Everytime I sees my badge, I'll be reminded of "所以我說 就讓它去,我知道潮落之後一定有潮起,有什麼了不起。。"
So encouraging!
Having a plan to do what I used to do when I started this blog. Sharing latest e news and events.
Still considering if it shld be update as n when or issue a report weekly...
Actually I had this plan for yrs to record my own voice programme to fulfill my wish in a little way.. But it will need a lot of time to research and write e script, plus recording and editing takes time.
iSophia posted @9:24 AM & welcomes u to visit here again
♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
♥Likes to share all e gd news to everyone
♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games
♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car