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Sunday, August 04, 2013







然后出门就 看看电影 喝喝咖啡 读读小说 唱唱K 吃吃饭。




中间那段可以选择不要走上这样的路,而是继续享受自由 享受生活。





iSophia posted @10:28 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, June 23, 2013

I made it.

N years ago, when I was in secondary school, I missed 2 F4's concerts (Jerry yan is my biggest male idol), and missed one 雪狼湖's stage show (which till now there's no repeat n maybe never will) during poly days.

It was not really possible to save enough $ for e concerts from $5 per day (weekend no $), incl having to save telephone bills, transport fares, dinners or weekend going out from e $5.

Ever since in sec sch, I told myself that when I grow up, when I start working, when I earn $$$ myself, I will buy whatever music albums I want, go concerts etc etc.

And to think of it, these few years I've done it. Many might still think I'm wasting so much $. Watching almost every movies in cinema, going mayday concerts every time they come n other concerts, buying albums or whatever. But to me it is just something I love all the time.

And I'm very happy that I did it and insisted on what I like.

N that includes freedom.

I'm turning 25 this year... Just 5 more years to 30. I'm not sure if I can accomplish or make this big thing happen before I turn 30, or 35. But I really do hope that my life will be either, be freed of being a 9 to 5 employee who is stuck in e office desk doing boring stuffs that I'm totally not interested in, or I'll be living in a place that I always love.

And if i'll be able to stay the current status. Unless if i can find a T-G-F-S.

Returning to read what u have wrote n years ago will always find urself being funny n stupid n childish. But at least u might find what u are, before u r contaminated by e grown-ups world.

This is written by me, before I turn 25. To be read by N years later de me.....


And of coz, my greatest goal all along since pri sch, is to hold on to all my best friends. Although I'm not always successful, but God has his beautiful intentions of everything that has happened to me, including stuffs that I've lost. I believe. Amen.

My life has been wonderful and great. I'm satisfied and contented.

I still love tv, I still love music, I still love friendships, I still love to be single, I still love Christmas. I've not changed, the ones that changed was always not me.

Ps: few days ago I had a sudd idea that i would like to hold a 同学会 for my pri sch batch of school mates n teachers... But, I don't think anyone is still besties n stayed in contact with ur pri sch friend rite.... Mayb e house phones in the JOURNALS that we always write poems n abt me hasn't changed n I can try to call them..................... Lolx....... Yes, I still keep all my letters n journals n whatever notes.... Even e envelopes.

But, again, how many ppl will treasure all these memories n want to meet up? Especially most likely everyone is juz trying to earn more $$ or busy with family or just thinking abt their own interests and, most importantly, friendship has become insignificant. Overtook by money, status, family, career n self interest.

iSophia posted @11:43 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, March 03, 2013

Everytime I sees my badge, I'll be reminded of "所以我說 就讓它去,我知道潮落之後一定有潮起,有什麼了不起。。"

So encouraging!

Having a plan to do what I used to do when I started this blog. Sharing latest e news and events.

Still considering if it shld be update as n when or issue a report weekly...

Actually I had this plan for yrs to record my own voice programme to fulfill my wish in a little way.. But it will need a lot of time to research and write e script, plus recording and editing takes time.


iSophia posted @9:24 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, February 28, 2013


所以有些东西 宁愿不要去拥有,或开始拥有。当尤其是有可能会在未来失去。





我們自己九點上班,每天早上都超不想起來了,更何況他得六點on air... 很不容易。


每天到達公司前扭開收音機,聽到志勇的聲音 聽到他們好好笑的談話,就會大笑一下或會心一笑。這會讓你很快樂的開始上班。




iSophia posted @8:29 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

都要讓大雨淋過 才短暫擁

愛情 就磨成了寂寞

相愛也不該變成 互相痛快的指責

愛你 值得不值得

A-lin's 「以前以后」



"这一生志愿只要平凡快乐,谁说这样不伟大呢。。。"「五月天 笑忘歌」

109 days to Mayday concert :)

iSophia posted @8:23 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, January 27, 2013





Really had the experience who are your true friends and who will never be.



虽然说世上一定会有人不爽你做的任何一件事,就好像人没有办法please the whole world一样。





炎亚纶The Moment新加坡签唱会 27.01.2013 @ Plaza Singapura...

iSophia posted @10:13 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Monday, December 31, 2012

Last post of the year....

Best Movies

It's kind of hard to choose Top 3 this year... So i have my best 4. (in order of movie release date)
1. LOVE. Taiwan movie. Love the way the director (Qu Dao) connects all the characters in the opening although they belongs to 4 different stories in 4 cities. Very nice... And this movie made me listens to Yoga Lin's songs and begin to like them (yes i don't really like his songs prior to this movie)

2. The Hunger Games - i watch 3 TIMES! twice in movie theatre and once on the plane. Even bought the complete series of the books and read finish it. Love this movie very much although some part in the middle is a little draggy... But really love it, don't know why. I wonder if there will be 2nd episode....

3. Taichi 0 and 1 - never seen 2 episodes of movies so near to each other. 2 weeks difference. But it's also good as we can watch the ending asap and not wait 1-2yrs... Hehe very nice very nice!!! Didn't know that Taiji can be so powerful and interesting... Not those usual very slow 'watermelon' style we know since young. It's very nice that they involve real wushu champions in the show, and even the real Taichi family's heir. Love the way they describe all the movies too.

4. Rise of the Guardians - Christmas movie. but a very very very good one. Santa, Tooth Fairy, Easter Bunny, Sandman, and Jack Frost. Love every part of this movie... Even the elfs....so small n cute n funny...

There are other nice movies... hmmm... especially the last 2 mths... seems like all the nice movies are saved for the year end...


Best Songs

Haha not sure is it becoz this is the latest song but i don't really remember other songs during the year that made me listen SO MUCH to it. Jay Chou... very nice!!

The other nice one i could think about is this...

Best Drama

Can i select again the one in 2011?


This is still the best!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! There's none in 2012 that can overtake this.

How's my 2012?
The best word to describe is..... FREEDOM

Finally there is no more lesson, no more studying, no more exams....
After 3-4 years.... Finally.. Really finally... It seems like forever when i'm in it.. The worse is seeing other people taking annual leaves to rest, to go holidays but mine is always abt studying for exams... and i do hate studying, do hate exams...

Although i've completed my studies... which some would say it's not ez, or some would feel that it is great path ahead of me blah blah blah (or bleh bleh bleh if said by Dracula.. lolx ps affected by "Hotel Transylvania"...) But i'm not that overwhelmed about my education. Coz, afterall, my dreams all along n my heart will always yearn and belong to mass comm, belongs to taiwan.

But i'm very happy that i finally got over it... so that i can do whatever i want.. slack after work, watch movies, sing k, rot at home, etc etc etc... without having to worry abt not having enough time to study.

For fellow friends n colleagues tat r still in this... JIAYOUs!!! You will soon be like me.. Although it feels like forever now, but the day will come. Just study harder and make more effort now, to make freedom come sooner. You'll be paid what you gave.

We are all humans, and humans tends to make mistakes, have regrets, and made the wrong decisions.
Hmmm in 2012, i've changed 3 companies... wakakaka that's quite abit rite... BUT i'm confident to say that, UP TO NOW, i've not regret of any decision i made this year.

But i do have 遗憾 in 2012... My top 3 遗憾:
1. 2012没有去台湾
2. 2012没有去台湾
3. 2012没有去台湾!!!

When will my dream of 跨年 in Taipei & watch 101's fireworks COME TRUE? WILL IT BE IN 2013????????

Back to the point... I was in S, then i was in O, and back to B.
I've met real nice n great bosses in the 1st two...
I can't thank God enough for me to meet them...
They are really very very nice people that were so nice to me.
And i do miss them very much.

These were great memories and experiences to me.

In S, i enjoyed the location of having direct bus/my dad drove me to n fro work (although it's in town but starting work at 9.30pm makes no ERP charges wakakakaka). I enjoyed the kopi from the coffee shop right under our office which is always playing super oldies in the morning. I enjoyed my work station, i enjoyed my boss n colleagues' jokes... Most memorable was my boss very excited and taking a stool to sit beside me to discuss abt BBJX while reconciling some stuffs with me. I've never met a boss that could go through problems and settle issues together like this, sitting beside one whole day, finding documents high n low tgt, chiong first one if someone wants to take advantage, goes down to find IT immediately if there's some things i can't access or need to amend codes. And even though i left for sooooo long n we never met again, but she still concerns me n listens to me and trying to meet me (so sorry i'm so bz whole of 2nd half 2012).

In O, of coz the most impt thing is my besties r working in the same location... and i could meet them for BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER so often... and playing arcade during lunch time/after work easily... oh gosh i really miss this.
I've met great bosses in here as well... and "BFFs".
The bunch of colleagues r really really funny. 十几个年轻人 in the same dept.. how great can this be? Da-bao ing from foodcourt/fastfood during the last few mths and eating in the open balcony/meeting room. Laughing and joking... What nice moments..

I would have to thank my bosses for the great opportunity given to me to be able to go overseas for biz trips... Real good experience for me... Esp for the last trip... i can't say much but really really grateful. Having a boss that discuss all the latest movies. Having a boss that willing to share with me everything, having a colleague that listens to me... What more can i ask for?

Both co's bosses/colleagues hav been keeping in contact with me ever since i left... This is something i'm quite touched on. Not all have the heart to do that, n i know it.

Since i've said so much goodness, you might want to ask then y would i still want to leave?
I don't have the answer.. I only know that i never regret in the decisions i made.

I just want to Thank God so much that i'm so blessed to meet all the nice people in my life.

iSophia posted @12:25 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

摸不到的顏色 是否叫彩虹 看不到的擁抱 是否叫做微風
一個人 想著一個人 是否就叫寂寞.. 

 命運偷走如果 只留下結果 時間偷走初衷 只留下了苦衷
你來過 然後你走後 只留下星空

那一年我們望著星空 有那麼多的 燦爛的夢
以為快樂會永久 像不變星空 陪著我

獵戶 天狼 織女 光年外沉默
回憶 青春 夢想 何時偷偷隕落
我愛過 然後我沈默 人海裡漂流

那一年我們望著星空 未來的未來 從沒想過
當故事失去美夢 美夢失去線索 而我們失去聯絡

這一片無言無語星空 為什麼靜靜 看我淚流
如果你在的時候 會不會伸手 擁抱我

細數繁星閃爍 細數此生奔波
原來 所有 所得 所獲 不如一夜的星空

空氣中的溫柔 回憶你的笑容
彷彿只要伸手 就能觸摸

摸不到的顏色 是否叫彩虹
看不到的擁抱 是否叫做微風
一個人 習慣一個人...

這一刻獨自望著星空 從前的從前 從沒變過
寂寞可以是忍受 也可以是享受 享受僅有的擁有

那一年我們望著星空 有那麼多的 燦爛的夢
至少回憶會永久 像不變星空 陪著我

最後只剩下星空 像不變回憶 陪著我..

PS: 星空 will be showing in cinema from 3rd Nov 2011 onwards!

iSophia posted @11:09 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Wednesday, October 05, 2011


iSophia posted @11:47 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Friday, September 30, 2011

今天,我将要逃离这个现实世界-那麼多苦 那麼多累 那麼多莫名的淚水。我将到疯狂世界去,如果是你发现了我也别将我​挽回。希望在那里只有平凡快乐,这样就很伟大了。天上的星星笑地​上的人總是不能懂,不能覺得足夠。知足的快樂叫我忍受心痛。
至少在我的心中 還有個尚未崩壞的地方
伤心的都忘记了,那一年天空很高 风很清澈 从头到脚都很快乐。


iSophia posted @3:55 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, September 22, 2011

看着 朋友在洁白的病床上努力 呼吸
窗外 蓝天白云是个美好的天气
提醒我 要快乐 不管生活多难

不要等到 只能怀念
说完就好了 又是 新的一天

不要等到 改天再约
总是推说工作 忙碌没时间

香烟 戒不掉的话也请你要少抽 一点
爱情 不顺利也不一定就要放弃
要相信 那个人 只是还没出现

不要等到 只能想念
不要 重蹈覆辙

不要等到 再过几年

不要等到 改天再约
总是推说工作忙碌 没时间
Treasure the friendships you have.

Put more effort into them.


iSophia posted @1:28 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Today gonna stay in church till evening to study instead of wondering off to catch a movie or play arcade... gotta drive my mom to a wedding dinner on behalf of my dad... i dun even know the couple sia lol...
Really miss playing arcade, or should i say more specific, Midnight Maximum Tune 3DX.... hahahaha... Really like to play it... not pro at it, but really like the feel.

I am still sick... wahahaha... and it seem to be spreading to my friends although i never meet them.... lolx!! Cough + running nose. But i'm glad sore throat is gone! I hate sore throat!

Dunno izzit watch too much horrible movies... tonight while i was talking to my mom, my dad stood behind me. My mom told me she nearly had a shock and looked behind me.

I turned, and i SCREAM super loud... like those women inside the horror movies!!

But, i didn't scream like this when i watch horror movies, and i didn't scream when i was playing the most frightening games in theme parks...

In conclusion, human is the scariest thing in the world! Not even 'gd friend' is that scary!!

Finally finish watching Glee season 1 and 2... still have a longg longg longggggg list to go... however i never start any new show.... It's time to get down to study hard!

It's the last paper... every thursday when i am on my way to the lesson, i keep telling myself over and over again "finally i walk to this stage... finally i am reaching the end..."

Told pf before Feb 2012, i will cry when the results are out, because it'll be so happy and touching! But now i think i won't... I will only feel very relieved... and finally don't have to study or sit for exams anymore... and i'll feel sad that it's really each of us walking our own path le ba... No more seeing each other every week during lesson.

Through all the sisterhood i've seen in my life, thru real life examples or thru tv, or songs... All of them had taught me that sisters shared everything with each other... Even very very personal things. Telling each other everything that happen, be it super small things, then it is true friendship.

Maybe i'm wrong. But i hope i'm not.

One of my ex-colleague asked me if i shaking leg at home for so long, won't shake until sian meh?

Of coz i'm not boring at all!! I still have a lot of things to do! Omg!

TV is just my LIFE!!!! You know how many shows i've missed during these years... and old shows not yet finish, new shows keep coming up too... Never ending! And i love tv so much that i basically watch most of the shows! Be it taiwan, hongkong, sg, korea, jap, US de.. all i like leh.. seriously... music too.. movies too... Tsk tsk tsk tsk tsk....

And i have a lot of books to read! The 9 books i bought from tw, haven start to read neh... And still got ipod's 九把刀's books (he wrote a lot of books too)....

I can stay at home everyday de sia! Not boring at all!!

Isn't this a very good life?? hehehe...
:P That's very nice right!! Afterall, everyone's goal for life is different.

TV and my friends. These are the most important thing in my life.

10 years ago it was, 10 years later it still is.




iSophia posted @1:49 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Saturday, September 17, 2011

何維健 - 每時每刻 [官方 Official MV]

何維健 - 每时每刻
導:何維健 (w/ OneClickWonders)
曲:何维健 ,唐达

let it flow (4x)

let it show (4x)

在 你迷失的昨天

我 要做你的藍天

Girl I'd waited for you all my life

Just let it flow and let it flow
I'll make it last forever

And let it show

我 要做你的藍天

I'd waited for this moment all my life

不會讓 它在你身上 留下 痕跡

Baby are you ready
每個早晨 每個黃昏 每個季節 只有你

iSophia posted @2:49 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The most important thing in this post is this:

Happy 10th Anniversary to SHE! Happy Birthday!!!

Selina is in the vid!! So touching... of coz touched to tears...

All the best!!! SHE and Mayday, forever!

Both bands r over 10yrs le... This proves that their relationship is true and real.. And all of us witness their growth and bond together... It's like them growing up with us... Going through the stages of our life....
Tired tired day tdy (ystd- sat)...

Went TM for lunch, then watched SMURFS with MsChie7s... It's so nice!!! In fact, it's nicer than Alvin & Chipmunks even though e stories r like kind of same plot... Very very funny and nice.. seriously.. nice!

La~la~la~la~la~la sing a happy song...
Smurfly nice!

After tat, went to shop ard, collected hs's contact lens, bought KOI, walk ard and went Popeye for dinner...

After tat went expo for Ding Dang + MP + Yan Jue's concert!

Haha our area, as usual, cheaper tickets, e audience ard r quiet n still... First was MP, we wave n shout ourselves although the area is completely still.

When they sang GET OUT, we just stood up, dun care! hahaha...

After tat Yan Jue... and DING Dang!!!

Very exhausted... But it's a good thing! Exhaust, then i can go to sleep within 2 hours after lying on the bed... If not, i have difficulty sleeping nowadays.
Tomorrow going to meet my "mama".

Mid-autumn festival is here! This year no organise any lantern-taking activities... Think recently too much activities liao.

Hehe but i dun like to eat mooncakes though... Too sweet...

Mon onwards can go TP to study le. They having vacation.

iSophia posted @12:54 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

Thursday, September 08, 2011

Went GV Marina for Mayday 五月天 追梦3DNA concert movie....

Group photo before going in....

Introducing 2 groups of people that went: 

1- the fans
2- the promoters!!!! we have 3 types of promoters today
 the most professional one (phy, u hold the poster super straight!)
the "friend-liest"  one with the biggest smile
the cute (self proclaimed) one.. 

Overall the movie was very nice... but the audience didn't stand up though! We felt very much wanted to stand up de lo... but nobody stand!! although we did stood up awhile (after asking e row in front if they wanted to stand)....

There were blue light sticks, everyone on it and wave along with the songs, and sang along too...
It was nice, personally i felt the 3D effects are nice to me... When u take out the 3D spec, u can feel the difference.. When u put it on, it's really as though u're inside the concert... 阿信 is sooooo big... hahaha.... When u take it off, it's like u're watching tv, flat screen...

But they didnt include 疯狂世界+候鸟 though...

Yay.... next up is Feb 2012's concert le... (hopefully)....
OAOA 现在就是永远!!!

iSophia posted @11:24 PM & welcomes u to visit here again

I'm so excited for tonight!!!!!

For the one and only reason......

五月天 追梦3DNA movie!!!!!


Ocean of blue lightsticks, 满满的感动....

Here we come!!!

iSophia posted @12:15 AM & welcomes u to visit here again

about ME!

♥Chief Events Officer (CEO)of MisChie7s
♥Likes to watch tv
♥Likes to listen to 933
♥Don't like to spend on clothes or shopping
♥Likes to share all e gd news to everyone
♥Doesn't like to be late
♥has a VERY GOOD temper
♥collects nice bottles
♥Likes to try exciting themepark games


Music Playlist at MixPod.com

What i Like!


♥The Arcade


♥Bubble Tea

♥Viwawa's Big 2.5

my FavouriTes


♥Jerry Yan




♥a DJ in mandarin radio station
♥to learn drum
♥be able to born & live in 台灣
♥to go to San Franciso & visit Charmed's mansion
♥to try bungie jump from top of e mountain
♥live a few yrs in different countries
♥hav my own condo,with wad i wan
♥hav my own car

Idol's Blogs

♥93.3's 丁志勇_Cruz
♥93.3's 佩芬_PeiFen
♥Felicia Chin


fRiend's Blogs

♥Chan Chieh
♥Feng Ying
♥Jing Mei
♥Jing Xian
♥Jing Ting
♥Jun Xiang
♥Qi Wei
♥Swee Mei
♥Wei Ming

fAvoritE sitEs

♥林依晨's official site
♥Fahrenheit International Site
♥SG 飛輪海's FC
♥鄭元暢's official site
♥OMY.sg FLH's blog
♥Yes 93.3
♥Maple Sea
♥CozyCot beauty forum


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Recent EntRies

- 原来把书读完是为了。。。
- Time of my Life.
- 啦啦啦啦啦啦啦啦。。。。。
- 一旦拥有 就会害怕失去
- 以前说的不是这种以后〜
- the moment that dreams come true
- Byebye 2012!
- 五月天 - 星空
- 我的女神
- 疯狂世界


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