N years ago, when I was in secondary school, I missed 2 F4's concerts (Jerry yan is my biggest male idol), and missed one 雪狼湖's stage show (which till now there's no repeat n maybe never will) during poly days.
It was not really possible to save enough $ for e concerts from $5 per day (weekend no $), incl having to save telephone bills, transport fares, dinners or weekend going out from e $5.
Ever since in sec sch, I told myself that when I grow up, when I start working, when I earn $$$ myself, I will buy whatever music albums I want, go concerts etc etc.
And to think of it, these few years I've done it. Many might still think I'm wasting so much $. Watching almost every movies in cinema, going mayday concerts every time they come n other concerts, buying albums or whatever. But to me it is just something I love all the time.
And I'm very happy that I did it and insisted on what I like.
N that includes freedom.
I'm turning 25 this year... Just 5 more years to 30. I'm not sure if I can accomplish or make this big thing happen before I turn 30, or 35. But I really do hope that my life will be either, be freed of being a 9 to 5 employee who is stuck in e office desk doing boring stuffs that I'm totally not interested in, or I'll be living in a place that I always love.
And if i'll be able to stay the current status. Unless if i can find a T-G-F-S.
Returning to read what u have wrote n years ago will always find urself being funny n stupid n childish. But at least u might find what u are, before u r contaminated by e grown-ups world.
This is written by me, before I turn 25. To be read by N years later de me.....
And of coz, my greatest goal all along since pri sch, is to hold on to all my best friends. Although I'm not always successful, but God has his beautiful intentions of everything that has happened to me, including stuffs that I've lost. I believe. Amen.
My life has been wonderful and great. I'm satisfied and contented.
I still love tv, I still love music, I still love friendships, I still love to be single, I still love Christmas. I've not changed, the ones that changed was always not me.
Ps: few days ago I had a sudd idea that i would like to hold a 同学会 for my pri sch batch of school mates n teachers... But, I don't think anyone is still besties n stayed in contact with ur pri sch friend rite.... Mayb e house phones in the JOURNALS that we always write poems n abt me hasn't changed n I can try to call them..................... Lolx....... Yes, I still keep all my letters n journals n whatever notes.... Even e envelopes.
But, again, how many ppl will treasure all these memories n want to meet up? Especially most likely everyone is juz trying to earn more $$ or busy with family or just thinking abt their own interests and, most importantly, friendship has become insignificant. Overtook by money, status, family, career n self interest.
iSophia posted @11:43 PM & welcomes u to visit here again
♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
♥Likes to share all e gd news to everyone
♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games
♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car