, sms, and whatsapp, i can express my feelings easily.
However i still has phobia about one kind of communication though... I rather use typing.
I am watching 小资女孩向前冲 (currently there are 3 epidoes)... It's quite nice... I don't feel boring at any moment up to now... It's quite fresh.
I am very looking forward to 林依晨's latest cum last show on drama -- 我可能不会爱你!
iSophia posted @5:04 PM & welcomes u to visit here again
♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
♥Likes to share all e gd news to everyone
♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games
♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car